Venture 13 – a Cobourg Success Story

On Tuesday, May 21, Cobourg and Northumberland celebrated the first “birthday” of Venture 13 and its success.  A year ago, it opened with financing primarily from the Federal Government’s CFDC, the Town of Cobourg and Cobourg’s Police Business unit (see links below for more).  Since then, there has been a large number of companies started, jobs created and seminar/workshops given (details below).  The anniversary celebration consisted of a speeches by John Henderson (Mayor), Kim Rudd (MP), David Piccini (MPP). Paul Vandergraaf (acting Police Chief) and others who talked about what Venture 13 was about and its successes as well as making some announcements.  Included was the demonstration of a simple robot (can you suggest a name for it?) and an… Read complete articleVenture 13 – a Cobourg Success Story

Surprise Council Reversal re Salary increase

At last week’s Committee of the Whole, Council voted to schedule an increase in their salaries on Jan 1, 2020 subject to budget deliberations this fall. The vote was 6-1 in favour but at the full Council meeting when the motion would normally be routinely confirmed, Councillors opened the motion for debate. Suzanne Séguin changed the motion in the Agenda to include a review of Police Board compensation and also other groups such as Holdco and GRCA boards.  Brian Darling then asked that a full review should also be done for Councillors.  Treasurer Ian Davey advised that Council had no control over the compensation of “other” boards so the amendment was then rejected.  Susanne said that in any event, increases… Read complete articleSurprise Council Reversal re Salary increase

Cobourg Hires Antonio Sarmiento

Antonio has resided in Cobourg for 10 years and until the end of 2018 was the Artistic Director and General Manager for Port Hope’s Capitol Theatre.  He has now been hired as Artistic and Creative Consultant by the Town of Cobourg.  His role over the next year will be to “develop a strategic and operational plan for the Concert Hall at Victoria Hall”.  In the Town’s announcement, Director of Community Services Dean Hustwick said: “Together, along with our Community Services Division staff, we will position the Concert Hall for even greater success as a cultural anchor in this community.”  This comes part way through the work of a consultant to develop a Cultural Plan for the Town.  The public was… Read complete articleCobourg Hires Antonio Sarmiento

Has Lake Level Peaked?

The May 2-4 weekend is when many think that the warm weather is here and it’s time to visit the beach – and Sunday was sunny although not quite beach weather.  But Cobourg’s beach was not quite ready – the water level is close to record highs and the beach still has puddles and mounds of sand from dredging.  Although dredging appears to be finished, the beach still needs to be groomed with a grader.  The water level is about 3.5 inches below the record set in 2017 but the beach sand seems to be higher – presumably by the dredging – so it’s not as bad.  In 2017, the fueling dock was covered in water but it is not… Read complete articleHas Lake Level Peaked?

Council Approves Two New Events

The first Northumberland Turkey Trot  was in 2012 (not in Cobourg) but it’s a first for Cobourg for the Ontario Town Crier Championship.  Both were approved at Council’s Committee of the Whole meeting on May 13.  The Turkey trot was previously held at the Cobourg Scout Reserve on County Rd 45, Harwood but in 2019, it will move to the Cobourg Conservation Area.  Held as a fundraiser for the YMCA, it is a family event with participants from toddlers to seniors. It will be on Thanksgiving Monday, October 14.   All the Town had to do was to agree – no funding was requested.  The Town Crier championship will be on June 1st on the Esplanade (that’s at the waterfront) and… Read complete articleCouncil Approves Two New Events

Two Contentious Waterfront Decisions

Currently, each summer, Green Canoe Outfitters (GCO) rent out Kayaks and Paddleboards from the beach in front of the Breakers Motel but Bart Spiewak of GCO asked Council at Monday’s Committee of the Whole for permission to move west and position themselves on Victoria Park Beach.  They would want a kiosk not unlike the new lifeguard stations so that they could house their equipment.  They would cover all costs and offered a 10% revenue share.  Given the contentious rejection of the Water Park just 2 months ago, approval seemed unlikely.  But Councillor Chorley suggested a trial this year followed by a full, open procurement process in 2020 and said that the situation is different.  She moved a long detailed motion… Read complete articleTwo Contentious Waterfront Decisions

Council Proposes Salary Increase to Match Port Hope

When Council salaries were increased last year with effect at the start of this Council’s term, it was agreed that there would be a review “if and when the tax free allowance was removed”.  As expected, this did happen on January first.  Perhaps using this as a cue, the Cobourg Taxpayers Association in the person of Paul Pagnuelo, made a presentation to Council  last night suggesting that Councillors should be paid fairly so as to encourage talented individuals to run other than those independently wealthy and/or retired.  Paul pointed to the salary paid to Port Hope’s Mayor and said that Cobourg’s should be paid the same.  Paul also suggested that the Deputy Mayor should get 90% of this and Councillors… Read complete articleCouncil Proposes Salary Increase to Match Port Hope

Northumberland Classic Bicycle Race Returns

In 2018, Greg Rawson brought two major bicycle events to Cobourg and vicinity – the Criterium race in  August in Downtown Cobourg and the Northumberland Classic in May starting at Baltimore Arena.  This year, they will both be on the weekend of May 25, 26 with the grueling Northumberland Classic on Saturday once again in Baltimore and the Criterium race moving to Trenton on Sunday.  For the Classic, more than 300 participants are expected in 10 categories spread over 3 races.  The Elite category will complete 140Km but even the minimum category does 72 KM.  The course includes climbing hills – notably Northumberland Heights road – see map below.  The first race starts at 8:30 am and is expected to… Read complete articleNorthumberland Classic Bicycle Race Returns