Police Board meeting – 16 July 2024

In the first Police Board meeting streamed from the Council Chambers on July 16, we learned several things: there is now a “Citizen’s advisory committee” (but no details); all crime stats in 2023 increased although the solved rate seems good; the encampment cost about $61K in 2023 – a full report on this was provided; there are gaps in the Downtown Dynamic Patrol due to resources being diverted to the encampment; Police won’t normally enter the encampment unless accompanied by other agencies; the case for a new building was not discussed; Police made their largest-ever single drug-related seizure; Of the $10.8M budget, $2M came from the business centre (plus all Capital was funded from business centre profits); the idea of… Read complete articlePolice Board meeting – 16 July 2024

Contract Extended for Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf

Today the Cobourg Police Board announced that the contract for Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf has been extended to 2029 – that’s 5 more years. The exact date in 2029 was not announced nor were any terms in the contract announced. But the Chief was praised for his work to date – he was promoted from Deputy Chief on August 15, 2019 so presumably his contract is dated August 15. Specific accomplishments quoted included tiered policing, mental health response, and technology adoption as well as “he fostered strong partnerships with community organizations, local businesses, and other law enforcement agencies”.   Current challenges cited were “homelessness, addictions, and mental health crises in our community”. Paul said that in his new term he will… Read complete articleContract Extended for Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf

Dynamic Patrol Update

Starting May 1, Cobourg Police initiated their “Dynamic Patrol” which they describe as “one element of the Spring 2024 CPS Downtown Community Safety Action Plan”. In a surge of transparency, the Police are reporting on their activities on this Patrol which “will continue throughout the spring and summer. This initiative focuses on increasing police presence, engagement opportunities, bail enforcement, warrant execution, and probation condition compliance in the Town of Cobourg.”  The statement released today (May 23) about the period May 1 to May 20, reports that police conducted 102 foot patrols, responded to nine (9) suspected drug poisoning calls, and conducted 46 property checks within the downtown core, Victoria Park and east end towards the encampment. See below for more… Read complete articleDynamic Patrol Update

Police Chief reports on Shopping Cart Retrieval Project

On the Victoria Day holiday, Chief Paul VandeGraaf issued three Press Releases updating Police actions on their “Dynamic Patrol” as part of their “Downtown Action Plan”. One reported that 83 stolen shopping carts were recovered, 53 of these were from the encampment; the second reported an arrest of a woman with a stolen Winners cart containing stolen property; the third reported the arrest of a woman shoplifting downtown. More details are available below. These all happened on May 18 and 19. From this we can be assured that Police are active on weekends and that the shopping cart retrieval project has been successful with a large number retrieved from the encampment. No charges were laid relating to the retrieval of… Read complete articlePolice Chief reports on Shopping Cart Retrieval Project

Police Chief reports on Encampment

It’s not known why Police don’t issue useful reports on what’s happening with the homeless encampment but as reported on Pete Fisher’s web site, occasionally Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf does report to interested groups. On May 8, the Chief spoke to residents at Retirement home Palisade Gardens which is not far from the encampment. Pete’s report is long and comprehensive and I recommend reading it (see Resources below) but I will report on the highlights. Chief VandeGraaf spoke about no longer feeling safe downtown, is there in fact more crime now, why don’t Police kick people out of the encampment, why aren’t people who are acting crazy arrested, what’s happening with the Dynamic Patrol and more about the shopping cart… Read complete articlePolice Chief reports on Encampment

Police Increase Visible Patrols Downtown

A year ago, Cobourg Police launched their “Downtown action plan”.  The plan was said to be “a constellation of proactive crime prevention initiatives and will formalize various harm reduction related programs”.  It included visible Police officers patrolling downtown and nearby.  And now, on May 1, 2024, Police announced the “Spring 2024 CPS Downtown Community Safety Action Plan, including the Dynamic Patrol initiative.”  It’s described as “an evolution of the CPS Downtown Action Plan and in response to community concerns, Dynamic Patrol will be deployed in the downtown area and surrounding neighbourhoods starting today. It will focus on increasing police presence, increasing engagement opportunities, and enhancing bail compliance efforts in the Town of Cobourg.”  The thing to note is the Dynamic… Read complete articlePolice Increase Visible Patrols Downtown

First Look at County Police Review

The consultant reviewing policing in Northumberland County will make their first report to County Council at their meeting on 17 April. The report describes what they plan to do and gives a final report date of “the second half of 2024”.  The project was initiated in January 2023 when Brighton Mayor Brian Ostrander moved to include $75,000 in the budget to “update the 2007 Policing Study Final Report for Northumberland County.”  He was supported by Mayor Lucas Cleveland, Port Hope’s Mayor Olena Hankivsky and Alnwick/Haldimand Township Mayor John Logel.  The presentation by the consultant, StrategyCorp, points to options to be considered and criteria to be evaluated including “what next steps could be considered to support effective public safety services as… Read complete articleFirst Look at County Police Review

Police Force Expansion Linked to Possible New Building

At the Community Protection and Economic Development Standing Committee meeting on April 3rd, there was a motion made to “get the ball rolling” on the Police request for a new building. As reported earlier, Police believe that they have outgrown their existing building on King Street and recommend a new building at a new location for approx. $34M. The Standing committee members (Mayor Cleveland, Aaron Burchat, Adam Bureau) all agreed that this would be a long term project and that it should be considered simultaneously with the possible expansion of the Force or a merger. Mayor Cleveland emphasized that he was NOT suggesting switching services to the OPP but perhaps there should be a West Northumberland or County Police Force…. Read complete articlePolice Force Expansion Linked to Possible New Building