Waterfront Wisdom Pathway unveiling

At a big event on September 30 2021, a “Seven Feathers” crosswalk was unveiled on Albert Street (See report in Resources below). It was on the occasion of the first “Truth and Reconciliation Day” to remember the atrocities of the residential school system and the promises to First Nations that have been broken. The intention was good but the implementation not so much. The paint quality was poor and was worn away by vehicle traffic in a day. It was repainted in September 2023 with better paint but that did not wear much better so a new idea was found: a Waterfront Wisdom Pathway. This consists of a collection of 26 banners created by local Indigenous artists Rick Beaver and… Read complete articleWaterfront Wisdom Pathway unveiling

Total Eclipse in Cobourg – not just eye safety

By now, most will know that Cobourg is in the path of a total solar eclipse on Monday April 8 around 3:20 pm. At around that time in Cobourg, the sun will be blocked by the moon, it will go dark for just over 1 minute and then it will revert to a partial eclipse which will be not much different to normal.  So what does this mean?  Being careful how you view it seems obvious – use only specially approved glasses or create a pin-hole “camera” – but “emergency” organizations in the Town and County have listed a range of other concerns and all schools will be closed for a re-scheduled PA day.  Parents should check with day care… Read complete articleTotal Eclipse in Cobourg – not just eye safety

RCMP Musical Ride coming to Cobourg again

Subject to Council approval (which was provided unanimously), the Musical Ride by the RCMP will be coming to Cobourg on Saturday 22 June, 2024. They were a great success when they last visited Cobourg on the 9th of June 2012 (see photos below).  There will be bleachers set up in Donegan park and the cost is estimated at $20,000 with ticket sales also at $20,000. This is based on an estimated 2000 people attending with a ticket price of $10. The 32 horses would be stabled in the Roseneath fairgrounds – it has not been announced where the riders would be housed – presumably in a hotel in Cobourg.  At the Committee of the Whole meeting on 27 November, Director… Read complete articleRCMP Musical Ride coming to Cobourg again

Disappointing Town Hall on Encampment

It turned out that the “Town Hall” meeting on Wednesday at the Best Western did not have any audience participation – it was just an information session.  The event was organized by James Bisson and he spent two hours providing information on the encampment at Brookside with the hope that it would stir up action by citizens. James made it clear that it was a County and Provincial matter and not a Town responsibility although the only acknowledged political representation at the meeting was from Councillor Adam Bureau and Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty.  Although James provided a good amount of factual information, he placed most of the blame for the encampment on drug addiction. He believes that all that’s needed… Read complete articleDisappointing Town Hall on Encampment

Cobourg Entertainment Scene Update

One of the ways Cobourg’s Community Centre can recover costs is to hold major concerts. With 2500 seats, they can stage big names – like upcoming Country and Western star Chris Janson who will come to Cobourg June 15. Last year, one of Canada’s big name bands – Blue Rodeo – was also here. Tickets for the Chris Janson event are around $100 and will go on sale shortly. Getting the word out in Cobourg requires an effort – there are web sites, newsletters, posters in shop windows and social media. Various attempts have been made to consolidate entertainment calendars but people generally won’t look online for something if they don’t already know it’s there. I try to help but… Read complete articleCobourg Entertainment Scene Update

Mayor’s Levee – 2023

Mayor Lucas Cleveland has already made some changes – the New Year’s Levee moved from noon January first to 5:00 pm January 3 and featured a solo musician instead of the Concert band.  Refreshments also changed from sandwiches and Christmas cake to cheese, crackers and slices of meat.  Although Mandy Robinson the Town crier was there, the poet laureate Jessica Outram, was not. Unlike previous years, the speech by Lucas was short and consisted of acknowledgements and thank you’s to people who had contributed to the event but also to people who had worked hard during the recent storm.  Although there are no official estimates available, the crowd appeared to be over 100 and similar in size to attendance at… Read complete articleMayor’s Levee – 2023

It’s a Girl!

Why is all news negative?  Well it’s not – some news is “feel-good”.  With the new year, it’s a chance to start with some good news – in this case, for one happy couple and the Northumberland Hills Hospital (NHH).  Some Hospitals have a tradition (including NHH) to announce the first baby of the new year and for 2023, it’s Hazel Mae, born to Angela and Bruno Gelao of Port Hope – well actually to Angela but father Bruno gets some of the credit (see photo below).  The Hospital’s announcement said: Hazel “weighed 6 pounds and 11.2 ounces (3,035 grams) at birth. Hazel, who carries her maternal grandmother’s name as her middle name, is warmly welcomed by older sister Nevaeh… Read complete articleIt’s a Girl!

Northumberland Hills Hospital Fun Evening

Who said NHH Staff and Volunteers couldn’t have fun? No-one! On Thursday evening, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on the grassed area East of the NHH Parking lot, staff that were not working and NHH Volunteers and their families let their hair down with the first annual “NHH’s got Talent” variety show.  The MC was Doctor Andrew Stratford and apart from a big thank you by CEO Susan Walsh, there were no speeches. It was also notable for the absence of politicians.  Several Doctors strummed guitars and sang, with one of them demonstrating that he could be a professional Opera singer.  Others danced and one group demonstrated Tae Kwon Do – truly a variety show. I lost count but… Read complete articleNorthumberland Hills Hospital Fun Evening

Canada Day Parade Returns to Cobourg

After two years when it did not happen, once again we have a Canada Day Parade, albeit a bit shorter.  As usual the parade was led by the Concert Band but there were only two other bands – the Legion Pipes and Drums and another Pipe Band bringing up the rear – sorry I could not identify it.  I saw that all Councillors participated – they were right behind the Concert Band.  In the middle there was a group of 6 cars which seemed strange until you read their notices – they were electric cars (3 are in the video below).  My favourite participant was the Southern Ontario Twirling Association – see the video. There were the usual favourites but… Read complete articleCanada Day Parade Returns to Cobourg