Contract Extended for Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf

Today the Cobourg Police Board announced that the contract for Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf has been extended to 2029 – that’s 5 more years. The exact date in 2029 was not announced nor were any terms in the contract announced. But the Chief was praised for his work to date – he was promoted from Deputy Chief on August 15, 2019 so presumably his contract is dated August 15. Specific accomplishments quoted included tiered policing, mental health response, and technology adoption as well as “he fostered strong partnerships with community organizations, local businesses, and other law enforcement agencies”.   Current challenges cited were “homelessness, addictions, and mental health crises in our community”. Paul said that in his new term he will be “implementing the new Comprehensive Ontario Police Services Act (see link in Resources), enhancing Digital Evidence Management and Road Safety strategies, and developing internal intelligence dashboards.”

Board chair Dr. Ron Kerr said that:

“As we look ahead to key projects such as a new facility, strategic planning, and succession planning, we will count on Paul’s experience and expertise. We are confident that his continued guidance will further enhance our police service and benefit our community.”

I would remind everyone of the limits currently imposed by Provincial legislation on what direction the Board can give Police.

The Board is governed by the Ontario Police Services Act

Section 31 of the Police Services Act says

(3) The board may give orders and directions to the chief of police, but not to other members of the police force, and no individual member of the board shall give orders or directions to any member of the police force.
(4) The board shall not direct the chief of police with respect to specific operational decisions or with respect to the day-to-day operation of the police force.

The new act has similar clauses – see resources.

This means that by re-appointing the Chief, the board is approving his actions in the last 5 years. The public was not consulted – we relied on the three board members appointed by Council: Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty, Councillor Adam Bureau and Dean Pepper.  His contract has not been published. His salary in 2023 was $197,419.73.

There was no mention of merging with Port Hope Police……

At the Board meeting on Tuesday 16 July at 9:00 am, the agenda includes the annual report for 2023 as well as the usual Monthly operational report. This is also the first time meetings will be held in the Council Chambers in Victoria Hall and available via escribe streaming.


  • Announcement on Police web site
  • New Comprehensive Police Act – as referenced by Chief – replaces Ontario Police Services act. Section 40 is similar to section 31 of the old Act. Specifically:

    No directions for certain matters

    (4) The police service board shall not direct the chief of police with respect to specific investigations, the conduct of specific operations, the discipline of specific police officers, the day-to-day administration of the police service or other prescribed matters.

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Cobourg taxpayer
2 hours ago

Take note that Kerr refers to a new facility in his comments ‘under Paul’s direction and expertise’. In other words along with at least 2 members of council who sit on the CPSB all are moving ahead with a new police building. How can we get a referendum on this question so the taxpaying citizens of Cobourg can decide if they can afford to fund a new building? Keep in mind the county wants a new building too for some of its departments to move to. My biggest beef with the police service is that it is no longer a police force. Enforcement of laws is way too far down the list of priorities. Town boundaries are small and I rarely see any police presence. What happened to dynamic patrols and retrieving shopping carts among other initiatives that fall by the wayside very quickly?

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 hour ago

The fact that the Dynamic patrols are conspicuously absent is of great concern to me , in the downtown area , with the opening of the ridiculous 24 hr.warming/ cooling hub fast approaching. Perhaps there is a plan to address this that we ,as citizens, are not privy to…,..I cannot compose myself from laughing up my sleeve….l wish it was a laughable matter, but far from a joke for all of us.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
1 hour ago

Take over the whole of Venture 13 Building its just the size they are asking for and Central
to all of Cobourg and they are using a good portion of the Building now
I am not aware of any New Industry or Business that has come to town as a result of their office
a few Realtors yes they have been instrumental in Jobs and Growth — but certainly not 13

Reply to  Sandpiper
8 minutes ago

Good point, Sandpiper.

That government, bastion of inefficiency, should preside over Innovation, picking winners from losers, has always been absurd. So it is with Venture 13. Government should humbly get out of the way of innovators.
Put the building to good use.

3 hours ago

Will this Kill the Prospect of switching over to the OPP
and at what Costs are we now exposed to ???? if we did .
Has Council by not Consulting with the Public or listening to their Concerns
Driven a Nail in the Coffin of Options & Choices