Slow Summer News

With Council taking a summer break, there’s little Council news and not much other news happening in Cobourg. There are a few events: Police continue to catch some bad guys and report on that, the Town has now hired a replacement Director of Planning, Lakefront Utilities has acknowledged that there are too many outages – they say they are working to fix that – but there’s no news (yet) on Brookside and there’s no news on clearing out the illegal encampment. For more details on what news IS available, see Resources below for links. Fortunately, and unlike other media, I don’t rely on news happening to make a living!   But I am still here and if there is any significant Cobourg news, I will report on it.

The first Council meeting after summer is the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee meeting on September 3 but I’m hoping there’ll be interesting things happening before then – Brookside sale?

Meanwhile, there is plenty happening to keep you entertained. See links below for some “featured events” plus links to web sites listing more.


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3 months ago

Very concerning many crimes are not being reported to the public.

Reply to  Leslie
3 months ago

They left her on the streets with outstanding Warrants
Why ?? I guess the recent lack of Police Patrols and such a large town to cover made her hard to find .

3 months ago

I was in conversation over the weekend with several friends that gathered & whos Seniors are at present in County Run and Private assisted living Housing facilities . It seems all are experiencing difficulties with the System
From the top down from the Operators & Govt. at Local , Provincial and Federal levels .
It seems in conclusion that the Tax Paying now Seniors that built our society have fewer Wrights ,Benefits and Income Living in these facilities and are scrutinized far more than our Unhoused wwwwwho run unchecked on their support and income .
The Treatment , Wrights and attention is certainly far less than one person who works at one of the Provincial Penitentiaries suggested . Her Parent receives far less Provincial / Federal support , Much slower response to needs from the Province , Slower access to medical attention and far less Social interaction on a daily basis than is mandated by the Govt to Law Breaking
Criminals . Infact Complaints by Criminals are responded to in a few days by the Provincial Ombudsman’s office compared to Senior needs here in Ont. .
It also seems that Funding to Programs in Penal Institutions and for Criminals is far more and quicker in Coming
For every issue from Staffing , Equipment food to Religious Programs More so than has ever been seen for our Growing Senior Population and its needs
Somethings our Politicians do or take as Priorities is definitely going in Reverse here in Ont. Can.

Reply to  Sandpiper
3 months ago

You are right Sandpiper. There is little senior care housing that is available that is of reasonable price unless you are one of the wealthy seniors. Over $3000 a month for one person in the private sector and more. Senior independent living apartments ditto. No wonder the Legion has a 10 year waiting list! The Feds deemed there was little inflation and on June 30 award $5.00 increase to OAS despite the rising cost of groceries, utilities, property taxes and rental units among other essentials.
Throw them in the river seems to be the thought by government applied to seniors when they need additional care as they age.

3 months ago

Reminder – The Police Services Board meeting July 16 is open to the public, live or on-line.

3 months ago

Now that the building is sold are there any plans to dismantle that landfill over at Brookside.

Reply to  Debbie
3 months ago

Debbie, has there been official confirmation the Brookside property has been sold? I check this site regularly.

Mrs. Anonymous
Reply to  Leslie
3 months ago

Vacancy status


That’s not really true. Why does real estate get to make things up?

Last edited 3 months ago by Mrs. Anonymous
Reply to  Leslie
3 months ago

Pete Fisher was talking to Paccini on his Northumberland News YouTube Page.

Linda Mackenzie-Nicholas
Reply to  Leslie
3 months ago

There is also this link provided by Infrastructure Ontario

3 months ago

I hope Todays Northumberland follows up for a comment from the County and the Town. This is about pride in community. Looking after one another. Being good stewards of the land. Doing what is right.

We pay far too much to the County and the Town for either one of those entities to suggest this isn’t my job! Disgraceful!

Last edited 3 months ago by Rob
Old Sailor
3 months ago

The reason there is so little news about the encampment is because the Province funds the encampment surround fencing and outside security at the entrance. Why doesn’t the County have to fund that fencing and security at 310 Division Street?

3 months ago

I recently asked one of the “volunteers for the homeless ” if she could please retrieve and return a stolen item for a friend of mine. She told me to “watch my privilege “. Huh?

Sad and Worried
Reply to  Beachwalker
3 months ago

So sorry and disgusted to hear that this happened to you. The fact that these same people operate with impunity is absolutely unreal! Why did the police stop doing their jobs? Every single day I worry about my elderly widowed senior Mother who lives in ground zero of the rampant drug addiction crisis downtown. This is due to no fault of her own, she lived there long before all of this sickness took root, and the police continue to do nothing despite their boisterous claims of safeguarding the vulnerable! Mr. “Chief”, what happened to your Dynamic Patrol and Strategic Shopping Cart Recovery operation??? I counted at least 3 shopping carts in my mother’s backyard on my most recent visit, and numerous zombies walking about with impunity, and even arguing among each other violently in front of the attendant officers who were there to ostensibly keep the peace?? Mr. Vandegraaf’s words ring ever hollow to those poor souls who through no fault of their own have had this untenable situation foisted upon them through gross bureaucratic negligence/inefficacy.

Reply to  Sad and Worried
3 months ago

We all know that the PATROL was done only before Canada Day celebrations for the benefit of visitors, and only visitors

Reply to  Sad and Worried
3 months ago

Driving by the Encampment there were three shopping carts in view full of belongings a few days ago. So yeah, just a photo op exercise by the Police Chief.

Linda Mackenzie-Nicholas
Reply to  Rational
3 months ago

8 carts were left at Brookside intentionally as donations by grocery stores

Reply to  Sad and Worried
3 months ago

The Town could consider disciplinary action or move to remove of the Chief for dereliction of his duties. He can blame the Federal government for bail not jail but he is wholly responsible for the lawlessness and law enforcement in the Town of Cobourg. Open drug use, public intoxication, loitering and theft are crimes and the law should be enforced. Does the CPS conduct regular sweeps of the illegal encampment? Do they use canines? What exactly is security doing if stolen items can be brought inside the illegal encampment?

Reply to  Rob
3 months ago

Along the comments under this thread, I question why the Mayor and Council are not reaching out to the Police Chief and insisting action to be taken, as well as questioning what happened to the initiatives CPS were touting two months ago. Seems a reasonable request.

Reply to  Rational
3 months ago

You do have a point that Council should be providing leadership and direction on this issue. The CPSB is a Town board. it is a “child” of Council.

As such, Council should be providing direction to the THREE (out of 5) CPSB members that it appointed: Clr Bureau, DM Beatty and citizen appointee Dean Pepper.

Why is the tail wagging the dog?

Last edited 3 months ago by Bryan
Reply to  Rob
3 months ago

Perhaps your questions should be directed to Clr Bureau and DM Beatty as both sit on the CPSB. Dean Pepper is the “citizen” rep appointed by Council. Perhaps your questions should also be put to him.

Pete M
Reply to  Rob
3 months ago

And now we have people walking naked in the middle of the afternoon with not much response from the police. Where were the downtown patrols?

Reply to  Pete M
3 months ago

The “Dynamic” ones?🙄

Reply to  Beachwalker
3 months ago

It is supreme privilege to pay taxes and have stuff stolen.
It is sublime privilege to be a camper with victim status bestowed by superior and selfless Volunteers.
It is entirely privilege when unaccountable politicians gain golden pensions.
Privilege is everywhere. Embrace the word and hold it high.

Bill Thompson
3 months ago

Until the arrest and confinement (not release) of the main players occurs ,it is just an expensive mental game with steady deterioration of quality of life for law abiding tax payers.
Take the gloves off as the tail increasingly continues to wag the dog.and It’s so long overdue make crime NOT pay !

3 months ago

Police continue to catch some bad guys”
Not very many and the elusive Mr Bigs continue to make fools of the law enforcement community despite the huge budgets of the anti-drug and gangs squads.

Reply to  ben
3 months ago

Do the police really want to catch the Mr. Bigs (maybe it should be Mrs. Big in Cobourg based on rumours I’ve heard)? By not catching the bigger players smaller crimes will continue. The guy last week using the glass in my vehicle and several others as a ‘mirror’ to pretend to adjust head gear but most likely looking for opportunity to ‘borrow’ things is an example. The guy getting upset because he had to move when he was about to use drugs and I was parking is also an example. These many small incidents keep the general population unhappy and willing to pay for police, with their expensive equipment, to patrol the streets, parking lots and back alleys. More small crimes, more funding, more police jobs. Kind of like more homeless people, more need of organizations to ‘help’ the homeless which rely in part on donations which mostly go to pay the people who work in the not for profit organizations.

We all know a pair of semidetached homes on John street are a source of problems. Why doesn’t one, or several, of the organizations that supposedly are trying to help the homeless work with the landlord to keep these homes as relatively low cost housing. Maybe it is better for these organization, and the police, to have these homes shut down and sold. It puts more people on the streets to justify the need for the organizations and their solutions. Sleeping cabins being one of the solutions.

Reply to  Kevin
3 months ago

I have not seen a foot, bike or car patrol in our area in weeks by the waterfront
It used to be hourly
How about a speed trap across the water front on weekends and evenings were they would be guaranteed to catch a few $$$ every day from the loud Hot rodders
But No we sit with our Timmy’s in the usual places on William, Elgin & Division sts

John resident
Reply to  Kevin
3 months ago

Or a couple weeks ago I was at the lcbo and the guy in front of me dropped a hypodermic needle from his pocket, or the guy who got threatening and threw his crack pipe around at petticoat lane the other day in front of the frightened elderly volunteers. I live off John and I’m so sick of it. They also need to send the spca into those two homes of John the animals are in deplorable condition.

Reply to  John resident
3 months ago

Please call the NHS or Bylaw if you see or suspect animals are being harmed!

John resident
Reply to  Rob
3 months ago

Yes I did! I encourage others to walk by and make more reports as well

John resident
Reply to  John resident
3 months ago

351 John St btw please walk by and check on the 2 dogs everyone.

Reply to  Rob
3 months ago

Bylaw number is 905-372-8380

Reply to  John resident
3 months ago

My wife volunteers at Petticoat Lane where no one is paid and 100% of the profits go to support NHH. Yes, there have been several instances where homeless (druggies/criminals) have committed thefts and have caused disturbances. It is not even safe to volunteer in this town anymore. It is considered a waste of time to report such instances to the police. It is only a matter of time before something very serious happens.

Lemon Cake
Reply to  Kevin
3 months ago

Am I missing something? I’ve been following the encampment mess and don’t know what this Mr Big comment is about. Can someone add some context for me?

Reply to  Lemon Cake
3 months ago

Just a general comment about the way the Police – all Police – have failed to catch the upper tiers of the drug trade, despite the amount of money those Police Services allocate to the problem. It came about as a result of John’s comment: “Police continue to catch some bad guys” I would tend to disagree.

Reply to  ben
3 months ago

Why, if you believe Mr Bigs needs to caught, do you not have a problem with the many small players keeping Mr Bigs operating? Most logical thinkers would have come to the conclusion that those who support organized crime are part of the problem. Not the most important part of the problem, but still significant enough to face punitive action.

Reply to  Mervin
3 months ago

Who said I don’t??? You just jumped to a very hasty and damaging conclusion!

Reply to  Mervin
3 months ago

I will ask again why do you say this? It is defamatory and untrue, cite sources!!
Why, if you believe Mr Bigs needs to caught, do you not have a problem with the many small players keeping Mr Bigs operating?” 

3 months ago

Its interesting to me, the sense of unease that is created when our sleepy little town is sleeping…I’m not sure why Town Council recesses for the summer, likely a path paved by Provincial and Federal governments but in small town Ontario they should continue all year long. They aren’t teachers. 🙂

3 months ago

I hear the Heritage Dept Director has quit as well as Vanessa Ressour the last person left in the Planning department that had a little history and Knowledge of what was going on .
Now we have another new planner possibly starting next week it will take for ever to catch up and not likely anything new will happen for another year .

Reply to  Sandpiper
3 months ago

On the other hand, a new planner should not feel obliged to defend misguided pet plans of the past, viewing things instead with objective fresh eyes.