Town and County have 310 Division agreement ready for approval

An announcement by the County on Tuesday, June 18, provides details of a proposed agreement between the Town and the County on how the new Transition House at 310 Division should be managed.  There are some significant changes (outlined below) but the Town does not appear to be backing down on the requirements set out in their by-law on the issue.  Also announced was an update on renovations at the facility. However, some will be disappointed that Transition House WILL be relocating to 310 Division and that there is no explicit recognition of community concerns that although there is general sympathy for the homeless, the potential residents of Transition House include drug addicts and others who do not get community sympathy.

Changes and Agreements

  • Instead of selling the property to Transition House, the County will retain ownership of the property, while Transition House continues as the service provider.
  • There will be 24/7 onsite security at the shelter.
  • A Community Liaison Committee for the shelter will be established.
  • There will be a code of conduct for shelter clients.
  • There will be a 24/7 dedicated phone line to respond to inquiries from agency partners/members of the public.
  • It will be a low-barrier shelter and not a no-barrier shelter.
  • The shelter will not house a safe injection site.

These items will be incorporated into an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Town and then discussed by County Council at their meeting on June 19 – although it will be in closed session.

Also announced was the status of renovations at 310 Division. Warden Brian Ostrander is quoted in the County’s announcement:

  • Relocation to 310 Division Street will enable modernized shelter services ranging from warming/cooling drop-in space to private shelter accommodations to transitional housing, along with collaborative partnerships with service providers for onsite wrap-around supports.
  • While plans were initially set for the shelter to be operational by spring, reconstruction work was paused while County Council considered public feedback on ownership structures for the facility.
  • With ownership arrangements finalized, and accountability for renovations now confirmed, the County is taking all possible actions to expedite the necessary work to make this facility accessible to people living unsheltered in our community as soon as possible. Architectural plans are nearing completion, including electrical and mechanical engineering review and design, with permits being finalized for submission. As soon as permits are issued, interior reconstruction work will begin. We are on track for a September opening.
  • While reconstruction work was paused, teams have nevertheless been advancing architectural plans and permitting, along with activities such as:
    • Landscaping for the exterior of the facility
    • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design assessments and upgrades
    • Installation of security systems
    • Assessment and upgrades to the fire suppression system
    • Electrical upgrades on lighting and outlets
    • IT assessments for phone and internet connectivity

The MOU is expected to come before Cobourg Council at their meeting on June 26.

Despite an absence of recognition of the bad behaviour of potential “clients”, it’s good to see that there will be security and there will be rules for Transition House occupants.  But there’s no explanation as to why the County will own the property instead of Transition House.  Legal advice plus community input seems to be given as the reason.  See the full announcement in Resources.


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3 months ago

When is 310 opening?

4 months ago

In the News this morning CHEX with — No & Refused Comment from Cobourg ???
The County is now engaging in the News & Propaganda field to jam their project at 310 Division st down the throats of Cobourg’s Citizens . No Comment from Cobourg Bothers me
due to the Fact they represent the residents . It Certainly could be said that the Majority are not in favour of this operation taking place in this location and that there is already shown evidence of
Economic and Moral downturns to the Down town business sector and surrounding neighbourhoods along with the increasing of crime rates .

Joan Johnston
4 months ago

We the generally sympathetic are mostly sympathetic when we are not really impacted by the issue

4 months ago

It seems to me that there are two different things here getting muddled together.

310 is a building to offer shelter but the encampment and its inherent abhorrent effect on the town are two separate issues.

The town was working to deal with encampments before Infrastructure Ontario decided to allow the encampment to remain and grow exponentially.

Infrastructure Ontario is to blame for the continued presence and growth of the encampment. If I were the town I would look at taking them to court for damages and the negative impact (on the town) of their decision to allow and essentially promote the encampment and its existence.

Concerned Taxpayer
4 months ago

Let’s make 310D low cost affordable housing to start. After that fills up where will the next one be? That is the strategy the County and T of C need to follow. Start looking for the next low cost housing start. Then, let’s see how many people from Brookside move over to 310D first, if at all, before any major renovations or money is spend renovating it.

Reply to  Concerned Taxpayer
4 months ago

Low cost affordable housing offered to who?

Hardcore drug addictions such as fentanyl & meth must be addressed before affordable housing. Meth & fentanyl being the 2 main Drugs of Choice (DOC) @ Brookside.

Please correct me if I am wrong, are you suggesting affordable housing before treatment? Treatment should be a mandatory prerequisite for 310. 310 should be High Barrier. Without high barriers, others are excluded.

Last edited 4 months ago by Leslie
4 months ago

This jumped out to me under Changes and Agreements:

“Instead of selling the property to Transition House, the County will retain ownership of the property, while Transition House continues as the service provider.”

Will this somehow absolve the operators of any repercussions stemming from Cobourg’s bylaw which is supposed to make its directors personally responsible for their clientele?

Is this a loophole?

Reply to  Lesley
4 months ago

I spin it to the positive as a sign the county is hedging its bet.

A business tenant is responsible for their actions, not the landlord.

Reply to  Andre
4 months ago

I see your take…Transition House has already expressed concern that they would have difficulty continuing if having to pay for bylaw infractions and was seeking help from the County. County ,now landlord,may as you suggested below appear that the effort was made and the dream could not come to fruition and then change the plan for the building and proceed in a different direction, …still having used the the Santa slush fund as intended. Mmmm

Reply to  Lesley
4 months ago

Catch 22,if the county now retains ownership of 310 are the directors of the County liable for the actions of the residents of the establishment . Who are the directors of the County ,Why the Mayors includingour own Lucas . So the New Bylaw gets gutted! Smart move Countyto get away with this

Concerned Taxpayer
4 months ago

There are many valid comments here.

There are already 3 encampments across Cobourg. When the encampment at Brookside is closed down, where will all the Brookside homeless people be living? All over Cobourg, on every street in Cobourg? At least right now, the homeless are concentrated in 1–3 areas, and yes, I feel for these 3 neighbourhoods that have to deal with these ongoing safety, drug and stealing issues.

Recently, my neighbour had a homeless person sleeping in her kid’s tree fort at night. Is this what we can expect because not everyone wants to go into 310 or Transition House?

Recently, I had a “visitor” in the middle of the day walk into our backyard twice just because they felt like it.

310 needs to be more of a mental health/addiction centre. People need a place to go for support, and they are not receiving it now. You can’t make people get help, but you can also facilitate too much. Look at the mess at Brookside.

What happens now, and what happens in the future?

Reply to  Concerned Taxpayer
4 months ago

3 encampments, where are they?

Concerned Taxpayer
Reply to  Tucker
4 months ago

Brookside, Industrial park / near CCC and Westwood area

Reply to  Concerned Taxpayer
4 months ago

This question has been asked and not answered many times in this debate, however to see the thumbs up on it makes me hopeful – Reality has finally set in!

Cobourg taxpayer
4 months ago

Is the statement ‘imbed community input in the decision making process’ for real, how can Ostrander even say that with a straight face? The majority of the taxpaying citizens do not want another shelter of any sort in their midst. That is community input. How has community input been imbedded exactly?
The county retaining ownership of 310 is likely due to Transition House staff refusing, due to the town bylaw. Is the town bylaw still in force?
Wasting money on landscaping, where is this occurring? Is this the most important as it is the first item listed?
Crime prevention through environmental design entails what exactly?
Most important what is the code of conduct and what happens if a resident does not follow the code?

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
4 months ago

Maybe they meant the majority of The County not Cobourg
The real issue is why in this part of any Town again look at the
Locations Real Facilitators like DeNovo Treatment Centers have chosen
not in loud high traffic locations or in downtown centers The question is why was this
building grabbed up in such a hurry Its not like we are in Down town Tor.
There are lots of places and land within the County that is better suited than here
That goes for those in need as well as for the reasonable Family home and business owners in any community .
This from a Town with NO Planning Dept . Leadership
The FIT and Computability is all WRONG its been stated over and over many times
in many ways and in many meetings . Something STINKS !

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
4 months ago

Cobourg taxpayer, I’m not certain but landscaping could be related to building a wheel chair ramp at the front entrance. I have heard this is necessary. The front yard would then be redesigned. There is very little property between the building and the lot lines. Part of the landscaping might include fencing to contain the residents of 310D to the property so they do not spill over to other properties.

Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  Kevin
4 months ago

Wheel chair ramp is accessibility, fencing is crime prevention through environmental design for example barb wire to keep the drug addled in, which is highly unlikely to happen as their rights supersede everyone elses in Trudeaus Canada.

4 months ago

Hot Tamale, hot tamale – that’s what I think. The other jurisdictions certainly didn’t want a place like 310 D so they ganged up and plunked it on Cobourg. Yes, as other posters have stated a conflict of interest by the members of the County whose members certainly don’t want this in their community. Again as other posters have stated putting this facility smack in the middle of Cobourg’s residential and business section is a poorly planned move with Transition House foretelling exactly what the future holds. A warming/cooling room? What I see is migration to the area, drug dealers swooping in for a concentration of eager customers. The decision to open should be reversed. If the inhabitants are to get their meals and needs met within 310 D why does it need to be in the centre of town – this only opens the way for easy continued drug use.

Get involved
Reply to  Dave
4 months ago

This ‘not in my neighbourhood’ attitude astounds me. Where ever this facility is put it will annoy people whether it is a business or a residential area. People need help and this building is available and will help to coordinate a variety of services and expand what is available for people in NEED.

There are people in NEED!!!! And they need a convenient location.

Not really sure how this “opens the way for easy continued drug use” ?????

There is already lots of that all around Cobourg. ALL AROUND!!!! ALREADY!!!!!

Its as if so many of you that complain about this location have some secret hidden location that you think will work better and will magically change things???? NO!!

The negative nellies that have something unhelpful to say about everything written in this blog should maybe run for Council or get involved volunteering with local agencies to HELP and try to make an actual difference instead of just complaining when others try to make a positive difference. If you are such smart know it alls I’m sure local agencies would benefit from your wise expertise.

Steps are being taken to help people in need. Nothings perfect but at least people are trying – good for them!!!!

People are actually doing something other than just commenting negatively on a local blog.

Reply to  Get involved
4 months ago

Astounding is when people fail to recognize and listen, or read of reality. Annoyance? No genuine fears. Life-saving help that is needs to be accepted is:

An addictions counsellorRehab/ treatment (over 60 ohip covered in province)Professional Aftercare for employment & housing supportsYou are making assumptions that people do not already volunteer. People on this blog may likely be suffering financially & pay high taxes toward our existing Social Safety Net, which has been denied.

Some people are blind to reality. We do live in a Post-Truth world; being influenced by emotions, rather than facts. Emotions are also exemplified by a plethora of punctuation marks.

Last edited 4 months ago by Leslie
Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

What are you talking about, makes no sense.

Reply to  Confused
4 months ago

Should have read as below. When I edited, I lost the bullet points & did not correct some typos:

Astounding is when people fail to recognize, & listen to reality. Annoyance? No — genuine fears.

Life-saving help that needs to be accepted is:

  1. An addictions counsellor (4Cast)
  2. Rehab/ treatment (over 60 OHIP covered in province). Fast tracked if homeless, pregnant or opioid user. “Free” Transportation to facility.
  3. Professional Aftercare for employment & housing supports.

You are making assumptions that people do not already volunteer, or contribute. I see comments of fear, testimony, sharing & discussion.

People on this blog may be suffering financially & pay high taxes toward our existing Social Safety Net, which has been denied.

Some people are blind to reality. We do live in a Post-Truth world; being influenced by emotions, rather than facts. Emotions are also exemplified by a plethora of punctuation marks.

Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

Great life saving tips. Thanks for this information.

Reply to  Get involved
4 months ago

There would be a lot less complaining if people who are supposedly doing something, would listen to residential tax payers with “lived experience”! This facility should be placed away from residential areas and away from schools. Put it in Cramahe, eh! Wrap around services have vehicles.

I think the one thing to be thankful for in all this is that the County is keeping 310 – especially with Transition House’s past experience.

Reply to  Kathleen
4 months ago

Agreed,County then satisfies the effort to give solution to the problem. Transition House gives their bests effort,but likely the facility will fall short of the wants of the campers,as 10 Chapel has. And when the next Federal election is complete the suggested solutions to the country wide problem may have changed and the County has property .

Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  Get involved
4 months ago

The Nimbyism you don’t understand is based on the socially abhorrent behaviour occurring in the neighbourhoods surrounding the shelters. We are living under siege. Annoyance has absolutely nothing to do with experiencing thefts, break in attempts, observing open drug use, assaults, drug use and drug paraphernalia everywhere and the other bizarre behaviour associated with heavy illegal drug use. The addicts need rehabilitation, detoxification, jobs and a purpose in life other then obtaining drugs. This is not going to occur at 310 Division but it will further destroy surrounding neighbourhoods and local businesses.

Reply to  Get involved
4 months ago

Annoy people? Why do I have the feeling you don’t even live in Cobourg? Your comment is out of touch with the reality of what’s happening here. I’m sure most people commenting are already volunteering and involved in the happenings of Cobourg.

Reply to  Get involved
4 months ago

Are you serous??? To address your posting
A) It is never wise to put this kind of facility in the centre of town. It makes easy access to drug purchases and drug dealers. In a more isolated setting drug dealers trying to make their deals would be much more apparent and not on someone’s front lawn.
B) More isolated location would enable the addict to concentrate more on the services offered as the demons of their addiction on impulse brought them to easily accessible access to drug purchase. You will note the facility at Woodlawn does not allow access to the community keeping the people seeking help within and safe from further use as they absorb the programs offered.
Get some experience Give me a break. I grew up in a community with many addicts. As the program is presented it is much better that they can’t stroll out the front door where a convenient dealer awaits to sell their wares as I have seen 10 feet from my home.
My mistake Get Involved – addressed by posting to wrong poster – so my advice to you is to get involved and more knowledgeable.

Last edited 4 months ago by Dave
Reply to  Get involved
4 months ago

Tell that to Jamie briscoe who was assaulted, or the young man that was assaulted across the road from brookside two weeks ago.Tell that to the kids who walk to and from school every day, or seniors who walk by every day. How about others who’ve had their homes broken into, property stolen on a daily basis. These folks don’t want the help, they don’t want to get clean. Enablers I am sure will find another location if they haven’t already. Let’s not forget Jenni frenke assaulted Pete fisher for simply reporting the news. As someone literally at ground zero for 310, shaming/judging residents does nothing to help the situation. We have the right to safety and security of person. That has been forgotten, when we are paying their way. Services to help these folks will not be available at 310, they’ve said that already. It will essentially be a flop house. Please read up on timmins and other shelters in Toronto where shelters were put in residential areas. They don’t work. Crime, prostitution, & drug dealers only increased. What is needed is some real tough love. Those that are here from other areas need to be sent back to where they came from. They need to put the pipe or needle down and start helping themselves. Rehab is up the street on division open to one person per month all for free.

Reply to  Get involved
4 months ago

You’re not alone in your thoughts here. Thank you for stating what I’m unable to put into words. There are more of us that agree with you than it appears. I believe we are the true “majority”, we are just quieter.

Reply to  Local
4 months ago

Local, you can choose to believe you are in the majority but that doesn’t make it true. The encampment started when the drug addicts destroyed 2 residences to the point they were not safe to live in. As long as the addicts want to be addicts they will not get the help they need. Local, you agree with Get involved who was mainly complaining about people complaining. Get involved also mentions people are trying to help without detailing which people and how. I think some people have been trying to get the homeless addicts off drugs and into programs. Other people drop off food and tents which allows the addicts to continue their destructive behaviours.
I have spoken to people who have worked with local residence, helping them live in supportive housing only to later see the same people on drugs. Tax money going to help people live independently being taken by drug dealers. If drugs are more difficult to get addicts would have a harder time using drugs. That is one of the main problems with the location of 310D. There are known drug houses very close.
Legalizing cannabis has likely done much more harm than good. There are people who want to destigmatize drug use and/or legalize all drugs. That will just make the situation much worse. Some of the people ‘helping’ by donating food etc. make a living from doing so. Part of their salary and operating budgets comes from government grants and private donations. What if that money was used to get more addicts into rehab? Instead of 1 per month at the old Woodlawn Inn how many could be treated? Originally there were less than 20 people in the encampment. At 2 per month how many years would it take to have them all treated?

Reply to  Kevin
4 months ago

Kevin, I agree…it does not make it true. 

You state; “At 2 per month how many years would it take to have them all treated?”.

If the “original” 15 addicts accepted the Professional Services directly offered to them, VIA our tax paid Social Safety Net — they all would have been through treatment.

Perhaps living a clean, healthy & productive life.

Reply to  Local
4 months ago

Maybe on this blog. But certainly not at Council Meetings and the encampment. And didn’t one of you caring people assault a reporter recently?

Reply to  Get involved
4 months ago

Instead of pointing fingers Local, what are you doing to instill positive change?

Reply to  Get involved
4 months ago

Doing your share with solutions might make a difference

Reply to  Get involved
4 months ago

What you’re missing is that you believe that because you see some people who share your ideals, you believe you are the majority. Your community organizations have full-time employees that market these wild ideologies to you, and your members come from all over Northumberland and Peterborough to form a small showing that you believe to show consensus. We, the community, don’t have anyone who is paid to organize, but if you show up at the vast majority of people who have any life experience and understanding of what you are trying to achieve, you will soon find out how little support you have. The problem is the majority of us have lives, with families and careers. We are fighting poverty, homelessness in a different way, doing our part by showing up at work every day, contributing to our families and our communities. I personally have been involved in local charities in the past but have children and work full-time. There is no time left in the day for me to join your cult, they don’t allow people to work with them who don’t conform to their ideologies anyway.

4 months ago

Comments coming in are consistent that: a) 310D is going to bring Cobourg and its business area to its knees, b) 310D will be a “housed” Encampment like that at Brookside, c) it will destroy what made cobourg attractive – tourism and quaintness, and: d) County Council have a conflict of interest.

Taxpayers only defence against 310D happening is the next move by Leadership – namely the Mayor, Council and Cobourg Police Services.

Leaderships’ benign efforts over the last 18 months have led to todays’ situation. The By Law will not change drug addict behaviours – it is only a political photo op move.

If Leadership seriously support Cobourg’s law abiding residents they would say NO to County Council and NO to the 310 D facility in our Town, Let the County take the matter to Court and present arguments in front of a Judge.

If Leadership does not say no, then it shows their support of the County, with Leadership failing Cobourg – both past ( who built Cobourg) and present residents.

Last edited 4 months ago by Rational
4 months ago

It feels like ancient history but I remember years of money directed toward Downtown Cobourg revitalization and the Downtown BIA. I remember a full time promoter hired for tourism marketing.

Take a moment to look from above at the surreal situation of conflicting forces and how progressive thought is sometimes regressive, as it is in this case. When a progressive initiative fails, they tell themselves “we weren’t able to go far enough”. They never admit a failure.

4 months ago

No community in their right mind puts a homeless shelter abutting a residential neighbourhood, in a thriving small town, downtown within a heritage district in a community of 19,000 residents (without public consultation). 100 meters from the shelter, business owners can’t paint or install an awning without careful approval from the Town, yet somehow this has been allowed. Last week Council debated for 1 hour about allowing a sandwich board sign on the sidewalk 100 meters from where drugs addicts will soon hangout in front of the shelter, throughout the day, every day. Make no mistake about what the front of the building will look like, this time next year; you can not put lipstick on this pig.

In Northumberland County we have a wealth of undeveloped, partially developed land – we are very fortunate in that regard, yet someone determined that placing a homeless shelter in arguably one of the nicest downtowns and 500 meters from the best beach in the County was the ideal location. Each time I think about this intentionally destructive process and decision, I find myself at a loss for words.

Last edited 4 months ago by Rob
Reply to  Rob
4 months ago

Nor have the county or the town learned lessons from other communities like Timmins, Toronto, or other areas that have been affected by shelters in residential neighbourhoods. They cannot use the excuse that services are only in the downtown core. The west/north end of town has the social service building, hospital, a pharmacy. Let’s not forget that the contract for security will only be for a year, after that residents are on their own. There is not mention of staffing, or minimum staffing levels. It is my hope that the powers that be reconsider the pay and benefits of workers to pay them a lot more then a recent ad that was advertised. As well as working to end the stigma of the work involved.

Reply to  Cathy
4 months ago

The excuse that this operation needs to be in the downtown area does not hold water. As you point out,Cathy,the west end holds the Social Services……should still be Social Assistance in my opinion with more accountability.Not to mention seems the bulk of the unhoused are having their needs met at the East end of Town at present….without a hitch.

Give me a break
Reply to  Rob
4 months ago

County board folks …… could care less as well as our local politicians ….. too busy with photo ops ….. am surprised that there has not been a delegation from Cobourg at a county meeting lately …..

Reply to  Give me a break
4 months ago

Delegation from Cobourg at County meeting made today.

Requesting for funds for Police and Fire. The Mayor asked different times what are the county’s plans for the encampment when the property is sold. County has had a year to work on this. There are no plans. 

Last edited 4 months ago by Leslie
Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

The Mayor asked different times what are the county’s plans for the encampment when the property is sold”

The question should be “What will the Town do when the encampment closes?” 60 residents spread all over the Town, I can’t wait to hear the howls of anger from the people who are demanding that the encampment be closed when there are 60 little ones in every neighbourhood.

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Same question, different wording. County is responsible for the delivery of Social Services, not the Town. Police are responsible for Law & Order.

Why would you be eager to hear howls of anger? A sad outlook.

Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

Ben fails to see the common denominator with encampments moving to new locations, and the resulting “howls of anger”. Either the world is full of hateful beings who don’t care about the homeless, or encampment residents are being allowed to behave poorly and communities have suffered.

Reply to  Mervin
4 months ago

Hello Mervin. Yes, I agree. An Oppressed vs Oppressor mindset.

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Finally you agree that these drug addicts will be terrorizing our town.
I think you comment is sick. Why would you be happy to hear the howls of anger from citizens. Apparently you haven’t been affected by these criminal drug addicts. Obviously your children haven’t either. Maybe if your special needs child was assaulted by these criminals and given a concussion and had their brand new tablet stolen you would understand. Or maybe if you were assaulted on your own property for no reason while you lay on your front lawn unconscious and repeatedly kicked in the face you would understand the anger. The worry of your kids getting home from school before you when you live next to a crack house.
Nothing to laugh at Ben xxxxxxx.

Reply to  Sonya
4 months ago

I agree Sonya. Zero laughing matter. The menacing face of Radical Activism on full display.

As victims of crime cry out, the radicals delight.

Antagonistic & contradictory.

Last edited 4 months ago by Leslie
Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

They’re also laughing about a certain advocate/ activist assaulting our local journalist.
For some reason they think that’s really funny. They’re actually calling her a hero. Imagine if the tables were turned and the journalist assaulted her? I like your statement “as victims of crime cry out, the radicals delight.”

Reply to  Sonya
3 months ago

Normally I don’t write to clarify remarks I have made but the assumptions made here in response to the comment are predictable and wrong.

When I said “I can’t wait to hear the howls of protests” it was not made in jest – how any rational thinking person could think that is beyond me, I do not take please in other people’s misfortune but that doesn’t stop the piling on.

Just what will you people do when the encampment is removed and the sixty residents move on? Howl in Protest; but really if you don’t help them now you can only blame yourselves for not being political enough to bring pressure to bear or uncaring enough not to help!

Besides Sonya if you think you know my last name please publish yours as well!

Reply to  Ben
3 months ago

If you do not take pleasure in others misfortune, then why do you support organizations that wish to decriminalize hard drugs and other harmful policies, like defunding our police?
These hard drugs alter people’s behaviour, causing an increase in crime, violence, thefts ect. Ect.
How any rational thinking person could support and encourage this, is beyond me.
I take pride and pleasure in a safe, peaceful town – for everyone.
Have you forgotten social services went directly to these individuals? I pay for these social services – do not tell me I’m uncaring, or not political enough.
Your shaming and guilting is a well known tactic Ben.

Reply to  Sonya
3 months ago

Sonya please point out the posts where I support the things that you say that I do. You have applied a label based on my posts, which do not support the people and organisations, with the exception of a blogpost about Missy McLean, many months ago, which are completely a stretch of your own mind.

4 months ago

What is the County’s definition of twenty-four-hour security? Are we talking about security that can handle themselves or someone who could be blown over by the wind? Examples are seen daily at our downtown banks. The county won’t spend funds hiring off-duty special constables or police. Probably someone like a retiree with limited mobility trying to earn food money in their retirement, hardly a deterrent; Dismal.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gerry
Reply to  Gerry
4 months ago

Agreed. Will there be “security” for the surrounding neighborhoods when someone isn’t allowed in and/or ejected and they start wandering the nearby streets? Had this happen when there was a drug house close by. It was a very unpleasant few years. Not to mention racing police cars along residential streets, constant sirens and a general feeling of being unsafe. Not looking forward to this location going live.

4 months ago

I wonder who will make up the Community Liaison Committee? I hope they balance all the free-drug loving enablers with more common sense rehabilitated drug addicts.

4 months ago

So its a Flop House
No mandated services
No control or seats on the Liaison Committee for the pubic in the immediate area
Probably a strict Confidentiality agreement / Gag order goes along with any seat .
Nothing to help the neighbourhood .
Crime prevention through design???? — No Policing or publication of issues now inhouse
Who needs I T when you need Food, Mental Help, a Job or a Permanent home
away from like minded Bad influencers .
Never going to work !
Get some real Consultants like the ones the Unions & Trades use
DeNovo Treatment & Addiction Centers Bought the G7 or 8 Building in Huntsville
out of Town out of sight Quiet full service

Reply to  Sandpiper
4 months ago

A flophouse indeed one which all of us may access in time of need of respite from cold or heat in times of need. ….good company, no risk….as if that were true. As Mervin suggests, a community within a community.

Mark Mills
4 months ago

Hopefully this agreement still has the “teeth ” required that respects the residents of COBOURG. Again, why hasn’t Cobourg CAO and Council provide residents with the details in the form of a press release or whatever means needed get the message out. the constituency need to be reassured that the agreement has the best interest of the community at large.

The County and Cobourg could have made a joint announcement/ press release ….unless they aren’t playing well in the sand box?????

Hopefully something soon from our COBOURG leaders

4 months ago

A code of conduct?!

Will the public see this code?

And what will the consequences be if this code is broken?

Bill Thompson
Reply to  CiW
4 months ago

The same as the results from arrest for violations that are ever increasing.
.Go .to court …released with future court date set ..and person no longer in area or another court case with same result.?
.Free ticket to ride…..Is there a limit in numbers a person can violate the law without serious consequences ?
Does the public ever hear of court “results ” ?
If not.. why not ?

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Bill Thompson
4 months ago

Possibly if public questioning of the police re statistics (i.e) numbers of dealers who have been /are arrested/jailed may give residents a better picture that a serious effort is being actually being made in preventing the constant supply..
Hopefully that would assist in decreasing the ever expanding numbers of homeless coming to the area.and the effect on the community.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Bill Thompson
4 months ago

My comments above were a reply to C/W .
My apologies.

4 months ago

I do not read in the list of changes any alterations to protection for the surrounding area , within 500 meters.May the property owners be assured therefore that the original statements of protection for us still stands. I hope l am correct in this assumption, otherwise, we will definitely return to the same chaotic life we have led as Transition House is implementing a code of conduct only for their building. This would be similar to the previous warming hub rules and once warmed or cooled and fed the clients hit our streets, lawns, bushes and boulevards to openly use drugs lounge and toilet .ln my reading l only see what the money received (from Santa) has been used to address….building modifications and security .$2 million’s worth certainly not visible from the street. I’m sure this is because if not spent in this manner it was not accessable.The ownership of the building remaining with the County may have resulted from the windfall as well. The whole process needs some transparency of the use of OUR money.

4 months ago

I once would have been optimistic about this, but the encampment moving into my neighborhood has enlightened me. I was wrong. My positions have evolved, and I’ve learned that our community organizers have been compromised. Their ideals are different from that of the community. I no longer trust that they will be good stewards for this facility and the resources that will accompany it.

Transition House still holds the same harmful ideological views. How will they enforce a code of conduct when they don’t believe it’s necessary? How will they define “low barrier” when they feel that a “no barriers” facility would be of greater benefit? I was once supportive of GWC, Transition House, and the other local community organizations. However, they believe that the majority of Cobourg residents are full of hate and have ill will towards homeless people, simply because we voiced our displeasure about the obvious rising crime and a general lack of common decency.

How can we move forward with the same gaslighters leading the way? They need to acknowledge the concerns of the community and listen to us.

Reply to  Mervin
4 months ago

Mervin, totally agree, l have felt the impact of Transition House through both 10 Chapel and the warming room at St. Peter’s. When conduct is unworthy, the patrons are turned out onto the street. I respect that staff feels impending harm to themselves and others using the hub, but the problem is then dumped into my neighbourhood.There cannot be an open door policy for the clientele that is being served…..l say served as they are being enabled in this life path with no accountability or improvement. Not even the wherewithal to pick up their refuse but happy to go through mine. Once in the building for humanitarian relief, they should remain overnight and if a problem against the code of conduct at the facility, the consequence should be a more severe containment not release on the no longer unsuspecting public as we know what we have to brace for.

Reply to  Mervin
4 months ago

I have said before…it was the unfortunate migration of the encamped to various locations around town that has cast a strong light on the seemingly small (to anyone who didn’t live near by) problem of the unhoused in our Town. The low barrier transformation of Transition House lit the fire. The enablers convincing the weak that they deserved more from us ,who have so much, fueled it. The acceptance of more and more residents , from goodness knows where has made a slow and steady burn. Now, sadly the whole town feels the pain on an accelerated scale in one year, that we felt for six. Transition House in the the downtown area with very few rules will not be filled..but the come and go 24 hr. Hub will flourish and destroy….the encampment will dissolve when finally addressed to many little camps because the amenities will be available downtown…and only we, the taxpayers will pay for that.

Reply to  Downtowner
4 months ago

I sometimes believe it to be fortunate that they’ve migrated throughout the downtown. A lot more people have now seen first hand how problematic the emboldened have become. Now, with the community more informed, a greater population will be more inclined to pay attention moving forward.

Reply to  Mervin
4 months ago

I agree with the result of migration affecting more in town but have tried not to play the pity card for us of who have felt the disruption for a long time……spoken out and have been dismissed like our Warden suggested for not being more understanding of the County effort.

Reply to  Downtowner
4 months ago

And because they didn’t get the tiny homes they asked for, Missy McLean and her band of enablers like Green Wood Coalition are to blame in large part the encampment and how large it has become.

Reply to  Kathleen
4 months ago

The encampment does seem to be the result of a temper tantrum.As l see the tiny homes as they are, no labour , move in ready shelter ,for those who have no resources . They cannot even compare to the positivity that Habitat for Humanity develops when the intended occupants, others interested in owning and volunteers actually swing hammers and put in the sweat to better their lives. We have to stop serving these folks with Social Services and help them with Social Assistance which suggests effort on their part in conjunction with aid

Reply to  Mervin
4 months ago

Well said

4 months ago

This building could have housed a lot of seniors that can no longer afford rent on a fixed income or people on disabilities that fall through the cracks. The drug addicts, thieves and enablers are running the show and the Cobourg taxpayers continue to pay and get bent over.

Reply to  Informed
4 months ago

Permanent housing ,not a shelter, for those who want stability and a future. Willing to contribute to our Town and able to pay rent respecting the opportunity afforded to them. This would make this building purchase a win. Instead poised to be costly money pit in the center of town

Reply to  Informed
4 months ago

Agreed. In other words helping the people who deserve and embrace the help given to them.

Reply to  LivesinCobourg
4 months ago

The seniors sleeping in their car because they are forced to choose between rent and groceries are the ones I want to see supported.The enablers are busy supporting the crackheads, thieves, dealers etc at Brookside.

Last edited 4 months ago by Informed
4 months ago

Cobourg and particularly the area around 310 Division continue the horror that has been our existence for going on seven years. Opening the turnstile door to a 24 hr. Warming/Cooling hub spells disaster for the downtown. The closing of this past winters hub generated a noticable calm in our lives but the strategic opening of a “new and improved” application of intended relief will be a return to the disgusting behaviours which for us have become common place. Add the impending sale of the Brookside Property and the overflow from clearing out the persons there will all land in our neighbourhood for the coming cold season….happy holidays.Thanks a bunch County in your ability to dismiss the people in this town and their positive contributions in favour of the ones who continue to thumb their noses at us all as they are to be shown compassion for stealing from us ,abusing our help and showing our young people a twisted way of life. I guess you are being kind….opening within a stones throw of a convenient illegal drug supply.Nicely done

Reply to  Downtowner
4 months ago

Good morning Downtowner,
I agree with you about the warming/cooling hub. Why would anyone expect anything different than what happened at the one last winter? The bus shelter was destroyed, drugs were being used in the washrooms, doors were smashed, etc. There is a rumor to give you some hope but I don’t want to post it here. Maybe I will stop by and tell you in person.
From the Hunger Games book/movies: Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is fine, as long as it’s contained.
The town by-law gives some hope. Did the politicians just create the by-law for the purpose of providing a little hope? Not too much. Just enough to keep some citizens satisfied that there will be control over 310D. I doubt they are organized and coordinated enough for that. I hope not.

Reply to  Downtowner
4 months ago

opening within a stones throw of a convenient illegal drug supply.”

If this statement is true, as I believe the poster then why isn’t the anger in this situation turned on the obviously ineffective Police Services, whoever provides the service – CPS or OPP, they have failed to clean up the drug supply even as they know who they are and where it comes from.

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Ben, You regularly comment & presumably read frustrated comments about the lack of police enforcement. So why pose this question?

“Police Crackdowns that never worked!”, as you put below, seems contradictory to your above comment.

On the same note, June 12: Major Drug Seizure Including Loaded Handgun in Cobourg (Name Released)

Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

Ben, You regularly comment & presumably read frustrated comments about the lack of police enforcement. So why pose this question?”

Why not; we never get answers from the Police Services. The Triumphant Announcements, one of which you referenced, hardly touch the surface of illegal activities, and yet many on this Board still refer to ongoing activities. Perhaps questions may prod the authorities into action – Don’t bet on it!

This question should be front and centre in all of these discussions as the problem of drugs and the users of drugs dominate this Board.

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Why not ask the question, because you know the answer already.

The surface may hardly be touched, but one can still embrace positive Action.

You do not believe “police crackdowns” work. It is confusing to hear you mention the prodding of the authorities into action.

Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

You do not believe “police crackdowns” work”

Again out of context the crackdown in the war on drugs did not work because of the tactics used against the wrong people.”

I am in favour of using the Police as much as possible in the elimination of the dealers and the supply chain. When was the last time you saw an arrest of the second tier suppliers. Street dealers get knocked off occasionally but never the “Mr Bigs” now why is that?

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Very familiar with the controversial Mr. Bigs operations. No. I am right on context.

Part of your frustration with the lack of Police Enforcement is related to dealers only.

I am glad you have finally spoken your view on the “usefulness” of the police.

Defund the Police. Another “progressive” failure.

Last edited 4 months ago by Leslie
Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Mr. Big is a covert operation.

Perhaps that is why you are not privy.

Our “Progressive” Police Chief also supports Defunding the Police. $ going to Social Services policing, instead of enforcement.

Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

Mr. Big is a covert operation.”

Of course they are covert but if there was any success the results would be blown out to us in technicolour.

So where are the results – that is all I am asking.

I can’t see any so why do we waste so much money on what appears to be non-existent investigations?

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Ben, you use circular reasoning. I demonstrated results & perhaps they are because of the prodding from constituents, as you suggested. While only touching the surface, I choose to embrace & encourage Dealer takedowns.

You believe the police are only to be used for cracking down on dealers. I agree cracking down on dealers is paramount.

We completely disagree that police are also essential to enforce Law & Order & not be Social workers.

You choose to argue against logic & only answer to comments you feel you can persuade.

I am not persuaded by failed defunding of the police movements, housing first policies & “harm” reduction.

I want our town to be peaceful & Safe. Law & Order are necessary.

Let’s just agree to disagree, as I suggestd earlier. It is a beautiful day. Be safe out there.

‘History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as farce.’

Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

Ben, you use circular reasoning. I demonstrated results”
Talking of being circular I say that you are binary, an either or think. The results had nothing to do with chasing Mr Big, all I want to see is an operation that has been successful in taking down Mr Big no matter how many street dealers are prosecuted.

I cannot believe that the Police cannot go up the chain, but think they are being successful by taking out the ‘bottom-feeders’

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Ben, if you agree drugs are a problem why do you support organizations that wish to “liberate drug users”?

Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

Leslie and Ben,
Do you guys even know what the police tactic of “Mr. Big” is? Unless I’m reading something wrong here, you guys are way off base.

Reply to  Frenchy
4 months ago

I think Ben was referring to it as an undercover “sting” operation, which is what “Mr.Big” investigations are. I am only aware of them being used controversially in murder cases.

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Interesting that “progressives” fought against the “War on Drugs”, which contributed to its “demise” in the 2000s, the same time the Opioid crisis began surfacing.

Still yet, we have a loud minority of “radical progressives” wanting to defund the police —despite a surge in dealing & crime.

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

MULTIPLE conversations with CPS result in the conversation around protection of ANY home owner being entitled to a life free of harassment and supposed suspicion of illegal actions without evidence cannot be pursued.. There ,must be just cause to enter a home. There have been many police visits….warrants being served, folks using openly, people wandering in altered states,stabbing investigation,wellness checks,swat team in for higher profile arrests and as part of the Towns collective ( building standards, fire dept., health unit, and bylaw ). to inspect property standards concerns and over crowding. There are cameras posted to monitor comings and goings. There have been arrests but this seems a waiting game, for reason to attend the address. The big drug suppliers are a slippery bunch, big business to protect…meantime, people conducting daily business come and go quietly to avoid the collapse of supply. Often quite a parade….worse when warming hub was open and will be again when 310 Division opens

Reply to  Downtowner
4 months ago

The big drug suppliers are a slippery bunch”

And so they are and yet with the Billions spent on Policing we can’t put any of them away? That’s a failure in my books and something the Police Services have to account for!

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Are we getting our money’s worth with policing in our Town? Presently l agree with you….lots of room for improvement. I will add l do not have any hands on experience in this field and have to trust that CPS is acting in a manner that falls in line with policy.Like you, would like to see more action on the drug dealing that plagues us but at present with it being lawful to have drugs in your possession,,,, l think that slows the process somewhat.

4 months ago

So Cobourg gets screwed again! Thanks Mayor Cleveland and town council. Doing your job as irresponsibly as always for the citizens of Cobourg. Let the nightmare continue.

Reply to  John
4 months ago

Wow, 9 thumbs down. Do you have a solution? Or let me guess you are enablers?
Please enlighten me why my comment is wrong? Cobourg council has let the citizens of Cobourg down.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  John
4 months ago

John, I’m definitely not an enabler! What do you think Cleveland and Council should be doing?

Last edited 4 months ago by Ken Strauss
Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 months ago

Ken, they should be working for the citizens of Cobourg. Why did they strike a deal? When they first put the bylaw in place it had teeth. It appears it’s being watered down. What happens to anyone or any business surrounding 310?
Ask Cleveland and Council?

Ken Strauss
Reply to  John
4 months ago

I have never understood why negotiation has even been mentioned. If the bylaw is being “watered down” I will be extremely upset. But let’s wait for the details before getting the pitchforks.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 months ago

Wow Ken, I wasn’t going for the pitchfork. That is rather extreme. I was trying to demonstrate that our town council has let us down. The original bylaw gave the town amazing ability to administer how Cobourlg would be treated . That appears to have been lost.

Reply to  John
4 months ago

It didn’t say that, I don’t see anywhere saying the bylaw had been changed. That would require a vote so far nothing reported.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 months ago

I agree that we need more information, but we also need Transition House to be a member of our community, a member that believes that we need to share common values. They should not be a separate community within our community. We need a common understanding of what compromises our community is not willing to make.

Those involved need to acknowledge the reality of the situation and begin to speak in a way that respects the lived experiences of our community. They have lost the public’s trust and have made no attempts to regain it.

Last edited 4 months ago by Mervin
Reply to  Mervin
4 months ago

Transition House was a good neighbour , for over twenty years, before the drop to low barrier when the area went to Hell in a hand basket. You are correct, those preparing the shelter at 310 NEED to understand the concerns of citizens and how we are about to be compromised if they move forward with this application. Affordable permanent units makes more sense in the center of Town.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 months ago

I feel PITCHFORKED -to cause someone to suddenly be in a difficult situation esp. when they’re not ready

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 months ago

IMO County Council serves no value and worse, I think when deciding to place a (very) low barrier shelter in the heart of downtown Cobourg, each member did so to avoid the potential of having one in the community they represent. They each have a conflict of interest. This decision was never made in the best interest of Cobourg, Cobourg residents or Cobourg businesses.

County Council should be dissolved. They do not represent the best interest of the communities or the taxpayer within those communities. They may have been useful years ago, but their time has passed.

Reply to  John
4 months ago

You wrote “When they first put the bylaw in place it had teeth. It appears it’s being watered down.”
How exactly has the 310 BL been watered down?

Based on the agreement/changes outlined by JD and having read the County’s announcement, I saw nothing that indicated the 310BL would be rescinded or changed. The teeth remain in place.

If that is not the case and the proposed agreement requires changes to the 310 BL, the County’s announcement should have made that clear.
Further, if such changes are required, Mayor Cleveland and CAO Vaughan should make an honest forthright announcement outlining any BL changes. This should be done NOW, not at the June 26 Council meeting.

The Town needs to keep the 310 BL as is, fully in force. That is the only check on the new TH’s activities and the means of controlling it. A toothless BL provides no benefit to the Town’s residents.

Reply to  John
4 months ago

I think you have the Town B-law confused with the County’s MOU. Town Council is listening to its residents. The County has never listened to us.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 months ago

They should be doing — Better
Its not a fair question to ask what someone else might do
when we do not have all the facts that both the Town and County have suppressed and controlled
Say No to Drugs
And do something about Neighbourhood Property Value losses & Protection
and the loss of incomes with small business closures and thefts increasing .
You know fewer people are
going near this area .

Reply to  Sandpiper
4 months ago

Say No to Drugs”

Remember the War on Drugs – well how’s that going for yah?

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Defeatist opinion. Doubling down on the same losing hand: “harm reduction”, “safe” drug supply, “Housing First Policies”, low barrier shelters and less Law Enforcement. All of which costs lives and promotes Very unsafe and fiscally irresponsible communities to live in.

The tragic insanity of “harm reduction” approaches needs to stop. Rehabilitation/ Treatment and Prevention in our Educational and Prison systems. It is unfortunate and deadly that people are not encouraging and prioritizing these life-saving approaches.

Some do not, or refuse to listen to horse sense. Some prefer to provide lemon-flavoured comments.

Reply to  Leslie
4 months ago

Defeatist opinion. Doubling down on the same losing hand: “harm reduction”, “safe” drug supply, “Housing First Policies”, low barrier shelters and less Law Enforcement.”

None of the issues cited here has anything to do with the “War on Drugs” which was the total opposite of the issues cited. In fact it was a Police crackdown that never worked either!

Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Ben, you have distorted my comment & referenced only part of it. 

The remaining point of my comment is directly related to “The War on Drugs” & Life Saving approaches, as opposed to failed & harmful “Harm” reduction strategies:

“The tragic insanity of “harm reduction” approaches needs to stop. Rehabilitation/ Treatment & Prevention in our Educational & Prison systems. It is unfortunate & deadly that people are not encouraging & prioritizing these life-saving approaches.”

I disagree that this approach failed. The “War on Drugs” campaign began in the 70s & dissolving in the early 2000s & comprised of much more than police crackdowns.

The Opioid crisis began surfacing in the 2000s. It is a deadlier, bigger “War on Drugs” to be fought, through treatment, prevention, education in our schools & prisons, Law Enforcement & Border control.

I am fine agreeing to disagree.

Last edited 4 months ago by Leslie
Reply to  Ben
4 months ago

Just because people try and occasionally fail to prevent crimes, doesn’t mean they should stop trying. Are you suggesting we make excuses for murderers and rapists as well? Murder and Rape are crimes that still happen every day, should we just decriminalize and destigmatize those acts because we fail to prevent them? Should we no longer try to prevent the leading cause of disability in North America and the leading cause of death among young people? How much more harm would you need to see before you shift your mindset?

Ben, the goal is to be so balanced that both extremes hate you. I’m trying to achieve a self awareness of my own biases, I hope that you do the same.

Reply to  Mervin
4 months ago

How much more harm would you need to see before you shift your mindset?”

Very good question but that has nothing to do with the rhetorical question about the “War on Drugs”

I would take it as a badge of honour to be hated by both sides but the haters in this argument are only one-sided!

Reply to  John
4 months ago

Why blame the mayor? That’s why I gave you a thumbs down. You think he is in support of this nonsense? Ask him. Go meet with him. Have your eyes opened. I dare you.

Reply to  Beachwalker
4 months ago

I have spoken to the Mayor on several occasions. While I don’t agree with everything he does and says, he is a politician and I am sure he has a thick skin. No one goes there without it.
That said are we in high school again playing truth or dare? Or maybe you’re still there! I would suggest you open your eyes that not everyone agrees with what is happening at 310 or the potential impact to the community and the residents or businesses in the area. While the details are vague from the Mayor and town council as they have yet to make a statement, our neighbors on Division are going to be impacted by this decision.
Bottom line, this will not be good for Cobourg.

Reply to  John
4 months ago

The Mayor is doing what he can, it’s not his fault. Thank you Mayor Cleveland for standing up for the town.

Reply to  Cindi
4 months ago

Hey Cindi, What is happening, is not good for Cobourg. Do you live near the proposed location of 310? My best friend lives right next door and has no chance of ever selling while this is happening. I am not far away and in the same boat.
There was no consultation. They didn’t give anyone a choice. What did the Mayor do for local residents? He is part of the Northumberland county board. He is not standing up for residents in the area affected by this decision in Cobourg. So Cindi please share your knowledge of what impacts the residents near 310 and the area and how you can change it?

Bill Thompson
Reply to  John
4 months ago

Who do you think initiated the Cobourg Bylaw re 310 Division St.that resulted in such a response having from the County?

Reply to  Bill Thompson
4 months ago

Back to my original post. Cobourg is going to get screwed. The town and county are leaving tax paying residents to deal with it.
Why hasn’t the town said anything? The county made an annoucement. Why hasnt the town? If the bl is still in place, this is a no brainer. I honestly hope this is going to happen for the citizens of Cobourg.
Just be honest about what is going to happen to the citizens of Cobourg.

Reply to  John
4 months ago

I agree a degree, Cobourg will get the dirty end of the stick …with the 24 hour will draw those who want with no accountability, take with no commitment and use with no responsibility, and they will not reside in 310. The downtown WILL suffer all of the time and we will see a repeat of the people on sidewalks and boulevards sleeping, openly using illegal drugs….on and on

Reply to  John
4 months ago

Remember the Mayor is one vote on a Council that has members who REALLY didn’t want this problem in their town. The overused excuse that the County seat and resources are in Cobourg gives them the major excuse to “pile on” Cobourg. The protective bylaw was constructed to confront this attitude..thankfully orchestrated by the Mayor with ….some…support from his Town Council. I feel the Mayors support

John resident
Reply to  John
4 months ago

The Mayor has done a lot, he’s getting out voted by the other members of council, do your research he’s been very vocal. Setup. A meeting with him to find out his stance.