A year ago, Cobourg Police launched their “Downtown action plan”. The plan was said to be “a constellation of proactive crime prevention initiatives and will formalize various harm reduction related programs”. It included visible Police officers patrolling downtown and nearby. And now, on May 1, 2024, Police announced the “Spring 2024 CPS Downtown Community Safety Action Plan, including the Dynamic Patrol initiative.” It’s described as “an evolution of the CPS Downtown Action Plan and in response to community concerns, Dynamic Patrol will be deployed in the downtown area and surrounding neighbourhoods starting today. It will focus on increasing police presence, increasing engagement opportunities, and enhancing bail compliance efforts in the Town of Cobourg.” The thing to note is the Dynamic Patrol initiative.
The announcement included a statement by Chief Paul VandeGraaf
“As we reintroduce Dynamic Patrol this spring, we’re committed to listening to our community to find more efficient ways to ensure people feel safe. We will be increasing our efforts within the boundaries of our role as police, focusing on bail enforcement, warrant execution, and probation condition compliance. Furthermore, we will be ensuring that the small percentage of people who have a disproportionate number of interactions with our Service are held accountable effectively and appropriately.” [File photo at right].
Since the soft launch of dynamic patrol began on April 16th, officers have conducted foot patrols, arrested five individuals on outstanding warrants or bail violations, arrested one individual for assault with a weapon, and conducted six property checks. In addition, collaborative initiatives with partner agencies and Municipal Law Enforcement are underway.
Patrols will concentrate on areas within Cobourg that are identified through crime analytics, community partners, and resident feedback. Areas include but are not limited to, the downtown core, neighbourhoods and parks close to downtown, and areas adjacent to Lake Ontario, including Victoria Park.
Dynamic Patrol is an ongoing initiative intended to enhance police service delivery in the Town of Cobourg through proactive patrols, increased visibility, and community engagement efforts. Officers will be deployed as necessary in the community.
If you look at the available “Crime Plot” (see Resources), it’s clear that a large proportion of crime happens downtown.
- Cobourg Blog report – Police Activity Update – May 2023 – 13 May 2023
- Downtown Action Plan – Download pdf
- Cobourg police Crime Plot
- Cobourg Police News Page – includes full text of announcement.
Below is an example of work by Police on the above plan as reported in a Press Release.
May 8. 9:00 am
Subject: Female arrested for outstanding warrants/drugs/weapons
Since May 1, 2024, the 2024 Downtown Action Plan comprises a series of proactive crime prevention measures alongside ongoing harm reduction programs. Enforcement of laws and regulations will be a critical focus, particularly in interactions requiring direct intervention due to specific actions or behaviors of individuals.
On Tuesday May 7, 2024, at 6:35 pm, police attended the area of Chapel and Division Street to check on the wellbeing of a person who appeared to be under the influence of narcotics. Police located the female and through police investigation it was revealed there were several outstanding arrest warrants. The female was advised she was under arrest for the outstanding warrants and attempted to flee from police. Officers were able to gain physical control, and as a result of search incident to arrest located a prohibited knife and a small quantity of fentanyl and methamphetamine on her person.
25-year-old Grace Edwards of Cobourg was charged with 2 counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of a Prohibited Weapon, Resist Arrest, Fail to Comply Probation and Fail to Attend Court.
The accused was held for a show cause hearing and is to appear in court later today.
Update – 13 May 2024
Cobourg Police today announced their “Cart Reclaim Project” as part of their Downtown Action Plan.
The Initiative: The “Cart Reclaim Project” will see the collection and return of shopping carts that have been left on properties other than retail locations they belong to. This initiative not only helps to beautify our community but also prevents potential hazards these carts can cause when left unattended.
Community Involvement: We encourage all residents to participate by reporting any abandoned shopping carts they encounter. Your vigilance and cooperation are vital to the success of this project.
Report Abandoned Carts: If you spot an abandoned shopping cart, please call the Cobourg Police Service at 905-372-6821 or email Sgt. Janice MacDonald at [email protected] Your timely reporting will assist us in promptly addressing the issue.
Pick-Up Date: The scheduled pick-up date for the abandoned shopping carts is set to commence on 18th day of May 2024 at 08:00hrs. We ask property owners to ensure that any carts on their premises are ready for collection on this date.
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Interesting comments by the Chief about Brookside residents and the issues in the downtown. The statement about now he and his staff are going to start charging for drug possession because je found something in the federal prosecution guidelines, has always been there. He has finally figured out their is a drug problem that is harming the community and needs to be acted on. I guess he finally got to the “party”
This is the Government of Canada’s regulation regarding “Prosecution of Possession of Controlled Substances date August 2020. In my view part 5.13 – 3 – 3 – C provides enforcement the authority to override what we have been told can’t be over ridden by CPS. Is this what the Police Chief has come across? It took me 1 minute.
Like Pete M says this has always being there. Why does it take CPS so long to do its job.
I heard that the Cobourg Police Services paid Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys $100,000 for consulting fees regarding the shopping cart dilemma
Re shopping carts pickup….does this include Brookside .??
Paying a Sergeant near $150,000 to coordinate collecting shopping carts.
What a use of resources.
The Great Cobourg Shopping Cart Round Up!!!!
Practice first with the shopping carts- then maybe the criminals?
It is good to read people making fun of decisions of our public servants, it is better to laugh than cry. Occasionally I have returned shopping cart to stores if I happen to be walking in the general direction. Does this mean citizens should not do that because it is police work? If 10 carts are reported to be seen in suspicious locations today will those same carts still be there waiting on May 18? Perhaps they will relocate and not be found by the police. Should we be taking photos to help police identify the known locations carts like to hangout?
If I see an empty, or nearly empty, cart I will continue to return it the the proper store. Carts are likely expensive, removing them is a cost to stores resulting in higher prices. If you take a cart from a store, I do not recommend doing this, then return it. Carts full of somebody’s things I am not going to move and risk being attached by the owner. That is a job for somebody else, maybe the police. What is the real reason for this project? Is it an attempt to make it look like the police are actually doing something? Will they need a cart trailer, a vehicle to pull the trailer and a garage to keep the vehicle in?
If only it were so simple! We’ll need a consultant to develop a computer system to gather statistics on returned carts and a social media consultant to publicize successful recoveries. We’ll need a grief consultant with lived experience to console those who were traumatized by losing a stolen cart and are now addicted to illegal drugs. We’ll need…
What if they are damaged and cant be repaired Who is responsible for their euthanization in a humane manner? Partnerships with area high schools for the repair and rehabilitation of shopping carts
A new industry created around the shopping cart for Cobourg
Perhaps cart rehab can be completed during drug rehab….
This is a line from the CPS announcement on the Cart Reclaim Project.
“Together, through collaboration we can maintain the beauty and safety of our beloved city.”
Safety?? As usual CPS are not dealing with the problem – those stealing the carts – , but rather putting up distractions to make it look like they are.
This past week I saw two carts bing pushed down the street – one on King Street headed to the Encampment loaded with items such as a brief case, cabinet etc and the other, going down Burnham Street, presented the pusher with a real task as he had a dresser on top.
Will CPS stop and reclaim carts in motion or only those vacated? Will the CPS go to the Encampment and reclaim the 30 or so carts there?
The Police Chief is making the force look silly and cartoonish.
Most communities would task this to their public works departments or some other internal dept to collect. They would assign it to a couple of hired summer students. 2 students at hired at at between. $17.80 to 18.90 an hour each. And this would be for only 2-3 hrs in their day as they would have other duties.
Coordination do by a clerk or staf member in the respective dept detailed.
There is a reason why other depts like Belleville or Durham or Ptbo arent doing it. They re to busy with calls for service or dealing directly with those removing the carts.
So we have to ask are we getting value for our Police tax dollars?
One other thing I’ve learnt is you can just call the store and report the location and they will send someone (probably faster) than the police will come. Walmart came and got their cart in an hour, it was great! Not sure if no frills does the same but maybe.
This is what some of us are really worried about:
DRPS issue warning about the release of high-risk offender they say poses a significant risk to children | Durham Radio News
I was curious as to what is happening with the Whitby shelter and came across this information. On a neighbourhood watch website this guy is quoted as saying he with reoffend and kill. Now he is living in the community with electronic surveillance. Could somebody like this, or this same guy if he is able to remove the electronic device, end up in Cobourg living at 310 Division or the encampment? Hopefully CPS has been warned about him, the Oshawa area is not far from Cobourg. Not far enough for someone like this to be out of jail.
If somebody like this is released in Cobourg will the police patrols help?
I see another Gem of a Business just moved downtown — another Tattoo shop at 14 King st E
Mean while they were just Evicted from a Location on Division St N by the Bailiff
Why can’t we attract better ?????????????
I was admiring a Painting of Cobourg downtown in my Drs office the other day from the 90s there were 2 Quality Jewelry Stores , Allen,s Hardware , 3 Laddies apparel shop at least 2 Men,s stores one being the Garry Sharp clothing shop where there was a full service Gentlemans shop for all sizes 2 Sporting Goods shops
2 shoe repair shops , a Tailor or 2 Woolworths , IGA , a 5 and Dime , 4 Law Firms ,Dry Cleaners ,3 Bars/Hotels with Entertainment , several Coffee shops & Restaurants Billiard Hall , Of Course Kelleys and they were all thriving There was Something to do not just Banking and eat . when you came down town —– What happened ????
Costco, Walmart, Amazon, Fast fashion, Consolidated Grocery stores, The Internet…
And drugs and Homeless
Times change! No going back!
……Only if that weakness to accept that rationale through weakness.!
What is missing in the chief’s announcement is enforcement. When will he catch on that engaging and educating does not work, the criminals are thumbing their noses at the ineffective police service that decorates cookies, jumps in the lake and begs for food to fill the cop cars. Please do something useful as Cobourg turns into a thieves’ den. Try listening to the taxpayers that pay your salaries, your techniques are NOT working.
Even if strapped by liberal laws attitude of law enforcement goes a long way. When we hear statements such as “they are somebody’s child”, when we see the police giving addicts rides around town, when we hear statements such as “drug addicts are peaceful people and the Chief finds they are no trouble when attending a call it leaves one in doubt as to what the troops are being told from the top.
The pendulum has swung too far left…at one time we considered children and seniors our most vulnerable and that they should be protected; but that is no longer the case. We traded in that belief for protecting addicts, homeless and criminals over the protection of taxpayers, children, seniors and veterans. We now meet people where they are which in many cases is in our backyard, shed, unlocked car or an illegal occupation of taxpayer owned property.
Everyone is someone’s child and most people are peaceful – that isn’t an excuse to slough off accountability or not hold an individual responsible. We have tried this approach and it has exacerbated the situation. The people are speaking and those who work for us, need to start listening.
Some body,s ???? Problem Child
Return them to their Parents
and if they are spending the Tax Payers Support Dollars $$
on Drugs and Tattoos then stop supporting them as that is not what’s
intended For Housing is not an issue if 2 or 3 can live in a tent together , pool their income and resources and get an apartment . They are out there .
—- So again Enforcement and constant Supervision by Municipal and Govt .
Employees and Police is Lacking why ? is a big question ??
or are they not working either & just taking from Society and Tax payers with out Accountability .
Are you directing your commnents to me Sandpiper? I had said the Chief has softer views on the situation than seem appropriate.
I know occasionally the Chief will read the comments on the blog and even respond from time-to-time, so I’m going to ask him to respond to the following:
Might be nice to have the Mayor and Chief use this public forum as an opportunity to answer questions twice monthly or monthly.
I’m happy to hear about the Cart Reclaim project. I’m not sure why reclaiming stolen property is a “project” and not simply how they conduct business…But given we are all so thirsty for action, we take what we get.
Some might suggest that keeping people thirsty is a political strategy…hmm?!
You can tell summer is on the way. Break ins have returned to the cars in the parking lot, a drug deal so near you could spit on the property. An obvious addict who was having trouble standing up and a clean cut looking young guy on a bicycle – all dressed in black – the dealer.
If only there were laws against the things you mentioned above. And if only there were men and women hired and given the authority to enforce those laws. If only there was a system that would hold people accountable, punish them in a meaningful way and strongly deter others from committing the same (or similar) offenses.
oh boy, what a wonderful world that would be… 😉
Rob, every year almost $7M (more than a fifth of the total budget) of our property taxes is spent on such. A pity that it doesn’t appear to be effective!
Well aware Rob. I am sure you have read my many posts on this subject of why we don’t have laws in place. Vancouver is currently trying to rescind their decision on decriminailzing drugs however the Federal government has other ideas on the reversal.
Not accurate that the feds are blocking, they approved this already and it’s in effect immediately:
Why are we waiting for Policing Contracts to Expire we should be Negotiating and Investigating Now — Not waiting til the last moment again —- lets see the Options Mr Mayor & CEO
none of this last minute stuff or we had no choice but to renew with the present service
due to some required regulations
I miss walking along the boardwalk at night when there’s a full moon. Now I’m too nervous to go anywhere after dark, in Cobourg. This whole mess is just tragic and awful and the only thing that will make me, and others, feel safe again is law enforcement – because without enforcement, there are no laws. Cobourg needs a crackdown. Are you listening Mayor Cleveland? CPS?
A new 6 foot fence going up beside 51 John St. Residents may be going to hide “supplies” for the encampment behind it? A good location for a full time stake out.
Hope that the contractor with 20 years experience, advertised on the signs out front, has adhered to bylaw/ permit necessary for this installation so there will not have to be a hasty tear down as there was with the enclosed porch. Can’t see clientele seeking out this contractor, who lives at this address, as he, as with all of these folks ,thinks rules don’t apply to him…..nor his business.
Great press release well written very informative…….can you please investigate and enforce the illegal drug use all over town, the stolen property that encampment “residents ” are in possession of , the public intoxication, loitering , assaults, trespassing, etc etc etc At times the downtown core feels like an episode of the Walking Dead not the feel good town!
When will we reach a point that Cobourg taxpayers matter sick of hearing how the police can’t do anything you have a job do it🤔
Every night at 11pm driving home from work I will see 4-5 encampment people walking either east or west on king with their cart piled high with stuff. Why aren’t they being stopped and questioned? Or perhaps the residents of Cobourg can have a viewing and pickup of stolen items from the encampment like perterborough has done.
Recently, there’s been a lot of work done at the Frink washroom facility. New outside doors, a newly poured sidewalk and repairs to the brick sidewalk. I’ve heard rumours that this facility will soon be open again. If that’s the case, I certainly hope there will be a plan in place to ensure it can be used as a washroom facility and not as an illegal, unsanctioned drug using site.
Is there any more public admittance that you have lost the fight against crime, than when a town is forced to shut down its own facilities because it can’t control lawlessness. I’m curious what happened with the unlocked bathrooms in Victoria Hall – I recall DM Beatty declaring access to unlocked bathrooms in Town Hall was a human right – are they still unlocked to the public?
I’m very hopeful that the Chief will get a handle on things – the CPS is losing the fight but if they win, we win. They need a tougher stance on crime; arrest every perpetrator, every time. Publish the names of those charged. Go into Brokeside and reclaim every item acquired illegally (bikes, furniture, shopping carts, etc..), work with bylaw to enforce every bylaw (fire, garbage, sanitation, littering, lawn care, building, fire safety, insurance, noise, etc…). There shouldn’t be any Cobourg resources patrolling Bewdley (for the love of god) as that would suggest there isn’t enough work to do in Cobourg. If there isn’t enough work in Cobourg than they should be laid off or restructured out.
I wonder if or when the Brokeside encampers will pitch their collective tents in the exclusive trailer park…might be nice for them to have waterfront property once again. There is no doubt they can afford the rent with the GoFundMe proceeds.
Starting Friday, May 10, 2024, CPS Special and Constables will be in the community (Hamilton Twp) conducting proactive enforcement of fire zone and parking bylaws, enacting the four E’s—Engage, Explain, Educate, and Enforce.
Will there actually be enforcement the 4th E, in Hamilton Twp. There certainly no signs of enforcement- criminal or by-law around Brokeside by CPS.
When does the OPP contract for policing Hamilton Twp?
This appears to be CPS putting themselves in position to show the Township, their willingness to perform by-law enforcement that OPP wont, when it comes contract time.
You Have to be KIDDING This is the local Ambulance Pick up Location or Buss service I am not sure what the Ambulances are used for but they are sure here a LOT
Possibly they Emergencies Services , Hospital and County can tell the Tax Payers how much of an increase of their time / Budget etc is going to
Drug overdose situations around town and at the Encampment over the last 36 months
Interesting timing? Just happens to be when talks of costing policing are starting.
i wonder what the media releases will be when an OPP costing is millions less than CPS?
More empty promises from what seems to be a largely invisible department. These so called “visible” patrols should have been a major part of the status quo for the past several years. They’re mostly used as a PR gesture to make people think things are better when we all know the reality is much different.
I really wish CPS would take a page from other departments (Port Hope, Peterborough for example) who patrol more aggressively and who actually stop/deter crime and other issues that have arisen from public drug use.
And while I’m ranting…why are our police handing out tickets in other areas but neglecting their own town? They should be serving and protecting the town they are actually responsible for.
One gets the impression that local law enforcement has completely surrendered to the encampment, addicts etc and exists only to protect them from citizens defending their homes/property. I think its safe to say that the general public has lost faith with the CPS.
It’s long past time to have a hard look at policing in this town. If we don’t go with another option for service there should be a major housecleaning from the police service board down through the admin ranks. If the rank and file officers/staff won’t toe a harder, more professional line under new leadership then maybe it really is time for a complete change.
They must need more glitz! The electric mustang, fancy painted cars, motorcycles, do not forget get the kilts, atv, etc. etc are not working, now they need a 34 mil new police station I guess to store all the stuff in. OR maybe it will have stalls for the new mounted unit to lead parades or even a helicopter pad.
In view of the situation downtown you would think increased foot patrols would be a given — and part of the CPS job description (not to mention justifying its $7.5 + million budget/high visibility police car the Chief had to have.)
And why does it have to have a dramatic name – its simple police work. Is this just a pacifying photo opportunity? Watch CPS’s Facebook page, as we will start to see pictures, like last summer, of officers walking the streets in mid afternoon helping seniors cross the street. They need to also be out there during the night.
“Dynamic Patrol initiative.” … “an evolution of the CPS Downtown Action Plan”.
Yeah, an “evolution”. Because the previous Initiative became ‘Extinct’ in no time.
What a bunch of Malarkey. A Comic Book catch phrase in the hope they remain relevant after the Police Study has concluded.
My 2 cents.
Well There you have it folks FAIR Weather Sidewalk Policing
visible to the General Public so we all Feel Safe Downtown
B S to that
Last night in the Beach area we had people dressed in dark clothing
snooping around homes and gardens after 11 PM with small Flashlights
not more that 4 or 5 ft from our houses I didn’t see any Police
Thank God for Dogs and Motion sensor lighting and BIG FLASHLIGHTS
Bring Back Neighbourhood Watch and Patrols
Sandpiper can you be more specific about the area? I live at the waterfront and my dog was growling at the window last night (which is unusual for him).
It is good the police are doing something. However, I really dislike the term “harm reduction” used in the second line of this post. If you do not want to reduce harm are you in favour of increasing harm? Either with us or against us? But it means something different to different people. There is immediate harm reduction, like giving food to a drug addict. It is the long-term harm reduction that is really important, like getting somebody off drugs.
This part sounds good, “…small percentage of people who have a disproportionate number of interactions with our Service are held accountable …” This is what many of us want. Most of us obey laws and expect people who don’t to be held accountable. I hope it works. An example of being held accountable is building an attached structure to a house without a permit. That would be a by-law issue, the owner could be forced to remove it. Perhaps by-law is the reason for the demolition of the new addition at Area 51 John St. It would be great if Police and By-Law work together to reduce the crime in Cobourg. Good luck with this effort!
There was also a fire.at Area 51…an e- bike went on fire early Wed. morning…..electric fire residents were trying to extinguish with water.,…not we learned about fire prevention and control. The bee hive is active and with the warming hub closing it will be buzzing.hopefully this trap house will be addressed in this new initiative
I know that the Cobourg police crime plot is completely inaccurate. Why are the cops at the illegal encampment every single day, if not multiple times? Yet the plot shows NO incidents at the illegal encampment. I’d also like the return of a police force, not a service, that actually enforces the laws instead of engaging and educating, which are meaningless and has law breakers thumbing their noses at the cops. What is meaningful is enforcement and tickets. I have seen the summer beachgoers driving around to avoid bylaw. Bylaw drives to a different area and the illegal parking is back. The enforcement efforts are a joke. By all reports it is the same situation in Harwood.
On Tuesday of this week, I witnessed a police cruiser pulled up and parked on the east side of Shoppers, got out of the car, went to the rear door of the police cruiser and opened the door for a homeless person to get out. The homeless person was staggering around. The police officer went to the rear of the car, opened the trunk and took 3 bags from the car and set them beside Shoppers east wall. The homeless guy took 1 garbage bag and put it in the caged area where the roofing supplies are kept, went back to the police officer and thanked him. The police officer then got in the car and left. A few minutes later, I checked the front door of shoppers and the homeless guy was hanging on a shopping cart. He then went, picked up the bags and left somewhere down King Street. Yup, police presence is good.
Billy Z
Well I guess the police were busy elsewhere downtown this afternoon as my husband and I took a leisurely stroll along the waterfront and through the Trailer Park property. Hiding behind a pile of picnic tables near the pump house were a group of druggies doing their thing in broad daylight. No shame or concern for seniors, families or children walking by, and not a police officer or Bylaw officer in site. Maybe it’s time to patrol the waterfront, park and beach area including near the Fern statue and get rid of those disgusting portable toilets at the “Frink” area. They are nothing more than another place for addicts to shoot up drugs. No self respecting human would set foot in those things. Covid is over, they are just another waste of taxpayer $$$. Some police or bylaw officer presence along the waterfront area, Victoria park and the trailer park might also be a good idea, to help us law abiding citizens feel safer. Hang on Cobourgers, it’s going to be one hell of a summer!!
Remember access to a toilet is a human right, as the enablers all ranted when the bus shelter was destroyed. Also remember Nicole Beatty condoning use of the bus shelter as a warming area, twice, then town staff had to wear hazmat suits to clean it and ultimately refused.
I agree is anyone actually using those bathrooms for their intended purpose?
The area behind the picnic tables to which you refer are regularly occupied by groups to use drugs and drink alcohol. I’m through their regularly and 9/10 times they are there.
The Frink toilets are rarely used for their intended purpose.
One time, I saw a guy who tried both doors. When neither were available, he urinated on the side of the building.
These toilets are often unavailable since they are occupied for hours at a time by substance users until the police are called to force them out.
When they are unoccupied, I’ve seen people open the door, look inside and leave without using the facility.
What “human right” is actually being served? Certainly not for those who need a safe accessible facility to relieve themselves.
There have been several comments over the past few days about these activities going on in the Victoria Park area.
So this is a good opportunity for Mayor Cleveland, By Law and CPS to show they are serious about securing Cobourg again, and what they are saying is not just rhetoric, by immediately shutting them down.
CPS is not serious. We need OPP desperately.
Lets hope the CPS keep it up!
Maybe if the town is cleaned up, the banks can open their doors after hours. No more 24/7 right now. The town is being held hostage by druggies and thieves!