Cobourg asks Province to comply with By-Laws at Brookside

The encampment at Brookside seems to be growing with cars, boats and trailers now parked alongside the tents and the Province has done nothing to enforce Cobourg’s by-laws on the property.  But now, Mayor Cleveland has written to the Province asking that “they take the necessary steps to become compliant with all municipal by-laws and regulations within the jurisdiction of the Town of Cobourg for the property at 390 King Street East, the former Brookside Youth Centre Property.”  According to an announcement from the Town, the Letter from Mayor Cleveland “addresses the health and safety of the property, lack of maintenance and adherence to community standards.”  The announcement explains the legal reasons that mean that Cobourg’s “Municipal Law Enforcement Department has therefore been unable to act on Municipal By-laws since the inception of the encampment in September of 2023.”

This is the first time that the Town has publicly asked the Province to act to clear the encampment.

Mayor Cleveland says “As the Mayor of Cobourg, and Cobourg Council, we believe that the Province and IO should be making health and safety of the property a priority, including being a responsible property owner and a good neighbour to those surrounding homeowners and all Cobourg residents and Ontario taxpayers.”

The announcement from the Town states:

On Monday, April 29, 2024, Mayor Cleveland on behalf of Cobourg Municipal Council submitted a letter to the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Infrastructure, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and representatives of Infrastructure Ontario, requesting that the Province and IO work collaboratively with the Town of Cobourg in order to adhere to and comply with any orders or notices issued by the Town on the property.

Additionally, the Town of Cobourg has forwarded the significant concerns regarding the damming of the creek that runs through the property to the appropriate authorities for their urgent response.

It’s not known if the Emergency Closed Session Council meeting called at 8:30 am this morning is related to this announcement but it’s likely.


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4 months ago

From Pete Fisher Northumberland Today:

There were no injuries after two tents caught fire in Cobourg on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

At approximately 8:30 a.m. Cobourg Fire Department was dispatched to the encampment located at 390 King Street East.

Cobourg Fire Department Captain Gene Stroeder said when crews arrived they were told two tents were on fire.

“We pulled up to the one tent and flames were still five to six-feet high still.”

Cobourg Police were in the process of knocking the fire down with a extinguisher.

A larger tent was on fire, but had been extinguished.

Both fires were investigated and neither fire was suspicious.

There were no injuries in either fire.

One vehicle that was parked in a fire route was given a ticket by by-law enforcement. 

Madness – cannot evict them but can ticket them for a parking violation. WTF !! 

James Bisson
4 months ago

The Encampment formed around September 8, 2023. The process to evict was commenced, but had to be reissued. On September 26, 2023, an eviction notice was posted and my understanding is the residents were personally informed. Nothing happened. No explanation. 8 months later the town decides to bring up the subject of the encampment publicly with IO?

Had I known a boat was the trigger…..

In my opinion, this is a failure of political will and leadership. You can keep talking bureaucratese and legalese all you want, but the sad truth is it keeps dragging on with no solution for anyone.

I’m sorry but the encampment in Cobourg is a no barrier, unsupervised, drug site using homeless as a shield to operate a host of illegal activities. This is criminal. Why is I/O immune?

And what did the authorities do since the failed eviction? They left them to sleep outside during the whole winter in tents while empty buildings sat 50 meters away. They left us residents and businesses to deal with the fallout while drug dealers made money and we paid taxes.

We elect politicians and pay for staff and services to solve our collective problems right?

What are they waiting for?

Reply to  James Bisson
4 months ago

James, you sound frustrated. You are not alone in your thinking. However, not everybody thinks the same. You are questioning our politicians/staff on how they are handling the situation. Just keep in mind they probably don’t want to deal with this problem and do not know what to do to keep the most people happy to get re-elected.

If you say something often enough and loud enough people will start to believe it. This is not an exact quote but similar. J.K. Rowling is homophobic, at least that seems to be the common understanding. Look up what she actually tweeted and make up your own mind. Residential schools killed thousands of children and buried them in unmarked graves. We know its true because is was all over the media. How many unmarked graves containing children were found? If you check on this I think you will find the number is close to zero. It is well known children learn much better if you let them discover mathematical concepts on their own. There is much research to back this up, or at least this is claimed. Why the declining grades?

There are people who really believe supervised injection sites, like the Friday afternoon Henley Arcade one, help people. If addicts overdose somebody calls 911. Decriminalization of hard drugs was tried in parts of the US and in BC. The results were disastrous. Yet Olivia Chow wants to try it in Toronto. Why? Is it because she doesn’t believe the results, thinks the experiments were not done properly or does she want to appease voters who believe drug addiction is a medical issue and we must provide drugs to the addicts?

Treating drug addicts as having a medical condition requiring more harmful drugs to treat their condition seems crazy. There are those who actually believe this. Woman did not have the right to vote. Women’s rights groups have fought for increasing women’s rights, like voting, to the point where the majority of university students are women. Would these women’s rights groups think allowing men to compete in women’s sports is acceptable? Athletes who have worked incredibly hard to train and compete are being beat by “women” with penises. If you say anything against this you are called transphobic. If you lived in Germany 80 years ago you knew Jews needed to be killed. Today there are people who really believe drug addicts have a medical condition.

Politicians/staff are waiting to hear who is the loudest.

Concerned Taxpayer
4 months ago

Agreed. I have an idea. Firstly we need to stop the encampment from growing any larger. To control the growth how about temporary fencing be put around the encampment ( just like the Waterfront Festival and RibFest) with 2 controlled entry and exit points just like Ribfest. This will prevent spread, and minotoring of behaviour upon entry. At least there will be effort of encampment growth. Have Mental Health Unit resources/ Street Nurses, Special Constables at the gates to help the most challenged along with support from the shelter folks and transitionss can be supported.

Reply to  Concerned Taxpayer
4 months ago

It is good to have ideas to help solve the problem. However, the people in the encampment don’t like rules. Having a fence with controlled entry could cause them to move somewhere else. That will help at Brookside but is just moving the problem. It is my understanding support services have been offering help for months and have been met with refusals. The addicts seem to prefer drugs to getting help. It would be interesting to learn what would happen if the supporters stopped bringing food and supplies. Would more of the people living in the encampment accept the offer of help? It is too late for Grundy, he is dead from drugs. Apparently he was a good person before he started using drugs and committing crimes. Enabling people like Grundy to use drugs is very harmful. Yet, there are people who are supporting drug use. The pilot program in BC is not working. A state in the US had a program of decriminalization in place and it failed. The mayor of Toronto wants to try the same thing there. Why?

I think legalizing cannabis was a huge mistake. It was available for medicinal purposes, just leave it at that. Many people reading this news blog blame federal government laws for the drug problems we have. Legalizing cannabis is one of those wacko laws in my opinion.

small town Ontario
4 months ago

After about 8 months of these encampments in Cobourg.
Law enforcement, by-law officers, reps from IO, should enter the property, and take it back.
The illegal freeloaders should be given several choices, when they are told to pack up their belongings and leave.
-get a family member/friend to come and get them.
-accept a motel room
-leave town
-go to rehab
-a mental health facility
-jail if they don’t comply.
All the tents will be removed by property owners, the province IO and the property restored to what it was before this disgusting mess started.
With the new visible police patrols back in action in the downtown area, the control will be back where it belongs in the hands of CPS representing Cobourg residents.

Reply to  small town Ontario
4 months ago

small town Ontario,

I agree in general.
The problem is that the cops have no authority to enforce the trespass laws until the property owner files a complaint.
That hasn’t happened (yet) and based on the provinces actions to date, seems unlikely to happen. If Brookside has been sold, a key component of the deal may be who is responsible (and pays) for dealing with the encampment.

If a complaint is filed, the recently passed Community and Safety Act should compel the Cobourg police to enforce the law.

Cobourg taxpayer
Reply to  Bryan
4 months ago

Bryan, sadly the trespass order has been allowed to expire and is no longer in effect. The enablers are insuring that the number of illegal squatters grows every day. Inaction on the part of every level of government has allowed this to happen.
If the rumours are correct and the squatters are preparing to camp at West headland/beach, lets see how quickly they are cleared out as bylaw clearly says ‘no living in a tent in Cobourg’ (zoning bylaw 85-3003, section 5.19, page 35)

Reply to  Bryan
4 months ago

If all the no trespassing signs on the property are any indication it looks like the province as property owner has requested that the encampment be cleared by Cobourg By-law. Maybe someone should ask the Mayor why they are not enforcing the by-law? They might also ask him why he hasn’t repealed the by-law that is stalling the opening of the shelter. And while their at it ask him why he doesn’t feel the need to respond to the Chief Commissions letter?

Ken Strauss
Reply to  CAD
4 months ago

Repeal the bylaw, CAD? You can’t be serious!

4 months ago

As I for one have not seen any Contingency Plan or a New Improved
Camp Location being offered up by all or any of our Political Whiz Bangs
of any level .
I would think that the Cobourg Beach would be looking like a mighty good
Camp grounds in another week or two .
So what other Options that are being suggested .
Why not Open the Gates to BrookSide all the services and facilities are there
and inplace.

Concerned Taxpayer
4 months ago

The folks at the encampment have lost any incentive to get better or be rehabilitated because everything is being done for them. Thus, the encampment and its membership will only continue to grow. Cobourg does not want to be the County Tent City Capital.
So what? Call David Piccini to task – email, write, visit. I would like an account on how many millions of dollars have been spent to date on this encampment and additional policing and security costs by allowing it to persist. This is not sustainable plus Cobourg taxpayers should not be on the hook for these extra expenses. I am working full time to pay my bills only to see my hard working dollars flow right out again? This has to stop now!

The County and Province and the Health Unit need to step up to provide Mental Health and Addiction services to offset this spending spree!

small town Ontario
Reply to  Concerned Taxpayer
4 months ago

I agree, email, write, visiting must continue to keep the focus on these very serious issues, that are directly affecting all of us in Cobourg. I was happy to see the letter from Town of Cobourg. Why was it not copied to Piccini? Why is he not responding to residents on this very serious issue? In the past he has been active and verbal in NC. Why silent now??
If the province, and the M of I do not respond in a timely manner, with some real answers to solve this problem then I for one am at my wits end.

Reply to  Concerned Taxpayer
4 months ago

I have written David as it is his responsibility to make a stand for the people that voted in the majority conservative government in Ontario. I have had no response as everyone in Politics is dodging making a stand and that is what is wrong with our western societies. It is David’s responsibility to take our needs to the government and get this encampment removed l. I would like to know where these folks are from as we had very few people on the street in Cobourg over the past 30 years. Yet during COVID we had the students at home and cafeteria of the East high school filled with people. Who took it upon themselves to bring these people to Cobourg to our school as they are responsible for this problem. We have to pressure David and write the premier to get this fixed. It is for sure that this encampment just didn’t arrive there with our local and County staff owing about it? Why wasn’t it left outside the county building the paramedics use?? The only other pressure we can exert is to stop paying our taxes until this encampment is removed. Our real estate values have be negatively affected by what is going on and the future of Cobourg is at issue once potential newcomers realize the problems that that local council and County can’t deal with. Who would want to move here when taxes are at 1.58 per thousand assessed value. The taxes are in the top ten of towns in Ontario. Toronto pays 0.66 per thousand.

Reply to  Paul
4 months ago

I had a typo. I should have said this encampment didn’t arrive where it is there without local council and county staff and possibly Provincial staff knowing about it.

Mark Mills
4 months ago

Let’s hope our MPP takes this seriously, when your constituents have a concern, you need to listen and act. The lack of information and a sound plan on dealing with this serious issue is truly unacceptable. Why can’t the police and by law staff enforce the laws? I am getting the impressions they have a do nothing order from somewhere……BTW if someone decides to open a cold adult beverage and have a bbq with family and friends at Victoria Park, do we all get a free pass to to break the municipal by law and provincial laws?

Reply to  Mark Mills
4 months ago

There is a new law I read that allows drinking in the parks in Ontario.

On the other I don’t see any other town or city enforcing the laws and issues Cobourg is having problems with.

On a prior Blog it was explained in detail the Federal laws that were made by the current Liberal government surpass any authority of the Province or Municipal governments. Until there is an election in 2025 there is little that can be done and in that election not only do the Liberals have to be removed from power but the supportive Federal NDP if you want any change to the current situation. That is the solution, the blame belongs with them not other levels of government or police services everywhere. You may want to have a look at the Toronto Sun. Lilley reports there with regard to Toronto and their plans to adopt the decriminalization of drugs which B.C. has found failed mightily and plans to rescind.

Mark Mills
Reply to  Dave
4 months ago

Hi Dave

Do you have a last name. 100% agree with you about the 2025 election!! I am not sure it is legal to drink alcohol in municipal parks in Ontario. City of Toronto did approve 25 (?) Parks to drink in. Maybe they can do that with the special powers (city of toronto act) Are you suggesting the lawlessness and the lack of accountability we are experiencing in Cobourg, I.e. illegal drug use,assaults, thefts of property etc.etc. by people in the encampment being controlled by the federal Liberal /NDP government? Did he tell our local politicians and police chief / board to stop enforcing criminal codes and municipal code???? When our neighbors property is being stolen and they have to confront the thief in the encampment to get their property back because Police would not deal with it that IS A PROBLEM ! They need to do better or as we have seen people will take matters into their own hands and that is not good!

Reply to  Mark Mills
4 months ago

If I empty my pool or hot tub into a street culvert, as a taxpayer I’m held responsible. If I don’t cut my grass for several months, as a taxpayer I’m held responsible. If I have a small fire in my back yard, as a taxpayer I’m held responsible. If I park my car on the boulevard, as a taxpayer I’m held responsible. If on Saturday I sit in a school yard, with an open bottle of beer, as a taxpayer I’m held responsible. If I smoke a bong on the beach, as a taxpayer I’m held responsible. If I steal my neighbours bike or his sunglasses from inside his car, as a taxpayer I’m held responsible.

Why are those who do not contribute, not held responsible. I’m tired of the kid-glove approach to lawlessness – it doesn’t work and it never has. Remove the Brokeside encampers, arrest them for each and every time they break the law – if they won’t leave on their own force them out. The hardworking, taxpaying, law abiding, voting residents of this community deserve better, and we aren’t getting it from anyone.

Reply to  Mark Mills
4 months ago

Mark – Prior to selecting the Blog subject you wish to read at the bottom of the first page is “older posts”. If you click on that it will take you back where you will be able to access the many lengthy discussions on why the laws are not being enforced and the number of the Federal law which is in effect which govern the actions of enforcement.

In Peterborough a month or so ago a person was trying to reclaim their goods from an encampment person there and was advised by the police they were not entitled to approach and try to reclaim their property. They never go their property back.

I hope this assists you. I see no reason to re-hash the whole subject as it has been covered extensively before on where the laws are originating and why no one is acting.

Reply to  Dave
4 months ago

Disheartens me to see the down votes, especially after the excellent prior discussions on the Blog of how this all came about. But worse, the down votes indicate to me that people are still not placing the blame for the restricting laws where it belongs and in 2025 will again vote in the government who made these laws enabling what has been occuring since they passed them. All I can say is thank goodness I don’t live beside the encampment – I really pity the immediate people living next to the encampment and the stress all this has brought to them.

Reply to  Dave
4 months ago

While the Liberal government’s policies are to lax, and have contributed to the undesirable mess Cobourg has become, there are many laws and By Laws CPS and By Law officers could enforce. But they do not, and have assumed the roles of Social Service workers and not law enforcement.

Immediate improvement could be achieved with a change in the CPS current policing policy/mandate.

Reply to  Rational
4 months ago

Rational – There is a big difference which has taken place over the years in society speaking of lax, not just the encampment but in public attitudes. Social Services being a contributor, benefits for the drop of a hat – drink yourself into a state of wet brain then claim a disability, have children by different men, claim benefits. Judicial system with a strong contingency of judges appointed by current and prior liberal thinking government, adult children living at home jobless though choice, sentences suspended as due to background and judicial past decisions. Canada from being Canada the good go becoming a country of rabid racists. Or so we are told when anyone speaks the truth.
If it were up to me I would have started by clearing all encampments, instituing choices of jails or rehab – fail rehab and go to jail or those too far gone a lock down ward in a mental institution.
The down votes indicate to me and the up votes to others of who support the current government after the election in 2025 tell me you should be prepared for a further downward slide in society as the cause of it all – the Liberal lax rules are not what are being blamed.

Last edited 4 months ago by Dave
Reply to  Rational
4 months ago


My understanding, based on info from a “legal eagle” is:
-The new Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA) came into force on April 1, places the onus on the Police Services Board to ensure that the police force provides adequate and effective policing (section 10).
-Section 11 defines effective policing as providing enforcement of statues including the Criminal Code and drug legislation. The exception is Police are not expected to enforce municipal bylaws.

From this, I expect the police to arrest and charge wrong doers. To comply with the CSPA mandates and do their job.
If the Crown (prosecution) and/or the courts choose not to prosecute and release the arrested person(s), that’s up to the Attorney General (Fed & Prov).

The actions of the Crown and Court do not determine what the police should be doing.

Reply to  Bryan
4 months ago

Bryan makes me feel so much safer to know the police can arrest and we will continue to read the suspect was released – catch and release.
What we have been saying – the judicial system is too politically governed by various recently passed laws and judicial precedent.

Last edited 4 months ago by Dave
Reply to  Dave
4 months ago


I don’t think anyone should feel safer yet. The CSPA only came into effect at the beginning of April. I doubt the CPSB has had time to consider/approve new policies for the Cobourg cops.

It is unknown if the cops (chief) will push back.

Reply to  Bryan
4 months ago

I guess you missed my sarcasm in the first line Bryan – not directed at you but at this legislation.
I have maintained throughout my postings the Federal laws passed allow the lack of governance on drug use, encampments, criminal behaviour with little to no penalty. To steal a line from The Big Rock Candy Mountain – “the jails are made of tin – you can walk right out again as soon as you are in.” No wonder police everywhere are frustrated.

Reply to  Dave
4 months ago

I thought the Police mandate was to enforce laws. It is not the Police’s decision to look the other way because they view the courts will just release the law breaker. If someone is arrested enough times then a judge may very well hold them.

Yes current federal policies are responsible for this mess, but there is still a lot enforcement can do.

Reply to  Rational
4 months ago

All I see in the paper is arrested, court appearance, released. Car jackings so popular now as there is little to no penalty. Popular to get young offenders as well as drug distribution crimes.
Besides I also read the person has been arrested multiple times. Out on own recognance, violating prior conditions – released again.

Last edited 4 months ago by Dave
Reply to  Dave
4 months ago

I saw your sarcasm and chose to ignore it.

Reply to  Bryan
4 months ago

I hope you have not taken it personally it was directed at the legislation Bryan. I am as fed up as anyone with this situation and others which are not held to account under the judicial system. I do read of multiple arrests, people on trial with multiple arrest histories and still get off with light or no sentencing. My frustration people not placing the blame where it belongs and acting to correct by not re-electing the party responsible for this mess with their soft laws.
On the news – Mayor Chow has asked Toronto decriminalize drugs for their jurisdiction just as B.C. did and is now trying to rescind. Policing the mess there apparently is akin to counting grains of sand on the beach with little result from all the efforts of arrest. However I do recall our very own police chief saying he was advised by an attorney general not to flood the courts with arrests. Pete Fisher after contacting judiciary and getting opposite answer asked the Chief for comment – the chief did not return the call.

Last edited 4 months ago by Dave
4 months ago

Well better late than never I say. Not that Mayor will ever get a answer to this letter. The police and bylaw has every right to enforce the law but they choose not to. It’s a circle of passing the buck. What are they afraid of ? Missy ? Jenni ? And don’t even say it’s the waterloo crap. That’s BS. Every town has rules and regulations that EVERYONE has to abide by. God forbid the rest of the residents don’t, we all would be charged. I say do your damn job , take control or the residents will start taking control. If we have to come up infront of a judge for taking back our town then so be it. What will they do when we state the FACT that no one , not bylaw, not cops , not provincial end ever does the right thing.
I can tell you that if and when one of these encampment people EVER encounters me on my property, in the streets doing wrong, I certainly will do what I need to do. Do your jobs so we don’t have to.

4 months ago

Why not move them in side the fence at Brookside wash rms & showers avail.
Get my drift !

Reply to  Sandpiper
4 months ago

Brookside has everything needed to become a Perfect rehab centre, including security to keep druggies away totally from the neighbours around. The law also allows for a short term Confinement (6months if I remember) of chronic drug abusers. A short court procedure is required but not a full jury and judge court case. Such a facility could be a big step towards slowing down or even stopping the Homeless/Drug issue. And in a few years the Rehabbed Drug Addicts will be in the news to thank us and brag about their recovery. If a society does not address a problem then it will only get worse and that Is Were We Are At !

A similar program in a town in British Columbia has had great results. The cost of their program has been LESS than what they have ALREADY saved in Policing costs. Wow!

Reply to  Doug
4 months ago

Hey Doug – great idea but perhaps there are buildings in Port Hope, Grafton, Colborne and Brighton that might work just as well. Maybe, just a thought here, Cobourg doesn’t need to become the Transition House community for all of Northumberland County. Perhaps all this good and important rehabbing could get shared because quite frankly, its really screwed up what was a wonderful and safe town.

Reply to  Rob
4 months ago

I agree, Rob. Living in the downtown area where at one time it was possible to take a quiet walk in the evening, drop into the bank machine, grab a light snack, ease into a restaurant, catch a show at Victoria Hall, circle around the harbour and beach front enjoy the piper at sunset….all for the last five to six years have been compromised or abandoned due to a failed effort on behalf of the County to manage an effective program of housing and assistance for those in need. This has resulted in increasing numbers of people with addiction and mental health running amok without firm direction to improvement of their situation and redirection of their behaviour that they need . The Town, as a whole ,is saturated with this movement of enabled toleration of lawless, uncontrolled, unhealthy living that is impacting us all adversely. Nowhere is this more obvious as in the troubled triangle and proximity of the encampment where we property owners, businesses and citizens who frequent these areas have suffered and continue to do so.

Reply to  Downtowner
4 months ago

Add to this that all of this has occurred before opening 310 Division as a mega shelter application…Cobourg is indeed saturated. …

Reply to  Sandpiper
4 months ago

Exactly sandpiper! One dorm should be kept for repairs. Those that are too far gone should be in a facility.

Last edited 4 months ago by Cathy
4 months ago

I, for one ,am pleased that our Mayor is flexing a little muscle on behalf of our Town. He has been successful in pointing out (regarding 310 Division) that the concerns of citizens that he has received are playing a large part in his efforts as of late.
An apology to MSTH for something only they felt insulting was not presented. A scolding from the Human Rights Commission was received, but because no wrong was committed, only concern voiced, also noted but not acted on. This recent public notice to the the Province and Infrastructure Ontario to step up and at least come on scene and be a responsible property owner in our Town is similar to the expectation of the County effort through Transition House to exist in our Town as any other business or resident does, showing respect for neighbours and abiding by the bylaw structure in place designed maintain a standard of wellness and beauty for all residents.
Hopefully this momentum is sustained, and eventually our bylaw department will replicate this stronger approach.

4 months ago

Creek’s running just fine. Watched it all afternoon.

Reply to  Robert
4 months ago

Doesn’t tell you what has been deposited in it …..infrastructure needs to be resposible

Reply to  Downtowner
4 months ago

Well you know what they are dumping in the creek from buckets early morning after a night of rainy tenting .
So why is the GRCA or MOE not involved or is that real work and they might have to leave the desk ?
complaints were sent in months ago

Reply to  Downtowner
4 months ago

Can you imagine the untreated excrement that is being deposited in the creek/lake that your unsuspecting children swim in or people fish in. Time to dismantle all encampments no matter on whose land they live on.

Reply to  Tucker
4 months ago

I can imagine, and it’s too scary for words. If there is no respect for oneself…’s a far reach to expect respect for neighbours and surroundings

Reply to  Robert
4 months ago

The creek runs into the lake. Do we want all their “garbage” in our lake?

Reply to  Beachwalker
4 months ago

Hopefully the ministry and police collected the syringes, condoms and garbage that has collected at the mouth of the creek. Sad times when you can’t take your dogs or children down to the water’s edge for fear of being jabbed by a needle.

Reply to  Lynn
4 months ago

Also property owners at the mouth of the creek have had their properties contaminated…,where is the restitution for these people and assistance to cleanse their property. Like us downtown, we are left to pick up after these poorly behaving adult- children as they have no remorse for their actions or concern for the harm we as neighbours are exposed to as we continue to try to keep our properties tidy. All of the free assistance ends up on the street as refuse, even if a litter container is nearby.

Reply to  Robert
4 months ago

The ministry and police were at the creek on Sunday and cleared the creek.

Reply to  Sonya
4 months ago

And who was held responsible?

Reply to  Rob
4 months ago

How would I know. We are told nothing in this town.I know that a person from the encampment had a shopping cart full of rocks and he was seen putting them in the creek. Damming the creek up. The ducks were going crazy and the fish had spawned.the ministry was notified numerous times. The environmental officers and the police were at the creek Sunday clearing out the rock and I know that because they were seen. How do we know anything in this town. Wheres the news source?

Reply to  Sonya
4 months ago

Sorry Sonya, it was a rhetorical question. We ALL know that no one was held accountable because holding homeless addicts accountable is too threatening and isn’t meeting people where they are.

Reply to  Sonya
4 months ago

Did they clean the lake also ? All sewage from that creek will wash over to the Town Beach! That current is why there is so much sand in that area.

Reply to  Robert
4 months ago

Oh it is now that authorities stepped in. What part of this mess don’t you get ? You seem to not know the difference nor do you even see what a disaster that whole situation is

4 months ago

Maybe the Province and IO are waiting for the sale to close and the new owner will be responsible. Didn’t somebody tells us the property would be sold in weeks, a number of weeks ago? Damming the creek is something to do in your free time. Quite a stupid thing. Too bad they have so much free time. If only they could find jobs. Jobs like the student from India who has been in Canada for two months, lives in Peterborough and drives to Cobourg found. Didn’t Mr. Kneilands tell us some of the people living in tents are skilled trades people? It would explain all the work going on at area 51 John St. and the new dam at Brookside. I wonder if they know how to repair a pier.

Reply to  Kevin
4 months ago

If a sale is imminent, the Town should put a lien on the property. Only lift the lien when either the Province or the ‘new owner’ complies with the Bylaw and remedies whatever damages/changes affected by the current squatters.

Cobourg taxpayer
4 months ago

I hope the Mayor gets a more detailed response then I have had from the relevant authorities. Recently IO said they provide porta-a-potties, a garbage bin and security. IO refers to Northumberland County, Cobourg Police and Fire all working collaboratively to solve the complex social issues for the squatters at Brookside. In other words IO has done its part. The minister of IO and the Premier have never responded to my emails. As many suspected Jenni Frenke admits she sits on a committee that would bring sleeping cabins to Brookside but ‘ there are no current plans, especially with this current council’. I feel the squatters are holding out for sleeping cabins and are being coached to sit tight until permanent no barrier housing is provided. The local tax paying residents observing the daily drug fueled behaviour around us just sit and wait patiently for some one in authority to do something.

small town Ontario
Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
4 months ago

from the Agenda Northumberland County Social Services Committee meeting Apr. 3/24 – 9:30 am
#7e If i find the Jenni Frenke letter to NCSS I will post it, but here is the receiving and accepting of the correspondence. So, as of this month still trying for their sleeping cabins.

7e- The Correspondence, Northumberland Sleeping Cabin Collective ‘Advocating for Sleeping Cabins for Transitional Emergency Housing in Northumberland’ Committee Resolution 2024-04-03-237 Moved By Warden Brian Ostrander Seconded By Deputy Warden Olena Hankivsky “That the Social Services Committee receive the correspondence from the Northumberland Sleeping Cabin Collective regarding ‘Advocating for Sleeping Cabins for Transitional Emergency Housing in Northumberland for information; and Further That the Committee recommend that County Council receive this correspondence for information.” Carried

4 months ago

The Town has agreed 310 can open, the County is stalling as they don’t want to operate under Town by-laws, the Province won’t file a trespass notice, the Feds ignore the great number of encampments and issue laws which govern how they may be dismantled. Reminds me of the saying “For lack of a nail the Kingdom was lost”
The only bright side in these events is B.C. is now recinding the law on decriminalizing drugs. Let us hope mayors of other centres are listening – I have heard of one mayor of a large city who wants to do just that decriminalize drugs despite the proved disaster it has shown to be.
Of course the encampment is growing, Spring is here. In a few weeks in driving by I wouldn’t be surprised to see hot dog vendors. Get your hot dog, get ’em right here!

Last edited 4 months ago by Dave
Reply to  Dave
4 months ago

I like the suggestion that a cottage industry could begin at the encampment., jest by you Dave, for sure nothing gainful will ever be ventured by this community. As long as there needs to be no effort on the occupants part and supplies keep arriving, it will continue.If anything a new enterprise would cut into the drug dealing business already in place and unaddressed.

beach lover
Reply to  Dave
4 months ago

I think the spring weather has also begin to draw people to West Beach as there are now several shopping carts laden with construction material and household items, open fires and groups of people with open bottles drinking on the beach.

Reply to  beach lover
4 months ago

Thumbs up ?

curious in cobourg
4 months ago

It goes without saying, the “residents” at the Brookside encampment have dammed the creek so they can have a pond/lake to float the boat they currently have parked there. Maybe some water skiing or fishing. Life in tents can be dreary so new pass times are in order.

Old Sailor
Reply to  curious in cobourg
4 months ago

Went for a walk today with The Old Doll. We observed “the boat” moored on the lawn at that infamous John Street address. Perhaps being provisioned with goodies for the encampment vagrants. Its a lot asier to fill a boat with “stuff” and tow it around than gathering those items in dozens of No Frills shopping carts.

Reply to  Old Sailor
4 months ago

Also a newly added closed in porch, hiding future shenanigans…..hope there was a building permit. Warming hub due to close….the bee hive at this property and it’s adjacent dwelling will be buzzing !!

small town Ontario
Reply to  curious in cobourg
4 months ago

There is a word on a piece of material hanging between trees. The word is GRUNDY, I think. Anyone know the meaning?

Reply to  small town Ontario
4 months ago

Also a new sign People not the camp,….not sure which way to take this .So if we want people not problems … you go because there are obvious problems here …..if you folks want to be seen as people and not as problems ,which is lm sure the hope,,…maybe start acting as people and stop causing problems

Sam Westcott
Reply to  small town Ontario
4 months ago

Brad Gundy. Unfortunately od’d recently. Was not a bad person originally. Another example of damage that dugs have done and will continue to do unless they can be somehow stopped.

Reply to  Sam Westcott
4 months ago

Hand in glove with a recognition that a reformed life is so much more cool than a drug dependant ,social service reliant existence…….won’t happen until the WOKE movement champions healthy living over indulged acceptance of a dangerous path.

Reply to  Downtowner
3 months ago

All is quiet on the 310 Division street Front? Behind the public eye the County will be trying every effort to make the property a “fait complee”
3$ M to buy and 2.5 $M given to renovate means they cannot walk away from their intent to make Cobourg the druggies den. Our Town bylaw holding directors of TH responsible for actions of the inmates will not stand real scrutiny in a higher court. We need a top class advocate. The only hope is that it gets used to help the poor homeless, not the drug afflicted.
Now that the Encampment has firmly established itself and the Town and Police are pandering to its existence what bold moves can be made to remove this blight from a bucolic landscape

  1. so IO wants 9.1$M for the land . Any offers yet? Has anyone any knowledge of any Bids.
  2. The town should think outside the Box .A ,PPP joint venture with IO and a learning institution and a commercial entity is not beyond a reasonable use. It could also be the best Summer camp for Tim Hortons while the students are away! The old house a perfect Art Gallery ( Spin off from Art gallery Toronto with all its subsidies)
  3. Lets hope this eyesore is done away with before it grows even worst