Mayor Cleveland Cleared of Breach of Code of Conduct

Last November, someone complained to Cobourg’s Integrity commissioner (who knew we had one?) that Mayor Cleveland had violated the Code of Conduct by harassing her.  The “complainant’s”; name is not provided but it’s probably someone active in the Town.  Anyway, the Commissioner, Lawyer Tony E. Fleming of “Cunningham Swan”, found no breach of the Code – the complaint was not proved.  The episode will no doubt cost taxpayers for the Lawyer’s time and if you read the report, you can decide for yourself what to think.  The commissioner sent his report to Brent and Brent is making it public at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee on September 3.  One of the requirements of the governing Municipal Act is that Council make these reports public.

Let me try to summarize:


  • Complaint Received – November 15, 2023
  • Preliminary review completed
  • Complaint sent to Member – December 27, 2023
  • Member’s response received – February 9, 2023
  • Complainants’ response received – March 29, 2024
  • Interviews conducted – April 2024

“Member” refers to Lucas.

Complaint Summary

The allegation was that Mayor Cleveland accosted the complainant on the street on November 6, 2023 and made several comments that were a breach of the Code of Conduct. The complaint also alleged that Lucas then continued to message the complainant on Facebook after the interaction in breach of the Code of Conduct.

After getting input from both the complainant and Lucas, the “facts”; were established to be :

  • Lucas said hello on the street to the Complainant
  • Then he said “do you know what [name] is doing?”; (The complainant said he was yelling this).
  • He then asked the complainant why she was supporting the individual and stated that he couldn’t work with someone who supports his conduct.
  • Complainant then began yelling at him.
  • Shortly after, on Facebook, Lucas apologized if his comments or behavior were interpreted as being threatening.
  • The complainant alleged that Lucas provided information to her about pending legal proceedings by the Town.  But the Lawyer found that he did not.

Code of Conduct Findings

  • Lucas did not give information to the complainant regarding pending legal proceedings by the Town
  • Lucas was accused of a breach of the code of Conduct with respect to abuse, bullying or intimidation and did not ensure that the work environment was free from discrimination and harassment.  There was no such breach. Lucas was not abusive in any manner and did not have bullying behaviour.

Download the full report here – and note that if my summary conflicts with this, this report takes precedence.


3 Sept 2024. When this item came before the committee, a motion was passed unanimously to receive the report for information purposes. There was no discussion.  

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Laela Kay
2 hours ago

OMG. Im thankful to be living in Cobourg! We do have issues but compared to Toronto who has multiple shootings, stabbings, sexual abuse and the likes, it’s shocking.
Watch CP 24 every night, Toronto and Brampton and even Oshawa are having their share of violence. The Premier of Ontario is losing it, the Mayor is trying to clean up Toronto, she comes from a good place of someone who cares, as does Lucas.

6 days ago

Anybody remember the fiasco at McDonald’s right after he was elected, or the scene at CR Gummow School? The scene on King Street doesn’t seem that out of character for our mayor to me.

Reply to  Frenchy
6 days ago

Exactly, I agree.

Reply to  Frenchy
6 days ago

Hard to say Frenchy. We only got the bare bones of the discussion. Wasn’t impressed to see the complainant has a limited vocabulary though ending the discussion with the an expletive. Best to remember the old adage if someone calls you an a-hole don’t let it upset you it is only their opinion and one must consider the type of person uttering it. Makes for cooler heads.

Reply to  Dave
5 days ago

Hey Dave, my comment was about the mayor, not the complainant.
Remember the old adage about the tiger not being able to change his stripes? If our mayor has at least 2 of these episodes under his belt, who’s not to say he hasn’t had (or will have) more?

Reply to  Frenchy
5 days ago

Please note Frenchy first 2 sentences of my reply. The fact of little info on the incident provided. Wonder how they determined what? Was there a witness? Perhaps that is what decided the mayor was not the aggressor. Otherwise how would it have been determined? Have a nice day.

Last edited 5 days ago by Dave
Reply to  Frenchy
5 days ago

Perhaps if we knew who the complainant was we could add up the assault charges that person has. Thankfully the mayor was cleared of any wrongdoing.

Pete M
Reply to  Sonya
5 days ago

This all goes back to the denial of the small cabins by Council. We have individuals and groups in t his community who refuse to accept council’s decision and have targeted Mayor Cleveland for council’s decision.

Brookside sale will be next big challenge for Cobourg Council. There will those that will accept abd participate in the programs offered by 310 D.

There will remain those who will never give up their protest and opposition until Council relents and gives them small cabins.

The saga continues…

7 days ago

Report aside I would not think this should cost the Tax payers
much if anything . Would this not be covered by the E & O Insurance
provided by and to all of council when they take on the various rolls .
Only an illegal act would not be covered

Reply to  Sandpiper
7 days ago

Why doesn’t the complainant pay. She started it and they found it not to be correct. So why should tax payers pay?

Reply to  Deb
7 days ago

There are two sides to every story. I’m reading that the Mayor said “hello” to her and then started a rather “loud” conversation. Even if this person missed her morning dose of “coffee” a confrontation by both parties should not happen on the downtown street.

Reply to  Tucker
6 days ago

You must not get out much in the Down Town area there is always Yelling & Screaming going on now days even more at night — and considerable # of confrontations granted usually by the un housed , Byt all the same quite common these days

Reply to  Sandpiper
6 days ago

I only go downtown when absolutely necessary. I worked in downtown Cobourg for over 25 years and I’m ashamed to see what it has become. There are no stores, with the exception of Nessies, that interest me. Why are there so many people “unhoused” and in the encampment. Seems it has only sprung up in the last couple of years. Whose fault is this??? and why wasn’t it “nipped in the bud” a long time ago.

Reply to  Tucker
6 days ago

I agree and have been here since 72 the stores Bars / Night clubs , Poolhall , Theater all Gone The Paper Lace impressed me as did Clarks Mens Wear & Allen’s Hardware

7 days ago

That’s a much better process than the County! I filed a Code of Conduct complaint against Ostrander and Martin with the Integrity Commissioner regarding the Dec 6 meeting. He agreed it was ugly, but not offside. The most they get is a slap on the wrist anyway, but the process is a pain and looks bad for them. FOI request are much more effective. It’s been a busy Summer!

7 days ago

Good to know they saw the bull for what it was.

Probably the usual suspect who continually hounds the Mayor and Police Chief.

Linda Mackenzie-Nicholas
7 days ago

thanks so much John for a copy of the report. Much appreciated.

Old Sailor
7 days ago

Perhaps the complainant received a bad lot of drugs that day from the John Street Dispensary. Odd to me that the accused gets their name published for all to see. And the name of the dismissed complainant is kept a secret. No rights for the accused in our Charter of Rights?

7 days ago

Hmmm…..document says Member apologized…….for actions not found credible…