Will Encampment Move to a Cobourg Park?

With talk of a sale of the Brookside property, people are assuming that the campers will be evicted but are wondering where they will go.  James Bisson will bring this question to the Community Services, Protection, and Economic Development Standing Committee at their meeting on September 4.  Some will no doubt go to the new Transition House due to open in September but others will look for new locations for their tents.  The latest version of Cobourg’s Parks bylaw (022-2016 – see links below) bans tents in Parks with an exception that allows the County CAO to “permit such individuals [in need of shelter] to erect and be within temporary structures, on municipal lands without a permit”. James will be asking that this exception not be allowed.

The recommendation by James is:

Implement a “Tenting and Encampment By-law” to prevent the continuation of Encampments in the Town of Cobourg.  The by-law should prohibit tents in public spaces and limit tents to a max of 2 on private spaces for a limited time without a permit. The by-law would be similar to 022-2016 but apply to all spaces within the Town. Increase funding for By-law Enforcement to reduce pressure on EMS resources.

The reference by James to by-law 022-2016 is for the original bylaw – see Resources.  The change to the by-law was no doubt because of a more recent by-law that resulted in changes.  The bylaw clearly states:

9.0 Encroachment
9.1 While in a park, no person shall encroach upon or take possession of any park or part of any park by any means whatsoever including:
a) The construction, installation or maintenance of any fence, storage shed, retaining wall, or other structure of any kind;

17.0 Camping and Lodging
17.1 No person shall dwell, camp, or lodge in any park, excluding the Victoria Parks Campground.


17.2 Where the Northumberland County CAO, being ultimately responsible for Social Services as the Service Manager for the Town of Cobourg in consultation with the Town of Cobourg, is satisfied that the number of locally available shelter beds is less than the number of individuals in need of shelter, the Northumberland County CAO may permit such individuals to erect and be within temporary structures, on municipal lands without a permit otherwise required by this By-law for such time and subject to such conditions and restrictions as the Northumberland County CAO may from time to time establish.

But the exception means that the clauses banning encampments are not in effect.  It’s not clear how or why the exception got added.


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Concerned Taxpayer
9 days ago

Can someone please explain why Cobourg has a homelessness issue and encampments and Port Hope does not? Why and why not?

Reply to  Concerned Taxpayer
9 days ago

If I read other posts correctly, over the past 20 or so years, Northumberland County elected to centralize social services in Cobourg – prior to COVID and our current government the ‘load’ as it were was supportable with the resources available here. Today, demand outstrips supply and we have what we have.

That’s my drawn in crayons take on the situation fwiw.

10 days ago

My comment in no way is meant to minimize our issues in Cobourg. Just another perspective, and I’ll draw my conclusion at the end.

I was in Oshawa for an appointment yesterday, and after my appointment I walked east on King to where my wife was shopping. It was about a 4k stroll.

The downtown on King Street wasn’t all that bad to be honest. A couple of abandoned buildings had the smell of urine and a few homeless people hanging out but not doing anything that caused me to feel unsafe.

Fast forward to farther east, I was in the vicinity of a high school. Came across a bunch of teens who were walking and met up with two older teens – money was exchanged and a package of drugs handed over. No one hiding anything. The teens were not homeless, if anything they appeared to be from families that aren’t struggling at all.

My point to all of this – there are 3 separate issues and we are sometimes guilty of mashing them together.

  1. There are people who are truly struggling to find and afford a place. I have no problem helping them.
  2. Trafficking of hard drugs happens whether it is in tent cities, or amongst the affluent. The federal criminal code and the decriminlization of certain drugs as well as the changes to the incarceration rates have, in my opinion, contributed to the rise in overt trafficking. Police and judges have no tools to provide any deterrence to this any more.
  3. Because of point 2 above, and perhaps the decline of parents who truly parent coupled with children who are getting much more brazen because they know there won’t be any repercussion, those who traffic drugs have access to a much wider market and it is becoming quite the lucrative black market.

All to say – if I were to do some root cause analysis, I go back to the changes to the federal criminal code. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – if we want to correct our society, there needs to be less empathy and more tough love. Jail, for a very long time may ruin the lives of a few ‘vulnerable’ people but will benefit the majority.

This extends to the ‘vulnerable’ who are at Brookside. They have opportunities to get work and pull themselves out of their hole. They choose not to. Fine. If they are caught trafficking, they should be jailed. if they are trespassing, they should be fined. Can’t pay the fine? Go to the next step. Until we get tough, they will continue to extort and exploit.

My 2 cents minus inflation.


Reply to  NAI
10 days ago

NAI – Look up Doug Ford onYou Tube. That may provide some encouragement to you. He speaks directly on the need to toughen the laws – drugs, car jacking, sentencing. Time he says to reverse what has been happening in Canada these past many years. You have touched on the root causes unfortunately it is even deeper in the values conveyed to many of the young to their life long detriment and feeling of entitlement without effort. Going back to the 80s I was aghast at many that occupied the halfway house I was running at that time. Some young, some in later stages of their life – all the way from petty crime to Federal level crime. The problem has only grown since then.

Reply to  Dave
10 days ago

Interesting, thanks Dave – I watched the clip – it is heartening to hear Ford call on the Feds to toughen legislation.

You ran a halfway house? That must have been one heck of an experience! I’ll need to buy you a coffee or three and hear more about that…!


Reply to  NAI
10 days ago

I have seen many throw their lives away NAI, the successes were fewer but at least for some the light went on. To realize one can make it no matter where they came from or for some indulgent parents from decent backgrounds that did not prepare their child for life. There are many opportunities for those that seek them.

Reply to  Dave
8 days ago

The younger the better…get them the help they need and TRY to put their lives on a better path. Can’t say that the old dogs would benefit.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Liz
7 days ago

And their parents ……where are they ? 🤔🤨

Reply to  NAI
8 days ago

Well said!!

13 days ago

The County is still underestimating the Numbers and only concentrating on the 1 Encampment at Brookside .
But this demand for Housing and the Problems that will remain to be dealt with will keep them all in jobs for quite some time .
Yet the Problem we the Public deal with and see will still be there .

Last night while walking my dog at the waterfront 8 pm. a Black Ford Pick up with 2 men in their 30s stopped on the Esplanade got out and did a Deal to some younger folks in front of spectators and tourists , it was loud enough to hear what was going on while other cars drove around it . Have you ever tried to get through to the Local Police
at Night by phone short of 911 its a good 7 to 10 Mins .

Personally I see No Hope in this whole exercise that Cobourg & County Councils are dragging us through for over 2 yrs now

Reply to  Sandpiper
11 days ago

Unfortunately I had to go downtown this morning. Coming down Division St to Covert I witnessed a drug deal on the street, looked like high school kids. Then in front of the United Church a man sitting on the sidewalk, a crutch beside him and another man just standing there watching him. In a Rubbermaid container was a few plastic bags full of his belongings. As I turned into Covert, I saw three “patrol police” coming up the street. When I finished with my business, went back through the Henley Arcade, the same man with the crutch was sitting on the ground smoking up in the Arcade. This is not something I would have seen just a couple of years ago. Who’s in charge here?? I repeat, if the tent city at the beach had been cleared out two years ago, we would not likely be in such a mess as our town has become.

Reply to  Tucker
10 days ago

To the DBIA, Chamber of Commerce, Town Council…
Did anybody read the first sentence of Tucker’s post?

Reply to  Frenchy
10 days ago

Very good point–you would think they would want to do something about all of this!

Reply to  Frenchy
9 days ago

I read Mayor Cleveland has put forth an agenda to secede from Northumberland County in Todays Northumberland stating through the years Northumberland County has not served Cobourg’s interests. The article went on to say it would take years to withdraw from governance by the County. With the latest moves in the interference from the County by insisting on placing 310 here and attempts to weaken the By-law put forth by Cobourg to allow tenting without permits the sooner the better Cobourg could accomplish this the better.

John Draper
Reply to  Dave
9 days ago

Although the article you quote is correct, I will publish my report on that at 1:00 pm today. Comments on the subject of severance from the County should be on that post. Meanwhile, note that “years to withdraw” was an opinion stated by Councillor Bureau with no factual basis (although he may be right).

Reply to  Tucker
10 days ago

Unfortunately i had a similar experience, Monday morning at 10:06 am i stopped at the Bank of Montreal ABM and there was a homeless person sleeping in the corner of the lobby.

Reply to  Ken
10 days ago

This looks like it will become or has already become the “norm” for this town. Such a shame, we’ve lost. Putting them in 310 Division will not solve this problem either.

13 days ago

Exception17.2 Where the Northumberland County CAO, being ultimately responsible for Social Services as the Service Manager for the Town of Cobourg in consultation with the Town of Cobourg, is satisfied that the number of locally available shelter beds is less than the number of individuals in need of shelter, the Northumberland County CAO may permit such individuals to erect and be within temporary structures, on municipal lands without a permit otherwise required by this By-law for such time and subject to such conditions and restrictions as the Northumberland County CAO may from time to time establish.

JD asks a valid question about the exception “ It’s not clear how or why the exception got added.”
Did NC request it? Did “staff” decide to add it?

Additional info needed:
-does NC have a bylaw empowering the CAO to declare a shelter emergency?
-what are the criteria?
-what are the criteria for determining if the shelter emergency is over?
-should a shelter emergency have a specified time limit?
-does the shelter emergency consider ALL of NC’s shelter facilities of just those in a specific “affected” area?
-as I noted in a previous comment, why are Town lands to be used instead of NC properties?
-why not use ALL NC properties regardless of location?
-if NC has a bylaw/policy to enable the CAO to declare a shelter emergency, does it specify that NC is totally responsible for all costs?
-why Town parks? Could non-park properties be “better”

Perhaps these questions will be answered at the Sept 5th NC social services meeting

Reply to  Bryan
11 days ago

Bryan you have raised burning questions we all would like the answers to. Have you submitted these questions for answer to either the Cobourg Council for their next meeting as well as the County?

14 days ago

If this amendment (exception) was voted 7-0 in favour by town coucil last August, then I believe the encampment was already established and in the process of moving about at the time they voted on this. Wouldn’t the existence of an encampment and the beginnings of the “troubles” associated with its residents, have raised some doubt as to the wisdom of handing over such authority to the CAO of the County? Hindsight….

Reply to  Jet
14 days ago

Also, was this amendment a formal request from the County? Informal? Why then? Original bylaw was 2016. Were they preparing? We saw how quickly the encampment was dealt with on County property. Seems fishy.

Last edited 14 days ago by Jet
Reply to  Jet
11 days ago

The Council was probably thinking this was going away and they were just passing the Buck to get it out of their Hands It didn’t work so now they know not to Trust the County ?? You Think — Not !
But on that same Note —Have you seen any of our Council out in Public Short of Adam B they are all in Hiding

14 days ago

JD has provided several resource references including the BL amendments, voting results and the recorded vote (7-0) It is well worth watching the video regarding agenda item 12.1.
See Minutes section 12.1.1 Go here
In particular:
-Brent’s discussion of the intent and workings of the BL and amendments
-Darling (min 44:00) good concerns
-Mutton (47:00) good concerns
-Cleveland (51:00) Control by Town and avoid costs
-Mutton (52:00) Cobourg vs County property.
-Mutton (59:00) Material provided to Council just prior to the meeting. No time for reading, understanding or research
-Recorded vote (1:35:30) 7-0

The question of why Cobourg property instead of NC property was not dealt with. I suggest NC establish emergency encampments on its own property first: NC offices, court house, NC social housing, GPL.

It was stated numerous times that NC would “get permits” only in emergency situations. There was no indication how the Town could terminate the “permits” and end NC’s ability to create/facilitate encampments on Town property.

Good to see some Council members, especially Clr Mutton, being persistent and asking good questions (in spite of incomplete and very late documentation delivery).

Also good to see Clr Mutton forcefully pushing back and taking issue with her comments being miss-quoted and miss-represented by another member of Council.

These BL amendments were made in August 2023. The Town’s ECE by-law was enacted in March 2024

Last edited 14 days ago by Bryan
Give me a break
Reply to  Bryan
14 days ago

Great points ….. I agree that the encampments should move to NC land as they are responsible for providing services like they do at Transition House and the newly acquired 310 ….. besides that would mean that they are closer to NHH, EMS, CFD and local shopping …. Unfortunately the current Warden and the other mayors (excluding our Mayor Cleveland) do not have the “cahunas” to do so and now that they discovered a mini encampment in Port Hope this would be an opportunity to move a few over there for the Mayor to deal with ….

14 days ago

Today is International Overdose Awareness Day. There is some information in front of Victoria Hall. Perhaps good news that it is much smaller than last year. With OD deaths on the rise, despite all the so-called harm reduction practices and safe drugs, people may finally understand that addicts need rehab. Maybe people wouldn’t be so upset with safe drugs if these drugs were not being sold by dealers and getting more people addicted. In Cobourg we are very much aware of the effects of drugs including overdoing and homelessness. What we don’t know is if exception 17.2 will be used and which park(s). Is Donegan too close to CCI? Surely not Victoria park but it is relatively close to 310 Division.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Kevin
13 days ago

“Maybe people (law abiding citizens) wouldn’t be so ” upset” ” if safe drugs were given to addicts “??!!
Addicts need rehab ..unfortunately their “rights” grant refusal to accept treatment which is an ever increasing percentage of unknown data statistics.

Illegal drugs are Illegal and a serious expanding threat to a law abiding society.

Should alcoholics receive “safe” alcohol treatment ?

Reply to  Bill Thompson
13 days ago

Bill, you didn’t copy my quote exactly which changes what I was intending to say. People (law abiding citizens) may still be upset but not as upset if the safe drugs only went to addicts. Some of the so-called safe drugs end up being sold by dealers. This makes the drug problem worse.

There is some good news:
“The province reversed course in April 2024 amid record-breaking overdose cases and growing public safety concerns, making it illegal to use these drugs in certain public places, such as inside hospitals, on transit, and in parks.” (the province of B.C.)
In Albert drug deaths dropped in May to the lowest in 4 years.
“Mental Health and Addictions Minister Dan Williams said his government is “cautiously optimistic” about this trend, attributing it to the adoption of a recovery-based approach to the drug crisis. The model offers a community-based system of care that focuses on prevention, treatment, and long-term recovery support.”

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Kevin
13 days ago

What drugs are “safe” ?
If they are “safe”why aren’t they sold over the counter legally ?

Reply to  Bill Thompson
12 days ago

Drugs of anre only “safe

Reply to  Downtowner
12 days ago

Sorry , above sent before completion. …Hard Drugs are only safe if prescribed and used for the intended individual and consumed as instructed for the time period and dosage advised, under a Doctor’s supervision. These drugs often fall into hands of other than the intended patient and then sold on the street, at profit. Seeking euphoria, addicts will combine over the counter , easily available substances, resulting in that state. Even these will be offered on the street at profit to dealers, taking into consideration that many of these folks are banned from pharmacies for stealing. The basis for all of this mess is self indulgence, without regard for consequences and consuming for other than the intended purpose as relief from a medical condition. The illegal drugs are just that and also unregulated resulting in the crisis we are in. In my opinion, this is exactly why street addiction requires people to become patients in a controlled medical facility to make positive change and recovery,not indulgence of the situation many of them created for themselves by relying on substances to soothe and redirect their pain or problem.There is assistance that is readily available to soothe troubled situations and recognizing whatever the problem is/ was to land them here needs personal effort to overcome not unsupervised , random, dangerous medication. Their very culture extends the problem as seldom do you here of them encouraging one another to seek change . I hear only of the advice to one another that they don’t need to work…..get ODSP…no need to shop…someone drops off food….no need to worry about shelter…..someone will provide…no need to worry about overdose…someone will call 911. It is some else’s fault that they are here and that someone will pay. I suggest that someone takes charge and contains and corrects because this needs to happen……clear thinking for those who are deluding themselves that this is a positive existence.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Downtowner
4 days ago

Until dealing drugs of any kind is changed into a serious lawful offence requiring long jail term and hard work ,it will remain and increase.
Dealers are killers and should be treated as such.,as generation(s) of all ages are being destroyed.

Reply to  Bill Thompson
8 days ago

Their rights to “grant refusal to accept treatment” should be thrown out the window if they are convicted of a crime. Give them jail time and rehab.

Reply to  Liz
4 days ago

Sad commentary when criminal rights trump that of law abiding citizens.

14 days ago

Cobourg is not a large mega city and has limited resources. It has established a generous sized residence for a town of this size for people that have no where else to go within the capacity of its tax income. Better 17.2 should read “if there is no room at the “Inn” residence within Cobourg is not plausible. Further such people will be directed to another centre that provides such services.” Myself I am hoping for an election where this massive problem will be addressed and the way it is currently being handled with much more effective government policies. Jail, rehab but you will not infringe on the peaceful enjoyment of the majority of citizens. How did this ever come to be? I have my own ideas but this is about 17.2.

James Bisson
Reply to  Dave
12 days ago

17.2 was a concession between the Town and the County regarding the Encampment. We gave up control of our parks to a bureaucrat in exchange for covering costs. Time to update the bylaws based on where we’re going not where we were.

Reply to  James Bisson
12 days ago

James. Would you know what costs the County are covering? Thank you.

Reply to  Rational
12 days ago

Based on the move to 600 William and organizational mandates:
private Security costs to monitor and evict
site cost including sanitation, garbage,
funding for wrap around services and basic necessities by community partners
These costs were a factor in the Town’s position to provide authority to the County given its mandate on homelessness and the eminent removal of the beach encampment. Keep in mind this initiative took place after the shooting so there was a significant public outcry to do something

Ken Strauss
Reply to  James
12 days ago

James, I’m confused. Most of the costs that you mention are county costs. How was giving an unelected county bureaucrat with a record of hostility to the best interests of Cobourg residents any control over our parkland good for Cobourg? Perhaps worse, how was ceding that control under loosely defined conditions and for an unlimited duration advantageous? How did allowing the county to house addicts in our parks address public safety concerns of the time?

Reply to  Ken Strauss
12 days ago

Ken & James,
James has provided some good information that fills in some gaps regarding the Why of 17.2
Ken’s questions are also good as they extend the area of inquiry.
They should be addressed by NC and Town staff and Cobourg Council.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
11 days ago

As you are probably aware the Idea of Housing is
Problematic in that we may be come Landlords
and presently that LLT Act is a disaster as well
dragging everything thing out for endless periods of time, years in fact . Despite the fact there are plenty of Vacancies that no one seems to beable to afford or want to take on tenants of Dubious nature .
The problem as I see it is due to the fact the Counties and their Squandering of our Tax Dollars
buy dolling it out in social assistance to people without Meaningful Controls & Supervision that ensure the monies are being used in a fashion
that ensures successful recovery and a meaningful life out of Poverty .
These funds are to be used for Food , Shelter
Clothing with full medical & Dental Benefits provided under the Plan at least that’s the way it used to be run . Why or What’s changed is a mystery to me and many Does the County not have anyone doing their Job up there or getting out in the field to inspect these people and have an accounting for what they are provided on a regular basis Like the good Old Days of 2000 when I was a Landlord

Small town lover
14 days ago

Most of our parks have children’s slides etc so I don’t think an encampment would be a good idea for the kids. Regarding the building on Division St what are the plans for it when, because of the rules , people refuse to move in.

Reply to  Small town lover
14 days ago

My understanding is that the exception to staying in the park is only if no space is available. So, too bad if you don’t like rules; you either stay in the space provided or ??? hopefully leave town. By the way, kudos to Cobourg Police. I had company from out of town last Saturday. We exited The Market and S’more when we observed the police directing people with tents out of the park. This was all dealt with in a very professional manner.

Reply to  Small town lover
14 days ago

And the Ford Govt has decided to do away with these sort of sites
especially in high visibility and areas of high public impact .
The Depreciation of Home and real estate values in areas surrounding these sort of Low Barrier Housing sites is having a huge impact on peoples lives and future and financial well being . Where is the Compensation for that coming from ??

Reply to  Small town lover
13 days ago

You are forgetting Victoria Park and Rotary Park. Both at risk of being new encampment sites in my opinion.

14 days ago

“t’s not clear how or why the exception got added”…..But if I had a guess, the 3 B’s Amigos had their hands up to vote for it.

Now, the whole Bylaw has no teeth and is completely useless. Another waste of our tax dollars.

Reply to  Kathleen
14 days ago

They all need to be voted out. Time for tough love.They refuse to listen to the citizens of Cobourg. We start locally then provincially and of course federally. Our provincial representative does not have the decency to respond directly to my emails. Fords office just ignored my emails. Locally they blame the county and other levels of government. Provincially they blame Infrastructure Ontario and the federal government. We have very little input with the county they seem to do whatever they want with no regard for the tax payers of Cobourg. We cannot vote them out under the current structure. The local police force is also failing us. The police chief laughing at theft as they are only borrowing the items stolen by trespassers at Brookside. When are our so called leaders going step up and show leadership.
Ford took a step in the right direction closing and restricting so call safe injection sites.He provided more treatment options however more needs to be done on that front. Affordable housing has
been neglected for years by all levels of government.
We cannot force treatment however if they refuse they need to the consequences. How does it make sense to put drugs addicts in government permanent accommodation it they are still addicted and refuse help. We all know that would be a disaster in the making. 310 Division is being set up to fail. The so call leaders have no regard for the citizens paying to bills. I feel for the business and the residents close to 310 under it current structure. Putting a facility in a already struggling downtown will further put Cobourg into further decline.
A hand up should be extended. However if they refuse this could mean the following: legal consequences for trespassing etc. , jail/fines for crime related issues, and stop any financial help for an individual if treatment is refused.Three strikes and you are out.

Death is also a reality unfortunately.

What a mess!

Give me a break
Reply to  Davet
14 days ago

Let’s start with the County as Cobourg cannot do more than they are doing …… unfortunately the other County members and Warden care less about our issues and do not want to share our current burden …..

Lemon Cake
14 days ago

This is the best thing I’ve read on the issue we face in Cobourg – it’s Andre Picard in the Globe and Mail – someone should send it to the county.

Here’s a quote:
“ We are told repeatedly that homeless people and drug users have the right to safe drugs, the right to housing, and the right to take over public space if they are homeless.

But everyone with rights also has responsibilities, including respecting laws.

Taxpaying citizens and business owners in neighbourhoods where homeless encampments exist and where drug users congregate are being told repeatedly by police, politicians and social-service agencies that social disorder is not their problem. That’s unfair and unjust”

John St Resident
Reply to  Lemon Cake
14 days ago

It’s so far out of control total bedlam, this was my day yesterday. My elderly mother went to meet me for a manicure on Division and on the way witnessed an unconscious man with a needle in his arm with a “friend” of his just laughing at him, she called the police (this is afternoon by the way in broad daylight). In the evening walked downtown to see a local musician witnessed a man on George and Covert with his pants partially off and barely breathing totally unconscious and OD. Me and 2 other residents called 911 and paramedics came.

While at the pub I stepped outside for fresh air and paramedics and police were dealing with another man (unsure of details).

At 9 pm we started to walk home and at Division and King a man was accosting people , he had no shirt or shoes on wearing bathing suit bottoms only and a headlamp screaming and running in the road. That corner is WAY too dark by the way. We felt unsafe and called 911. That’s 4 incidents in ONE day. All levels of government are failing us!

Oh and only the day before had to step over a syringe in Victoria park.

Last edited 14 days ago by John St Resident
Reply to  John St Resident
14 days ago

OMG that is insane! Sorry you had to witness all of this in just one day.

Give me a break
Reply to  John St Resident
14 days ago

Sorry to see you experience all this ….. maybe we should have the County CAO, County Warden and the rest of the Mayors (excluding our Cobourg Mayor) stroll down our main streets to experience first hand what we are facing …. Regretfully most of the other Mayors head west or east along the 401 to get home so they will not experience or see what is going on ……

Reply to  Give me a break
14 days ago

And the County CAO heads north to Peterboro. Why would you exclude our Mayor Cleveland, most of this problem has occurred in the last two years, who has been Cobourgs Mayor????? Guess who.

Reply to  Lemon Cake
14 days ago

And the Police get a Raise and a new Building ???
I watch them walk by these situations that John st. described daily as they don’t wish to deal with or touch them either and quite frankly I know 2 officers that want out of here so they can hopefully get Jobs in a community where this kind of police work is not the Norm.

Lemon Cake
Reply to  Sandpiper
14 days ago

Yes although Picard also points out that politicians and social services share the blame which is correct. The sum total of this entire dynamic can be read in the letter the Mayor of Brighton wrote to the people of Cobourg. This is where we are and it’s unjust and there is no recourse seemingly

Give me a break
Reply to  Sandpiper
14 days ago

Unfortunately this is becoming the norm in most of our and towns (except for PH, Brighton and Campbellford) so good luck getting a policing job without such challenges ….. how about our paramedics and fire dept staff who have to actually deal with these folks …. They are hardly ever mentioned.

Reply to  Give me a break
14 days ago

Collingwood ,Bracebridge,Huntsville, Bancroft
Lindsey, Bobcagyn To name a few more
We just have a bunch of Bleeding Heart s
In this Council & Police Dept.

John St Resident
Reply to  Sandpiper
14 days ago

I agree and would like to note that for the 9 pm incident I mentioned where I called the police they did respond very quickly. About 2 mins however I did not see them actually exit their vehicle. They spoke to the man while staying in their vehicle the entire time.

Also today in Division there was a *fully naked man* in the gazebo that is on the lakefront utilities building on Division next to the home hardware, I didn’t even bother calling the police this time.

Last edited 14 days ago by John St Resident
15 days ago

For Exception 17.2 to apply the county CAO has to give permission. Without permission there is still no camping. Section 12 restricts hours. Closed from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am. Unless Exception 17.2 is interpreted to be an exception to overnight hours By-Law Officers can still remove people from parks. But how will they interpret Exception 17.2 and will they enforce section 12? $105 fine. Dangerous good (drugs are dangerous) and using profanity are also $105 fine when in a park.

Last edited 15 days ago by Kevin
Ken Strauss
15 days ago

Why would Cobourg allow a county bureaucrat (CAO) to have ANY control over town policies? This has to change!

Reply to  Ken Strauss
14 days ago

I believe her name is Helen Paterson….CAO of the county?

Reply to  John Draper
14 days ago

You are correct John and she sold her home in Cobourg and moved to Peterboro.

15 days ago

I have reviewed all the 2024 Town Council Agendas regarding By-Law changes and have found nothing relating to this story. Either the minutes have not been posted yet, or I looked in the wrong place.

Reply to  Eastender
14 days ago

It appears that the ammendment was added in Aug. 2023. https://pub-cobourg.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=33534

Reply to  Aleta
14 days ago

Thanks Aleta. When the amendment was placed in the by-law does it not require a council member to put forth the motion? Then have it seconded before passing and becoming part of the By-law? I was looking for who moved and seconded this nonsense – can you or anyone provide the names of the Council people that did?

Reply to  Dave
14 days ago

If you look at post by Rational (below), apparently 7-0 voted for this ammendment. I am going to read the minutes to see what the discussion was exactly.

John Draper
Reply to  Aleta
14 days ago

You can get a better idea of the discussion by watching the video that is available via the minutes. The link is in “Resources”. And also noted in the Resources, the amendment to the text of the by-law seems to be dated this year but authority for the changes was in the motion in August 2023.

15 days ago

If I am correct, Exception 17.2 was added/amended to the 2016 By Law on August 12, 2024. As pointed out “Exception 17.2” provides the County authority to set up an Encampment anywhere in Cobourg to house anyone, whether from Cobourg, Toronto, etc.

Did the Mayor, Council and Staff approve this Amendment in August???

Given the climate in Cobourg since last Summer, the garbage pit at Brookside, the mess Cobourg is now in, if they did then, “just cause” for their resignations is warranted.

Last edited 15 days ago by Rational
Reply to  Rational
14 days ago

As an add on to my post above, and Aleta’s post showing Aug 2023 for the 17.2 amendment, following are the Minutes of the August 21, 2023 Council meeting. It seems to me that at Part 12.1.1 of the meeting that the 17.2 Amendment was approved by a vote of 7 for and 0 against. See what you think.


So I ask why??? This is simply unacceptable and demonstrates personal “Agendas” vs sound decisions on behalf of Cobourg residents.

I continue to believe that all 7 should tender their resignations.

15 days ago

John – Lets demand an answer.

I’m very concerned about the state of our local Government – County and Municipal. I’m struggling to understand who exactly the Town is listening to, because it isn’t taxpayers. They are misaligned. Intensely focused on finding NEW money. They doubled our taxes. Added a new tax in the form of the SWF. Added 18 new positions. Gave themselves a raise and a pension. Increased compensation for Town staff in some cases double digit increases. Increased parking fees and fines. Prohibited on street parking on any/all residential streets without a permit. Pursue sidewalks in areas residents have lobbied against them. Increased junk food, drive-thru restaurants and gas stations during their proclaimed climate crisis. Tell us the Town is safe, it just feels unsafe when taxpayers demand enforcement. Discuss affordable housing on prime waterfront property. Agree to a white elephant firefighter museum in the Memorial Arena. Amendment a bylaw that will allow for drug riddled encampments to be established?

Who asked for any of this? Who wants any of this? Who are they listening to? Who are they representing when they make decisions? Why are we allowing the County CAO to make ANY determination for encampments in the Town of Cobourg or any other decision related to Cobourg.

Why is alcohol prohibited in parks according to Bylaw 022-2016 but drug use isn’t mentioned at all? Injecting, snorting or smoking crack, coke, meth, heroine, fentanyl or weed in any Cobourg Park is permitted but do not get caught with a Twisted Tea or Bud Lite in your hand.

Reply to  Rob
14 days ago

Also urinating in public is happening almost every evening in Victoria Park by a group who gather at the picnic tables in the evening near the floral clock..full bladders after open alcohol consumption. No regard for people walking by to enjoy the band concert or an evening stroll. Washrooms and porta potties available at these times….but apparently common decency is not

Reply to  Rob
14 days ago

It is incumbent upon all of us in the know (due in part to John’s blog) to spread the word to family and friends who NOT to vote for in the next election!

Reply to  Kathleen
14 days ago

The next election is too far away, if the present people in office haven’t done anything yet, do you really expect anything more from them for the next 2 years. I believe the next Cobourg election will be in 2026. The time is now.

Give me a break
Reply to  Tucker
14 days ago

Great suggestion but who do you suggest should replace them ….. a thankless 24/7 job ….. damn if you do and damn if you don’t ….. we need a change at the County Exec level …….