Over the past several weeks, staff have talked to each Councillor about Council meeting procedures (governance) and incorporated some of their changes into a revised by-law (050-2024). The new by-law was presented at the “Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee” on September 3 – this is the only Standing Committee that all Councillors attend (although Deputy Mayor Beatty was absent during this discussion). Councillor Miriam Mutton asked many detailed questions and questioned the understanding of quorum rules. She also moved to include more changes. But in the end, and although Mayor Cleveland expressed appreciation for her attention to detail, she was outvoted. But the discussion was useful – it was clear that other Councillors did not want drastic change – all they agreed to were a few tweaks.
But let me summarize the changes that WERE approved – subject to ratification at the regular Council meeting on September 25.
New Rules of Order and Procedures for Municipal Council and Committee Meetings
See Resources for a copy of the new by-law annotated to highlight changes from the previous bylaw – 85-2023. Below are key changes.
- Now there will be only three Standing Committee Meetings. The Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee will be amalgamated with the Corporate, Finance, and Legislative Standing Committee.
- Many seemingly routine items are collectively approved using a “Consent Agenda”. Previously, only one Councillor needed to ask to have specific items considered separately but in future, it will take two. Mayor Cleveland noted that to proceed, a second councillor would have to second any motion so this change simply moves the decision earlier.
- Addition of two scheduled Special Meetings in the summer. (One each in July and August). This will allow Councillors and Staff to schedule their time. If there is no urgent business these meetings may be cancelled.
Assuming these changes are ratified, they will go into effect in October.
Not approved
- Reduction to 2 Standing Committee meetings
- Reducing presentation time for “speakers” to 5 minutes from the current 10.
- Adding a second regular Council meeting each month.
- Draft By-Law 050-2024 Rules of Order and Procedures for Municipal Council and Committee Meetings – Annotated in red showing changes.
- Description of Governance now in effect.
- News item on Cobourg Blog describing approval of current system. 21 November 2023
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Its always be known that a Great Leader Listens to the people and then addresses their concerns and meets their needs
Do That don’t Limit and restrict the Population with Policy .
When Taxes are to high people go hungry
When Government becomes to Intrusive and overbearing
people loose faith & trust
Act for the Peoples Benefit – then Leave them alone .
Sandpiper what is increasingly clear, if you pull back, suspend all beliefs and truly look, is the Government does not act in the best interest of its citizens/taxpayers and it never has. It is a tough and sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.
Sandpiper you aren’t paying attention. It’s not about “the party” it’s the system. Anyway I digress
A system that has been enjoyed and allowed by our Politicians against the will & wishes of the public .
Its no longer a happy public they Council are faced with .
Misdirection and lay the blame elsewhere .
As a former member of an Advisory Committee, staff and the representing Councillor(s) always seemed inconvenieced with the meetings. They spend more time looking at their hand held devices than paying attention.
We had great volunteer taxpaying citizens on the committee with years of experience in both private and public sector related to the subject matter. These volunteers had great ideas , solutions to problems and a positive vision for the future of Cobourg! However, I was told more than once that i was overstepping my boundaries???????
“Now there will be only three Standing Committee Meetings. The Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee will be amalgamated with the Corporate, Finance, and Legislative Standing Committee.”
So now each Council member will only have to attend 4 meetings in a month and we are paying fulltime wages for this?
The m/o of this Council is to drive fees, fines, taxes up, dramatically and needlessly increase the size of government, decrease the number/length of taxpayer touch points or interactions and provide less service, for more money.
The goal for the upcoming budget year must be 0% increase across all department and zero service cuts. Do more, with less – welcome to running a business, kids.
“decrease the number/length of taxpayer touch points or interactions and provide less service,” added by Ben…..“to the civic debate and accountability to the Citizen”
It is becoming obvious that this Town does not need “Strong Mayor” powers it is evolved into a situation of information withholding from the people needed to have it – the Councillors who will vote on any issue. What is the adage, “Information is Power!”?
The reason I say that is that our Governance system has changed from a system of vibrant advisory committees with a mix of Citizens and Council members to Three Standing committees of three members, none of which are on two committees, except the Mayor he is on all three, and one Regular Meeting at the end of the Month. One meeting month where ALL Councillors can discuss as a whole and vote.
Four meetings a month is not enough to be accountable to the Citizens when Citizens can only appear before Council once in an “issue cycle”. One appearance on any issue and that’s it, whether it is at a standing committee or the Council Meeting, “Thank you Mr. Bisson, but that’s it for you,” (“you came we listened – now go away”) – my impression of the delegation and its reception.
I remember being elected, before many of the Board members were born and being told by the Mayor of the time, who headed a Council of eight others, “Council is not a Debating Society!” It never was but at least differences were aired and accommodated.
Well it sure isn’t now – I would call it an echo chamber from the Mayor’s Office who takes instruction from compliant Staff Members who give him policy that he wants. After all if he faces criticism from dissident Council Members he can ignore after; all it, would only happen once a month.
I would say that if the will of this Board is taken up in the next election and a new Mayor is elected, Mr. Cleveland’s legacy will be the destruction of civic discourse and engagement in the Town of Cobourg. The sad thing is it probably will never recover and the feeling of alienation that exists by the Citizens will only get worse. I fear for local Democracy.
I couldn’t agree more Ben what a shambles
It was also interesting that the Mayor is (re)introducing the idea of secession while this alienation is going on. Regardless of how you feel about this specific idea, with this particular Mayor, this will not be a positive direction of Cobourg.
There is a solution Ben – strong minded and qualified people, who share these same values need to run for Council. To be honest, unless something dramatically changes only 1-2 of the existing Councilors would/should be reelected; that is, if we have a strong turnout for people interested in running.
If you need any proof about the disaster of the Strong Mayor legislation just simply look at Toronto – Woke NDP Chow has begun to and will decimate that city before the end of her abbreviated term.
Its astonishing how much damage can be afflicted on a city or community in 4 short years…Cobourg is quite literally unrecognizable after two.
You had me until you started talking ‘woke’. Woke is awareness and that is exactly what we need in Cobourg. Awareness of the issues/solutions that matter today, and for tomorrow.