Town Crier Championship

On Saturday June first, Cobourg hosted the “Ontario Guild of Town Criers Provincial Championship” – held on the Esplanade.  Eleven Town criers from all over Southern Ontario competed in a three part event: the first was a cry where the subject was their “Home Town”, then a second round was about “Victoria Hall” with a third in Grafton about “Inns & Taverns or Heritage Architecture”.  There was a panel of judges who looked at various aspects such as keeping within the 100 – 125 word limit, exactly following their submitted script, keeping to the theme and no doubt overall effect.  Some chose to start their Oyez sounding more like a song, many included humour and others used rhymes.  Many were… Read complete articleTown Crier Championship

New Idea for Affordable Housing

There has been a lot of activity with affordable housing in the last several months.  Although the County is generally responsible for social welfare issues, the new Cobourg Council has allocated budget and support to a couple of projects and more are likely.  But there are also charitable organizations that are active in helping with affordable housing – notably Habitat for Humanity.  Instead of a focus on making rents affordable, Habitat works at promoting affordable home ownership.  And now the local group, Habitat for Humanity Northumberland (HFHN), has announced the establishment of “a chapter of its organization to investigate the development of a tiny homes project in West Northumberland”.  The idea of “Tiny Homes” is spreading throughout the world and… Read complete articleNew Idea for Affordable Housing

New Record High for Lake Ontario Water Levels

Well the optimists (like me) were wrong – the water level of Lake Ontario at Cobourg has now set a new record and according to the GRCA, it has not finished rising yet (see GRCA Flood warning below).  The graph below shows the peak level from each day and on 29 May the level was 8.3 cm above the record set in 2017 (that’s 3.25 inches).  On May 30, the Marina fuel dock is still covered in water although thanks to some work by the Marina, it’s still operational.  In fact Julie at the Marina said that other than supply of electricity to boats, Cobourg’s Marina is fully open for business – this despite the fact that many other Marinas… Read complete articleNew Record High for Lake Ontario Water Levels

Multiple arrests for drug offences

Maybe it’s Spring that brings them out but lately Cobourg police have arrested several people for drug offences. It also seems that Police foot patrols in the downtown core have helped with this. One of those arrested, 43 year old Eric Bremner, seems to not know how to stay out of trouble – not only was he arrested for possessing fentanyl and carrying a “concealed weapon”, a knife, but he was also charged with “failing to appear in court” and violating probation. In February, he was charged with stealing credit cards then buying stuff with them. This time, instead of the common Police practice of releasing from custody with a promise to appear, he was held for a bail hearing…. Read complete articleMultiple arrests for drug offences

Green Party Launches Election Campaign

The federal election on October 21 is not that far away and Jeff Wheeldon, Green Party Candidate, held a “meet and greet” in Newcastle tonight.  Jeff and his team have been campaigning in Newcastle and left 1000 pamphlets and invitations to the event at nearby homes.  The Green Party feels that they are on a roll with double the number of MPs (2 up from 1) and polls showing  9.8% support, up from 3.4% in the last election – so confidence is high in making a difference.  Certainly the talk in the room was positive.  The meeting was held in the Newcastle Community Town Hall and because it was a meet and greet spread over more than 2 hours, at… Read complete articleGreen Party Launches Election Campaign

Rain doesn’t stop Northumberland Classic

Despite the rain on Saturday morning (May 25), the bicycle race was held as scheduled with 200 participants competing.   Races started and finished at the Baltimore recreation centre – there was a 3km link to a loop that included the Northumberland Heights road hill and depending on the race, as many as 8 laps of that loop were required.  (See links below for details and route map). Participants were both men and women ranged in age from 17 to 60 although they were grouped according to ability.  Police manned key intersections and several cars followed the riders including one with para-medics to help with the inevitable spills.  The event was organized by Greg Rawson and his company Performance Driven Events… Read complete articleRain doesn’t stop Northumberland Classic

PROM 2019 – Cobourg Collegiate Institute

Cobourg High School graduates have always celebrated their PROM with a parade where they arrive at their destination in style or in many cases, showing their creativity (see link below for photos from 2011).  But in recent years, the permitted vehicles have been limited, supposedly in the interest of safety.  But one thing has continued, the parade and welcoming of individuals as they arrive.  The Cobourg Institute Collegiate event was on Friday evening in glorious sunshine – most of the time.  Led by a Police car and the Cobourg Legions Pipes and Drums, the first couple were in a horse drawn carriage.  Some of the many vehicles were vintage cars but many were pickup trucks – old and new. Several… Read complete articlePROM 2019 – Cobourg Collegiate Institute

Ed’s House Fundraising Exceeds Goal

Ed’s House campaign held an event on Wednesday May 22 to announce that they had exceeded their goal and along the way they gave some project details. There were about 150 people at the event including representatives from four Northumberland municipalities: Warden and Alnwick/Haldimand Mayor John Logel, Port Hope’s Mayor Bob Sanderson, Cobourg’s Deputy Mayor Susanne Séguin and Hamilton Mayor Bill Cane.  Between them, their municipalities donated $653K.  Also present (and speaking) was M.P.P. David Piccini – the Province provided $1.2M in capital and $630K operating funds for 6 beds although the building will have an eventual capacity of 10.  The idea was first suggested 2 years ago by Community Care Northumberland.  Gord and Patti Ley were then recruited as… Read complete articleEd’s House Fundraising Exceeds Goal