Provincial Grants Help Local Non-Profits

The pandemic is hurting businesses and individual workers and to date Governments have to some degree provided relief for them. Now, the Province has announced significant help for local non-profit organizations that are hurting. MPP David Piccini announced that six local non-profit organizations will receive a total of $555K. They include four Arts organizations, one sports club in Oshawa and Cornerstone which provides shelter to women suffering domestic violence. The amounts are significant and are welcomed by the affected groups. In making the announcement MPP Piccini said “Non-profit organizations are a crucial and valued part of any community. These organizations enrich the lives of people in our communities, while playing an important role in building a strong and prosperous Ontario… Read complete articleProvincial Grants Help Local Non-Profits

Cobourg’s Christmas Festivities

The Town of Cobourg has announced what they are doing for the Christmas season – let me expand on that and list what’s happening (and not) this Christmas.  First, you have to see the lights in Victoria Park.  Because they are limited to just the South section, there are more lights per square foot (or is it cubic foot?) so they are truly impressive – I’d say they are the best in some years.  Skating is now available in Rotary Park although the transit shelter will be closed – instead you will be able to change your skates at the benches scattered around the rink. Capacity limit was set to 25 skaters – but is now 10.  It’s open between… Read complete articleCobourg’s Christmas Festivities

Google Features Marie Dressler

One of things that Google does is to occasionally modify the logo at the top of its search page with a “Doodle”.  Today, for all Canada, the Doodle is a celebration of Marie Dressler’s 152nd Birthday.  See it yourself by going to Google’s home page – click the Doodle and get the results of a Google search for Marie Dressler.  Cobourg Council recently declared today (November 9) as Marie Dressler Day – can we imagine that Google noticed?  Normally, the Marie Dressler Foundation would be holding a Birthday celebration event like they did in 2018 but this year the celebration is virtual. In addition to the Doodle, Google also has a page where they explain what the Doodle is about. … Read complete articleGoogle Features Marie Dressler

Entertainment Update – November 2020

The Concert Hall in Victoria Hall is still closed with no opening date; the Firehall Theatre is closed; there are no shows scheduled at the Best Western or United Church – basically all live shows are cancelled for now.  There is one exception – a live show at the Loft on November 22 will be held but it’s already sold out.  It’s a classical concert and the audience is limited because of spacing needs and the performers are not using wind instruments or singing which might cause a spread of the Virus.  (Details at Les AMIS Concerts or the Loft – links below).  Port Hope’s Capitol has cancelled all shows but is holding events like the Annual Christmas Tree display…. Read complete articleEntertainment Update – November 2020

County Safety and Well Being Survey

Northumberland County has a mandate for community services such as Affordable Housing, Paramedics, the Golden Plough and income support (welfare) as well as county roads, garbage and economic development. To better understand what residents see as priorities for a range of such services, a survey was conducted from 25 June to 31 July.  Public surveys usually get few participants and this was no exception with only 143 responses received. Of these, 61 were Cobourg residents. Of the 143, 46 were over 59 years of age, 60 were 39 to 58 and 29 were 18 to 38. The results are interesting and will guide the County’s “Community Safety and Well-being Plan”. Major categories were “Personal Safety”, “Feelings about Crime”, and “Environment and Culture” – details… Read complete articleCounty Safety and Well Being Survey

Fern Blodgett Sunde Statue unveiled

Fern Blodgett was raised in Cobourg and always dreamt of going to sea.  Early in World War 2, she decided to train to be a Radio Operator but the Canadian Navy and merchant navy would not hire a woman.  Not to be dissuaded, Fern found a Norwegian ship who would and did.  In July 23, 2018, Leona Woods presented to Council her idea of remembering Fern’s heroism and pioneering of women’s roles, by commissioning a statue to be put in Victoria Park.  Today that statue was unveiled before a large crowd of “dignitaries”.  Represented were the Canadian Navy, the Norwegian Ambassador to Canada, donors. and the committee who helped Leona reach her goal.  The day was chosen because 2020 is… Read complete articleFern Blodgett Sunde Statue unveiled

Review of Town Managed Events in 2020

At Council’s Committee of the Whole meeting belatedly held on Wednesday, Marketing and Events Manager Kara Euale reviewed the Town’s 2020 events both past and future.  Since the pandemic struck in April, events have been virtual but still involved outdoor activity.  Kara’s usual primary goal seems to be to attract Tourists but most participation this year was by locals.  The two major events of a normal year, Canada Day celebrations and the Sandcastle Festival, were a special focus with the cost of Canada Day fully paid for by a Federal Grant.  One of the more successful events was a Photography competition which is intended to be seasonal – four times a year.  All events involved local businesses in some way… Read complete articleReview of Town Managed Events in 2020

Virtual Concert at the Cobourg Loft

You’ve heard of virtual concerts and seminars (webinars) where you watch at home on whatever screen size you have.  But you are missing out on the group experience where you are with others. In the Covid-19 era, you have to be socially separated but cinemas have been operating successfully in this fashion for a month or so. Michael Pepa moved to Cobourg from Toronto a few years back and brought with him his Les AMIS classical Concerts with world class performers. He was initially planning concerts in St. Peters but was stymied by their roof problem so he moved to the Cobourg Loft. A full program of concerts there was interrupted by the pandemic but he has found an innovative… Read complete articleVirtual Concert at the Cobourg Loft