Victoria Hall Restoration Work gets another Contribution

In June this year, Council approved a tender for the work from Colonial Building Restoration Ltd in the amount of $275,000 (plus HST) to restore the sandstone at the front of Victoria hall including the speakers’ balcony.  In July, the Victoria Hall Heritage Maintenance Trust Fund contributed $10,000 to this work and today, at 3:00 pm, the Victoria Hall Volunteers (VHV) contributed another $20,000.  In accepting the cheque, Mayor John Henderson said:  “I don’t know of another Town with this kind of support for heritage projects”.   The Victoria Hall Volunteers have a long history of supporting Victoria Hall with a total contribution to date of over $356,000. Today is the closest available to the 160th anniversary of the opening of… Read complete articleVictoria Hall Restoration Work gets another Contribution

Cobourg Community Centre to Re-open in Phases

The CCC will re-open gradually and in phases starting August 31. Protocols have been cleared with the Health Unit and physical distancing will be required.  Conditions for Phase 1 are clear (see below) but later phases are still a little vague and subject to change.  Dean Hustwick, Director of Community Services says that “it will look a little different inside the building” and “the gradual reopening of our community centre will see more programs and services being restored when it is safe to do so.” Dates and some rules are spelled out below but before you visit you should: Register for a program or book your facility rental by calling (905)-372-7371. Complete our online COVID-19 Pre-Screening Form on the day… Read complete articleCobourg Community Centre to Re-open in Phases

Rainbow Cinemas to re-open

The Cinemas at Northumberland Mall have been closed since March but are now re-opening with rules in place and limited screenings.  Starting on August 14, Rainbow will be open Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday with matinees and early evening shows (no late shows).  The first two weeks will feature “Unhinged” and “Spongebob” – showtimes will be here when available. There will be a maximum of 50 people per auditorium so guests can social distance, and people will need to wear a face covering until they are seated – like in a restaurant, they can remove it while in their seats and eating snacks. That’s the plan for now, but it will likely change.  Updates by Rainbow will be on the… Read complete articleRainbow Cinemas to re-open

Cobourg Loft and AGN Re-open

Movie theatres and Art Galleries are allowed to open provided they meet social distancing and other rules.  On August 4, Ken Prue’s Cobourg Loft is reopening with only a third of capacity and will respect all the rules.  He will be screening a full program but no live shows.  I understand live shows are harder since they need to generally fill most if not all seats to make them financially viable and that’s true for all theatres such as the Capitol.  The Art Gallery of Northumberland (AGN) is in Victoria Hall but it seems that they are opening up enough to let people visit the Art Gallery on the third floor.  To visit, you’ll need to make an appointment by… Read complete articleCobourg Loft and AGN Re-open

St Peter’s Launches Redevelopment Project

St Peter’s Anglican Church was designed in 1851 by famed architect Kivas Tully and then built in 1854 – complete with steeple.  Many years later it now has a bell tower instead of a steeple and has had many additions but the main building is badly in need of a new roof, ceiling and other repairs – total estimated cost is $3M.  The state of the roof is bad enough that the Church itself has been closed since February 2018 with services held in the Parish Hall. The congregation wants to “re-align itself to meet the needs of the local community” although that’s not a new idea. I know that in 2018, Les Amis concerts planned to have concerts there…. Read complete articleSt Peter’s Launches Redevelopment Project

Sifton-Cook Museum now open

One of Cobourg’s few places to entertain yourself is now open for visitors albeit with Covid-19 rules in place.  The Sifton-Cook Museum, within walking distance of downtown (adjacent to the Legion), has a collection of displays telling a mix of stories covering Sports, the Military, Transportation and more.  They are open on Fridays & Saturdays to Thanksgiving from 10 – 5 and Sunday afternoons from 1 – 5.  This year they are also celebrating the completion of their roof project which included adding eavestroughs.  This was financed by donations from members, the Town of Cobourg and a Federal grant.  So on July 24, Sifton-Cook’s Treasurer Stanley Isherwood invited Mayor John Henderson and MP Philip Lawrence to the site and publicly… Read complete articleSifton-Cook Museum now open

Marie Dressler Museum Expansion Project on Track

The Marie Dressler Foundation (MDF) is well on its way to expanding the existing museum in Dressler House to add exhibits about Mary Pickford and Norma Shearer.  The Museum has not re-opened due to the fact that its heavy reliance on touch screens means it’s difficult to keep it sanitized against spreading the virus but that does not stop their expansion plans for when the virus crisis has passed or it’s manageable.  The five Toronto University Students have completed their design and the Foundation has received a grant of $50,048 from Heritage Canada as well as most of the artifacts promised from the “collectors”.  At Monday’s Committee of the Whole meeting, MDF Chair Rick Miller presented a progress report and… Read complete articleMarie Dressler Museum Expansion Project on Track

Cobourg Entertainment in Covid-19 era

There has of course been a lot of talk about the Beach and Restaurants but it’s not only commercial life that has been affected but also entertainment and social activities.  The Cobourg Community Centre and other Arenas are closed so there is no Hockey or LaCrosse or even Curling.  You can golf if you follow the rules and you can now play tennis but contact sports like Rugby are not allowed.  The Loft and Rainbow theatre have been closed for months and there have been no Concerts at Victoria Hall or Port Hope’s Capitol.  Outdoor events like the Waterfront Festival, the Highland Games and Rib Fest have all been cancelled.  But let me look at each Sector in more detail… Read complete articleCobourg Entertainment in Covid-19 era