Update on Brookside

As reported earlier, James Bisson gave a presentation at the Community protection and Economic Development Standing Committee on September 4.  He pointed to the fact that there was no County plan for what to do when Brookside was sold – or not.  He asked the Town to address a number of items and he succeeded in getting Council to ask for a report from Staff on these issues (more below).  In the discussion, Mayor Cleveland commented that there has been a lot of talk about what to do about the symptoms (homelessness, increased crime, addictions, overdoses etc.) but there should instead be a focus on the “sickness” – that is, the County’s performance.  He said that Cobourg should be thinking about the option of separating from the County.

The basic problem is that the County looks more at rural issues but Cobourg is urban.  Councillor Bureau commented that this would probably take years to implement but Mayor Cleveland clearly wanted the option on the table.  “Fix the relationship or separate”.

So what items does James (and now the Town) want addressed?

Here is the list by James as embedded in an approved motion (to be ratified on September 25):

Moved by Councillor Adam Bureau; Seconded by Mayor Lucas Cleveland

WHEREAS the Committee adopt the following recommendation and refer to Regular Council for final approval.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council refer the delegation from James Bisson regarding the Brookside encampment relocation to staff for a report back for the following items:

  • Enact a “Tents and Encampment By-law· to prohibit the formation of encampments on public property and private property without a license (Zoning by-law)
  • Repeal automatic authority of County CAO to use Town assets for emergency encampments
  • Review ECE By-law regarding overlap during 310 Division Transition and potential provider amalgamation
  • Repeal Town support of MSTH resolution [Moms Stop the Harm]
  • Enact a “Community Organizations and Advocacy Registry” for management and public scrutiny
  • Nominate a councilor as Town Liaison and spokesperson on Encampment issues
  • Launch public engagement campaign with updates, polling, and public debates
  • Nominate CLC members that will hold stakeholders accountable

It’s expected that not all of these will be resolved in the Staff report.  For example, the reference to supporting the MSTH resolution was that MSTH suggested that Council “declare the overdose crisis a national public health emergency” (which they did in resolution 503-20 on 14 Dec 2020) but it was not explicit support of MSTH.  [Note – an earlier version of this sentence included an incorrect statement].

Given that the discussion was about Brookside, Mayor Cleveland provided an update on its status – as far as he was aware.

The Brookside property has had an offer which has been accepted subject to final terms and conditions.  The vendor and potential new owner are “working through the issues”. Closing is expected around the end of October.  If the deal closes and the property has a new owner, the people in the encampment will be evicted.

As James pointed out, the Waterloo restriction does not apply since there will be by then sufficient places for the homeless to move to.

The basic problem according to Mayor Cleveland, Councillor Adam Bureau and James Bisson is that the County has no plan for what happens when Brookside is sold and no plan if it is not sold.  James wants the community to develop solutions – see his presentation.

In a separate agenda item, Cobourg Police reported on their costs (salaries only):

2023 $61K
2024 – to June $81K

The Fire, Paramedics and ByLaw Departments have not reported on their extra costs.  Adam commented that we should expect the 2025 budget to be increased because of these costs.  Mayor Cleveland said that it would only be fair if the County paid for them.


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Pete M
39 minutes ago

And again, lets remember when these organized encampments started– after Cobourg Council denied Moms and Greenwood coalition the small cabin initiative they were supporting.

I will continue to say the encampment is a political protest by using vulnerable people to advance certain groups causes to get their way— small homes.

The Town denies, the people protest. Yet the County is inadequate in their response to an issue created in Cobourg by Cobourg community groups when rejected by Cobourg Council.

2 hours ago

I believe James Bisson’s Eight point plan is doable, reasonable, effective, and easily implemented. All we need is for the decision makers (Mayor/Council) to make decisions; not pass it on to Staff to “report back on”. Classic delay tactic.

So problem One is that Town Leadership are not decision makers.

Seceding from the County to tackle the “sickness” must have been dug out of an old textbook/lecture and is a “Hail Mary” football approach. Nothing will change in Cobourg’s drug problem, crime and unrest by residents unless Policing changes its methods, By Law enforces the By Laws and Leadership start working together and saying NO.

Therein lies Problem Two.

Leadership (the Mayor and Council) need to:

  • Sit in a room for as long as it takes and when they finish have made decisions on each of Mr. Bisson’s Eight point plan.
  • Meet with the Police Chief and Police Board and take a stand that Cobourg’s Policing methods need to change from Social Services to Enforcement within existing laws. There is plenty that can be done in this area so Mr. Chief quit saying “our hands are tied”.
  • Meet and meet again, not just fire off a letter, with the MPP and IO on the unhealthy mess and dangers at Brookside.
  • Challenge By Law officials to enforce all By Laws.

After the above Four points are dealt with (allow 30 days), then determine next steps on how the encampment will be handled if it closes, or the Sale falls through.

The above is where Leaderships priorities should be.

Pete M
3 hours ago

So now the Town wants to secede from the County because the County hasnt done enough to remove the encampment from Brookside. The same Brookside own and controlled by the Province. The same Province that has refused to take any action to order the expulsion of the occupiers.

I understand peoples frustration. But you just cant ho and round them all like shopping carts and ship them to some larger municipality outside. The County.

310 D is first step to try to provide services as a means to encourage those who are receptive to leave the encampment.

Its not the magic pill, but bette than what iis at Brookside.

For those championing seceding from the County, are you prepared for all the new cost for Cobourg- garbage and recycling, and finding a dump or paying the County to use their facilities. Are they prepared to take on the full cost and maintenance of County Rd 2- from Town Boundary to Brook Rd. Are they prepared to pay all cost for County Rd 20 and County Rd 18 (Brook Rd and Burnham St from Elgin to 401.
Will the County say the Town needs to develop ots own Senior Home, as they may argue the Plow is for County residents.
Needless to say their will transfers and down loading of cost if Cobourg wants to go alone.

And in the end the homeless, drug addicted are still in Cobourg but now the Town is responsible for this.

If Im the County, I say were do I sign on order to shift the Cobourg social services problem of my plate to Cobourg.