As reported earlier, James Bisson gave a presentation at the Community protection and Economic Development Standing Committee on September 4. He pointed to the fact that there was no County plan for what to do when Brookside was sold – or not. He asked the Town to address a number of items and he succeeded in getting Council to ask for a report from Staff on these issues (more below). In the discussion, Mayor Cleveland commented that there has been a lot of talk about what to do about the symptoms (homelessness, increased crime, addictions, overdoses etc.) but there should instead be a focus on the “sickness” – that is, the County’s performance. He said that Cobourg should be thinking about the option of separating from the County.
The basic problem is that the County looks more at rural issues but Cobourg is urban. Councillor Bureau commented that this would probably take years to implement but Mayor Cleveland clearly wanted the option on the table. “Fix the relationship or separate”.
So what items does James (and now the Town) want addressed?
Here is the list by James as embedded in an approved motion (to be ratified on September 25):
Moved by Councillor Adam Bureau; Seconded by Mayor Lucas Cleveland
WHEREAS the Committee adopt the following recommendation and refer to Regular Council for final approval.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council refer the delegation from James Bisson regarding the Brookside encampment relocation to staff for a report back for the following items:
- Enact a “Tents and Encampment By-law· to prohibit the formation of encampments on public property and private property without a license (Zoning by-law)
- Repeal automatic authority of County CAO to use Town assets for emergency encampments
- Review ECE By-law regarding overlap during 310 Division Transition and potential provider amalgamation
- Repeal Town support of MSTH resolution [Moms Stop the Harm]
- Enact a “Community Organizations and Advocacy Registry” for management and public scrutiny
- Nominate a councilor as Town Liaison and spokesperson on Encampment issues
- Launch public engagement campaign with updates, polling, and public debates
- Nominate CLC members that will hold stakeholders accountable
It’s expected that not all of these will be resolved in the Staff report. For example, the reference to supporting the MSTH resolution was that MSTH suggested that Council “declare the overdose crisis a national public health emergency” (which they did in resolution 503-20 on 14 Dec 2020) but it was not explicit support of MSTH. [Note – an earlier version of this sentence included an incorrect statement].
Given that the discussion was about Brookside, Mayor Cleveland provided an update on its status – as far as he was aware.
The Brookside property has had an offer which has been accepted subject to final terms and conditions. The vendor and potential new owner are “working through the issues”. Closing is expected around the end of October. If the deal closes and the property has a new owner, the people in the encampment will be evicted.
As James pointed out, the Waterloo restriction does not apply since there will be by then sufficient places for the homeless to move to.
The basic problem according to Mayor Cleveland, Councillor Adam Bureau and James Bisson is that the County has no plan for what happens when Brookside is sold and no plan if it is not sold. James wants the community to develop solutions – see his presentation.
In a separate agenda item, Cobourg Police reported on their costs (salaries only):
2023 | $61K |
2024 – to June | $81K |
The Fire, Paramedics and ByLaw Departments have not reported on their extra costs. Adam commented that we should expect the 2025 budget to be increased because of these costs. Mayor Cleveland said that it would only be fair if the County paid for them.
- Previous Cobourg Blog Report on presentation by James Bisson – 30 August 2024
- Presentation Powerpoint by James Bisson (on escribe) – (pdf format)
- Resolution 503-20 14 Dec 2020 (pdf)
Addendum – 13 September 2024
Pete Fisher interviewed Mayor Lucas Cleveland and you need to see what Lucas said. Lucas criticized the County for not having a plan for people at the encampment who will refuse to go to the new Transition House at 310 Division. Go to Pete’s article and video here.
Print Article:
Turns out the County who promised wrap around services at 310 states that social services does not have the means to provide addiction or mental health services stating it is Provincial. Turns out they also say they have no power to ensure the encampment is cleared according to their latest statement by Ms. Horne of County Social Services as reported to Todays Northumberland.
Im sorry but this is a cop.out by the Mayor. As the leader for the Town and the representative for the Town at County Council, he should be the Leader for both government bodies on this issue. It could be his Churchill moment.
What i hear from him is that he has no clue what County staff is doing or for that matter has no idea what County council is doing about the matter.
Video – Exclusive – Cobourg Mayor Says County Has “Abandoned” Encampment Residents and Community – Today’s Northumberland – Your Source For What’s Happening Locally and Beyond (
Good to see the Mayor has finally arrived to the dance…he’s quite late but he’s there.
If the Mayor says the encampment is unsafe then the Mayor should order the immediate evacuation of the site. The Mayor has not “arrived at the dance”, the Mayor continues to be a wallflower. Actions speak louder than words. Order a state of emergency. Prohibit Fire service from approving outdoor fires at the site. Enough prevarication, enough dancing around the issue. Take action.
Eastender – the Mayor has finally arrived at the place where we all have been for many months…he can not get an answer, there is no clarity and he realizes there is no plan – that is the dance and he just got there. In this interview, he no longer sounds like an elected official, he sounds a very concerned Cobourg resident. Now he needs to collective himself and lead through actions – perhaps some of those you suggest above.
Municipal Act, 2001:
4 (1) The head of council of a municipality may declare that an emergency exists in the municipality or in any part thereof and may take such action and make such orders as he or she considers necessary and are not contrary to law to implement the emergency plan of the municipality and to protect property and the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the emergency area…….
The operative words are “head of council of a municipality”.
The warden is head of NC’s council, not the CAO. It is unclear how NC’s CAO became empowered to declare an emergency.
As Mayor Cleveland noted in his Pete Fisher interview, ALL of the responsibility for social services for the Brookside encampers lies with NC, not Cobourg.
All Cobourg Council can do is ask and continue to ask (demand) that NC provide the services required.
My understanding is in Ontario, the head of a local (lower or single tier) municipal council is the mayor. The head of a county council is the warden. So wouldn’t Mr Cleveland be able to declare an emergency and act however he wanted I.e. clear the Encampment?
Interesting idea. This would likely work if the “emergency area” was confined to Town property. I don’t know if the authority extends to private property. The issue may be moot in a few months when the Brookside sale closes. (yes, an assumption, but a reasonable one)
Perhaps Bryan you should listen/read the latest interviews with the Head of the County’s Social Services. She tells all that they are providing the social services they are mandated to provide. It is the other services – medical and health that are deficient and they have no control over those and they are not being funded by the Province!
I hope the Town hasn’t boxed itself into a corner. The bylaw amendment August 2023 states that County CAO in a declared Emergency can order Encampments on Cobourg parks.
The Mayor now shows his concern over danger and we have a real potential for a crisis given the dangers of Encampments. It would be pretty easy for the County to order an Emergency when the Encampment closes.
In the August 2023 video of Council discussing the bylaw amendment one councillor said with Winter coming the Encampment will shut down as they can’t stay out all Winter. We’ll surprise they now want the Fire Department to setup stoves.
Leadership may be right that this is not its problem but guess what – it is. The Town needs a Plan. So adopt at least James Bisson’s plan.
Like the Kingston Mayor said “enough is enough”.
Exactly Eastender, Where us the Cobourg Police Service,
Why is the CFD participating in setting up wood stoves, when in fact they should be declaring them unsafe devices.
But it in the end it us three levels of govt pointing the finger at the other saying the other govt bodies aren’t doing anything, while the en encampment residents laugh at the dysfunctional govt s .
Province and the Town need to agree on steps for eviction.
Province thru the courts gets the order for eviction. Works with Town Police and By-Law to enforce eviction order. Works dept comes thru afterwards to remove refuse to County dumpster bins for removal to Brighton Landfill
Wont happen because the three levels of govt say its the other responsibility to go court.
Town and County are so beholden to Waterloo decision that they find it easier to spend money on containing than going to court with top notch legal and to get removal.
With some well thought out arguments about Cobourg specific situation could nullify Waterloo decision specifically for Cobourg
Lisa Horne (Northumberland County Director of Community & Social Services, paid $166,255 plus benefits in 2023) responds (sorta) to Mayor Cleveland’s criticisms.
did you read it Ken or just shoot the messenger?
Of course I read it!
So, Ben, since you think that I’m being unduly critical perhaps you could summarize the county’s plan. What is their plan for those who refuse to go to 310 Division?
Will the county simply “continue to coordinate with partners” since “the County has no authority to compel people to accept support”. Cobourg will be stuck with the ongoing costs of moving these people off town and private property, dousing tent fires, drug paraphernalia cleanup and petty thievery. I note that Ostrander ( feels that such expenses are a result of having a town police force and should not be funded by the county.
Just posted my Pete Fisher.
What do you think Mr Cleveland? is it time now for you to take action? Just asking because sooner or later …
If the second point is accomplished, removing the power of the County CAO to use Cobourg parks for encampments, then there might not be a need for a new by-law described in the first point. In the Zoning By-Law 85-2003, section 5.19: No truck, bus, coach or streetcar body, or tent shall be used for human habitation within the Municipality …
Tents have been ordered to be removed from private property. Remember many by-laws are complaint driven. If you have a legitimate complaint about illegal tents then report it to by-law, and document everything. Brookside, as we have been often told, is not on town property so our bylaws do not apply. If the sale goes through does Brookside fall under the Town of Cobourg responsibility? If so anybody can report the encampment to By-Law and the tents will have to come down. Where will the people go is still the big unknown.
The goal of the delegation was to implement a “Made in Cobourg” solution to the Encampment, not to de-amalgamate the County. The role of Staff is to determine the recommendations to the bylaws, but the decision to use our local government resources to lead our community efforts to redress the consequences of a flawed system supporting a failed service provider requires leadership. We have to act now before it’s too late. I encourage you all to remember this moment when voting in the next municipal election. No worries if you don’t as I’ll most likely be reminding you. Rational is dead on. Make a decision for all our sakes!
Part of the issue is we need new individuals on council. Sadly we have too many that have been around way too long so nothing will change until they are gone.
That said it is a thankless job which most people do not want.
It truly is a catch 22!
Kudos and many thanks to James Bisson for doing this.
Kudos to our mayor for having the courage to stand up to the county.
And kudos to John D. for letting us all know what is going on in the “feel good” town!
I echo that.
Well said Aleta! Thank you James, Mayor Cleveland, and John D.
Maybe James Bisson would run for for office ….mayor/deputy mayor ?
How about it James ?
Not to put you on the spot but I could foresee that as a winning combo with the present mayor ……👍🤔
And again, lets remember when these organized encampments started– after Cobourg Council denied Moms and Greenwood coalition the small cabin initiative they were supporting.
I will continue to say the encampment is a political protest by using vulnerable people to advance certain groups causes to get their way— small homes.
The Town denies, the people protest. Yet the County is inadequate in their response to an issue created in Cobourg by Cobourg community groups when rejected by Cobourg Council.
Note — The Small homes project has turned out to be a bit of a Expensive Disaster in Peterborough an if not mistaken has relocated some of the unit s
Maybe the Towns Tannery Affordable Housing district is the place for this after all thats where a lot of these people had been shacked up for years before the Town cleaned house and they all moved to West Beach – The County on William finally Brookside and other locations about town.
Are you informed on the Peterborough Wolfe Street project and the success stories? The City also won an award at AMO on their initiative.
This award is what I find contributes to the problem.
IMO local politicians see photo opportunities, receiving awards, spinning “great things being done”, just to stroke their egos; while at the same time leaving behind/selling out the community, voters/taxpayers who put them in office ignoring the Community’s real priorities, concerns and issues.
Talk to the Neighbours and the Citizens not the News or Politicians I have many relatives up there and its not all going well in the surrounding Neighbourhoods and the new does not cover that any longer
A second such tiny home community was under consideration Informed. However it has been cancelled perhaps as the Wolfe Street “experiment” has had negative impact on the surrounding neighbourhood – see Sandpiper’s reply below.
I believe James Bisson’s Eight point plan is doable, reasonable, effective, and easily implemented. All we need is for the decision makers (Mayor/Council) to make decisions; not pass it on to Staff to “report back on”. Classic delay tactic.
So problem One is that Town Leadership are not decision makers.
Seceding from the County to tackle the “sickness” must have been dug out of an old textbook/lecture and is a “Hail Mary” football approach. Nothing will change in Cobourg’s drug problem, crime and unrest by residents unless Policing changes its methods, By Law enforces the By Laws and Leadership start working together and saying NO.
Therein lies Problem Two.
Leadership (the Mayor and Council) need to:
After the above Four points are dealt with (allow 30 days), then determine next steps on how the encampment will be handled if it closes, or the Sale falls through.
The above is where Leaderships priorities should be.
Meeting to discuss enforcement with the Cobourg police should be taking place. However I look at other towns and cities with this and greater problems. I read the articles when attempts are made to clear parks and how these other centres are having trouble enacting clearing. You can’t get around the fact there are Federal laws in place that prohibit action and state within these laws the actions of enforcement of occupying lands with tents, the drug addicted and the criminal acts committed within communities and this has grown. We had a prior blog on the Federal laws which govern these matters which clearly outlined what can and can not be done. These laws need to be changed and they are beyond town Council. I wish it was a simple as all that. Drug laws need to be changed – possession, when a person can be arrested.
However I think as you suggest meeting with local enforcement, by-law enforcement – should be taking place. On small matters I am aware of people who drove around with expired plates when they had the sticker renewal – they were never stopped and continued to drive – in fact it is still happening today. In a smaller community such as Cobourg where these people are driving regularly I find it very strange the police are not taking note and action even on the simple issues little lone taking action when you witness a screaming, out of control or person laid out on a sidewalk.
And it still seems to me the other members of the County treated this issue like a hot tamale – not in their backyard – and turned to Cobourg to dump it on along with the very expensive attendant costs along with paramedic when we all know how pressed hospital and doctor care is.
Recently a friend was pulled over by police who let her know her licence expired that day. She immediately went and renewed it.
I respectfully disagree that law enforcement can solve this. My impression is that they are MORE frustrated than we are as folks are repeatedly arrested and back on the streets doing the same things usually the same day. We must get serious with our laws and offer rehab or jail, not catch and release. We must also realize that we have the power to change this situation. The sooner we start the sooner we can not only make things better but help folks who truly need it. My taxes went up $2000 over the last 2 years and this is unsustainable. Cobourg should not bear most of the costs for this situation…we must find out…exactly how much this is costing us (police, fire ambulance food, community resources, and the long-term costs, for example what happens to the family members of folks who remain addicted? What happens to the children?) We’re going to have a generation of poverty, as we continue to try and play catch-up to the social issues and money it takes to keep our heads above water. I disagree with those who say that we are hamstrung by the Waterloo decision. In fact, I believe this makes things easier because we now know where the boundaries lie. The law is very clear and helpful in this case, but we don’t appear to be using the laws that are in place.
Doug Ford was on the television the other day Carol Anne and What’s Up Doc if the laws are clear then his speech to the effect the laws need changing as bail reform was badly needed and the very laws themselves have been weakened. Too much catch and release – too lenient on for arrest.
Nice hour friend was advised to renew her license. Previously when we had sticker renewal a person drove around this town for a two year period with expired plates – it was finally resolved when due to dementia they had to give up their car and go into long term care – never stopped yet they drove in Cobourg daily. Another person is doing just that driving daily with an expired trip permit plate which only allows one to take the vehicle to a garage for a safety yet they drive the car like it is plated – uncertified, unplated and therefore uninsured. A fellow I know went to the police station to report a person driving without a driver’s license here. He was told to go home and mind his own business. The person in question is still driving without a license.
There is a Federal election that could answer the key to these problems but unfortunately that is a distance in the future !.🤬
Maybe not. There is talk of an election sooner as the NDP states it will not longer support the Liberals Bill.
Not only is it a ‘classic delay tactic’ to pass the buck to Staff to “report back to Council”, it’s also a colossal waste of money. Something a few on this Council love to do – waste our money.
Another useless report that will end up in the basement of Town Hall.
And speaking of wasting money…. Who in this Town feels we are getting our money’s worth having our own private Police Force whose budget seems limitless.
James’ presentation brought to light that Cobourg is indeed being ruled by “Taxation without Representation”.
Northumberland County as a whole did not vote for Northumberland Council. Our Mayor has one vote. If the rest of NC Council doesn’t agree with him, NC gets to bully Cobourg any way it wishes. Which it has and co tinues to do.
This is not a Democractic process in any sense of the word.
I’m pleased that the Mayor has at least opened the door on conversation to secede from NC. Where there is a will, there is a way.
So now the Town wants to secede from the County because the County hasnt done enough to remove the encampment from Brookside. The same Brookside own and controlled by the Province. The same Province that has refused to take any action to order the expulsion of the occupiers.
I understand peoples frustration. But you just cant ho and round them all like shopping carts and ship them to some larger municipality outside. The County.
310 D is first step to try to provide services as a means to encourage those who are receptive to leave the encampment.
Its not the magic pill, but bette than what iis at Brookside.
For those championing seceding from the County, are you prepared for all the new cost for Cobourg- garbage and recycling, and finding a dump or paying the County to use their facilities. Are they prepared to take on the full cost and maintenance of County Rd 2- from Town Boundary to Brook Rd. Are they prepared to pay all cost for County Rd 20 and County Rd 18 (Brook Rd and Burnham St from Elgin to 401.
Will the County say the Town needs to develop ots own Senior Home, as they may argue the Plow is for County residents.
Needless to say their will transfers and down loading of cost if Cobourg wants to go alone.
And in the end the homeless, drug addicted are still in Cobourg but now the Town is responsible for this.
If Im the County, I say were do I sign on order to shift the Cobourg social services problem of my plate to Cobourg.
I have worked in local government during times of amalgamation and I can assure you that it is not a simple solution nor a panacea with which to remedy problems. Change of the type being discussed would in this instance simply not reduce any costs but certainly would require years of consultation and a requirement to develop our own response for the provision of services that the town currently does not provide eg. Refuse collection and disposal, responsibility for the provision of housing and many other issues which would require a thorough review.
During this time at a local staff level there would be considerable uncertainty and difficulty and if nothing else a huge increase in costs. For years now Cobourg has seen huge annual increases in taxes far exceeding large cities like Toronto but when Mayor Chow brought in a tax increase similar to that of the past year’s increase in Cobourg the residents yelped and whined but barely a peep here. The difference being that Toronto has only had an increase once in many years whereas Cobourg has had similar increases year after year.
So what would going on our own really achieve? My guess would be even higher taxes and decreased quality of services. Furthermore you are forgetting that the Province holds all the cards when it comes to deciding on municipal decisions and Ford and his minions would be highly unlikely to approve such a change to local government so this kind of review would just involve tilting at windmills. Mayor Cleveland should first understand the role of local government and how government works before making comical suggestions and sending staff on wild goose chases. He also needs to temper his hate for various local organizations and try to find a way to work with them rather than picking fights with them. In the end this just demeans the issues and the people involved while achieving little other than advancing ill will.
And therein lies the history of Cobourg Council.
As this discussion of secession grows egged on by a megalomaniac, it should be encouraged. Get rid of all of the Municipalities in Northumberland – amalgamate into into one – the City of Northumberland.
Imagine the cost savings, one CAO instead of eight, a million dollars saved there, the same as other savings when only one director of anything is available instead of eight.
Look upon the discussion of secession as an opportunity to rebuild a broken municipal structure a couple of Centuries old and outdated.
This makes too much cost saving sense.
They’ll never do it.
I don’t disagree with you Ben, but I think the rest of the county isn’t ready yet. Also all of that still won’t address the issues resulting from the Housing and opioid crises. One only needs to look to the closest city to realize that.
Before considering amalgamation, we should ask Toronto how it’s working for them. They are still struggling with it 20 years later….
Ben – Toronto was never amalgamated. The unions took over and created more separation and division at the City. Managers from each division in the upper reaches were pleased as their jobs were threatened under almalgamation. After each of the cities and borough remained – the only thing that was missing was Metro, the overseer and natural to amalgamate the divisions under to one force instead of the divisions it governed at the time of various parts. I was there Ben – at the negotiating table – it was a pure bully situation by the various divisional unions against Metro. In they end the called it the City of Toronto – one of the divisions which kept the other satelelite divisions. Shortly after they went on a very large hiring spree swelling the employee ranks in the still standing various divisions. A total farce!
Sorry – should have addressed this to Barb – not Ben.
I don’t disagree with you about recent amalgamations total chaos and farce. I was inside when the the GRCA was discussing joining with the LTRCA, first principle adopted by the Staff – no redundancies. That effort fizzled out.
Amalgamations have to start with the chaos theory – blow the place up and redesign, that will never happen with the Pols in place and Staff implementing it.
I was visiting friends in Toronto recently. They advised me Toronto with its overflowing shelter system partially due to Mr. Tory declaring Toronto a sanctuary city but also a magnate for the drug addicted and other homeless due services offered there is now shipping some of them to outlying surrounding regions. Our only hope as I have written many times on this Blog is for the Federal election and change of governing party with effective policies that no longer allow this situation of lax laws which are causing all this from the organized crime of drug importation, money laundering of profits in various forms including the Casinos, changes to bail and criminal prosecution of all offenses with attendant sentencing, developing rehab facilities as well as building new prisons – which I understand there are two at the present time being constructed. A complete change of policy in how this has been handled. Enough of bribing various factions of the populace with the tax dollars as a vote getting action but putting them were they belong in building this and other structures long neglected.
very well said Pete M
@Pete M 310 Division is not a first step it’s a disaster. Not one blade of grass there, for these individuals to stretch their legs. To them it will feel like a prison. It’s situated in the heart of the downtown core’s residential area. Elementary school playgrounds a block away. I’ll scream this from the highest mountain. Put it in a Green Space. And stop handing out free stuff. Find jobs for the unemployed to help them get back their lives.
Also the proposed 24 hour service Hub allows for drop by use and a return to wherever drugs may be used.This approach helps no one to move forward in a positive direction. Least of all the surrounding neighbours and businesses. I’ve been against Transition House in this form from the beginning. Rehabilitation is the only way forward.It is going to be a difficult road for the individuals involved but treatment and recovery is just that, difficult.The difference is,no one recovering or bearing a medical illness asked for it……these folks on the whole went into this life of their own free will and it is not violating human rights to offer a recovery program of supported withdrawal and nothing else. Decisions made by individuals who choose to live outside of the funded and offered aide are theirs to make freely and when penalties are awarded for actions outside of laws of a healthy,decent, functioning society there should be no surprise or sympathy.
Last evening I was watching some YouTube videos by Rebel News. They are very recent interviews with local people including some of the people in tents at Brookside. Even the people living in the tents don’t seem to be happy with the lack of drug rehab available. One young man advised kids to not use drugs. That is the best option, never use drugs and not get addicted. Somebody stated the people in the encampment are all from this area and not Toronto and Peterborough as some people seem to think. One woman thinks 310D will be better because she can have a room to share with her partner and a private washroom. This should make it easier for her to find work. Some complained about Transition House staff picking who they let into the existing shelter. There is likely another side to that story. One of our councillors being interviewed on King St. stated everybody deserves a home. He is not happy with the county. James Bisson is trying to make a difference. We have a long way to go.