More on County Policing Report

As reported previously, Northumberland County commissioned a report on policing options in the County and the resulting report by StrategyCorp was presented to County Council at their meeting on 18 September. Cobourg Police Chief Paul VandeGraaf spoke in a “delegation” and called it unfair, biased and had a pre-determined outcome. But the County Councillors decided not to follow up with detailed costing – primarily because Policing is not a county responsibility. The only way this can be changed is if the Province passes enabling legislation. In his presentation, Paul got emotional when referring to the human factors – a possible layoff of civilians doing the Criminal record checks. He was also concerned about the stress caused to Officers who might lose their jobs.

As was pointed out, any decision on policing would have to be made by the affected Municipalities – that’s Cobourg and Port Hope. Although it was not spelled out, both Port Hope Mayor Olena Hankivsky and Cobourg Mayor Lucas Cleveland seemed to still want efficiencies so would probably pursue the idea further.

But the consultant’s presentation – plus the delegation by Chief VandeGraaf – did highlight some key issues:

Key issues

  • Any change must be “material” – not just 1 or 2 % but 10% or more. Don’t make a change unless it’s worthwhile.
  • The “human cost” must be considered.
  • The Criminal Records Check business brings in significant revenue but there is a risk attached. The terms of operation are set by the RCMP and can be changed at any time although subsequent discussion indicated that this is unlikely.
  • The risk (to cost) for transition is greatest with the Port Hope / Cobourg merge option.
  • Although OPP do provide a similar range of services, they may not be the same as currently, especially for mental health services.
  • It was emphasized that all current services (OPP, Cobourg and Port Hope Police) provide “adequate and effective policing”.
  • Lucas had overall concerns about costs to the taxpayer – he said there was an excessive number of total municipal employees for Northumberland. With 8 municipalities, there are many duplicate positions.
  • Port Hope Mayor Olena Hankivsky asked about the impact on OPP costing for Ward 1 – the report did not mention this. That tells me that Port Hope might want to extend their current OPP contract from just Ward 2 to the whole town.
  • Chief VandeGraaf said that the study “compared apples to oranges”, that the budget figures were wrong and the report was not fair and inflammatory.
  • Chief VandeGraaf said Cobourg Police did not participate since Cobourg Council had decided that a change would not be pursued in this term of Council – Police statement here
  • Without a formal quote from OPP, it is not known how Capital costs would be handled. For example building costs could be borne by OPP or passed to the Town who would then receive an occupancy fee.

In the end, Chair and Warden Brian Ostrander said it was clear that pursuing the issue would mean that the County would have to ask the Province to give the County policing authority. This option was not supported so Councillors voted to receive the report “for Information purposes”. The County will not be taking this issue any further. However, there’s nothing to stop Lucas and Olena from following up.


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11 days ago

Again the Cobourg Police could not find a body in the Harbour in only 15 feet of water as their fishing rods couldn’t get to the Bottom ????
Want the Job done wright Hire the OPP not the old boys club .
This Town has been debating the issue of Inadequate . Inefficient and
Extremely Costly Police service for 3 Decades now .
A new broom sweeps clean !

11 days ago

The Town could buy Brookside for 8.5 million and sever off the main house and some land for the police station List the remaining property for 7 million and it will likely sell. Cost the taxpayer payer about 1.75 million plus some Reno’s and carrying costs until property is sold. no one wants that heritage building so it would be a win for the Town to own it.

13 days ago

All Policing should be take over by the provincial government and all cost should fall under the provincial government
The cost could be covered by adding an extra % on the pst , and remove the cost from the property taxes
This way everyone pays into policing

Pete M
14 days ago

I hear on the radio that Ostrander and Cleveland had a conversation to have County Council ask for this study.
As soon as its announced at County Council, CPSB says CPS will not participate and sends letter to Council and Mayor telling them to denounce the County proposal. Cobourg Council complies. The CPS says they are proposing and asking for a new state of the art facility for 34 million.
Cobourg residents raise concerns about the cost to taxpayers. Some citizen suggest OPP as means to save money.
Then couple of days before the study is to be presented and discussed at County Council, the CPSB board sends a letter questioning the study abd the validity of the info the Consultant had.
This from the CPSB that refused to cooperate or participate.
Then Chief requests to speak “at” County council to inform them the study is flawed full of misinformation and dis information.
County Council then decides to stop any further exploration indicating there isnt the will right now will.

Small Town politics at its best, battle between Mayor and Police Chief.

Cleveland didnt have the political capital and support to get his proposal with Ostrander thru. Council if they were a cohesive group could have easily stood up to CPSB and Chief and said it rest with Council to determine which Police Service will provide the best service for the best price for Cobourg.Then said Please feel to compete and tell Council why they should consider CPS.

I note thru the whole process ,from start to finish, there were no comments from Port Hope Chief, PHPSB or PT Hope Mayor. They participated in the study. I understand Pt Hope had some good questions and was well.prepared to discuss the matter.

I wonder if PT Hope might be considering having OPP police the whole of Municipality, not just the rural ward.

If Pt Hope is considering talks with CPS for a West Northumberland PS be prepared that Cobourg Chief (new 5yr contract) will want to be Chief of the New Service. Will Pt Hope Council be ready to give up control and independence.

Reply to  Pete M
14 days ago

Certainly makes you wonder who is in charge?

Last edited 14 days ago by John
Reply to  Pete M
14 days ago

I made the comment earlier that Cleveland is attempting to tackle generational issues (County wide policing and secession), after two less than remarkable years in office. This appears to be a failed attempt to backdoor a policing change but may result in the CPS finding efficiencies and improving their enforcement outcomes.

My sincere hope is the Mayor and Council will spend all of their time looking for a zero increase Municipal budget, focus on the best interests of taxpayers (not the interests of Council), work on things that matter and improve lives in Cobourg and work hard to mend fences within Council and within the Municipality. There has been far too much non-productive b.s. (law suits/allegations, self important India trips, infighting and finger pointing, staff turnover, self serving initiatives, Councilor photo ops).

Now get on with the serious business of running this Municipality – people are depending on you to get things right!

Give me a break
14 days ago

Here we go again ….. has the study considered the costs (severance) for all the civilians working in both towns as this was an issue back when Cobourg looked at the OPP, have they considered the costs for changing the signage on all vehicles, costs for all new uniforms ….. probably not excessive but still a cost…… the OPP provides many services not found with our local police …. Forensics, K9, etc …. Besides the OPP also provides opportunities within their organization for their officers whereas CPS seems to provide opportunities for officers from the GTA wishing to finish their service and retire in our community … CPS at times has had a number of officers off on stress leaving a void within Cobourg. OPP also has a detachment in Cobourg that should be able to facilitate more officers and if not could buy and use the new police station in PH. BTW …. What is meant by “human cost” ?

Reply to  Give me a break
14 days ago

If the county needs the province to agree, why did they spend the money on this study?

It’s so easy to burn through money when it is tax payers funds!

Also, why did the Cobourg police chief even get a chance to speak at this council meeting? Cobourg didn’t want to participate so why give him air time. Oh right he got emotional.

Which leads to the two councilors from Cobourg on the CPS board. Do you listen to your constituents in Cobourg? We can’t afford Coboug Police! The audacity to ask for a new building at a cost of $34mm not to mention new cars, staff, etc. Ever heard of cost savings?
Last time I checked my pension isn’t going up at the rate of Cobourg Police spending.

Cobourg police are too expensive. The residents of Cobourg need results, not a poor me attitude from CPS and the Chief?

Reply to  John
14 days ago

Give me a break, these comments are not directed at you. I agree with everything you said and added my 2 cents.

Old Sailor
Reply to  John
14 days ago

John, Good point re the two Cobourg Councilors on the CPS Board. They are the Dude and Dudette who recommended “Welcoming the Homeless to Downtowwn Cobourg”.

Do they live in downtown Cobourg or hide in the “weeds” so to speak? They wanted no CPS involvement in welcoming the Homeless to Downtown Cobourg. Can you believe it?

Our Mayor should replace them on the Police Board with Councilors who first respect the interests of the taxpayers. It is the role of the Province to help drug addiction, not Cobourg.

Reply to  Give me a break
14 days ago

Yes, they considered these one-time costs.

If I heard correctly yesterday (because the sound went off a couple of times), the Province covers OPP PTSD costs. Currently, Cobourg taxpayers pay for who knows how many CPSD individuals on PTSD. They are not that transparent.

Maybe John D. could confirm this.

Reply to  Kathleen
14 days ago

Workers Comp covers PTSD once diagnosed.
PTSD is considered “work related” for fire and EMT. In 2016, Ford granted the same PTSD status for the cops (political bribe).
A cop, off work due to PTSD, continues to get paid by the Town until diagnosed, then Workers Comp starts paying. The wait time to see the PTSD specialist is up to 12 months.
During the wait time, the Town is paying double: to the cop and also to the replacement (or overtime).

Reply to  Bryan
14 days ago

Thank you for the clarification Bryan.

Chalk up another benefit for going OPP.

Reply to  Bryan
14 days ago

Question for you Bryan. In the hope to mitigate Cobourg Council from digging us a larger hole that the taxpayer could ever climb out of, is it possible for the Cobourg Taxpayers Association to request that Cobourg Council put a motion on the table to, in effect, ‘agree to not make any CPS cost decisions until the next Municipal Election, October 26, 2026’?
Would it also be possible for the Cobourg Taxpayers Association to basically give the same presentation to Cobourg Council that Strategy Corp gave Northumberland Council? Maybe give the presentation prior to the next election so that more Cobourg taxpayers are armed with both sides of this issue – not just CPS’s side?

Reply to  Kathleen
14 days ago

This is an excellent recommendation.

Freeze all CPS spending increases and capital decisions until this can be a voter issue at the next election.

There is no other choice as no one can control
The Police Chief and nothing can be done for two years to change out the leadership i.e.mayor/council. Only Councillor Mutton seems to truly represent/have an interest in the Cobourg constituents.

Reply to  Kathleen
14 days ago

Thank you Kathleen.

The Cobourg residents need to take back the decision making. We have 6 people who don’t care about Cobourg, called County Council. What do Brighton, Cambellford, Cramehe, etc. Care about us? Nothing, Cobourg is more than 23% of the total population in Northumberland. We are controlled by unelected individuals in Cobourg. Just look at the arrogant comments of County comments to our mayor!

So now to Cobourg Council, you have failed us!

Why rubber stamp everything the CAO and CPS, and or any other departments? Does anyone on council have an original idea? Or care how much is spent? Clearly you are all millionaires!

You are responsible to the residents of Cobourg. Do your Job!

There is a real disparity when the CAO, Chief of Police are enumerated more than the Mayor creates an issue. Who is in charge.

We need some one who is in control of representing the constituents. Not the over paid beaurcrates!

Reply to  Bryan
11 days ago

Sounds like Workman’s comp needs to reduce the wait time.

Reply to  Informed
11 days ago

Ministry of Health issue, not WSIB

Reply to  Give me a break
12 days ago

“Human cost” is just smoke and mirrors…. CPS doesn’t give a hoot for employees other than the administration. They dumped the local dispatch ( mostly women) without batting an eye. Now they try and operate with Special Constables again part time which they are loosing in droves because who wants a part time future. The Criminal Record checks which is the only thing saving the CPS is staffed by mainly by part time (women) who skave round the clock for Chiefs to by toys.

15 days ago

The following points and observations became even more clear to this viewer of the September 18th Northumberland Council Meeting:
1.      Cobourg continues to pander to its Boss, the CPS. (I know it’s supposed to be the other way around but it has never appeared that way to this Cobourg citizen).
2.      If there is ever a serious cyber security issue outside CPS’s purview, then Cobourg Council’s motion to shut down any discussion of joining the OPP, will, undoubtedly, bite them in the A$$ and cost taxpayers dearly. I believe it’s just a matter of time.
3.      Strategy Corp did NOT “Exaggerate, Misinform or make incomplete assumptions”.  Strategy Corp endeavored to educate the uneducated, who don’t wish to be educated. It was Vandergraff who appeared to be misinformed….
4.      Port Hope’s Olena Hankivsky proved to be the smartest representative on Northumberland Council. She asked intelligent questions. She also circled back to said question when Chief Vandergraff was too busy grandstanding and avoided answering the question. Clearly, Ms. Hankivsky has no time for childlike sandbox fighting like others do on Council. And she leaves Port Hope in a very good position to explore their options. 

Last edited 15 days ago by Kathleen
Reply to  Kathleen
15 days ago

Kathleen, in your item#2 you are the first to bring up the game of jurisdiction.

It goes beyond cybercrime. “Oh, that’s their jurisdiction”. I have personal experience of this and prefer the largest jurisdiction possible…OPP.

Reply to  Andre
15 days ago

It is indeed too bad that people in Cobourg have been led to believe that the sky will fall if we go OPP. But that’s what they’ve been told by CPS for years. Yesterday’s presentation told me that we would actually benefit security wise and in tax dollar savings in the long run.

Mark Mills
15 days ago

Nothing wrong with investigating how to deliver municipal public service in a more effective, efficient way. Police is just one of many public services that should be studied for a possible amalgamation of service. Municipalities within Northumberland should do so moving forward. Isn’t that what we should expect from our elected officials and senior management teams ????

15 days ago

So in other words a waste of $75k.
i would have done that report for $25k, not much we didn’t already know.
I hope they at least put it in a nice shiny binder.

Reply to  Leweez
15 days ago

Not a waste but another piece of bureaucracy necessary to put the situation to bed. Now look for the next report from the Mayors of Cobourg/Port Hope/Hamilton Twp to pursue “efficiencies” with a “West Northumberland Police Service” another of the Cobourg Mayor’s ambitions.

Reply to  Leweez
15 days ago

It’s only a waste if dollars because there is no will power on behalf of Northumberland Council to put the ask in to the Province.

Lay this presentation out to all Cobourg taxpayers before we have to vote on a new Cobourg Council.

Let truly informed Cobourg Taxpayers make the decision.