Council argues over Study wanted for Brookside.

The last item on the last night’s council meeting was approval of a Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring study at Brookside. This is a routine thing to determine how many households could be supported on the property and costs somewhere between $25K and $40K. But there was a long discussion over whether the Town should pay for it or make the potential buyer pay for it which is apparently the usual process. Both Nicole Beatty and Miriam Mutton were not happy that the Town would be paying for it as requested by the potential buyer of Brookside.  During the meeting, we also learned that there has been a conditional sale of Brookside and this is expected to close on November 13 although the flow study cannot be done until January.

The discussion got heated and Mayor Cleveland said that he was humiliated by Council’s reluctance to approve $25K to allow the Brookside deal to close. In the end the flow study was approved 5-2 in a recorded vote with Mutton and Beatty against.

But the big issue was that paying for the study requested by the buyer would set a precedent – usually the developer pays. However, Lucas thought that it would be a good thing to do for other projects since it would speed up the process of approving developments. Darling suggested that the cost could be recovered from developers in a charge back.

In another item on Council’s agenda that relates to the encampment, Mayor Cleveland gave a notice of motion that he supported the move in BC towards “Involuntary Care Support”.  Brian Darling supported the idea but called it “Mandatory Rehab”. The motion passed with Nicole abstaining because she was “not fully informed” on the matter.

Stay tuned for more from this long meeting – it finished at 11:15 pm.


We learned of the Brookside closing date from  MPP David Piccini who started the Council meeting with a report from Queen’s Park.  He had not mentioned the encampment but it came up with questions from Councillors.  In particular, Councillor Adam Bureau asked when the deal would close and David said November 13.

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4 hours ago

In a way this also fits under this topic, as Encampment people will be looking for accommodation.

Does anyone know who owns Victoria Park Campground?

Fisher has a video of 2 people camped out at Gazebo by Home Hardware. The female interviewed states the County is allowing them to stay at Victoria Park Campground.

I understand the Town owns the campground, if correct does this mean the County will be referring other “campers” to stay there?

Reply to  Leslie
2 hours ago

You are correct. The Town owns the VPC.

7 hours ago

In a way this fits under this topic as Encampment residents will be looking for accommodation.

Neil Ellis, the new Housing Services Manager for the County, has resigned after seven months. Previously he was Reverend of St. Andrew’s.

Perhaps there is growing discontent with County Council’s direction.

Last edited 7 hours ago by Rational
13 hours ago

If the sale closes Nov. 13, but the Study won’t be conducted until Jan. 2025, does that mean the results of the Study have no bearing on the closing?

Reply to  Rational
9 hours ago

Good question.
Given the persistent rumours that the Town’s sewage system is close to max capacity, if I were a developer, I would want verification that there is capacity for my project.
Does the Town know what the current operational capacities of its systems are? Ask the Town, then ask the developers, builders and realtors.

Reply to  Rational
7 hours ago

Excellent Question — I know other developers / developments have been held up in this Towns Planning & Eng. dept for years over this and if no building had started with in 2 yrs of the fist $30 to $40 K study they had to do a 2nd one or Update at similar costs and seasonal time frames dragging out these studies and projects as long as 4 to 5 yrs Not to mention the Traffic , Arborist Shadow and Storm water studies to ensure there is no chance of up or down stream flooding . May be there is a lot more that’s been promised that we should know about Why else would a prudent Buyer Go Firm not knowing they had a sure thing .????????????????

Old Sailor
13 hours ago

I was driving by the encampment on my way home this morning. Passed one man pulling out grass by the sidewalk at the corner of Brook North and King and throwing it onto the road. Then marching away swinging his arms wildly. Headed for “Tims”? After that I passed two more men yelling at the sky as they walked along the sidewalk. I assume early AM is when the encampment residents get “juiced up” for the day. Driving by the encampment and looking at the site condition, I wondered how many of these folks really want to move to a civilized building like 310 Division Street? Looks like the County and Province have no plans to treat the drug addicts once they are moved. And could care less. Cobourg deserves better than this.

Reply to  Old Sailor
12 hours ago

Old Sailor – I agree with you that many at Brookside certainly won’t want to move to any place where there are rules. I noted Mayor Cleveland put forth a motion with regard to mandatory treatment and rehab which I thought I had read 310 offers wrap around services. I am puzzled you state neither the County or Province cares one way or the other. I was heartened to see this motion as no other centre in Ontario has placed mandatory on the treatment spectrum due to Federal Human Rights laws which basically say an individual has full right to infringe on everyone else and continue their habit. I hope enforced rehab as passed by Council will be the first to join B.C. to reverse the ridiculous stipulations with Human Rights legislation.

Last edited 12 hours ago by Dave
Reply to  Old Sailor
8 hours ago

They have been there so long now Just wondering if the Landlord & Tenant act
will be in effect Thus the new Buyer must give Notice and with Rent Tribunal hearings running a year behind will Piccini lend a hand / favour here to and if so will this to set a Precedent that other local Landlords might come to expect a similar leg up in the system .