Town accused of not listening

In a last ditch attempt to stop the approval of the conversion of 394 College to 5 apartments, Emily Chorley made a presentation to Council tonight that accused Council of not listening and of not following proper procedure.  Emily represents the residents on College street and you have to give her credit for persistence and not giving up.  Her presentation was organized and systematic with specific concerns about how the zoning and site plan approval has been done.  She said that 92 local residents did not receive notification of the project, that there were external changes even though it was said there would be none and that they were foreseeable and that none of the suggestions or requests for concessions… Read complete articleTown accused of not listening

Cobourg Feel-Good Town

Two presentations at Cobourg’s Council meeting tonight were positives – first, the Peewee AA Northumberland Nighthawks Hockey Team were congratulated for winning the 2017 OMHA and OHF Championships.  This team was formed by a merging of a Port Hope and a Cobourg team making it a West Northumberland team so both Mayors were there for the presentation of plaques and handshaking.  See photo below-right.  The second presentation was by Communications Officer Ashley Purdy who was ecstatic over the free publicity that Cobourg got from a video that went viral on Facebook.   The video has been viewed 169,000 times so far and media outlets in the U.S., Japan and the U.K. want to show it.  The video shows an encounter between… Read complete articleCobourg Feel-Good Town

Motion to Review Council Pay

At the next Council meeting, John Henderson will make a motion to establish an ad hoc committee to review Council remuneration.  He proposes that the committee consist of 7 citizens plus staff resources including HR.  The 7 citizens would come from the existing advisory committees.  There are more than 7 committees but presumably John means the seven that advise on policy (see list below).  There are two reasons to review pay to Councillors: 1) The Federal tax law was recently changed so that 100% of pay is taxable instead of one third being classed as an allowance and tax exempt; 2) The last review was in 2011 when an increase of 13% was approved for Councillors.  Note that remuneration is… Read complete articleMotion to Review Council Pay

Accessibility at Cobourg Health Centre

Greg Hancock is concerned about accessibility at the Cobourg Health Centre at 316 King Street East.  His letter to the Town was referred to the Accessibility Committee and they recommended that Council respond to his concerns.  Unfortunately, he will most likely be out of luck.  First the Town is not the body to help and second there is no legal requirement to retrofit existing buildings.  Greg says that he was hoping that the doctors there would be moving to the planned “Northumberland Medical Arts Building” near the Hospital but believes that project is dead – but it is not.  Project spokesman Doug Mann told Cobourg News Blog that “We continue to work on the concept. It is not cancelled.” Greg’s… Read complete articleAccessibility at Cobourg Health Centre

Labour Action at Tim Hortons on Division Street

Union representatives from Kingston to Toronto were out in force tonight supporting workers at the Tim Hortons on Division Street.  The media was also well represented.   There were perhaps 150 people all told in the parking lot and spilling out onto the street.  The action started at around 4:30 but got into full swing around 5:00 p.m. when both NDP leader Andrea Horwath and a light rain arrived!  As well as Union reps, the organization known as “Fight for $15 & Fairness” was there as well as the Durham Labour Council and more (details below).  Passing cars honked in support.  A police car arrived but took no action – they were probably coming for a coffee.  There was no indication… Read complete articleLabour Action at Tim Hortons on Division Street

First Council meeting in 2018

The first Council meeting of 2018 was very short – only 30 minutes.  Carol Anne Bell-Smith was scheduled to make a presentation but she postponed it.  There were few other items on the Agenda and nothing controversial so the meeting was short.  As previously reported, Site plans for 394 College and 100 University were up for approval and with little discussion, they were in fact approved unanimously.  Carol Anne’s presentation on accessibility at parking meters had been previously made to the Accessibility committee who seemed sympathetic.  However, any action will be decided at a later meeting and will be reported then.  There were a number of miscellaneous announcements including that the preparation of the 2018 budget is running a bit late. … Read complete articleFirst Council meeting in 2018

More Seniors’ Residence Units In Cobourg

Cobourg already has a good number of places that provide housing for Seniors who want a retirement home either with or without personal or nursing care and in some cases needing a long-term care nursing home (see list below).  Victoria Retirement is one of these places and they are planning to add-on 10 units for expansion.  Located in what was once Victoria College, they promote the suites in their heritage building as “spacious and grand” yet they propose adding a single story structure at the rear that will add 10 units with minimal space and amenities (see plan below).  The application for site plan approval will come before Council’s Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday January 8th. The plan… Read complete articleMore Seniors’ Residence Units In Cobourg

Minimum Wage Prompts Cost Cutting at Local Tim Hortons

The Tim Hortons on Division Street has issued a letter to employees advising of a cutback in benefits that effectively reduces their wages.  The move is blamed on the change in the minimum wage – most employees were getting $13 an hour but will now get $14.  The franchise is owned by Ron Joyce Jr. and his wife Jeri-Lynn Horton-Joyce who are the son and daughter of the chain’s founders. The issue got into the National Press (see links below) and now Kathleen Wynn is blasting the owners calling them bullies and said: “if the owners want to challenge Ontario’s new minimum-wage policy, they should come directly to me and not take it out on workers”. Employees have said that… Read complete articleMinimum Wage Prompts Cost Cutting at Local Tim Hortons