RIDE Program and Pedestrian Patrol

Drivers in Cobourg are getting the message – out of 3,765 drivers checked over the period from 21st November to the end of December 2017, there were only two arrests, two suspensions, five tickets and 23 warnings.  That’s a total of 32 offenses or 0.8% of total checked.  On January 2nd, Police issued a report giving these details and said that “Cobourg Police Officers and Special Constables conducted R.I.D.E. Checks by setting up checkpoints at various Town of Cobourg roadway locations and by conducting roving R.I.D.E. checks with traffic stops.“   On January 3rd, Police said that their Select Traffic Enforcement Project (S.T.E.P.) project for January will be focused on Pedestrians – also using Police Officers and Special Constables. R.I.D.E. One… Read complete articleRIDE Program and Pedestrian Patrol

Mayor’s Levee 2018

The annual Mayor’s Levee is a chance to meet the Mayor and Councillors and for the Mayor to report on the year past and the year just started.  There were no surprises although it was a feel-good event.  All councillors except Forrest Rowden were there as were two previous Mayors (Joan Chalovich and Peter Delanty) and M.P.P. Lou Rinaldi.  Town Crier Mandy Robinson wrote a cry but couldn’t deliver it because of a case of flu – instead Poet Laureate Ted Amsden read it out as well as his usual poem.  There were a few snippets to be learned and Mayor Gil Brocanier highlighted major achievements from 2017 and some of the planned 2018 projects. He was also wearing a… Read complete articleMayor’s Levee 2018