NDP choose Candidate for Provincial Election

At a nomination meeting today, the NDP Riding Association for Northumberland Peterborough South acclaimed Jana Papuckoski as their Candidate. The meeting also featured a visit and talk by MPP for Oshawa, Jennifer French. There were 20 people at the meeting at the Jack Burger Centre in Port Hope although there would have been more if it was contested; another potential candidate dropped out because of a burst appendix. Jana is a former security guard and now the recording secretary for the United Steelworkers Union, Local 5296, in the Greater Toronto Area. Jana (33) moved to Port Hope in 2014 and lives there with her husband and young daughter. She has a B.A. in Political Science and Philosophy. She was introduced… Read complete articleNDP choose Candidate for Provincial Election

Midtown Creek Pond – Environmental Assessment

At a meeting at the CCC on Thursday January 25, the public were shown the proposed solution to the flooding that occurs just north of the VIA station whenever there is a 50 year storm. (We had one recently). The problem is that in a big rain storm, the midtown creek cannot handle all the rain and neither can the storm sewers. The solution is a pond – “or a big hole” to store the water long enough to let it drain away. Technically it’s called reducing the flow of a 50 year storm to that of a 2 year storm. This project requires an environmental assessment (the current stage) then moves into the construction stage. It’s expected to cost… Read complete articleMidtown Creek Pond – Environmental Assessment

MTO Reports to County on 401 in Winter

At the County Council meeting on January 24, MTO made a presentation that described traffic, accidents, closures, snow clearing, maintenance goals and construction projects.  It generally covered the Eastern Region which extends from Port Hope through Northumberland to the Quebec border.  The MTO does not get much publicity so I have listed below the highlights of the presentation as they affect Northumberland.  But they do try to keep us informed with their kiosks at ONRoute service Stations, using a Twitter account and various web sites.  Kathryn Moore from the Ministry of Transportation made the presentation.  The photo shown below was originally captioned as being in Toronto – but I’m not sure which highway it is nor even if it’s MOT… Read complete articleMTO Reports to County on 401 in Winter

First idea from Waterfront Study

The long awaited report from thinc design on the Waterfront Study will be released in the next month or two but one idea from it is being released at the next Council Committee of the Whole (C.O.W.) meeting on January 29.  The report by Parks Manager Teresa Behan says that “the preliminary findings and recommendations from the consultants, thinc design, focus on enhancing access to the waterfront and recreational opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. They also promote new revenue generating opportunities for the Town.”  The specific idea discussed is a “floating playground” that would be located east of the East pier.  This type of facility is becoming popular worldwide including some locations in Canada and Teresa reports… Read complete articleFirst idea from Waterfront Study

Final Report on YMCA merger with CCC

Last August, it was reported (see links below) that the YMCA would not be merging with the Cobourg Community Centre (CCC) but the detailed report was not released.  At the Committee of the Whole Meeting on January 29, this report and companion agreement will now be provided.  The idea was first discussed in April 2015 and since then there have been many meetings of the Project Coordinating Committee as well as 2 public meetings and a survey (see Links below).  The basic reason to not proceed is that the cost is too high – more like $25 Million versus the $15 Million originally thought.  Of that it was hoped that one third would be covered by grants but that is… Read complete articleFinal Report on YMCA merger with CCC

Budget for 2018

Cobourg Council made few changes to the draft 2018 budget at the open budget review on January 18.  That indicates it met the goal of a 1.5% tax increase and that Council generally agreed with it.  The only people watching the meeting in the Council chamber were two media reps – no citizens showed up although it was streamed via You Tube.  The initial request from staff would have meant a 3.3% tax increase but John Henderson and coordinators managed to trim or defer enough costs to meet the target.  The Police were able to keep their increase to zero – no change from 2017 – the Municipal grants applications were trimmed and a few other minor changes were made. … Read complete articleBudget for 2018

Canada 150 Video

Last year saw the celebration of Canada’s 150th  birthday and Cobourg marked the occasion with a large number of special events.  To record these, members of the Northumberland Photography Club (NPC) were asked to be there and take photos. They did that and turned the photos into a video which was presented at the Mayor’s Levee on January 1st, 2018. Although there was a promise to put this on the Town’s web site, it has so far not appeared so it is now available here.  The background music is provided by Cobourg’s New Ventures Band playing the Victoria Park Overture and the project was organized by a special NPC committee: Bryan Marjoram, Jeannie Gane, Sandra Peters, Elisabeth La Fontaine, Dan Milligan,… Read complete articleCanada 150 Video

Horizon Plastics sold

Horizon Plastics International (HPI) is one of Cobourg’s major employers and they have been sold to Core Molding Technologies, Inc (Core) based out of Ohio for approximately US $63 million in cash.   HPI has 250 employees operating within two manufacturing facilities located in Cobourg, and Nuevo Leon, Mexico.  Of these, 210 are in Cobourg.  The announcement says that the new owner “plans to continue all HPI operations and does not expect any significant restructuring, shut-down or employee severance costs.” That means no layoffs. The announcement by Core says that they have “acquired substantially all of the assets” of HPI. Kevin L. Barnett, President and Chief Executive Officer of Core Molding Technologies said: “Continuing to expand our technology offerings and diversifying… Read complete articleHorizon Plastics sold