Farmers Honour HealthCare Workers

It’s easy to forget that Cobourg is in the middle of farming country but we cannot forget about the Covid-19 crisis.  Something must be working here (in Northumberland) because we have relatively few cases and no deaths.  But we know that the healthcare workers at the Hospital (NHH) are working hard and these two things came together on Saturday – local farmers paraded their tractors to honour healthcare workers.  At around 1:00 pm, a long line of tractors plus some other vehicles drove down Burnham, along De Palma  and in front of the Hospital, down Strathy, East along Elgin past the Golden Plough then back up Burnham.  It was organized by the Northumberland Federation of Agriculture (NFA) who represent over… Read complete articleFarmers Honour HealthCare Workers

Trailer Park used for Isolation Centre

Cobourg Police and the Town of Cobourg have set up trailers in the otherwise closed Trailer park to be used for first-responders who need to be isolated as a result of Corvid-19.  As Chief VandeGraaf puts it: “The Isolation facility will provide a safe place for first responders to isolate and avoid putting their families at risk.”  The trailers are completely self-contained and are stocked with essential items to assist an individual that requires isolation. Fencing will be put up around the perimeter to keep the site private.  The isolation site will be available to first responders including police, firefighter, paramedics, and healthcare professionals, if they need to isolate.  The trailers were donated by Bob and Amy Verwey, owners of… Read complete articleTrailer Park used for Isolation Centre

Local Initiative for PPE Face Shields

A group of Cobourg/Northumberland organizations have got together to produce PPE Face shields – that’s Personal Protection Equipment that looks like a welder’s face shield except it’s transparent.  You can figure them out from the photos below – the only photo of someone using one is the one below right – click to enlarge.  It seems the initiative started with 3D printing at Venture 13 but many others are helping.  There’s a GoFundMe initiative to raise money to help – if it’s oversubscribed, money will go to local Hospital Foundations (NHH and Campbellford) – see link below.  There’s also a web site coordinating the effort.  According to the organizers the design originated with the Czech company Prusa in consultation with… Read complete articleLocal Initiative for PPE Face Shields

When Will this End – Opinion

A year or so ago, we had some interesting posts by Grahame Woods which were “opinion” and not reporting of news, and this post is in that category – not a neutral reporting of facts but instead an opinion on when the pandemic will end.  In following the news and participating in volunteer activities, I have come to some considered opinions about this new world we find ourselves in.  I think the big unanswered question is – When will it end?  No one can be sure of anything in the future let alone predicting the end of a pandemic but we don’t so much need to know when the pandemic will end, but instead when will we get back to “normal”? … Read complete articleWhen Will this End – Opinion

Ed’s House Construction Update

Many construction projects are considered essential and one of these is Ed’s House – the new Hospice centre just north of Cobourg.   The Community Care newsletter shared news of progress and included some photos.  They quoted the fact that Ed’s House is considered an essential project and said that “Precautions, including physical distancing and frequent hand washing, are being taken on-site to ensure the health and safety of all workers.”  For those who are not aware of what Ed’s House is, it’s a Hospice – that is, a place where the terminally ill can have dignified and competent care with pleasant surroundings.  Cobourg News blog reported on the highly successful fundraising – see links below.  The project team is still… Read complete articleEd’s House Construction Update

Transition House expansion into CCI

Covid-19 has meant that Transition House has been “unable to operate at full capacity while meeting public health guidelines” but the Ford Government is supporting a local move to expand the capacity using space at the Cobourg Collegiate Institute (CCI).  This is possible because schools are closed until April 5 and perhaps longer.  The temporary shelter is the first of its kind in Ontario and came about because of work by MPP David Piccini coordinating the County, the School board, the HKPR Health unit and Transition House. This follows the closing of the Police Station Comfort centre because of Covid-19 concerns.  Bob Sanderson, Warden, Northumberland County said “In this time of uncertainty, residents can be assured that public organizations and… Read complete articleTransition House expansion into CCI

Vigil to Remember Overdose Losses

On Sunday afternoon in front of Victoria Hall,  Greenwood Coalition held a “community-led vigil for loved ones lost to overdose”. They called it “They Were Here”.  Led by David Sheffield, a steady stream of people spoke of their experiences – there was a lot of emotion and passion.  When I was there around 2:20 pm, there were about 35 people; some spoke and others were simply supportive.  Attendees were invited to “create and hang a flag of hope to commemorate a loved one who has died”. (See photos below).  Apart from talking about their personal experiences, some also spoke of the misunderstanding that the public seems to have.  Councillor Adam Bureau initiated Council’s actions on the opioid crisis and he… Read complete articleVigil to Remember Overdose Losses

Can Uber replace Transit in Cobourg?

In reviewing Taxi ByLaws, Town Clerk Brent Larmer expanded his report to Council to include a short review of what the Town of Innisfil was doing with Uber to substitute for a Town Transit System.  Innisfil didn’t have a Transit system but citizens wanted something cheaper than a taxi to get around.  Typically, Towns do this by subsidizing a Transit system with fixed route buses but Innisfil decided to look into teaming up with Uber to provide transport between designated spots in the Town for a price of $4 – $6 with the balance of the cost paid by the Town. They can also go anywhere in the Town door-to-door with a $5 discount over the Uber fee. The Town saves on… Read complete articleCan Uber replace Transit in Cobourg?