Remembrance Event in Victoria Park

Today is VJ Day when Japan surrendered 75 years ago.  That was also the day that 1475 Canadians were liberated from a Prisoner of War camp in Hong Kong.   They had defended Hong Kong from attack by the Japanese army but suffered heavy losses before surrendering.  The defending Canadians were from two regiments, the Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnipeg Grenadiers.  Many of the Royal Rifles were from Cobourg and Port Hope and today they were remembered in a ceremony at the Cenotaph in Victoria Park.  Members of the veterans’ families were there to lay wreaths.  The event was not promoted so that the crowd would be less than 100 – which it was.  But paying their respects were… Read complete articleRemembrance Event in Victoria Park

Rally to Protest Violence against Women

Most rallies or citizen demonstrations are related to Government – e.g. Police racism, mandatory use of masks, union demand for more money, school curriculum etc., see links below – so it’s good to see an event protesting violence against women in a specific horrific case with a local connection.  Kimberley Black was viciously attacked and left for dead a week ago in Whitby so her sister in law Catherine Dunphy and her husband George Tardik are organizing a Yoga event in Victoria Park on August 22 followed by a silent vigil and walk to the Police Services Building on King Street. The event will start at 10:00 am in Victoria Park and the walk will start at 11:30. Because of… Read complete articleRally to Protest Violence against Women

Decision on Drug Rehabilitation Centre Deferred

The Medical building on King Street East opposite the High School is empty and its owners are proposing to use it as a drug rehabilitation centre.  This would include clients being accommodated overnight.  Current zoning allows it to be used for medical purposes but not overnight stays although current zoning bylaws do not explicitly mention rehabilitation centres so the situation is not clear. (A legal opinion/ interpretation said they were not allowed). However, zoning bylaws are currently being reviewed so this may change. The review started in 2011 with a contract to Meridian Planning Consultants Inc but in Monday’s Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin said that this should have taken 6 to 12 months. Because of their experience with… Read complete articleDecision on Drug Rehabilitation Centre Deferred

St Peter’s Launches Redevelopment Project

St Peter’s Anglican Church was designed in 1851 by famed architect Kivas Tully and then built in 1854 – complete with steeple.  Many years later it now has a bell tower instead of a steeple and has had many additions but the main building is badly in need of a new roof, ceiling and other repairs – total estimated cost is $3M.  The state of the roof is bad enough that the Church itself has been closed since February 2018 with services held in the Parish Hall. The congregation wants to “re-align itself to meet the needs of the local community” although that’s not a new idea. I know that in 2018, Les Amis concerts planned to have concerts there…. Read complete articleSt Peter’s Launches Redevelopment Project

Transition House moves out of School

When the Covid-19 crisis hit, Transition House, Northumberland’s shelter for the homeless (but located in Cobourg), wanted a place where there could be social distancing for staff and clients and their “house” could not do that. Simultaneously, the High School (Cobourg Collegiate Institute – CCI) closed for classes. So with the cooperation of the School Board and with help from MPP David Piccini, the school became an interim “Transition House”.  For details see link below. But with schools re-opening in September, this arrangement was not sustainable.  With the house empty, changes were able to be made to the House to make it suitable in a Covid-19 world, albeit with a limited capacity.  Transition House Executive Director Anne Newman has now… Read complete articleTransition House moves out of School

Fern Blodgett Sunde

On July 23 2018, Leona Woods made a presentation to Cobourg Council about a proposed statue of Fern Blodgett Sunde.  Her project has been successful and on Monday there was a groundbreaking ceremony.  Fern Blodgett was the first Canadian female wireless radio operator and the first to serve at sea. She served on the Norwegian merchant ship the Mosdale because the Canadian and British navies did not hire women radio operators. Fern made 78 successful crossings of the Atlantic before the war ended. Although she did not live all her life in Cobourg, she spent 20 formative years here – from infancy onwards. For years, she watched the ships from the shore of Lake Ontario at Cobourg, dreaming of becoming… Read complete articleFern Blodgett Sunde

Development of CIP for Affordable Housing Continues

Despite the pandemic and the difficulty of getting public input, the Town of Cobourg is continuing with a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) to assist with providing affordable housing.  Initiated in the Fall of 2019 and originally scheduled for completion in May 2020, draft recommendations were submitted to the Planning and Development Advisory committee on June 16. It’s about process and not the budget to be allocated. Once in place, it will permit the Town to spend money assisting developers with grants and loans for development charges, application fees and/or property tax reductions. This is despite that fact that the County is primarily responsible for the provision of affordable housing. No timetable has been set for completion of the study by the consultant but… Read complete articleDevelopment of CIP for Affordable Housing Continues

What’s Happening in Cobourg

The short answer is that not much is happening in Cobourg – at least not as far as you can tell.  Most restaurants have switched to take out, people have mostly stayed home although there are still people shopping at supermarkets, the beer store and LCBO (both stores).  Crime is still happening – Police are reporting many instances of individuals failing to comply with probation and court orders as well as minor shoplifting.   Police are making sure the Parks stay empty except for people passing through. News media are struggling to find much to report on since there are few public activities; there are fewer flyers in the one weekly newspaper;  Canada Post continues to operate; Town staff are still… Read complete articleWhat’s Happening in Cobourg