Public Consultations on Accessibility

In the second half of 2020, one of the things that Council did was to focus on Accessibility with several actions including hiring an Accessibility Coordinator (Jamie Kramer) on a full-time contract.  Jamie’s goal is to create the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion strategy for the Town of Cobourg.  So far she has helped setup an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee and secured a Provincial Grant of $60K to help with her work.  And it’s not just disabled people that are being “included”; the list is long: Black, Indigenous and People of Colour, women, people with disabilities, newcomers to Canada, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Two-Spirit, Intersex, and Asexual peoples, as well as those who identify as pansexual, questioning,… Read complete articlePublic Consultations on Accessibility

Rotary Wants to Promote Vaccinations

Cobourg’s Rotary Club has been providing volunteers to the Vaccination Clinic at the Cobourg Community Centre but they are also keen on encouraging people to get their shots.  Their idea is that everyone who has had a shot should advertise this fact with a lawn sign and simultaneously thank the volunteers who have been helping.  They don’t spell it out but there are a number of covidiots people who don’t want to be vaccinated either because they don’t understand the benefit or have unfathomable reasons and perhaps the signs will be moral persuasion for them to get with the program.  Rotary says it more diplomatically:  that the signs will “create heightened awareness for the need to get vaccinated and foster… Read complete articleRotary Wants to Promote Vaccinations

First Cannabis Store opens in Cobourg

In January 2019, Cobourg Council decided to allow Cannabis stores in the Town and now the first one has opened at 38 King Street West.  The three owners already have a store in Kingston and they plan one in Campbellford. There are three others waiting to be approved – two downtown and one on Strathy Road.  If there are any others, they have not officially applied for a licence.  See the list below. Two of the other store applicants also have multiple stores and web sites.  Given the approx. eight existing stores in Roseneath, it’s not clear if there will be enough business for all stores to operate or even if the other applicants will actually open.  But Mary J’s… Read complete articleFirst Cannabis Store opens in Cobourg

Predictions for 2021 – Opinion

Predictions by their nature are not facts – they are really opinions.  I made no predictions this time last year for 2020 and the predictions for 2019 posted a year earlier got about 8 right out of 12.  So take the predictions below with a grain of salt – except for death and taxes, the future is never certain. To predict what’s going to happen, the only facts you can rely on are what has happened up till now. So based on what I’ve seen in 2020, I think that in 2021 we can expect: Covid-19 Cobourg will go back to Yellow zone January 23 Most people in Cobourg will be able to get a vaccine shot by July. Most… Read complete articlePredictions for 2021 – Opinion

Merry Christmas from Cobourg News Blog

A year ago we had a “normal” Christmas and nobody imagined that 2020 would be such a disaster. But we now have light at the end of the tunnel with vaccines coming so even though Christmas for many will mean smaller family gatherings, we humans are a resourceful lot and we’ll still find a way to feel good at Christmas time. Alma and I are planning to join two others in our “bubble” at a Christmas lunch at a local restaurant and we have already had a small family Christmas lunch (two other family members).  I know that some kind souls are offering to do similar things with individuals who live on their own.  In the odd times I have… Read complete articleMerry Christmas from Cobourg News Blog

Fewer Community Grant requests

For several years now, the Town has followed a process for awarding grants to Community organizations.  Requests must be submitted by the end of October, an opportunity is provided to make a presentation to Council – basically to sell the idea – Council sets a budget total to be distributed, then the budget amount is allocated to lucky organizations. In 2018 there were 24 requests for community grants for $77K from the 2019 budget and 18 were approved for a total of $51K.  In 2019, 30 applicants asked for $143K with 26 awarded for $49.5K.  But in this Covid-19 era, only 10 applicants asked for $32K. All 10 applicants wanted to present to Council but at the last minute, one was… Read complete articleFewer Community Grant requests

A Virtual Remembrance Day

In previous years as many as 1000 people were at Cobourg’s Remembrance day ceremonies at the Cenotaph in Victoria Park but this year, they were asked to stay at home and watch the ceremony streamed on the Town’s You-Tube channel.  Despite this, at least 150 came anyway although they did stay well spaced.  The streaming was organized by local media entrepreneur Graham Beer and his video is now on the Town’s You-Tube channel – see below.  Also below is my summary video (4 minutes) which gives an idea of what it’s like.  Not everyone watched the live streaming (around 250) but a good number remembered in other ways – many stood outside their front doors at 11:00 am and observed… Read complete articleA Virtual Remembrance Day

Woodlawn as Rehabilitation Centre

At tonight’s Committee of the Whole meeting of Cobourg Council, an application for a Zoning By-Law amendment was received from the new owners of the Woodlawn at 420 Division Street.  The property is currently zoned District Commercial and the new owners are applying to allow it to be used as a rehabilitation centre.  The company is Canadian Centre for Addictions which already has a location in Port Hope (see web site below). Although not required legally,  Cobourg’s policy is that re-zoning applications like this should include a public meeting so one will be held.  When asked when this might be, Director McGlashon suggested November 30 was likely.  In addition the applicant will likely also hold a virtual open House –… Read complete articleWoodlawn as Rehabilitation Centre