It’s easy to forget that Cobourg is in the middle of farming country but we cannot forget about the Covid-19 crisis. Something must be working here (in Northumberland) because we have relatively few cases and no deaths. But we know that the healthcare workers at the Hospital (NHH) are working hard and these two things came together on Saturday – local farmers paraded their tractors to honour healthcare workers. At around 1:00 pm, a long line of tractors plus some other vehicles drove down Burnham, along De Palma and in front of the Hospital, down Strathy, East along Elgin past the Golden Plough then back up Burnham. It was organized by the Northumberland Federation of Agriculture (NFA) who represent over 750 farm families.
Their announcement of the event said:
The agricultural community in Northumberland hopes to convey a message of support for all the heroes that continue to work and provide essential services for our loved ones and community. We also wish to share the message to Ontarians of our continued commitment to feed our communities and the world in this incredible time of need.
Despite that fact that they asked that only the media “come outside to see this parade” (so that they could “do their part to flatten the curve”), there were people watching – although they did observe social distancing.
Above is a photo of two of the tractors heading along the road to the Hospital’s emergency entrance.
Below is a short video of some of the tractors.
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Such a nice gesture! Signs of support and appreciation go along way toward fostering a sense of togetherness! In a time when we all must “stay apart”, it’s nice to see a community “stand together”.
Way cool.
How can you not smile with such a kind gesture?
Did it “do” anything? You betcha. It raises awareness. It is a display of appreciation. It is a welcome diversion. It speaks to home-town cohesion. And it says we are better for it all. One kind gesture builds on another and before you know it, you have a house.
Mind you, leaving the front-line works a tad of produce would be nice too. ;—)
I doubt there is any produce at all to leave at this time of year.
As an Old Sailor who spent his working career in the GTA before moving to Cobourg, I can say how much more I appreciate and respect the farming community and the unique hurdles they have to jump. We sometimes forget how lucky we are to be in the middle of such a committed group of farm families. Hopefully those “Farm Tour Bus Trips” run out of Cobourg will continue when the dust settles this year.
Thank you for mentioning the tours. I had no idea such a thing existed.
I also hope they will be resumed sometime this summer.
I googled “Farm Tour Bus Trips run out of Cobourg” and got a site that has trips originating out of Mississauga with a pickup stop at Burnham/401 in Cobourg. I assume that is the one you refer to.
What hypocrisy. So much for staying at home unless it is for essential reasons like food, medical appointments etc.
Your comment sound so full of hate Kyle. Look at the picture. Distancing is occuring. With proper attention there is not reason people should not give thanks such as this. Your posts are actually frigthtening in their venom.
Kyle I feel that the stresses of recent life are getting the you down. Hang in there, things will get better. In the mean time, try to be kind. We are all in this together.
Kyle , Yr comments remind me of watching a parade go by and everyone is out of step except you, :((((
Farming community, yes but they need the city and semi rural people on this blog to buy their produce. They have a good life in general.
“They have a good life in general.”
Tell that to the prairie farmers of canola seeds who were blocked from exporting their product by the Communist Party of China. And the same glorious Communist Party has wilfully set up road blocks to Canada’s farmers of peas and pork and soybeans among other things.
France is doing great with asparagus. New ways of becoming productive without getting in awful machinery expenses. Dfficult to start with, but they carry no debts. They worked personally well their own market. It took five years. Hard work, a good life. Honest and they don’t prey on anyone.
Have you contacted the PM yet re his holiday trip to Quebec ? ,