Water Park may not happen

Because of a motion put by Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin, the installation of a Water Park on Cobourg’s Beach was raised at Monday’s Committee of the Whole meeting.  Although Council agreed last year to approve the idea, installation did not happen last year and no contract has yet been signed.  Jason Pulchinski, President of ATL (At the Lake), the distributor of the equipment, made a presentation to Council and triggered a good debate on the subject.  He explained that last year they had tried to partner with the YMCA to provide lifeguards but that did not work out.  They did manage to hire 5 but they needed 10 so that 4 could be on duty at all times.  It was… Read complete articleWater Park may not happen

Submission to Host Indigenous Summer Games Withdrawn

In September 2018, County Council approved a joint submission with Alderville First Nation to host the 2019 Ontario Indigenous Summer Games.  Applications were submitted to the Aboriginal Sport & Wellness Council of Ontario (ASWCO) by the deadline date of September 28, 2018 and applicants were to be advised of their success (or otherwise) by November 2018.  But notifications have not happened – the ASWCO web site says: “The bid process is now closed, and the Ontario Indigenous Summer Games Bid Committee is currently in the process of conducting site visits and scoring communities on the bid matrix.”  So now the County and Alderville First Nation are withdrawing their application since there is now insufficient time to prepare.  The cost of… Read complete articleSubmission to Host Indigenous Summer Games Withdrawn

First Public Cultural Plan Meeting

On February 6th, Cobourg invites citizens to a launch event for the Cultural Master Plan that is under development. It will be in the Concert Hall at Victoria Hall at 6:00pm and “the evening will feature an opportunity to see an overview of the Cultural Master Plan development process, a visioning and engagement exercise and an opportunity to provide valuable feedback.”  In the meantime, citizens are invited to participate in an online survey to complement input already received from culture and heritage groups and the business community.  Once completed, it is hoped that “the Cultural Master Plan will establish a cultural vision for the Town of Cobourg as well as identify concrete strategies and actions to support cultural and broader… Read complete articleFirst Public Cultural Plan Meeting

Changes recommended for Advisory committees

With a new Council in place, Town Clerk Brent Larmer has reviewed the number and roles of the Advisory committees and recommended changes.  Most are unchanged except for minor changes in their jobs but Brent recommends dissolution of the Economic Development Advisory Committee and splitting the Environmental/Active Transportation Advisory Committee into two: a Transportation Advisory Committee and an Environmental and Climate Change Advisory Committee. Brent says that the Economic Development Advisory Committee dealt mostly with Municipal Staff updates – that implies that citizens were not actually contributing but just listening to reports from staff.  The now dead CIVIC project aimed at downtown vitalization came from this committee as did most of the other Vitalization initiatives and although it’s hard to… Read complete articleChanges recommended for Advisory committees

Winter Film Festival

In November 2003, Ken Prue asked for interested people to join him in presenting first run Movies that were aimed at movie lovers yet not shown in the Northumberland Mall theatre.  Sourcing Films from the Toronto International Film Festival’s “Film Circuit”, the group called itself Northumberland Film Sundays (NFS) and showed five or six films each Spring and Fall.  In early 2012, Ken bought the Mall theatres but continued to lead NFS. In July 2014, Ken called an end to his venture at the Mall and passed the NFS reins to others. After a painful transition, he eventually re-opened at the Loft where he stages quality documentaries, occasional classics, Royal Opera movies and live shows. NFS continued with the new… Read complete articleWinter Film Festival

Citizen Budget Requests – Part 2

Bryan Lambert gave a presentation at Monday’s Public Budget meeting that discussed “big picture” questions – he didn’t ask for anything specific to be included but instead asked questions about the budget overall.  He pointed out that the actual total budget was more than double the amount collected in taxes, he wanted reserves to be spelled out and staffing to be discussed.  He also pointed to a surplus and overspending – seemingly opposing items – and a trend in expense increases that are faster than inflation.  His information source was the publicly available Financial Information Report (FIR) from the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs which covers all revenue and spending in municipalities – for example in Cobourg, that includes electricity,… Read complete articleCitizen Budget Requests – Part 2

Citizen Budget Requests – Part One

As announced in the Council meeting on Monday, there will a significant number of opportunities for taxpayers to observe the Town’s process for setting its 2019 budget (see link below) but there is only one where feedback is allowed and that has already happened at the Public Meeting held for that purpose.  It was held at 6:00 pm after the Council Meeting on Monday.  As expected, there were requests to minimize tax increases or even reduce them but one request was especially unusual:  Edgar Carman of Trinity Housing asked the Town to subsidise Low Cost Housing and the amount was not small.  This was a major issue in the recent election campaign so perhaps Edgar was hoping the Council would… Read complete articleCitizen Budget Requests – Part One

More from January 14 Council Meeting

In addition to the surprise change in vote by Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin about opting-in on Cannabis retail stores, there were some other surprising moves made – notably by Councillor Emily Chorley.  Debbie Davis submitted a petition “on behalf of concerned parents from Terry Fox Public School, regarding amendments to the No Parking Restrictions on Riddell Street and the end of White Street.”  As expected, staff recommended that Council direct the petition to Public Works Staff for a report back to Council.   But unexpectedly, Emily successfully moved that a timely report be made given that there were many items that have been on unfinished business for many months.  Her motion specified a limit of 3 months.  Another surprise was a Notice… Read complete articleMore from January 14 Council Meeting