Merry Christmas from Cobourg News Blog

Once again we come to the Holiday Season with Christmas as the central attraction – whether you are Christian or not.  For everyone it’s a time where we get together with family and/or friends and forget the troubles of the world – so I won’t be reporting on any Town events in this Post.  But I would like to thank everyone who has participated in the forum provided here and a special thanks to those who see me around town and take the time to let me know that they appreciate my work. As you know, I don’t operate this “blog” as a business but instead as a service.  As such, I am quite happy to recommend others in Cobourg who fill gaps in my coverage – notably Todays Northumberland led by Pete Fisher, the web site of the Northumberland News newspaper and Cobourg Now led by Jay Robinson.  Links to these and others may be found on the page called “Other News Sources“.

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

But this site is the only one with the word “Blog” included – why is that?  It’s called a blog because of the format: comments are allowed and encouraged and its layout is in “blog format” and not like a newspaper.  It also implies a more personal writing style.  The downside is that blogs are usually a place where the author expresses an opinion so some readers are “turned-off”.  But newspapers often aim at particular audiences or promote particular viewpoints – e.g. the Toronto Star acknowledges that it has a Liberal bias (both politically and philosophically); the Toronto Sun is Conservative as is the National Post.  But local news sources try to be neutral – and that’s true for Cobourg News blog.  Sometimes it’s hard and occasionally I get accused of bias but it’s certainly not intended.

One reason that other news web sites do not allow and/or encourage comments is that comments must be moderated.  That is, monitored and deleted if needed, and this takes time.  It’s often hard to draw a line between what’s interesting and what’s offensive or way off topic.  I also insist that the email provided is valid.  Although it’s not published it ensures a degree of legitimacy – please, no emails like or [email protected] or [email protected]

But enough of that.

With the new Council now going into their second year, I’m sure there will be lots happening in 2020 so stay tuned.

Meanwhile I wish everyone all the best for Christmas – may it be a source of Happiness for you and yours.

John Draper

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Blog fan
4 years ago

John’s tireless work, especially covering Council events, is an invaluable service… and it can be interesting to read the viewpoints of others… And, no, we do not want him to move to P.H. Selena

4 years ago

To you and your family have a very happy and prosperous New Year 2020. Thanks for all you do.

4 years ago

It’s always interesting to read the Cobourg News Blog and the various comments! Thank you for covering all those meetings and many other activities. Merry Christmas and a great 2020!

4 years ago

This blog is a must for anyone who wants to be informed! Well done and much appreciated. Thank you!

4 years ago

Merry Christmas and thank you for your very informative blog! 🎄🤶🎄

4 years ago

Once again John, a very merry Christmas to you and yours from Mrs. Claus and I!

Old Sailor
4 years ago

John, thanks for giving us a forum in which we can read every one else’s opinion on many important local topics. And for allowing us to express our view, even if it may cause some readers to reach for their blood pressure pills.

2020 should be another good year for the Town of Cobourg.

The Old Sailor & The Old Doll.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Old Sailor
4 years ago

I very much agree Old Sailor. Most of our viewpoints are offensive to at least some residents however we’re all trying to make our little town a better place to live.

Without John’s outstanding work we would have no idea what is happening in Cobourg. Thanks, John!

Anne Rawson
4 years ago

We are exceeding lucky to have a person with your talent and dedication to help build this community! As always thanks John. Hope you and your family have a wonder-filled holiday season.

4 years ago

Merry Christmas John, from Kathy and Jeff.

Georgina & Bill Hagemeyer
4 years ago

Merry Christmas to you and your lovely wife. Have a Happy Healthy 2020.
From another 1939er and Bill

4 years ago

You are doing a great job and providing a much needed service. I am amazed at the time and effort you spend on this blog but it really does show. Lucky Cobourg – I echo Selena – you are very, very welcome in Port Hope!
Have a Happy New Year and much success personally and with the blog in 2020.

Dave Hughes
4 years ago

Keep up the good work John, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to your daily posts in 2020.

Selena Forsyth
4 years ago

Merry Christmas John. And thank you for all you do. Would you consider moving to Port Hope?
Cheers, and all the best for 2020.
Selena Forsyth

4 years ago

Merry Christmas John, your work is much appreciated.

Paul Pagnuelo
4 years ago

‘Twas the night before Christmas
And all through Vic Hall
Only Council were working
Man, what a sight.

While the others were merrymaking.
Far into the night
Glued to their desks, they muttered:
“Council must make this budget right!”

The lights were all dimmed
‘Cept for their lit screens
And still they worked on –
Those cutbacks must be done.

Yes Suzanne, Brian, Emily, Nicole, Adam and Aaron worked on
Though tired they were
For nothing matters more
Than eliminating the fat.

But a clamour arose
Way down the hall.
What could it be?
Such commotion and all.

They stood up and checked ‘round
To determine the exact source
Coming from the corner office
It was Mayor Henderson of course.

“Oh it’s Christmas Eve, he said
“What are you doing?”
Everyone has left
And here you’re still tooling.”

And sheepishly, Suzanne did reply:
“But John who will do it?
There’s a budget meeting on January 9th
And we can’t say just screw it!”

John, though, is nothing
But shrewd, smart and wise
Knowing the risk
He looked them in the eyes.

“Suzanne, Nicolle and Emily it doesn’t matter
Come January’s meeting
Life is so short
And so very fleeting.

The Town of Cobourg can wait
There are better things to do
During this season of eggnog and shortbread
The next two weeks.

Brian, Adam and Aaron put down your pens,
And pack up your stuff.
Go home, already.
Enough is enough!!

So Council relented
Though they felt a tad guilty
And said, “John, you’re right,
What matters is family”.

And so late they went home
By car and by sled
To celebrate with their families
The greatest people by far.

As for the 2020 Budget,
It surely can wait
At least ‘til the New Year
When Suzanne will once again make it great.

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Paul Pagnuelo
4 years ago

nicely done Paul.

Mrs. Anonymous
4 years ago

Truly appreciate your blog service. You do a great job! What would we do without you?

Merry Christmas.

Reply to  Mrs. Anonymous
4 years ago

We echo these sentiments. Merry Christmas, John, and all the best for 2020 and beyond.

Wally Keeler
4 years ago

From the poets of Cobourg led by the late Eric Winter, Poet Laureate Emeritus

Reply to  Wally Keeler
4 years ago

That looked like lots of fun. Well done

Blog fan
Reply to  Wally Keeler
4 years ago

What Good sports and a nice memory of Eric…