Council Approves Two New Events

The first Northumberland Turkey Trot  was in 2012 (not in Cobourg) but it’s a first for Cobourg for the Ontario Town Crier Championship.  Both were approved at Council’s Committee of the Whole meeting on May 13.  The Turkey trot was previously held at the Cobourg Scout Reserve on County Rd 45, Harwood but in 2019, it will move to the Cobourg Conservation Area.  Held as a fundraiser for the YMCA, it is a family event with participants from toddlers to seniors. It will be on Thanksgiving Monday, October 14.   All the Town had to do was to agree – no funding was requested.  The Town Crier championship will be on June 1st on the Esplanade (that’s at the waterfront) and is supported by a $1700 grant from the Town.  There could be as many as 20 (or more) Town Criers from all over Ontario participating.

Northumberland Turkey Trot

There are five events with over 400 participants expected.  Here is the program

8:30 a.m. Gates Open
9:30 a.m. The Gobbler 5K Run and 2.5K Run/Walk (all ages) – win a turkey or a pie!
10:20 a.m. Gobbler presentations of Best Costume Award
10:40 a.m. Kids’ 2.5K Turkey Trot (8 to 13 years)
11:00 a.m. Wingding 1K (5 to 7 years)
11:15 a.m. Gobble Wobble Search (4 years old and under): A fun chase activity (free) – a hoot to watch!
11:30 a.m. Presentations and Draw Prizes

Parking will be at the YMCA, the Cobourg Conservation Area parking lot and the Fellowship Baptist Church – significantly more space than at the previous location.

Turkey Trot Map
Turkey Trot Map

And here is a map of the course

There’s more info at the organization’s web site here – I recommend a visit.

Ontario Town Crier Championship

Organized by the Ontario Guild of Town criers (with 54 members), there will be a judged competition with events in both Cobourg and Grafton. This event is open to the public and the community is welcome to come out and experience this event first hand. Held on the Esplanade (south of Rotary Harbourfront Park) the first event will be at 9:00 am.  All participants will be asked to make a “Cry” on Topic #1: The Home Town Cry – where the criers extol the virtues of the municipality they represent.  Then at 11:00 am they will make a Cry on Topic 2: Victoria Hall. 

If weather is inclement, the event would move to William Academy.

At 2:00 pm  the event moves to Grafton where the Cry will be on Topic #3: Inns and Taverns or Heritage ArchitectureThe location will be the Grafton Inn, 10830 County Rd 2, Grafton (Gazebo behind the Inn).


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Walter Luedtke
5 years ago
Oh what a relief!
For a moment Council got away from all that cursed Waterfront business and approves two feel-good events.
Waterpark, travel lift, boat slips, nature preserve, liquor canteen, paddle boats, dredging, pier repair, beach volleyball – all a big pain in the head.
No wonder Council quietly dropped the term ‘lakeside community’ from its vision.
But the ‘breather’ is only temporary.
Summer is here and hordes of beachgoers will arrive with their BBQs and garbage and parking etc and the B&B raucous June weddings will gear up.
Council, which only wants to be loved by you, will get lots of irate calls and will have to make decisions that get folks all riled up.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Walter Luedtke
5 years ago

Your photo of the beach appears full, which happens only 10 days in a year of 365 days, or less than 4% of any given year. That’s all it takes to “get folks all riled up”. It’s usually not the young nor families that actually use the beach that are riled.

Reply to  Walter Luedtke
5 years ago

Walter, you were such a cheerleader for last term’s council and the majority of them are still there. What is it about Councillors Beatty, Chorley and/or Bureau that has turned you into such a cynic of this term’s council?

Walter Luedtke
Reply to  Frenchy
5 years ago

Hi Frenchy! You are right as you often are.
No more pompoms.
But ‘critic’ is more appropriate.
Our People, Cobourg’s citizens, have different and contrary interests,
Each Council decision will hurt or displease one group or another.
The mantra du jour of ‘listening, being open, transparent and inclusive’ only papers over that underlying reality.
But it will morph politics into a popularity contest.
Council, particularly His Worship, has a choice between leading or following.
IMHO anyway.

Reply to  Walter Luedtke
5 years ago

it will morph politics into a popularity contest

I agree 100%, but I think that happened a long time ago.
At all levels.