Young Entrepreneur at Beach Booth

Rachel Lalonde operates the Surfside Tuck Shop at Cobourg beach and so far is doing well.  Her business sells beach toys, candies, mats, souvenirs etc and is helped by a couple of programs.  One is the Youth Entrepreneur Partnership Program run by the Town and their help is primarily free rental of the booth.  There are two booths at the beach, the other is run by the Town and rents out bicycles (more at links below).  The other program is called Summer Company and is run by the county and funded by the Province. It provides startup money of up to $3,000 and mentorship for full-time high school, college or university students, aged 15-29 years of age.  Rachel is going into grade 12 in September.  To be accepted on the program, students have to apply and write a viable and comprehensive business plan.

Rachel Lalonde
Rachel Lalonde

Today, Rachel and eight other young entrepreneurs were at Staples demonstrating their businesses.  Details of them are here. More on a similar event in 2016 in links below.

Rachel’s booth operates seven days a week, July and August.

Hours are:

11 am to 5:00 pm – Friday thru Sunday
1:00 pm to  5:00 pm – Monday thru Thursday

However, today (Wednesday July 4th) she said she would be there until 5:30 pm.

The name is cheeky (Surfside Tuck shop) – Cobourg is not renowned as a surfing destination but I was assured that surfers do come to catch waves alongside the East pier. Most of Rachel’s offerings are low priced – she had no high-end surfboards in stock!

In 2014, Ellie Hellier operated a similar business to Rachel (see link below).  The Town’s program started in 2014 and had students with various businesses each year until 2016 but in 2017, no student took up the offer. Initially, the program included support for young entrepreneurs in other locations but there were few takers.


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6 years ago

Amazing idea….go to any major beach town in the country or in the US and you will find some tourist focused booths/kiosks/shops like this every where…should connect with the Canada Candy Company in Cobourg offer some local gummies and sweets.

6 years ago

Good luck Rachel….good for you!