Council Tweaks Governance

Over the past several weeks, staff have talked to each Councillor about Council meeting procedures (governance) and incorporated some of their changes into a revised by-law (050-2024). The new by-law was presented at the “Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee” on September 3 – this is the only Standing Committee that all Councillors attend (although Deputy Mayor Beatty was absent during this discussion). Councillor Miriam Mutton asked many detailed questions and questioned the understanding of quorum rules. She also moved to include more changes. But in the end, and although Mayor Cleveland expressed appreciation for her attention to detail, she was outvoted. But the discussion was useful – it was clear that other Councillors did not want drastic change – all they agreed to were a few tweaks.

But let me summarize the changes that WERE approved – subject to ratification at the regular Council meeting on September 25.

New Rules of Order and Procedures for Municipal Council and Committee Meetings

See Resources for a copy of the new by-law annotated to highlight changes from the previous bylaw – 85-2023. Below are key changes.

  • Now there will be only three Standing Committee Meetings. The Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee will be amalgamated with the Corporate, Finance, and Legislative Standing Committee.
  • Many seemingly routine items are collectively approved using a “Consent Agenda”. Previously, only one Councillor needed to ask to have specific items considered separately but in future, it will take two. Mayor Cleveland noted that to proceed, a second councillor would have to second any motion so this change simply moves the decision earlier.
  • Addition of two scheduled Special Meetings in the summer. (One each in July and August). This will allow Councillors and Staff to schedule their time. If there is no urgent business these meetings may be cancelled.

Assuming these changes are ratified, they will go into effect in October.

Not approved

  • Reduction to 2 Standing Committee meetings
  • Reducing presentation time for “speakers” to 5 minutes from the current 10.
  • Adding a second regular Council meeting each month.


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5 hours ago

“Now there will be only three Standing Committee Meetings. The Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee will be amalgamated with the Corporate, Finance, and Legislative Standing Committee.

So now each Council member will only have to attend 4 meetings in a month and we are paying fulltime wages for this?

Reply to  Ben
5 hours ago

The m/o of this Council is to drive fees, fines, taxes up, dramatically and needlessly increase the size of government, decrease the number/length of taxpayer touch points or interactions and provide less service, for more money.

The goal for the upcoming budget year must be 0% increase across all department and zero service cuts. Do more, with less – welcome to running a business, kids.