Cobourg Commercial Properties for Sale – August 2019

There is quite a lot of commercial real-estate activity in Cobourg – some for sale and some for lease. I find the more interesting category is sale (rather than lease) since that means the owner wants out. It’s also interesting to note which properties are no longer on sale – for example the Park Theatre and the “Quigley” lot on Second Street. Based on public information (MLS and others), I have prepared a list with some properties new and some which have been up for sale for a year or more.  The list is not complete since not all sales are on MLS – a notable group of properties in this category are those on King West originally owned by John Lee. Note… Read complete articleCobourg Commercial Properties for Sale – August 2019

Update on Housing Developments – July 2019

At the Council meeting on 22 July, an update on developments currently with the planning department was given by Councillor Aaron Burchat (on behalf of Planning coordinator Nicole Beatty who was absent).  Aaron said there were 25 projects and listed 12 of them.  They included projects that had recently come before council plus some others.  There is a wide range planned – some are low cost and affordable while others are “high end”.  It’s clear a good number of major developers are interested in the Cobourg market – perhaps encouraged by the recent rise in house prices here.  These include Stalwood, New Amherst, Mason Homes, Rondeau, LeBlanc Homes, Balder Corporation and Rollins Investments.  Some have been in various stages for… Read complete articleUpdate on Housing Developments – July 2019

Update on House Prices in Cobourg

There’s been a lot of discussion recently on the need for affordable housing in Cobourg – both new and rental. But many in Cobourg own their own house – in 2016, according to the census, there were 8,788 households in Cobourg and according to CMHC, in October 2018 there were 1068 rental units. The difference of over 7000 are mostly homes that are owned although perhaps with a mortgage. For many of these 7000+ households, this also represents a large part of their net worth and therefore their savings for retirement.  So the sale price of their home is important and the good news is that despite well-publicized talk of prices dropping, they have not. (Or bad news for renters). The same is… Read complete articleUpdate on House Prices in Cobourg

Council approves re-zoning for Balder Corp Development

The planned development at the West End of University Avenue is described as affordable rental units.  But all units are also accessible – and activist Jerry Ford was at the Public meeting on Monday expressing full support.  The presentation by WND Associates described the 4 story building with reference to how it generally met the requirements of the County’s Official Plan and the Town’s Official Plan but rezoning is required to allow the proposed apartment building.  The land is currently occupied by a former lumber business, an empty house and a house used partly for business purposes at 387 William Street.  The intent is to leave the William street property as is but demolish the rest and build a new… Read complete articleCouncil approves re-zoning for Balder Corp Development

More Growth Planned for East End

Stalwood Homes is currently building and selling homes in the East end at Brook Road north of King Street and south of the railway tracks.   This is now at Phase 3 (of 4) of East Village. They own the land to the East of that and have now submitted an application for approval of a draft plan of subdivision for 333 housing units in that area which will be called East Village Phase 5.  This will require rezoning and an Official Plan amendment for the part of that area where a high density apartment block is proposed.  Because of that, a public meeting was held on Monday, June 24 to allow the public to provide input.  The Planning and Development… Read complete articleMore Growth Planned for East End

CDCI West Playing Field being readied for Sale

When the CDCI West School was sold, the sale did not include the land behind the school used for sports.  In Cobourg, this is prime waterfront land and occupies (by my estimate) about 1.4 Hectares or 3.6 acres.  It fronts onto Durham Street.  For 15 years, the school board had a hand shake agreement with the Town allowing a boardwalk to be built across the unused part of the land near the West beach.  This easement was never formally/legally setup because the School Board said they had “no intention of developing the property in a manner inconsistent with the Town’s continued use of the easement”.  But now, the situation has changed and the School Board wants an official/legal easement but… Read complete articleCDCI West Playing Field being readied for Sale

Durham Architecture Students Display ideas for Downtown

Architectural Technology students from Durham College were asked to produce practical designs for potential development locations in Downtown Cobourg.  Their teacher Ali Taileb gave them a choice of one of two locations on Albert Street: either the land adjacent to Rotary Park which is now a parking lot or the land on the South West corner of Albert and Division – now occupied by buildings.  They had to resolve issues that would come up for site plan approval and were briefed on that by Cobourg’s Planning Department.  As a result they worried about issues such as preserving one of the trees, moving buried water mains, parking requirements and more.  They also had to comply with a requirement for a mixed… Read complete articleDurham Architecture Students Display ideas for Downtown

Condos in East End of Cobourg

It’s not only affordable Rental housing that’s scarce in Cobourg, but also reasonably priced condos – at least that’s what “200’s” is now considered to be. Stalwood homes has already built and sold 20 such units in their East End development off the South end of Brook Rd North and now wants to start phase 2 with another 20.   At Monday’s C.O.W. Council meeting, the site plan for two more 10-plex units was approved although Councillor Emily Chorley was “disappointed” that there were no accessible units included.  Director Glenn McGlashon explained that the Province does not require housing less than 600 sq. metres to include them.  The developer said that all 20 have been presold and in response to a… Read complete articleCondos in East End of Cobourg