Cobourg Remembers the Great War

Along with a program of events happening over the next six weeks, Victoria Hall will host displays to commemorate the end of the first World War.  To launch these events and displays, a grand opening ceremony was held in the Concert Hall at Victoria Hall on Sunday afternoon with over 100 people coming to see two videos (see below), some speakers, a sample of two of the plays being presented and displays of banners, photographs and artifacts.  The collection of events was primarily driven by Dean Hustwick – the Town’s Director of Community Services – with help from his staff and inspiration from Hugh Brewster.  Randy Barber recently moved to Cobourg and has provided a large number of WWI artifacts … Read complete articleCobourg Remembers the Great War

Should the Town buy the Park Theatre?

This was first proposed in August 2014 and although the Town came close to buying it in May 2015, the deal fell through (see links below).  It was subsequently bought by someone else but since then, nothing has happened – at least not publicly.  The thought by some is that Cobourg needs something equivalent to Port Hope’s Capitol Theatre and although the Park needs extensive work, it is halfway there.  On the other hand, Victoria Hall already serves as a theatre for many events. However, a consultant has now been hired to prepare a Cultural Master Plan and it is hoped that it will help with making a decision.  A lot is riding on this Plan; when Dean Hustwick was hired… Read complete articleShould the Town buy the Park Theatre?

Art in Victoria Hall

At the next Committee of the Whole meeting, Council will be asked to approve a Policy for Public Art in Victoria Hall.  Intended for public areas only (not employee working areas), Council asked for the development of a policy when Marie Dressler Foundation Chair Rick Miller asked why a picture of Marie Dressler was removed from the Citizen’s Forum at the request of the Victoria Hall Volunteers (see link below).  It seemed there were two reasons for their objection: Marie was not connected with Victoria Hall and the Citizen’s Forum was their meeting room!  The implication is that the policy should restrict art to be related to Victoria Hall, especially in the Citizen’s Forum, but the new policy does not… Read complete articleArt in Victoria Hall

Shelter Valley donates to S.O.N.G.

In closing down the Shelter Valley Folk Festival organization, a home was needed for the $10,000 remaining cash of the registered charity. In an email today, the remaining organizers of the festival announced that this money would go to the Sounds of the Next Generation  (S.O.N.G.) organization whose “charitable objects are very much in line with the festival’s.”  The Festival started in 2004 and while it was operating, it was quite popular with fans coming from a distance.  The fifteen or so performers were generally very good but after a spat in 2015 with the Henkels who owned the land where the Festival was held, there was a lot of turmoil and eventually the Festival had to close down due… Read complete articleShelter Valley donates to S.O.N.G.

Location of Midway for Waterfront Festival

For several years, the Midway at the Waterfront Festival has been on the East Pier and Rotary liked that arrangement.  In a letter to Council Rotary President Rick Riley  said that “the Pier is the ideal location for the Midway” (more below). But based on comments by Director Dean Hustwick, it appears that the current Midway operator prefers the Victoria Park location although moved a little.  The letter was discussed at Council’s Committee of the Whole Meeting on Tuesday – Rotary wanted to know if they could have their preferred location in 2019 since “(the Midway’s) visibility on the Pier gives a focal point to our Show and to the downtown Festival activities generally, without imposing itself either visually or… Read complete articleLocation of Midway for Waterfront Festival

Lots of Historical Entertainment

Starting September 21 and continuing to November 11, Cobourg will be treated to entertainment based on the anniversaries of two events: the end of World War 1 and the birth of Cobourg’s star comedienne Marie Dressler.  The events billed as Armistice 18 commemorate the 100th anniversary of the WWI Armistice and consist of a musical Gala, two plays, a play reading, three speakers and a special exhibit at the Art Gallery of Northumberland (AGN).  Not all the original plans came to fruition but most have (see link below).  Around the same time, Marie Dressler Foundation is celebrating Marie’s 150th birthday with speakers, a gala dinner, a public birthday celebration and an exhibit at the Art Gallery.  Chair Rick Miller has… Read complete articleLots of Historical Entertainment

Nominations open for Cobourg and District Sports Hall of Fame

In May 2016, Ross Quigley formed a committee to document the history of local sports and this included preserving local sports memorabilia and honouring local sports “athletes and builders”.  Since then over 500 items of memorabilia have been donated and the histories of some 80 local sports are in the process of being documented.  But now they are inviting nominations for candidates for “election into the Cobourg and District Sports Hall of Fame”. Chair Ross Quigley said that “Election is restricted to athletes and builders of sport having a direct connection to the Cobourg and District area.”  Ross defines “District” to include Hamilton, Cramahe and Alnwick/Haldimand and he defines which athletes are eligible and what the committee means by “builders”…. Read complete articleNominations open for Cobourg and District Sports Hall of Fame

Busy Saturday in Downtown Cobourg

The second annual Art Walk on Saturday had good participation from the Cobourg stores on King Street, both operating and closed.  It was not clear how many people were aware of the fact that these stores do not normally display Art in their windows – I took photos of 17 stores who had Art in their windows but there were more.  A couple of the photos are below – quite an impressive show.  There were also a lot of vendors in booths on Second Street plus Mercedes tested the waters to see if there was interest in a street car show.  The event ran from 10:00am to 3:00pm and was followed by a pub crawl – but that’s not photogenic… Read complete articleBusy Saturday in Downtown Cobourg