Council Updates – June 29

As well as their decision to keep the Beach closed at the June 29 meeting, Council decided on several other items and provided some interesting information on a range of subjects.  The meeting started with a long presentation by Police but their submitted report was not the same as the presentation to Council on June 29.  There were a lot of verbal details – you’ll have to listen to it, see links below.  There were three delegations – two wanting the beach closed (Gail Rayment and Paul Pagnuelo) and one about the replacement of water meters by Bryan Lambert which he withdrew since he said there would not be enough time in 10 minutes to make his case.  But the… Read complete articleCouncil Updates – June 29

Council Listens to Public and Keeps Beach Closed

As many as 311 people watched the Council make a final decision about the Beach – this compares to a normal audience of around 20.  Mayor John Henderson said that in the past week it was the busiest he had ever been as Mayor with 320 phone calls and emails.  He and other councillors thanked the public for their engagement.  John estimated that 20% of those communicating with him wanted to limit the beach to just locals and 80% wanted the beach fully closed. He said that health and safety were more important than tourism or business.  Other councillors gave more detailed reasons and there seemed to be some nervousness about how the vote would go since a recorded vote… Read complete articleCouncil Listens to Public and Keeps Beach Closed

Transition House – an Update

After a few turbulent years (see links below), Transition House now has a new Executive director, Anne Newman – Anne started work just before the Covid-19 crisis started.  With social distancing required, and schools closed, residents were moved to a dormitory style arrangement at CCI. Since then, Transition House has been fully operational there and their 10 Chapel Street location has been closed.  On Thursday, June 25, Transition House held their Annual General Meeting and together with additional input from Anne, I can now provide an update. But first, let’s spell out what Transition House does.  First and foremost they provide short term emergency housing for adults.  Then they help clients move into affordable housing.  They are primarily funded by… Read complete articleTransition House – an Update

Staff report on how to Re-open Beach

On June 22, Council asked staff for a report on how exactly the beach should be re-opened per their motion and they wanted it for their meeting on June 29.  Community Services Director Dean Hustwick has now delivered that – see link below.  The memo provides specifics on what would be done and how much it would cost.  As Dean has said to me in the past, Council makes decisions and staff implement them.  The “plan” does not have any real surprises and covers issues in the motion providing Council’s most recent direction.  More details are below but the short synopsis is that the beach would be limited to 1500 people, it would be first-come, first-served from Monday to Thursday… Read complete articleStaff report on how to Re-open Beach

DBIA proposes trial closure of King Street

On four weekends in the summer, the DBIA proposes a trial closure of King Street so that it becomes pedestrian friendly. The idea is that Restaurants, Bars and Coffee shops can have Patios or extend their existing ones.  Although it might inhibit curb-side pickup to non-food places, these stores have agreed to a trial – for one time anyway.  The initiative was proposed by the DBIA to Council at their Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday June 22.  Although Council agreed, it will have to be ratified at their Regular Council meeting on June 29.  King Street will be closed from Spring to McGill but Division will remain open.  Closures will start on Fridays at 9:00 am and continue… Read complete articleDBIA proposes trial closure of King Street

Town Hall Meeting – mostly about the Beach

Communication is good and in these difficult times the only way to have a Town Hall meeting is online.  Using Zoom, MPP David Piccini and Mayor John Henderson co-hosted a meeting tonight for Cobourg residents to ask anything about Covid-19.  I counted 20 questions and up to 71 participants and, no surprise, most questions (12) were about the Beach closure with the majority in favour of closure or if not, wanted assurance that social distancing could be enforced.  There were also questions about wearing of masks and a couple of other items – see below.  Mayor Henderson referred most questions to the decision making that will come out of the Council meeting on June 29.  I did not hear any… Read complete articleTown Hall Meeting – mostly about the Beach

Hospital Slowly Returning to Normal

The first thing you might notice is that effective July 6th parking is no longer free.  As explained by Abhi Mukherjee, NHH’s Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer, parking fees bring a net $750k per year so free parking could not be sustained for long.  When you go into the Hospital, you’ll notice “heightened cleaning practices” and be reminded to clean your hands.  But in another announcement, NHH explains that other services are being ramped up after almost three months of providing only emergency and high-priority surgeries and imaging exams.  Meanwhile hundreds of other tests, appointments and procedures were postponed for safety reasons, or – if appropriate – provided virtually.  But the Hospital has been busy providing Covid-19… Read complete articleHospital Slowly Returning to Normal

Beach to Re-open on a Limited Basis

At tonight’s Committee of the Whole Council meeting, councillors had a long debate about re-opening the beach.  Councillor Emily Chorley proposed that the beach be re-opened on a limited basis with advance reservations required for time slots.  She initially wanted weekdays only but others wanted seven days a week.  The idea is that numbers would be limited although the exact number has not yet been specified.  There would likely be only one public entrance that would be available (and it would be accessible) although there would be other emergency only entrances. In discussion it became apparent that there are staffing and logistical issues that need to be sorted out so Staff were asked to report back on June 29 with… Read complete articleBeach to Re-open on a Limited Basis