John Henderson Announces re-election Campaign

At a small Press Conference outside Victoria Hall today, John Henderson announced that he will run for re-election as Cobourg’s Mayor.  Adam Bureau was there and he said that he too has submitted his papers for re-election as Councillor although he has not yet started his campaign.  John handed out campaign material (see below) and has assembled a campaign team including Don Morrison and Roger Tessier.  John has lived in Cobourg for 36 years and has been on Council for the last 12 and in successive terms moved from Councillor, to Deputy Mayor to Mayor.   His campaign handout includes a list of “Areas of Focus” and his Professional Qualifications with a short section on his Personal Life.  He has provided… Read complete articleJohn Henderson Announces re-election Campaign

West Headland Recommendations

Since 2017 there have been heated discussions in Cobourg about the West Headland – probably now to be called Waterfront Nature Park. It got mixed up with unpopular plans to expand the Marina into the West Harbour and it’s a natural separation for the natural West Beach. It started with a concern that its official name – Langevin Pier – was no longer acceptable (dare I say not “woke”?).  See the Resources below for more but the short version is that Langevin was an advocate for the residential school system.  But what to name it instead?  Alderville Chief Mowat was not concerned so eventually the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) were asked to decide.  Along the way, there was… Read complete articleWest Headland Recommendations

More on Separate Stormwater Tax

The Town of Cobourg gets revenue from Taxes, grants from other levels of Government and user fees.  The biggest user fee is for water and sewer but there is no specific fee for Stormwater – its cost is included in taxes.  But some properties result in more use of stormwater drains than others.  For example large paved areas funnel more water to drains than lawns.  Another issue is that up till now, the Town did not know how much money was spent or should be spent on stormwater drains.   To sort out the cost and how it should be funded, the Town hired a consultant to advise them.  At the next Committee of the Whole meeting on May 9, Peter… Read complete articleMore on Separate Stormwater Tax

Police get Provincial Funding

Cobourg Police recently released their updated Strategic Plan – and it includes a fresh summary of major public concerns:  1. Drugs (prevention, support, enforcement) 2. Mental Health 3. Community Involvement 4. Homelessness 5. Traffic Enforcement.  It’s significant that Mental Health is now near the top of the list for concerns and Homelessness is on the list.  Many calls to Police are really calls for help for people with these issues and not crimes so Police are changing what they do.  Yesterday, MPP David Piccini announced that the Province is providing $860K in funding over 3 years to help Cobourg Police with programs aimed at Mental Health and Homelessness.  Now supported are the Homelessness Addictions Response Project (HARP – $410K), a… Read complete articlePolice get Provincial Funding

Three New Surveys Issued

Cobourg recently lost the Communications Manager Ashley Purdy but without any announcement, we now have a new one: Kara Euale.  Kara is not new to the Town, she was previously in the Community Services Division looking after Marketing and Events but has now been appointed to the Communications position.  Although she has had her name on earlier announcements, she has now got our attention with three surveys: “What’s Next for the Memorial Arena?” and “Potential Affordable Housing Sites Survey” and Phase 2 on the ICSP.   The first two are getting a lot of attention by Council and both open up cans of worms with no simple answers so there will no doubt be a wide range of opinions for both.  … Read complete articleThree New Surveys Issued

The Cobourg Loft to Close

Today Ken Prue announced that his unique venue, the Cobourg Loft, is to close on 30 October 2022. This is because the new owners of the building have decided to convert the space to residential apartments. The building was sold a few months ago and it has been business as usual since then. Ken has operated the Loft for 8 years and it has gained a reputation as Cobourg’s home of exceptional quality film and occasional live music performances.  Ken hopes to continue to present live music at Victoria Hall and wants to reassure everyone that the Loft will be fully operational right up to the end.  His announcement came as the footnote to a regular newsletter and is worth… Read complete articleThe Cobourg Loft to Close

Provincial Election Campaign Has Started

Last night the Liberal Candidate, Jeff Kawzenuk, had a grand opening of his campaign office at the top end of Division Street (901) and on Saturday the Conservative Candidate and incumbent, David Piccini, will be opening his campaign office at the other end of Division Street (239). In addition, late Wednesday, the Green Party announced their Candidate, Lisa Francis.  The NDP have not yet announced a candidate but say they are working on it.  But in this election there are at least three other parties vying for our vote – one of these, the New Blue Party has also announced a Candidate, Joshua Chalhoub.  I’ll leave speculation on who’ll win etc to readers of this blog although I have collected… Read complete articleProvincial Election Campaign Has Started

Cobourg’s Earth Day – 2022

Earth Day was April 22 but Cobourg celebrated it at its Ecology Garden on April 23.  A ceremony attended by around 80 people brought together a diverse group of people who felt a spiritual connection to the Earth.  First to make a statement were indigenous people but also represented were Christians, a Jewish representative and an interfaith group covering probably all religions. I did not hear the word “God” mentioned but instead “creator” – no one seemed offended.  Young children (from the S.O.N.G. group) participated with a couple of songs and Council was represented by Mayor John Henderson and Councillor Adam Bureau.  After the initial “song”, the indigenous representative (Susan Siwick) allowed all present to participate in a ritual smudging… Read complete articleCobourg’s Earth Day – 2022