Provincial Election Campaign Has Started

Last night the Liberal Candidate, Jeff Kawzenuk, had a grand opening of his campaign office at the top end of Division Street (901) and on Saturday the Conservative Candidate and incumbent, David Piccini, will be opening his campaign office at the other end of Division Street (239). In addition, late Wednesday, the Green Party announced their Candidate, Lisa Francis.  The NDP have not yet announced a candidate but say they are working on it.  But in this election there are at least three other parties vying for our vote – one of these, the New Blue Party has also announced a Candidate, Joshua Chalhoub.  I’ll leave speculation on who’ll win etc to readers of this blog although I have collected the facts about the election on a separate page (see Resources below).

Provincial Candidates
Provincial Candidates

In a week or two, I will be asking candidates leading questions and reporting here but for now the election has not yet been officially called.

But here is a quick summary of the first four Candidates.

David Piccini – Conservative incumbent MPP and Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. He lives in Port Hope and has been very active and visible for the last 4 years.  Conservative Leader is Premier Doug Ford.

Jeff Kawzenuk – Liberal Candidate.  Lives in Colborne and is a retired teacher and Principal.  Active in Volunteer work.  Liberal leader is Steven Del Duca who took over from Kathleen Wynne.

Lisa Francis – Green Party Candidate  Lives in Brighton.  Works as a Teaching and Learning Coordinator at Queen’s University.  Green Party Leader is Mike Schreiner.

Joshua Chalhoub – New Blue Party Candidate, Leader is Jim Karahalios.  At the risk of being corrected, I would describe the party as right-wing libertarian – but see their web site in resources below.

I expect we’ll hear about an NDP Candidate in the near future and possibly also from these two parties:

  • Ontario Party led by Derek Sloan – Freedom, Family and Faith – (firmly on the right).
  • None of the Above Direct Democracy Party – Leader Greg Vezina – no local candidate yet

Both parties have a large number of candidates but none yet in this riding.


Linda McArthur-Jackson has been named as the NDP Candidate.  No further details as of 30 April.


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Wally Keeler
2 years ago

Hi Ben. Hate reared its ugly head overnight in Ottawa with the progressive idea of free speech, spray painting “No Haven For Fascism“, spread tacks in the laneway, chalk hate messages on the sidewalk surrounding the church, pasting hate notes to the door. This is the result of Justin/Jagmeet dog whistling their hateful messages about truckers. Yes dog whistling.

Merle Gingrich
2 years ago

Whether or not David Puccini described himself as a part of Ford Nation he has been in our town/ lives and done a hellova job for this riding. We have too many leftist in government as is.

Reply to  Merle Gingrich
2 years ago

Who in the governing Party of Ontario would you describe as ‘leftist’? Most of the ones I see in Fordnation would not be out of place in Ottawa this weekend calling for “Freedumb”

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

What a pity that you have swallowed the mainstream media narrative hook, line and sinker. Or as the founder of the Canadians United Against Hate, Fareed Khan, tweeted to Candace Bergen, that all the truckers and their cheering acolytes are “human slime“. Imagine, and that coming from a self-appointed anti-hate activist!

And now we have Big Bro Ben smearing the working class (the proles) while simultaneously denigrating the very idea of freedom. I watched the entire event held at the War Memorial, and it was wonderfully respectful, especially when one working class veteran proudly proclaimed that one of best features of Canada was multiculturalism and the crowd around the Memorial erupted in cheers.

The event was attended by veterans who know what freedom is and how precious it is. Freedom is worth all the blood it takes to prevail. Censorship causes more social damage than does free speech.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

but Wally, Oh wonderful person, “Freedom from What?”

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

From state coercion.
And especially from lies.

March 19 @TorontoStar story that police found “weapons inside some of the trucks,” that “loaded shotguns were found.” None were found.

March 11 @CBCNews story that “total economic damage” cost Ottawa $200 million. Compensation claims to April 15 totaled $820,000.

Feb 25 claim by @Safety_Canada Minister @marcomendicino that “there were Ottawans who were subjected to intimidation, harassment, threats of rape.” No person was charged with sexual assault.

— Feb 16 claim by Emergency Preparendess Minister @Bill_Blair that convoy was “largely foreign funded.” @GoFundMe testified @HoCCommittees that of $10.1 million in donations, 88% originated in Canada.

Feb 6 @GlobalNews story that protesters attempted to burn an Ottawa apartment building. Two Ottawans subsequently charged with arson had no connection to the convoy.

Feb 3 claim by Ottawa Centre MP @YasirNaqvi that “firecrackers have been hurled at people wearing masks.” No person was charged with throwing firecrackers.
Feb 1 claim by @VeteransENG_CA Minister @L_MacAulay blaming truckers for disrespecting War Memorial. Ottawa police confirm Quebec tomb dancer had no association with convoy.

So tell us Ben, why you are participating in this divisiveness of referring to an entire swath of fellow Canadians as white supremacists, domestic terrorists, homophobes, anti-semites, transphobes, white bloodline extremists, fringe minority and the list goes on and on. Freezing bank accounts is a commie tactic. I know this because my Hungarian wife had her acct frozen because she did not return to her socialist paradise. They froze her parents account also. The socialists do this to defectors, exiles, etc because the state lovingly educated them and the state wants reimbursement and revenge.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

“No person was charged with sexual assault.”
“No person was charged with throwing firecrackers.”
Just because no one was charged doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Frenchy
2 years ago

Doesn’t mean it did happen either.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

Big majority of sexual assaults never even get reported. Doesn’t mean they don’t happen.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Frenchy
2 years ago


Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

So you are spreading misinformation the same as those you accuse others of doing.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Frenchy
2 years ago

If you are going to accuse me of something, then make your case.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

Wally again I ask “Freedom from what?” you say State Coercion what is that?

And then you go off on a rant about what you consider to be lies. Who is telling these lies and surely if we were not “Free” then they would not be allowed to be said. Freedom of Speech – which is your foundation of life does not mean the freedom to say what you want!

You read this – “Most of the ones I see in Fordnation would not be out of place in Ottawa this weekend calling for “Freedumb”

as this: “So tell us Ben, why you are participating in this divisiveness of referring to an entire swath of fellow Canadians as white supremacists, domestic terrorists, homophobes, anti-semites, transphobes, white bloodline extremists, fringe minority and the list goes on and on.” most telling!!


“The socialists do this to defectors, exiles, etc because the state lovingly educated them and the state wants reimbursement and revenge.” Of course this cannot be compared to what the Government of Florida is doing to Disney – or can it?????????

Last edited 2 years ago by ben
Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

Wally again I ask “Freedom from what?” you say State Coercion what is that?

Really! You have no idea whatsoever what state coercion is.

The truckers were telling you in no uncertain terms about the details of their cross-border experience. The mandate requiring them to quarantine for 2wks after crossing. Interesting that they could cross the border for 2 years during the most serious covid outbreaks and they were heroes bringing our food to us.
But then again in a show of gratitude for them they were coerced to inject a substance which many declined. Those were the transphobes, homophobes, white bloodline extremists, domestic terrorists, anti-semites, misogynists, fringe minority that the Justin-Jagmeet regime hatefully peddled.

GUNTER: Liberals continue to spread falsehoods about the convoy | Toronto Sun
On Tuesday, Justice Minister David Lametti told the Parliamentary hearings the government had taken much of its info from CBC News reports. Not CSIS, the RCMP, Ottawa police or FINTRAC. The Liberals based much of their decision to drop the hammer on Canadians’ liberties on highly biased reports from the CB-freakin’-C!

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

And then you go off on a rant about what you consider to be lies.

Lets get something straight, it was not a rant, it was a calm listing of fabrications. Those items were regarded as lies by others, by many astute columnists. And I agree with them. Call my comments a rant is typical of progressives inflating narratives.

A lot of the lies came from the CBC — state tv, fully funded on he taxpayers dime. CBC even peddled the idea of Russian collusion and without a single iota of evidence.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

Who is telling these lies

CBC News for example. their fabrication that he Russians were behind the trucker convoy, but there are gullible people who swallow everything that state tv tells them?

and surely if we were not “Free” then they would not be allowed to be said.

Everyone knows that people lie, especially govts that hold power over the individual. Free speech provides the opportunity to bury those lies. For instance the Soviet Union told lies all the time and any dissident who disagreed with the lies was designated as a ‘hooligan’. Remember that word? Or in Canada’s case, ‘human slime’.

Freedom of Speech – which is your foundation of life does not mean the freedom to say what you want!

I can’t spread lies about you. It’s against the law. Elon Musk vowed to enforce that on Twitter. CBC abuses freedom of speech to sell fabrications like Russian collusion. Such ludicrous assertions are best dealt with, with free speech.

And yes, FREE SPEECH is foundational to my character. Andf I have never peddled the idea that one can say whatever they want, so quit hanging that canard on me.

FREE SPEECH a sustainable decongestant against the s.o.r.e virus (suppression, oppression, repression of expression) Serving progress since the enlightenment.

Obviously ‘progressives’ are all too often regressives.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

Of course this cannot be compared to what the Government of Florida is doing to Disney – or can it?????????

If govts anywhere are doing things that anyone regards as detrimental, free speech is the method to rectify it. Works far better than censorshit.

Like I said, Censorship causes more social damage than does free speech. The derelict socialist dictaorshits are proof of the damage that censorshit causes. Free speech was he vehicle that brought us the Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn or 1984 by Orwell. here ya go Big Bro Ben.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

Wally wrote and Ben dismissed: ““The socialists do this to defectors, exiles, etc because the state lovingly educated them and the state wants reimbursement and revenge.”

Go ask any East European or Soviet citizens who defected, or were exiled or otherwise escaped their socialist paradise. Socialist because the word was used by those dictatorships to describe themselves. And of course they were big on censorship just like Western progressives are big on censorship.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

And of course they were big on censorship just like Western progressives are big on censorship.”

Wally what total BS! Who is suppressing free speech in the USA by banning books – why of course the far right Republicans – hardly a progressive bunch!

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

Wasn’t it the right wing that suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop? LOL.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wally Keeler
Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

If you believe that story you must be a conspiracist. Hunter Biden (roll over laughing, I really can’t believe you brought that up!)

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

you must be a conspiracist.”

Wow, you don’t have an original thought of your own other than to regurgitate woke ideology. No wonder your writing is unbearably boring.
Anyway, make a case for your utterly silly suggestion that I must be a conspiracist. Just making such assertions based on what? C’mon Ben use your free speech to convince anyone that I am a conspiracist.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

the New York Times brought it up, and they have far more credibility than your cavalier dismissal.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

I really can’t believe you brought that up!

Wow, are you ever naive. I suspect that you would like to keep that issue in the memory hole, ie, suppress freedom of speech. It is issues like this that require free political speech, not suppression.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

Oh I oppose anyone vigorously who bans books right or left. Free speech is should always be in the hands of the people, regardless of right or left. Free speech exists to check political power.
You’re right, the right is not “progressive”.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

Well said!

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Rob
2 years ago

Damn write. Not only do I have write privilege I am also a write supremacist and I can write wrings around Ben.

Pete M
Reply to  ben
2 years ago


Wally Keeler
Reply to  Pete M
2 years ago

And malevolent groupthink at that

Pete M
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

Freedom to worship without fear that the church Im worshiping in will be spray painted with insulting graffiti…

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Pete M
2 years ago

That is called vandalism and is against the law. It is not a free speech issue. The burning of numerous churches across Canada is arson, not free speech.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Pete M
2 years ago
Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

And who is vandalizing this Cobourg Blog with free speech?

Wally Keeler
Reply to  marya
2 years ago

Tell us Marya. Answer the question and prove your point with rigorous free speech

Wally Keeler
Reply to  marya
2 years ago

Really Marya, how can anyone vandalize a forum dedicated to free speech?

Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

There is the constant destruction, or dissection, of this public or private property with verbal criticisms.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  marya
2 years ago

Uuuuuuuu, “verbal criticism”, the horror! the horror! How about you leave the matter with Mr Draper, after all, it is his blog. Actually, Marya, you could do your best with your free speech to convince him to prevent “verbal criticisms”. Think how much happier your life would be without this darn “verbal criticism” rearing its head every now and then.

Pete M
Reply to  marya
2 years ago

Verbal criticisms…really.

I see this forum as individuals freely expressing their thoughts and ideas.

There are some I agree with and many I dont.
But none of this leaves me feeling threatened. I know it causes many to feel uncomfortable. But that is what free speech is to do…challenge us, challenge our biases, present new ways to look at ideas and subjects.

How am I to better understand my fellow man or women, unless Im prepared to hear them out?

I may disagree with what you are saying, but I will always support your right to say it.

Reply to  Pete M
2 years ago

It is the verbal criticisms that attack individuals, rather than any expressed thoughts and ideas.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  marya
2 years ago

I’m not attacking YOU. I am attacking the silly notion that “verbal criticism” has any valid merit whatsoever in a free speech forum.

You commented, “There is the constant destruction…”

What constant destruction? Destruction of what?

“of this public or private or private property”

How so? What is the damage?

The only thing I am damaging are the silly notions that are sometimes posted on this blog.

2 years ago

In an election that is so leader focused, does it really matter about the local candidate no matter what party they belong to?

Even Minister Piccini describes himself as a member of “FordNation” although that moniker carries baggage.

Last edited 2 years ago by ben
2 years ago

Do we really need another retired teacher in our Ontario legislature?

Reply to  cornbread
2 years ago

Perhaps with $1.3 billion cut by the Conservatives in the last term of government he will know where it should be put back. I would rather have a Teacher from the Public Education system there than a Private schooled Minister who does not even recognise the value of Teachers and Public Education.

Last edited 2 years ago by ben
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

Ben, that is patently false. Education spending increased by 230 million last year. Stop listening to teachers unions lies.

Reply to  Jeffy
2 years ago

Hmm it is what you read – “alternate facts” on your side? Here is another quote quoting the Financial Accountability Office (FAO).

“Education policy experts say the FAO report shows Ontario’s education system is facing greater funding shortfalls of over $10 billion — over the next decade.

“The FAO report shows both a decrease of $0.8 billion in projected spending for 2021-22 and a growing spending gap over the next years, accumulating to $12.3 billion in underinvestment in education by 2029-30,” Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives Senior Researcher Ricardo Tranjan told PressProgress.

here is another from the CBC:
Ford’s Education Minister Stephen Lecce has made the same claim numerous times since the government issued its November fiscal update, which added $186 million to the education ministry’s budget.

  • “This year, we’re on track to spend $1.2 billion more than we did last year,” Lecce said on Dec. 3.
  • “Under this premier’s leadership, we are investing more than $1.2 billion more this year than we did last year,” he said on Nov. 25. 
  • “This year we intend to spend $1.2 billion more than we spent last year in the defence and the improvement of public education,” Lecce said on Nov. 7.  

Queen’s Park reporter Mike Crawley explains why the Ford government’s claim they are spending $1.2 billion more on education this year than last year doesn’t add up.

Here are the basics of the government’s math:

  • $29.97 billion: the Ministry of Education’s base budget for 2019-20, stated in the government’s latest fiscal document, the fall economic statement. 
  • $28.75 billion: the Ministry of Education’s actual base spending for 2018-19, found in the government’s expense sheet for the year, the public accounts.

That’s a $1.2 billion difference on the face of it. But when you dig a little deeper into the spending, and compare apples to apples, it becomes apparent that the Ford government is not telling the whole truth. The bulk of that $1.2 billion extra is not destined for schools and classrooms. 

A key reason for the discrepancy is that the Education Ministry’s overall budget also includes child-care programs. Nearly half of the $1.2 billion difference is accounted for by increased spending on child care, particularly $390 million budgeted for a new child-care tax credit.

Last edited 2 years ago by ben
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

Then how come our students are less well read and have poorer math scores vs. years ago? Also, teachers are “Poor Tippers” in the real world…ask any waitress!

2 years ago

In 2018 our Riding provided a decisive win for the PC’s. A closer look showed most of the Conservative support coming from the Trent Hills, rural and western reaches of the riding. In our town, the support was more equally split between the 3 major parties and a not insignificant showing by the Green Party.

Fast forward to today and the circumstances seem much different. We have a couple thousand voters who have moved into retirement and the predominant employers in our region are shown to be government (ie:education, health care)whose unions have already put the Ford government on notice that they can’t count on their support. In the absence of an NDP candidate, where do those voters go?

Reply to  Dunkirk
2 years ago

You make some assumptions here. Unions do not tell their members who to vote for or control their vote. Generally they present reasons that members should consider other partys if they feel a certain party does not represent their interests. There are many reasons why an individual may not vote in sync with their union and they are free to do so.

Reply to  Informed
2 years ago

Informed–I understand your point. I am not referring to all unions here and should have made that distinction. I am referring specifically to the Public Sector Unions–the ones that are our areas biggest employers; the ones that negotiate contracts with our elected Provincial Government. I think historically, they behave a little differently at election time, for obvious reasons.

Gerald Childs
Reply to  Dunkirk
2 years ago

When I worked as a public sector employee for thirty years, I invariably voted for a party that the union did not support.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Gerald Childs
2 years ago


Reply to  Dunkirk
2 years ago

In 2018 our Riding provided a decisive win for the PC’s. A closer look showed most of the Conservative support coming from the Trent Hills, rural and western reaches of the riding. 
Agreed, Dunkirk. And until the Town’s retired population from big union becomes larger than the Rural population, I predict we will have the same outcome as in 2018. Not sure we’re there yet.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Kathleen
2 years ago

Why are the Liberals/NDP not messaging convincing arguments that would appeal to Trent Hills, rural and western reaches of the riding? Waiting until the demographics change is lazy lazy lazy. Their votes are up for grabs, so put forth good ideas and they will vote for that. So quit the whining about demographics and post winning arguments.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

Totally agree.

Pete M
Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

Farmers and rural folk with more common sense that Ottawa and Toronto combined. Self sufficient and independent thinkers who can see thru a lie and election promise.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Pete M
2 years ago

This brought tears to my eyes.

Deborah OConnor
Reply to  Pete M
2 years ago

You’re joking right? When I worked for the Fair Tax Commission in the early 90s the contacts and meetings I organized or attended in our rural areas showed just how backwards and regressive many of the rural people were. Not all of them, but they were the most common type I encountered.

Pete M
Reply to  Deborah OConnor
2 years ago

And what do u mean by backwards and regressive??? Any thing specific in relation to fair tax commission

Deborah OConnor
Reply to  Pete M
2 years ago

I’ll just say they weren’t impressed by the notion that we should make taxation fair for everyone.

Pete M
Reply to  Deborah OConnor
2 years ago

Oh, so they weren t in line with your thinking and because of that you label them as backwards and regressive.
Deborah: ” Hi my name is Deborah Oconnor and Im with the Fair Tax Commission. Im here to save you.”
Independent Citizens: Sorry Deborah we are not interested.
Deborah: “Did you not hear me say say…Im here to save you!!”
Independent Citizens: Sorry Deborah still not interested.
Deborah:” Those backwards, regressive people cant understand Im here to save them. Dont they know they need me.
Independent Citizen: ” wow this women from the city couldnt get it that we are not interested in what she was selling. I guess she never learned what ” No thanks” means

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Dunkirk
2 years ago

In the absence of an NDP candidate, where do those voters go?”

You mean the NDP is so bankrupt that no one will step up to the plate in a free society to make good, convincing arguments in this riding? Shrug shrug.

Deborah OConnor
Reply to  Wally Keeler
2 years ago

Apparently they found one, Linda Jackson, just anointed today I think.

Pete M
Reply to  Deborah OConnor
2 years ago

This from the CBC in conversation with Andrea Horwath

“Among the NDP’s central promises is a plan to provide prescription drug coverage for all Ontarians, as well as the accelerated implementation of a dental care program and a freeze on income tax for low and middle-income residents if the party forms government after the June 2 election. ”

Is this drug and dental plan for persons who have no present coverage? Or is the NDP doing away with private insurers who presently provide this coverage thru employee benefits?

So this new coverage will be new expenditures on the government balance sheet. And the same time they are freezing taxes aka government revenues– so how does the NDP plan on paying for these new government initiatives while cutting a major source of revenue? Are there some other programs they’ ll be cutting?

Its easy to make promises but seems impossible for these candidates of all parties to explain how they will implement and the total costs of each.

Ontarians deserve better from the candidates

Reply to  Pete M
2 years ago

so how does the NDP plan on paying for these new government initiatives while cutting a major source of revenue? Are there some other programs they’ ll be cutting?”

Ask Doug ford he has been doing it for years and now he is promising more goodies after our $1Bn handout – well only for those with cars!

Pete M
Reply to  ben
2 years ago

Your comment is typical of politics today. No answer as to how your NDP candidate will finance or support their promised program.
Just deflect as to how bad the party in the Power is.
I know what I have with the party in power. Im looking for answers of substance. If the NDP cant do that, then its the devil I know vs the devil I dont.