Cobourg Police Hire Deputy Chief

In November 2014, Cobourg Police hired Paul VandeGraaf as Deputy Chief from Belleville to replace Terry Demill, who retired after 33 years with Cobourg Police. Then in July 2019, Police Chief Kai Liu retired from Cobourg Police and joined Treaty Three Police Service based in Kenora.  At that time Paul was named Chief and a search was started to find a Deputy.  On Wednesday, September 22, Dean Pepper, chair of the Cobourg Police Services Board, announced that Jeffrey Haskins, currently an Inspector with Durham Police, will take on the role of Deputy Chief of Cobourg Police.  He has an impressive resume (see full announcement below) and is sure to make major contributions to Cobourg.  He starts work in his new role on November 1st.

Jeff Haskins
Jeff Haskins

When asked about the role of the Deputy, Chief Paul VandeGraaf said that “in a small community like Cobourg, the Deputy Chief is the go to for day to day operations, assisting in operationalizing the strategic plan and lead protocol officer in relation to procedure adherence, will be the Emergency Management Alternate, etc”.   That is, he is the first point of contact for operations and stands in for the Chief if needed. He is also the obvious Candidate for Chief if Paul moves on.  Looks like good succession planning.

The announcement was made by Dean Pepper, Chair of the Police Board, who said:

Jeff comes to our service as a proven leader in the policing community. His experience with several complex portfolios will be of value in his new role as the Board and the Service continue to strive for operational excellence and innovation in policing. His skill set and progressive approach to policing will engage our external partners and advance our community policing model.

I’m sure the people of Cobourg will make him welcome.


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3 years ago

Deputy Chief (Designate) Jeffrey Haskins has awe-inspiring credentials and spectacular years of experiences. Cobourg is extremely fortunate! Welcome!