Cobourg Community Centre to Re-open in Phases

The CCC will re-open gradually and in phases starting August 31. Protocols have been cleared with the Health Unit and physical distancing will be required.  Conditions for Phase 1 are clear (see below) but later phases are still a little vague and subject to change.  Dean Hustwick, Director of Community Services says that “it will look a little different inside the building” and “the gradual reopening of our community centre will see more programs and services being restored when it is safe to do so.” Dates and some rules are spelled out below but before you visit you should:

  • Register for a program or book your facility rental by calling (905)-372-7371.
  • Complete our online COVID-19 Pre-Screening Form on the day of your visit.
  • Take our self-assessment.
  • Safety measures have been put in place to ensure that all community members and staff are able to visit and work in a safe environment. Please review these before your visit.
  • Do not bring any spectators.

I would think that major user organizations would help their members with the various requirements.

Here is the plan
See the original plan on the CCC Web site here.

Phase 1 August 31 – September 13, 2020
(max. capacity = 100)

Cobourg Community Centre
Cobourg Community Centre

Open will be the Bowl Arena and Gyms – with 50 participant capacity each. Food and Beverage services will be closed. This would enable normally requested ice time.  

The walking track is open 7 days a week at 10:00, 12:00, 2:00 and 4:00 daily but must be booked in advance online in 1 hour blocks.
 Go here or phone 905-372-7371.  There will be a maximum of 10 walkers at a time with a daily maximum of 40 and masks are required. No change rooms, lockers or water fountains.  There is no charge or membership required.

Seniors Programs will start Sept 8.

NMHA, WNGHA and Cobourg Cougars have been contacted and should be able to operate their programs. 

Note the following conditions during this period:

Before entering

  • Self Screening Station
  • Check In Desk
  • Hand Sanitization
  • Face Mask or Covering required (age and medical exemptions apply)

Controlled access

  • Designated Entrance & Exits dependent on location of Rental/ Programs
  • Spectators and/or the general public will not be granted access at this time
  • Entry only granted 15 min prior to Rental/ Program
  • Exit required 15 min following Rental/ Program

Safety measures

  • Enhanced cIeaning of the facility following each permitted rental
  • Directional floor markers to support physical distancing
  • Safe physical distancing will be required all times

Ice rentals

  • Showers are not permitted at this time
  • Bookings of up to 20 individuals per ice surface. This includes skaters and instructors
  • Spectators are not permitted at this time

Phase 2 September 14 – September 30, 2020
(max. capacity = 200)

Open will be both Bowl and Pond Arenas plus Gymnasiums and Rental Rooms each with – 50 participant capacity.

Food and Beverage services will remain closed.

Phase 3 October 1, 2020 – onward
(max. capacity = 300)

As phase 2 but Food and beverage services reopen.

Note: The dates and specific operations of each phase will be subject to change by staff based on operational refinements and staffing.

Other Conditions

Entering the Community Centre
New requirements have been set in place upon entering and exiting the facility including self-screening and a check-in desk equipped with a hand sanitization station. Everyone will need to register in advance. Please also be prepared for possible lineups and wear a face mask or nonmedical face covering when entering the community centre. 
Spectators will not be granted access to the community centre at this stage in the reopening phase.

Controlled Facility Access
The community centre will be operating under controlled access including designated entrance and exits based on the location of the rental and/or program. All individuals entering the facility must only do so 15-minutes prior to a rental and/or program and exit 15-minutes following the end of a rental and/or program.

Facility Bookings and Enquiries
For ice rentals or programming questions please call the community centre at 905-372-7371.

The above is extracted from the Town’s plan for re-opening. At the Council’s COW meeting on Monday, this plan was approved although it needs formal ratification at the Regular Council meeting next Monday.


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Cobourg taxpayer
4 years ago

I completely agree with Dunkirk and Canuck Patriot. White elephant and liability are great descriptors of the CCC. And Dean Hustwick has to be added to the equation he has no regard for the spending of taxpayers money. Last I heard he is not a taxpayer here either. He’s building his portfolio at our expense. I refuse to attend anything at the CCC on the principle that it is undermining the YMCA. The CCC can offer duplicate programs at a fraction of the cost because the taxpayer subsidies it. I heard that they didn’t turn off the arena cooling equipment as they didn’t know how to turn it back on. Maybe our town staff can get instructions from the Baltimore arena. I believe they were quite capable of doing this very difficult task.

Reply to  Cobourg taxpayer
4 years ago

FYI – Many people who work for the Municipality are not residents – its not really relevant to the position.

We should be proud to have the CCC in our small community – it houses a great junior hockey program, outstanding minor hockey for youth including tournaments, mens hockey, indoor volley leagues, basketball, early spring baseball workouts, kids camps, seniors programs, indoor running/walking, meeting facilities, sports hall of fame, pro-shop (including the best skate sharpening around) and concert venue…

Cobourg’s growing population required a facility of this nature as the existing facilities could not accommodate neither the level or diverse nature of activity being demanded. There are likely efficiencies to be found in its operation – the same can be said literally about EVERY organization on the planet – and those should be investigated, however not at the risk of negatively impacting service delivery or offering. Municipal arenas do not make money…

Last edited 4 years ago by Rob
4 years ago

The constraints will definitely turn some people off. HOWEVER hopefully there will be an optimism that things are becoming normalized within a sound/sensible rollout of a Town asset. Good stuff Parks and Rec.

Reply to  Gerinator
4 years ago

Is it a Town asset or a liability?…If I understand correctly, CCC has an annual operating deficit of over $1.3mm or approximately, $147 per household.

Canuck Patriot
Reply to  Dunkirk
4 years ago

It’s a bottomless sink hole and the biggest money pit on our books to burden local residents through excessive taxes. Ever since Hustwick became Director the annual deficit continues to grow.

It’s time to restructure how it operates and to reduce the deficit by increasing usage fees and eliminating avoidable expenses.

If the Director is unable or unwilling to do so, it’s time to either replace him or dramatically reduce what for the most part are discretionary programs that can’t recover even their basic costs. And, like the beach, we should be recovering our costs plus a modest mark-up for those who use the complex but don’t pay taxes to offset the loss.

The CCC is Cobourg’s white elephant. Heck, they still can’t figure out how to stop making ice in the summer.

Last edited 4 years ago by Canuck Patriot
Reply to  Canuck Patriot
4 years ago

CCC is a great multi-purpose facility. I’ve spent countless hours in the building and its a top notch sports centre – some would argue they tried to get too much out of the limited footprint: seniors centre, walking track, gymnasiums, ice rinks, sports hall of fame, conference rooms, etc…I suspect this was to get additional Government funding.

The ice-time and other facility rental fees are in line with those in other Municipalities – actually considerably more than neighbouring Hamilton Township. I’m not sure what fees the seniors pay or whether those should be increased but the sports related rentals are comparable and certainly not cheap.

I’m happy they seemed to have worked out the food service and pro shop issues as it was a problem…next hopefully they can tackle the parking challenge. I suspect there is likely a technical reason why the ice remained – maybe chillers don’t like to be started, stopped and started or maybe it was more cost effective to keep it in.