Maureen Jennings in Cobourg

Murdoch Mysteries author Maureen Jennings gave a talk at the Library on Saturday October 21st  as part of Ontario Public Library Week. This was fitting since Cobourg has been used as the occasional setting for filming of the TV series.  Maureen was promoting her latest book “Let Darkness Bury the Dead” and promised to sign any book purchased.  Port Hope’s Furby’s books handled the sales and promised to donate 10% of sales to the Library.  There were 50 people in the audience who heard Maureen speak not only about her new book but also about her experience collaborating with filming of the TV series which has now been running for 11 years.  She has co-written several episodes and even had… Read complete articleMaureen Jennings in Cobourg

Street, Park and Facility naming policy

Presumably to avoid disputes, Council is being asked to consider a new Policy that would guide them in the naming of Streets, Parks and Municipal facilities.   After going through a process, each name would be vetted by both the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and the Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee. Where applicable, “external stakeholders” would also be consulted.  It seems to me that this would generally avoid the need for public meetings since anyone interested can make their case to the committees.  The final choice would be approved by Council.  The proposed Policy provides guidelines and procedures that are likely acceptable to most residents (that’s the intent) – see the covering memo and bylaw in the download link below. Instead… Read complete articleStreet, Park and Facility naming policy

Certo Building Demolition on Hold

On September 11, 2017,  the owner of the building on the old Kraft property at 520 William Street and known as the Certo building asked for permission to demolish it.  This was in response to an “Order to Remedy” issued by Cobourg’s Chief Building Official because of the poor state of the building.  The request came before Council and because of its Heritage value, it was referred to the Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee.  They reviewed the request but felt that the building could perhaps be preserved so recommended two actions: 1. That the building be “designated” as a Heritage property and  2. That a Rehabilitation Plan be prepared.  This would give an accurate assessment of the feasibility and cost of… Read complete articleCerto Building Demolition on Hold

Cobourg Marijuana Update

In October 2013, local newsmedia reported that Michal Hasek, venture capitalist and Real Estate Broker, was planning to turn part of the old Kraft building into an indoor marijuana growing facility.  It was intended to supply the growing medical market for marijuana.  It seems that some time before August 2014, he sold to Thomas Fairfull of FV Pharma in Whitby.  On Saturday, the Toronto Star reports that after a long wait, Fairfull has now secured a licence from Health Canada (Cultivation license granted on October 13, 2017). He plans to harvest his first crop of 4,000 kilos as early as February 2018.  The Star also reported that FV Pharma intends to purchase the entire 15-acre property, now called the Cobourg… Read complete articleCobourg Marijuana Update

Cobourg 2018 Budget Requests

Today, Cobourg Staff presented to Council their requests for the 2018 capital budget and staffing increases.  The meeting lasted over 3 hours and included considerable detail but below are highlights.   The total Capital amount requested is significantly higher than the amount likely to be approved but as chair John Henderson remarked “There are no decisions in this meeting”.   The amounts are proposed and subject to further deliberation (see schedule of ongoing meetings below).  If you wish to see the complete meeting but missed it being streamed at 1:00pm, also below is the video of the full meeting.  There were a few surprises but no totally new projects although there were snippets of information to be gleaned from comments by staff… Read complete articleCobourg 2018 Budget Requests

New Soccer Pitch in James Cockburn Park

At the Council meeting on October 10, a tender award was approved to build a soccer pitch in James Cockburn Park.  In addition, there will be a pedestrian/cyclists trail and additional parking.  Although the memo from staff was a bit ambiguous on the subject, it stated that $159K of the cost comes from the Canada 150 Community infrastructure program and the rest from the Town.  The original intent was to not only build a full-sized pitch but also three small practice fields but tender bids were way over budget.  This was because the north-south slope meant significant earth works would be required.  Revisions to the scope resulted in total costs of $159K.  Some minor changes to sewer manhole covers in… Read complete articleNew Soccer Pitch in James Cockburn Park

Hector Macmillan has died

He will always be remembered for his epic battle against pancreatic cancer – but he should also be remembered for his dedication to his role as Mayor of Trent Hills and his work on County Council.  Last year, Hector was told he could not have a potentially life saving treatment so he went to Germany for it.  He then campaigned to make it available to others in Ontario and he succeeded.  As Mayor and two time Warden, his big successes were the agreement to go ahead with a second bridge in Campbellford and the Campbellford Business Park. As Mayor he was pro-business but also put a priority on improving parks and recreation facilities, encouraged housing options and provided an efficient… Read complete articleHector Macmillan has died

Harvest Festival – 2017

Despite the early rain, quite a number of people turned out for the Harvest Festival today.  Certainly the Farmer’s market was busy although the number of booths on King Street seemed less than usual – see photos below.  Entertainment was limited – one duo, a square dance demonstration in the morning, axe throwing, word carving with a chain saw and pony rides.  The promised Alpacas could not come because of the rain although after a bad start, the rain did hold off for the rest of the day.  The street was decorated with scarecrows and pumpkins and the kids did seem to be having fun. This event was the last of a series through the year put on by the… Read complete articleHarvest Festival – 2017