New Soccer Pitch in James Cockburn Park

At the Council meeting on October 10, a tender award was approved to build a soccer pitch in James Cockburn Park.  In addition, there will be a pedestrian/cyclists trail and additional parking.  Although the memo from staff was a bit ambiguous on the subject, it stated that $159K of the cost comes from the Canada 150 Community infrastructure program and the rest from the Town.  The original intent was to not only build a full-sized pitch but also three small practice fields but tender bids were way over budget.  This was because the north-south slope meant significant earth works would be required.  Revisions to the scope resulted in total costs of $159K.  Some minor changes to sewer manhole covers in the park were included in the same contract bringing the total to $166K.

The total work approved was:

  1. Upgrades to the existing parking lot
  2. Expansion of the parking area by 20 spaces
  3. One new full size (international) soccer pitch
  4. 400m trail connecting the parking lot and the pedestrian bridge
  5. Supply six special water tight manhole covers.

The trail will be “a limestone screening path”.  There was no mention of a time-frame.

The park is quite large and mostly in a natural state. It was often used for dog-walking before the dog-park was built in 2014. See the map below – as usual, click to enlarge.

James Cockburn Park
James Cockburn Park
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7 years ago

Is this on the wish list like the unused football field on Carlisle St…What a waste of money that was…I have never seen a football game played there and the town must have spent plenty to level the field and install the uprights. This town has no respect for taxpayer money…just spend–spend–spend. Time for a change for sure.

7 years ago

Hey John

Looking at the overhead map and assuming Parking lot is north, there are significant wood lots to the east and west. Will these lots be protected?

John Draper
7 years ago

Posts by “Bob” have been deleted and he is marked as a spammer because he used an invalid email. Does he think I’m stupid? Invalid emails are not allowed. Your email is not made public but I do see it and occasionally I test them for validity.

Deborah OConnor
7 years ago

Just because we have an over-abundance of seniors living here is no reason to ignore the kids. Both of my two older grand daughters played soccer and believe me, there are hundreds of kids signing up every year to do it. The games are well attended by family members and are lively events for all of them.

For families who want their kids to play sports other than hockey, soccer is a fine alternative. Not much equipment to buy and no violence either. It took years for the Cobourg Soccer Club to develop the fields to grow the sport and expanding now is something we should all be proud of. Hats off to the dedicated organizers who give a lot of their time and energy to bring soccer to town. Let’s support their efforts. I do.

Mr Ahewsonator
7 years ago

Seniors don’t require safe pathways?

Mr Ahewsonator
7 years ago

Wish they would connect this park with the more central parts of the town like Chipping Park. Completely inaccessible yet so close