Updates from Council – October 30

The regular Council meeting on October 30 included a number of announcements including the hot one about the change in the start time of Council meetings.  Although Miriam Mutton and Keith Oliver both made presentations about the new bylaw that would change the rules to be followed by Council – including the start time – most councillors were in favour of at least a trial of the new time so the bylaw passed unanimously. They were assured that any council at any time and initiated by any councillor can move to change such rules so were happy to at least try out the new start time.  But there were a number of other announcements about the Town including staff changes, business… Read complete articleUpdates from Council – October 30

Unique Tartan for Cobourg unveiled

Today was a Scottish day in Cobourg. As well as a day for the kids to dress up for Halloween downtown, there were also the Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums on parade and the Mayor announcing that Cobourg now has its own Tartan. The band marched up Third Street then performed outside Victoria Hall but then moved inside for the Mayor’s announcement. There was a good crowd probably mostly because of the DBIA’s Halloween event on the same day. Mayor Gil Brocanier was born in Scotland although he came to Canada at an early age so it was no surprise to see him wearing a kilt – see photos below. In his speech, the Mayor said: …..(Victoria Hall) was opened… Read complete articleUnique Tartan for Cobourg unveiled

Two dead after shooting in Cobourg Hospital

Cobourg Police report that “on Friday October 27, 2017, at about 11:08PM, officers of the Cobourg Police service were dispatched to Northumberland Hills Hospital. As a result of the incident, the provincial Special  Investigations Unit (SIU) was notified, and they have invoked their mandate to investigate.”  SIU report that two people are dead – seemingly one man being shot by Police and a woman  seemingly shot by the man.  It all happened in the Emergency room.  Because of the shooting by Police, the SIU has been called in to investigate.  Only limited information is available at this time – below is the SIU Press Release. SIU Report The province’s Special Investigations Unit is examining the circumstances surrounding a fatal police-involved… Read complete articleTwo dead after shooting in Cobourg Hospital

Waterfront Study – First look at Draft report

Today the Consultant for the Waterfront Study gave a progress report and asked for additional feedback.  There was a large amount of information provided at the meeting – too much to be reported here.  Instead, the focus here will be on highlights and controversial issues.  There were three presentations and it’s quite possible that the different residents at the different sessions focused on different issues – I was present at only the first session.  The hot button was the Marina – especially the recommendation for a travel lift and the extra boat slips on the west side of the central pier.  But the consultants emphasized that what was displayed was a draft and that feedback was still being solicited.  The… Read complete articleWaterfront Study – First look at Draft report

Few Citizen Submissions for Cobourg 2018 budget

In October 2016, Citizens were very interested in providing input to the 2017 budget – not so much this year.  At this year’s event held this afternoon, there were only three submissions submitted in advance and two from the small audience – by the Cobourg Taxpayers association (CTA).  None asked for any significant funds.  Andrew Tutor (Chaplain) asked for a spruce up of the Old Bailey; the Cobourg and District Dog owners Group (CADDOG) asked for upgrades to the Dog Park; Ted Williams asked that a reserve fund be conducted for the Marina (and campground); and CTA President Lydia Smith wanted to highlight some budget trends.  None referenced the wish list submitted by staff on 12 October which was the… Read complete articleFew Citizen Submissions for Cobourg 2018 budget

A Community in the Forest

You have to agree that the goals of the Urban Forestry Master Plan will make Cobourg an even more wonderful place to live – even if it takes a while to get there. Who wouldn’t want to live in “a Community in the Forest”?  I’m certainly sold on that. See the full list of goals below – it’s called a Vision. According to Cobourg’s Arborist Rory Quigley, the plan will pull together all the relevant activity so it’s cohesive. It will be a guide to future direction. On April 26, a public meeting followed by a survey got input from residents and stakeholders and the results are documented in the notes (see links below). Vision: Cobourg will be a Community in the Forest Recognized,… Read complete articleA Community in the Forest

Heritage Plan Review Surprises

At the C.O.W. Council meeting on October 23, Heritage planner Alison Torrie Lapaire presented a review of the Heritage Master Plan which was adopted in May of 2016.  The review included a couple of new (or resurrected) ideas: 1. The possibility of expanding the Heritage districts to include Corktown (East from Victoria Park to D’Arcy and South of Perry – originally suggested in 2007)  and 2.  Organizing a free public event to promote the idea that Heritage is good for Tourism.  In addition, there were several other “announcements”.  The review referenced the Vision of the Heritage Plan and linked Heritage with the small town character of Cobourg. The stated reason for the review was to report on progress, especially on… Read complete articleHeritage Plan Review Surprises

Vitalization Update

An announcement today by the “Downtown Vitalization Action Team” was made in front of the Vitalization communication billboard on Division Street just south of King.  The intent was to provide an update on progress being made on a project that first started in the summer of 2013.  Although a number of detailed changes have been made, the Downtown is still visibly in need of vitalization.  Henley Arcade is better, some storefronts look better but there are still empty stores and buildings.  While this is a common problem in other small towns, the money spent to date on this project has made only incremental improvements..  Any differences this year seem to come from the CIP (which arguably did not come out… Read complete articleVitalization Update