Neighbours Unhappy with Transition House Usage

Alyson King and Grace Lovekin made an emotional plea to Cobourg Council on Monday 25 November to do something about the problems that have happened Downtown and around the Transition House location at 10 Chapel Street since it reopened.  Instead of being a true transition house for people temporarily without a place to stay, when it re-opened in October 2018 it became a “low-barrier emergency shelter”. Alyson said that “since it has reopened, the neighbourhood has experienced increased and recurring problems with public drug use, people sleeping outdoors, verbal abuse and intimidation, disruptions day and night including physical altercations, theft, and break-ins. While Transition House may not be the “cause” of these problems, it is clearly associated with them as… Read complete articleNeighbours Unhappy with Transition House Usage

Dramatic Presentation on Climate Crisis

At the next Committee of the Whole Meeting, Minnie de Jong, Chair of the Sustainability and Climate Change Advisory Committee (SCCAC), will make a presentation with the dramatic assertion that “We are Facing a Climate ‘Crisis’” and that the SCCAC recommends that Cobourg declare a Climate Emergency and take immediate action.  The presentation will start with the Time Magazine cover from April 3, 2006 which says “Be worried, be Very Worried”.  The presentation then goes on to say that we need to start aggressive action now and that if we fail, “human survival (is) at risk”.  And since “municipalities have influence over approx. 50% of GHG emissions in Canada”, Council must act when managing:  Land use/site planning and densities,  Buildings,… Read complete articleDramatic Presentation on Climate Crisis

Cobourg Couple Planning Long Trip in their Tesla

With all the interest in Sustainability and Climate change, one Cobourg resident is sold on one of the current trends – Electric Cars.  Harry Nash and his wife Linda are planning an “adventure” – they are driving their 2017 Tesla Model S from Cobourg to see family on the West Coast of the U.S. then the South Coast – see the map below.  In a way, this shows that with the right car, there is no need for range anxiety.  But since Harry is an organized person, he has mapped where he needs to stop, how long he needs to wait for recharging and how much charge there will be at any point in time.  Harry gave me his data… Read complete articleCobourg Couple Planning Long Trip in their Tesla

Memorial to Afghanistan Veterans Unveiled

On Friday November 8, Cobourg’s memorial to those who fought and died in the war in Afghanistan was unveiled.  The workhorse of the Canadian troops, the LAV III (Light Armoured Vehicle), not quite a tank, was a Canadian manufactured armoured troop transport with a 25 mm gun described as “fast, armoured and packed a punch” so it is a fitting tribute to the 40,000 soldiers deployed and the 162 Canadians who died (158 military).  Displayed is a replica consisting of an actual “hull” donated by the Federal Government then mounted complete with plaques and signs indicating what it’s about.  It’s located just south of the Cobourg Community Centre on D’Arcy Street.  The Highway of Heroes is also memorialized with a… Read complete articleMemorial to Afghanistan Veterans Unveiled

YMCA still wants Aquatic Centre at CCC

In 2016, consultants were hired and public meetings held to explore the feasibility of the YMCA moving to the Cobourg Community Centre (CCC) but in 2017 the idea was shelved because it was too expensive (cost perhaps $25M).  The YMCA centre and particularly its aquatic centre (pool) is reaching end of life and Leslie Murray of the YMCA will be presenting the case once again at Council’s Committee of the whole on Monday, November 4.  Leslie is General Manager – HFA (Health, Fitness and Aquatics) Operations & Community Development.  She quotes from a 2017 report by the consultants (link below) that documents the current situation, our demographics and public opinion.  The report recommends a merge of facilities – in particular… Read complete articleYMCA still wants Aquatic Centre at CCC

Citizenship Ceremony in Cobourg

For the first time, a citizenship ceremony was held on Friday in Cobourg.  Although Cobourg hosted the event and organizing it was partially by Northumberland County, the 38 participants were from a number of places and not just the county.  County CAO Jennifer Moore said that it helped to showcase the County and Mayor John Henderson said he was pleased to be participating in the event held in Cobourg’s Victoria Hall.  Previous M.P. Paul Macklin, Warden Bob Crate and Mayor John Henderson gave speeches welcoming the new Canadians. Councillors Adam Bureau, Nicole Beatty and Emily Chorley were amongst the guests.  There were no children participating in the ceremony although there were several as guests.  I understand that children of new… Read complete articleCitizenship Ceremony in Cobourg

Busy Saturday in Cobourg

Every Saturday for most of the year, Cobourg has a Farmers market but this year there were several other events held downtown simultaneously.  King Street was closed for Harvest Festival which you might think had the products of Harvests – instead there were mostly street vendors since the Farmers’ market was still operating (see link below). The Harvest Festival also included  the popular Chili “cook-off” (winner King Street Deli and Bar) complete with entertainment (see photo below). But in addition, there was also the Art Walk and the Cornerstone fund-raising event “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes”.  The Art Walk meant that several stores had the works of local artists on display in their windows but there were not as… Read complete articleBusy Saturday in Cobourg

Climate Change Demonstration in Cobourg

Your intrepid reporter missed an event in Cobourg today but I received a report from Warren McCarthy. We all heard about the Swedish school girl Greta Thunberg eloquently addressing the United Nations asking us not to ruin the planet for the next generation. School children then staged nationwide strikes with a particularly large crowd in Montreal. Cobourg students were not to be left out as you can see in the photos. The demonstration was in front of Cobourg’s Town Hall at around noon. So in lieu of my report, here is what Warren sent me. “I think 130-140 people, several speakers including the young girl with the floral headband. “Blue Dot & Sustainable Cobourg were visible. “Green Party & Kim… Read complete articleClimate Change Demonstration in Cobourg