A Political Party with a Difference

The Trillium party of Ontario would let their MPPs vote according to their Riding needs even if that meant they voted against each other.  They are adamant that they would not have a party whip whose job it is to direct MPPs how to vote.  That’s what Bob Yaciuk, Party President, their lone MPP Jack MacLaren and Northumberland Peterborough-South Trillium candidate Derek Sharp all said at a meeting tonight.  The meeting was in Gilligan’s Pub in Colborne where Derek Sharp lives.  At the meeting, it was announced that they now have a Riding Association so can organize volunteers and accept donations.  They are a new force in Ontario; their MPP, Jack MacLaren, quit the PCs last May because he was… Read complete articleA Political Party with a Difference

Beer coming to Cobourg Walmart

Starting in April 2018, Cobourg Walmart will sell beer and cider. It will be in 6-packs and at the same price as the beer store.  Hours are also “standardized” – better than the beer store but the same as other grocery stores selling beer.  The addition of a Cobourg location and 86 other new locations will bring the total number of Ontario Groceries selling beer and cider to 370.  70 of these can also sell wine – but not the Walmart in Cobourg.  The “standard hours” will be: Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Walmart’s regular hours are 7:00am to 10:00pm, 7 days.  Grocers are required to adhere to uniform and minimum… Read complete articleBeer coming to Cobourg Walmart

NDP choose Candidate for Provincial Election

At a nomination meeting today, the NDP Riding Association for Northumberland Peterborough South acclaimed Jana Papuckoski as their Candidate. The meeting also featured a visit and talk by MPP for Oshawa, Jennifer French. There were 20 people at the meeting at the Jack Burger Centre in Port Hope although there would have been more if it was contested; another potential candidate dropped out because of a burst appendix. Jana is a former security guard and now the recording secretary for the United Steelworkers Union, Local 5296, in the Greater Toronto Area. Jana (33) moved to Port Hope in 2014 and lives there with her husband and young daughter. She has a B.A. in Political Science and Philosophy. She was introduced… Read complete articleNDP choose Candidate for Provincial Election

Labour Action at Tim Hortons on Division Street

Union representatives from Kingston to Toronto were out in force tonight supporting workers at the Tim Hortons on Division Street.  The media was also well represented.   There were perhaps 150 people all told in the parking lot and spilling out onto the street.  The action started at around 4:30 but got into full swing around 5:00 p.m. when both NDP leader Andrea Horwath and a light rain arrived!  As well as Union reps, the organization known as “Fight for $15 & Fairness” was there as well as the Durham Labour Council and more (details below).  Passing cars honked in support.  A police car arrived but took no action – they were probably coming for a coffee.  There was no indication… Read complete articleLabour Action at Tim Hortons on Division Street

Minimum Wage Prompts Cost Cutting at Local Tim Hortons

The Tim Hortons on Division Street has issued a letter to employees advising of a cutback in benefits that effectively reduces their wages.  The move is blamed on the change in the minimum wage – most employees were getting $13 an hour but will now get $14.  The franchise is owned by Ron Joyce Jr. and his wife Jeri-Lynn Horton-Joyce who are the son and daughter of the chain’s founders. The issue got into the National Press (see links below) and now Kathleen Wynn is blasting the owners calling them bullies and said: “if the owners want to challenge Ontario’s new minimum-wage policy, they should come directly to me and not take it out on workers”. Employees have said that… Read complete articleMinimum Wage Prompts Cost Cutting at Local Tim Hortons

Patrick Brown Starts Election Campaign in Port Hope

A few days ago, Patrick Brown, the leader of the Provincial Conservatives, released his election platform and his first stop on his campaign tour was on Monday night in Port Hope.  Organized by the Progressive Conservative candidate, David Piccini, the Town Hall meeting was short, open to everyone and NOT a fundraiser.  The meeting was in the gym at the Port Hope High School and was well organized with a full house of about 150 people. Patrick spoke about his “People’s Guarantee” and kept the tone constructive with little of the negativity we associate with politicians.  His platform has five points and after explaining those in some detail, he opened up the floor for questions. Most of the questions were… Read complete articlePatrick Brown Starts Election Campaign in Port Hope

Conservative Nomination Meeting

The PC’s in Northumberland Peterborough South turned out today to vote for their candidate in the Provincial election next June. More than 200 showed up to vote and choose between David Piccini and Rob Milligan and looking at the crowd you would have expected David to win, and he did. That’s because of all the supporters with T-Shirts or stickers making it clear who they supported. This event is the nearest equivalent Canada has to a Primary although the speeches were limited to 10 minutes each. The Port Hope Lions Hall was filled to capacity with many standing and then lining up to vote. David’s speech emphasized community and better representation of the rural community. He was also particularly critical… Read complete articleConservative Nomination Meeting