Police Issue Fine – Group Broke Rules on Gatherings

For some time now, a group of people have demonstrated in front of Victoria Hall every Saturday; they don’t like the restrictions mandated by the Province as a result of the pandemic.  Police have been patiently warning them and I have declined to give them publicity.  But today they went too far and at around 1:50 pm Police issued a ticket.  According to a statement by Police Chief Paul Vandegraaf, there were between twenty and twenty-five individuals on scene. He said that “Officers spoke with individuals/the group requesting they comply with the Shutdown Zone gathering limits, and the group was educated on the current provincial restrictions regarding outdoor gatherings.”  A previous statement by Police said that “If residents refuse to… Read complete articlePolice Issue Fine – Group Broke Rules on Gatherings

What’s Happening in Cobourg

If the question is “what is there by way of entertainment in Cobourg”, the answer is “not much”.  It’s not zero although some of it – but not all – is virtual.  Way back when things were normal, the Victoria Hall Box Office had a whole collection of shows to book with venues such as the Concert Hall, the Loft, the United Church, the Firehall theatre and more.  Victoria Hall and the Box office are now closed – possibly for all of 2021.  However, the Loft is now operating albeit with fewer live shows.  A web site dedicated to Cobourg entertainment (Cobourg Calendar) was full of events – but most of these are now labelled “cancelled”.  There were also dinner… Read complete articleWhat’s Happening in Cobourg

Annual Review by Mayor Henderson

On New Year’s Day in most years, the Mayor, Council and senior staff welcome citizens to a Levee event at Victoria Hall where everyone can mingle. But this year, the event was virtual although it featured the usual players: The Concert Band of Cobourg, Town Crier Mandy Robinson, Poet Laureate Jessica Outram and Mayor John Henderson. The main event was the Mayor’s review of the highlights of 2020 – and there were quite a number.  John listed them grouped by Department with accompanying photos. The resulting video on You-Tube was “premiered” at noon on New Year’s day with about two dozen people watching it live.  Others can now watch it on the Town’s You-Tube site or embedded below. Although John and the video production… Read complete articleAnnual Review by Mayor Henderson

A Virtual Remembrance Day

In previous years as many as 1000 people were at Cobourg’s Remembrance day ceremonies at the Cenotaph in Victoria Park but this year, they were asked to stay at home and watch the ceremony streamed on the Town’s You-Tube channel.  Despite this, at least 150 came anyway although they did stay well spaced.  The streaming was organized by local media entrepreneur Graham Beer and his video is now on the Town’s You-Tube channel – see below.  Also below is my summary video (4 minutes) which gives an idea of what it’s like.  Not everyone watched the live streaming (around 250) but a good number remembered in other ways – many stood outside their front doors at 11:00 am and observed… Read complete articleA Virtual Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day – 2020

No surprise, there will be no crowds at the Cenotaph this year on November 11 but instead there will be an online ceremony and other things happening.  A Poppy campaign has already started – see details below. On November 11 there will be a Virtual Wreath Laying and Two Minutes of Silence. Also planned are Interviews with Veterans and a Virtual Walking Tour.  The activities are being organized by Cobourg’s Community Services Division in partnership with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 133 and were announced by the Town on 28 October. The Poppy campaign is already under way: boxes are available at participating businesses, are protected behind plexiglass and were available starting October 30.  Also available for purchase this year… Read complete articleRemembrance Day – 2020

Town and DBIA preparing for Cobourg’s Christmas in 2020

Plans are underway for a different kind of Downtown Christmas celebration this year – there will be lights as usual but no turning-on ceremony; instead of the 65th Santa Claus Parade there will be floats but only three of them and they won’t move – but there’s more.  The “downtown corridor” (presumably King Street) will be lined with trees that are to be decorated by the merchants. And residents are not left out – they will be challenged to decorate their homes and the Town will produce a “drive-by map” so others can enjoy.  These ideas were presented by the Town’s Marketing and Events manager, Kara Euale, at a presentation to Council on October 7 and briefly mentioned on my Post… Read complete articleTown and DBIA preparing for Cobourg’s Christmas in 2020

Review of Town Managed Events in 2020

At Council’s Committee of the Whole meeting belatedly held on Wednesday, Marketing and Events Manager Kara Euale reviewed the Town’s 2020 events both past and future.  Since the pandemic struck in April, events have been virtual but still involved outdoor activity.  Kara’s usual primary goal seems to be to attract Tourists but most participation this year was by locals.  The two major events of a normal year, Canada Day celebrations and the Sandcastle Festival, were a special focus with the cost of Canada Day fully paid for by a Federal Grant.  One of the more successful events was a Photography competition which is intended to be seasonal – four times a year.  All events involved local businesses in some way… Read complete articleReview of Town Managed Events in 2020

Remembrance Event in Victoria Park

Today is VJ Day when Japan surrendered 75 years ago.  That was also the day that 1475 Canadians were liberated from a Prisoner of War camp in Hong Kong.   They had defended Hong Kong from attack by the Japanese army but suffered heavy losses before surrendering.  The defending Canadians were from two regiments, the Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnipeg Grenadiers.  Many of the Royal Rifles were from Cobourg and Port Hope and today they were remembered in a ceremony at the Cenotaph in Victoria Park.  Members of the veterans’ families were there to lay wreaths.  The event was not promoted so that the crowd would be less than 100 – which it was.  But paying their respects were… Read complete articleRemembrance Event in Victoria Park