Boost to Cobourg Tourism planned

Under the direction of Dean Hustwick, Director of Recreation and Culture, Cobourg is adopting a new strategy to attract Tourists to Cobourg.  Instead of simply listing attractions, a new “guide” will focus on “experiences”.  Other initiatives include a new tourism web site to expand on this and the hiring of summer students as “experience ambassadors” to encourage visitors to stay longer and spend more.  Work on this project was done by Bryan Mercer, a contract employee who has many years of experience marketing Tourism, most recently in Kingston.  Bryan presented the result of his work to Council on Monday and handed out copies of the new guide to Councillors and the media. The new guide looks very different to previous… Read complete articleBoost to Cobourg Tourism planned

Armistice ’18 Program Announced

The First World War ended in 1918 with an Armistice and Cobourg will be commemorating this with many events this Fall in the several weeks up to November 11.  Director of Recreation and Culture Dean Hustwick, said that Cobourg’s commemoration will be the largest in Canada!  At the Council meeting on February 26, historian, playwright and organizer Hugh Brewster gave some of the history of Canada’s and Cobourg’s involvement in the War and listed all the planned events.  Canadian General Arthur Currie, who played a major role in the success of the Canadian army, was accused by the Port Hope Evening Guide of pursuing a last minute effort to capture Mons for his own glory.  He sued them for libel… Read complete articleArmistice ’18 Program Announced

Councillor Séguin asking for Citizen involvement

In her Coordinator’s report at Monday’s Council meeting, Suzanne Séguin said that work on getting the Cultural Master Plan created is getting under way. This plan is expected to shape the future of culture in Cobourg and is long awaited. It will require a steering committee of citizens who have an arts/cultural involvement/expertise and Suzanne asked that anyone interested should contact her at [email protected] In a letter to Council, residents Simon and Emily Chorley said that the remuneration Ad Hoc committee should have at least one female member but has none. In response, John Henderson said that the members were appointed by several advisory committees and any females nominated had declined. However, there is room for a seventh member so… Read complete articleCouncillor Séguin asking for Citizen involvement

Stopping Demolition by Neglect

The ACO (Architecture Conservancy Ontario) is continuing to try to preserve the Sidbrook building at 411 King East (photo below).  In June 2015, they wrote to Council asking that they ensure full compliance with Property Standards but the ACO now says that they are now taking a multi-pronged approach.  Right now though, the roof needs major repairs.  In a presentation to Council on February 5th, Gail Rayment asked the Town to force the owner to make repairs.  Director Glenn McGlashon responded that the Town is in fact pursuing legal options to force immediate repairs by the owner he but did not divulge any details.  The building has been empty since 2002 and apart from a few forced repairs and a… Read complete articleStopping Demolition by Neglect

Objections to Animal Show at CCC

Two women have written to Cobourg Council objecting to the Cobourg Community Centre hosting a “baby animal show” called Meet a Sloth – Diversity of Living Things.  The show is staged by Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo who say they are “combining forces with Animal Ambassadors with our largest and most comprehensive exhibit to date. Featuring a Baby Sloth, Kangaroo, Skunk, Barn Owl, Great Horned Owl, Alligator, Snakes, Tarantulas, Tortoises, and so much more!”  Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo is based in Ottawa but have four locations as well as touring.  Both writers ask that their letters be read aloud at the Council meeting but that is not usually done.  Neither woman gives her address but some Google research found that M…. Read complete articleObjections to Animal Show at CCC

Merry Christmas – 2017

Cobourg Internet started in November 2004 as a Retirement project and in July 2013, Cobourg News started reporting News about Cobourg.  In November 2013, a subscription list was started that provided regular updates to anyone interested. That list now has over 700 subscribers.  In September 2017, it migrated to a new platform. I’d like to wish everyone who visits the site a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year and my heartfelt thanks go to all the people who have expressed appreciation of the service provided. Below you will find some Christmas information and a neat video. Cobourg Christmas Information – 2017. The Mall will be open Sat. Dec. 23 until 8:00 pm and early Sunday Dec. 24 @ 8:30… Read complete articleMerry Christmas – 2017

Preserving History Captured by Northumberland Today

Wally Keeler has written a letter to Council asking that they demand that Torstar and Postmedia restore access to the stories of our community no longer available due to their recent closure of 33 newspapers – including Northumberland Today (which has a history going back to 1831).  It will be on the Agenda at Monday’s council meeting. The Library or the Archives or even the Newspaper’s new owner will surely have hard copies for future historians to peruse but Wally’s focus is on the web site and the lost links from Facebook pages and the lost articles posted by local organizations.  Wally is quite eloquent in his plea for support from the Town. He writes: Ever since news went digital… Read complete articlePreserving History Captured by Northumberland Today

Benefit of Sport Tourism to Cobourg in 2017

At the last Committee of the Whole Meeting, Dean Hustwick, Director of Recreation and Culture reported on four major Sporting Events that were hosted in Cobourg and that provided Cobourg with significant economic benefits.  Dean said that the report is a collaborative effort involving several members of his team – both Community Services Manager Chris Elliott and Sports and Events Coordinator Ashley Haynes spoke on the subject.  Chris made it clear that he would continue to look for revenue opportunities and make sure they were then Marketed successfully.   Ashley said that the participants in the 2017 events were strongly encouraged to go out into the community and she knew that they did in fact visit the beach and restaurants –… Read complete articleBenefit of Sport Tourism to Cobourg in 2017