Trailer Park used for Isolation Centre

Cobourg Police and the Town of Cobourg have set up trailers in the otherwise closed Trailer park to be used for first-responders who need to be isolated as a result of Corvid-19.  As Chief VandeGraaf puts it: “The Isolation facility will provide a safe place for first responders to isolate and avoid putting their families at risk.”  The trailers are completely self-contained and are stocked with essential items to assist an individual that requires isolation. Fencing will be put up around the perimeter to keep the site private.  The isolation site will be available to first responders including police, firefighter, paramedics, and healthcare professionals, if they need to isolate.  The trailers were donated by Bob and Amy Verwey, owners of… Read complete articleTrailer Park used for Isolation Centre

Hefty fines possible for failing to self-isolate

Most of us will have ventured out into the new world of social distancing and staying home but most of us are not infected nor mandated to self-isolate.  But Dr. Lynn Noseworthy, Medical Officer of Health for the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit says they have “heard from many people that there are others who have returned from travel or been confirmed to have COVID-19 and are seen outside of their home, shopping or visiting friends”.  Since this is a serious risk to the community, the HKPR District Health Unit today (April 14) issued a Class Section 22 Order with a penalty of up to $5,000 a day.  The order requires that anyone who has been diagnosed with… Read complete articleHefty fines possible for failing to self-isolate

Local Initiative for PPE Face Shields

A group of Cobourg/Northumberland organizations have got together to produce PPE Face shields – that’s Personal Protection Equipment that looks like a welder’s face shield except it’s transparent.  You can figure them out from the photos below – the only photo of someone using one is the one below right – click to enlarge.  It seems the initiative started with 3D printing at Venture 13 but many others are helping.  There’s a GoFundMe initiative to raise money to help – if it’s oversubscribed, money will go to local Hospital Foundations (NHH and Campbellford) – see link below.  There’s also a web site coordinating the effort.  According to the organizers the design originated with the Czech company Prusa in consultation with… Read complete articleLocal Initiative for PPE Face Shields

When Will this End – Opinion

A year or so ago, we had some interesting posts by Grahame Woods which were “opinion” and not reporting of news, and this post is in that category – not a neutral reporting of facts but instead an opinion on when the pandemic will end.  In following the news and participating in volunteer activities, I have come to some considered opinions about this new world we find ourselves in.  I think the big unanswered question is – When will it end?  No one can be sure of anything in the future let alone predicting the end of a pandemic but we don’t so much need to know when the pandemic will end, but instead when will we get back to “normal”? … Read complete articleWhen Will this End – Opinion

Council Discuss Impact of Covid-19

Most of the topics at Monday night’s Committee of the Whole Council meeting were about changes in Cobourg brought about by the virus pandemic.  To start with, the agenda was expanded by three last minute additions. One was about cancelling yet another event and the other two were about the obviously large impact the pandemic has on the budget. Since the Waterfront Festival has been cancelled and the Highland Games were postponed to August, it was clear that the Canada Day Parade would also get cancelled – and that’s what happened.  Council action on the financial impact consisted of quick verbal reports from Department Directors on the status of their Capital projects plus an agreement to hold a Special Budget… Read complete articleCouncil Discuss Impact of Covid-19

Cobourg Covid-19 Virus update – April 2

Although I keep a page on the status of the Covid-19 Virus which is updated several times a day, I know that many don’t go there but instead rely on updates from blog posts.  If you do go to that page and look for the “New” and “Update” tags, you won’t need to read most of the rest of this article. For everyone else, you should know that there are many changes happening daily with more restrictions as well as more services.  There are also more local cases of Covid-19 and more deaths in the Pinecrest Care home but no deaths yet in Northumberland.  The number of cases for the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge (HKPR) health Unit is now 64… Read complete articleCobourg Covid-19 Virus update – April 2

All Cobourg Parks are now closed

Residents are encouraged although not mandated to stay home.  For a start, policing the exceptions like buying groceries or picking up take-out meals would be difficult. In addition, many people go for a walk to get fresh air or walk their dogs.  But now, to increase the pressure to stay home, the Government of Ontario is ordering the closure of all outdoor recreational amenities and this means that the Town of Cobourg is doing the same.  On March 23, the Town closed all play equipment and play structures but now, effective immediately, the Town of Cobourg is closing all outdoor recreational amenities including the dog park, beach, skateboard park and tennis courts.  Closing our “Blue Flag” beach (see photo and… Read complete articleAll Cobourg Parks are now closed

Town of Cobourg On-line Press Conference – 30 March

This time the technology worked well.  Members of the media provided questions to Ashley Purdy using a phone only conference call and she relayed them to key members of the Emergency Control Group (ECG) who were using videoconferencing.  This group is mandated by Provincial Legislation which also mandates an Emergency Plan (see link below).  The Plan specifies – by role – who should be in the ECG – see list below.  It’s clear that most are employees of the Town and because of legislated requirements, their names are not provided.  Similarly, according to Chair Fire Chief Mike Vilneff, legislation does not require the meetings to be open to the public.  So that was the answer to my first question: “Why… Read complete articleTown of Cobourg On-line Press Conference – 30 March