Town of Cobourg On-line Press Conference – 30 March

This time the technology worked well.  Members of the media provided questions to Ashley Purdy using a phone only conference call and she relayed them to key members of the Emergency Control Group (ECG) who were using videoconferencing.  This group is mandated by Provincial Legislation which also mandates an Emergency Plan (see link below).  The Plan specifies – by role – who should be in the ECG – see list below.  It’s clear that most are employees of the Town and because of legislated requirements, their names are not provided.  Similarly, according to Chair Fire Chief Mike Vilneff, legislation does not require the meetings to be open to the public.  So that was the answer to my first question: “Why are ECG meetings not open to the public?”

Press Conference - 30 March 2020
Press Conference – 30 March 2020

I also asked how quarantine rules are being enforced.  In response, Police Chief Paul Vandegraaf said that Police will be enforcing in response to complaints by the public.  Initially, offenders will be asked to comply but if they refuse then normal actions such as laying charges will be carried out.  Over the past few days, Police Press Releases have emphasized the need to follow instructions for Canadians returning home to self-isolate for 14 days – it initially was a request and it’s now a law.  Not mentioned at the Press Conference was the fact that there were some trailers and motor homes, obviously in transit from the U.S., who were parked in the Walmart parking lot and not obeying these directives.  Police would enforce but they need Walmart or a citizen to “complain”.  Penalties can be as much as $1M or 3 years in jail (see Press Release below).

My final question asked whether the recently announced directive to limit public social gatherings to 5 people applied to Supermarkets.  Town Clerk Brent Larmer was of the opinion that supermarkets were exempt from this but a definitive answer would require seeing the associated regulations which have not yet been provided.

Other Questions

Other media questions did not get very useful answers. In brief:

  • Robert Washburn (News Blog: Consider This) asked if Cobourg has yet received the funds promised by the Province – the answer was “No”.  He also asked about relief from taxes related to School Boards since the Province promised a 90 day deferral.  The answer was a referral to the Town’s announced tax measures (see link below).
  • Cecilia Nasmith asked what were the most common questions to the Hotline recently announced (see Covid-19 page).  The answer was that this info is not yet available but will be provided soon.
  • Valerie MacDonald asked for more detailed statistics on the Virus impact in Northumberland but was told that these are not available.

In his sum-up, Mayor Henderson said that Communications Manager Ashley Purdy would pass on to the public, as needed, any decisions by the ECG. John also pointed to the recently established hotline (see Covid-19 page).

The screen grab shown above-right showed what the public could see.  You can see the full meeting on You-Tube – see Link below.

County Council Special Meeting

Soon after Cobourg’s meeting, Northumberland County held a special Online Meeting to address issues mentioned in my post on the Partial Shutdown in Cobourg.  The contentious move to provide free garbage tags was passed with an amendment.  The final approved motion provided for one free garbage bag per household per week from April 1 to May 29 [Note: Later changed from April 1 to March 31].  The meeting format was different – Councillors used Zoom for videoconferencing and the media and public joined with voice only teleconferencing.

Links and Extra Information

Members of ECG

  • Head of Council
  • EOC Director
  • Emergency Information Officer (EIO)
  • Public Inquiry Officer (PIO)
  • Public Works Officer
  • Community Control Group (CCG) Clerk
  • Finance Officer
  • Water and Electricity Utilities Officer
  • Police Services Officer
  • Fire Services Officer/CEMC
  • Health Officer
  • Social Services Officer
  • Emergency Medical Services Officer

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Elsie Harvey
4 years ago
    Is there an order to close the beaches and board walk, or plans to do so?
    If property taxes go up any more, people like me will not be able to stay in their homes and there is no affordable rentals in town. Cobourg property taxes are more expensive than Toronto taxes. This is a difficult and scary time, please do not ad to our anxiety.
    Thank you to the town council and staff working so hard to keep us safe. And, of course, to our doctors, nurses, hospital staff, paramedics and firefighters for their brave acts of courage.
4 years ago

China owns 80 billion dollars of U.S. resources. China owns 39 billion dollars of Canadian resources. If Canada is 1/10 of the U.S. population and economy, how come they own 5 times the ratio of Canada.? Our government has allowed Canada to sell out to China…Why?? Let’s start to think about our future.

Reply to  cornbread
4 years ago

This is the kind of post that makes me want to (reluctantly) agree with ADM.

Merry Mary
Reply to  cornbread
4 years ago

Aah! Thirty years or more ago, a Professor of Social-Economic Anthropology mentioned that Canadians should be learning the Chinese language, a statement which has remained in my memory bank.

Reply to  Merry Mary
4 years ago

My mother worked in foreign exchange after employment in a stock brokerage. Merry Mary back as far as the 80s she said the money markets are shifting away from North America – there is more than one way to be taken over by a foreign entity.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  cornbread
4 years ago

Here’s the rest of the picture cornbread: China’s debt tops 300% of GDP, now 15% of global total: IIF

4 years ago

As for lack of statistics they are available. Each of us have the power to find them it is called Google.

The problem is that the statistics are sometimes revised after the fact and you have to be wary of the data.
Here are links that I find enlightening (Not sure if I can imbbed them here, so you may have to cut and paste into your browser) but you have to take the time to understand what they say (and what they don’t say). Keep in mind the old adage “if you twist the numbers long enough and hard enough they will confess to anything”

Canadian Corona Virus Update

In this page there are two links of note just below the map

Epidemiological Summary of Canada

The detailed PDF version of the Epidemiological Summary of Canada. This link gets changed daily so you have to use the base report to access.

This Report for March 30

Summary for Ontario (Updated daily)

In this Ontario Summary they have a link to a similar Epidemiological Report for Ontario in the Second paragraph. The link gets changed daily so you have use the base report to access daily.

This Report for March 30

And Haliburton, Kawartha and Pine Ridge Health

John, Perhaps for your COVID Summary Page

John Draper
Reply to  ADM
4 years ago

You might find it useful to read the “How to comment” page (About>Comments) and also the “Covid-19 in Cobourg” Page. You’ll see that more than one link will get your comment moderated (that is, I approve it or not). Also there are already links on the Covid-19 page.
And a tip, if you want your comments read – keep them short.

Reply to  John Draper
4 years ago

1) I understand you thoughts on the length of submission, and I rarely comment. That said, what I described today is an issue that has serious consequences and it is difficult to describe the impact of negative opinions in a time of crisis in 140 Characters or less.

2) The Covid-19 pages associated with your blog, the city and county are Cobourg / Northumberland Centric. I offered these up to try to allay Mrs Anonymous’ concern (which I think is widely held by a significant number of people in the county) to broaden the horizon. People are being asked in Northumberland to follow directions here for things that are happening outside of the County and the only way they will know that they are having a positive affect is if they see the bigger picture.

As always it is up to you to do what you wish with them.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  ADM
4 years ago

Most of those who read this blog live in Northumberland so local information is our primary concern. There are a huge number of sources — friends, CBC, Global, CTV, New York Times, Boston Globe, etc, etc — to learn what is happening in Vancouver or Montreal or New York or Boston. What John provides is what is happening here and is what people here need. Unfortunately he is our only reliable source.

Mrs. Anonymous
Reply to  ADM
4 years ago

Adm, I went to look at a couple of the sites you mentioned.. This one isn’t bad:

Still a lot of unanswered questions and some data relative to other viruses would help put things in perspective to historical occurrences.

I do not share your trust of our government officials.

Reply to  Mrs. Anonymous
4 years ago

Few with common sense trust politicians and government officials even in good times and these are not good times. The first casualty of war is truth.

Reply to  Mrs. Anonymous
4 years ago

Mrs Anonymous
1) If the sites I provided do not meet your requirements, tell me what specific data sets will satisfy you and I will see what is out there. Keep in mind though that one or two data sets will not provide the universal answer that you may seeking. Rather it probably require several points of data taken over a long period of time, combined with some self analysis, to find the answer you may be seeking.

2) I am not asking anyone not question Government Authorities….. What I am asking is that people hold their complaints until this is crisis is over….. There will be plenty of time for second guessing what happened later….. While this may seem extreme, people have and will continue to die if they question what is being asked of them or don’t follow directions right now because personal opinions are clouding the immediacy of issue.

3) Lastly, everyone is free to run for elected office or work on committees to affect change and there is nothing stopping anyone from getting their hands dirty to show the leadership they believe is missing.

Mrs. Anonymous
Reply to  ADM
4 years ago

1. Here is the problem. There is data, but it’s not really good data. Unreliable as it turns out in Italy.

2. Holding complaints TIL after the crisis….as in closing the barn door after the horses have left? Example: the federal government attempted to use the Coronavirus emergency to Gain extraordinary spending privileges without the scrutiny of parliament despite their minority government. I am thankful the opposition parties stepped in and limited the time the federal government can do this.

3. The people who ran and were elected for current governments and those who accepted jobs in public health currently, are the people who need to be held accountable. Please don’t place the blame on people who never applied or asked for the job let alone have the qualifications.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Mrs. Anonymous
4 years ago

Well said, Mrs. Anonymous! Ignoring the problems is not the answer.

Reply to  Mrs. Anonymous
4 years ago

I am not asking you or anybody to look the other way or not hold authorities accountable….. But make sure it is deemed extremely important at this time of Crisis…. If you think your issue will change the tide in this battle against the Corona virus in the next 6-8 weeks then by all means scream from the highest Mountain top, you might be the one with the solution that everyone missed….. But if it will not, then until we get through this, show some compassion for those who suffer depression, those who suffer from anxiety, those who in the front line of your defense everyday by keeping it to yourself for the time being……These people need to hear all the positivity they can get right now! Not people debating whether I should get one free garbage bag or two or dragging up HOLDCO as an example of secrecy issues that may undercut Emergency Preparedness actions….. If people cannot do something as simple as this you are not part of the solution as the saying goes. It may even save your life!

Ken Strauss
Reply to  adm
4 years ago

Adm, to be clear; I have the greatest admiration for all of the physicians, nurses and janitors who are working to protect us and I will do whatever I can to assist their efforts. Personally I have hardly been out of the house for weeks and heartily endorse all efforts to slow the spread of this pandemic through reducing personal contact. That said, to have an anonymous poster tell me that I cannot criticize mistakes as obvious as continuing to run town buses during a lockdown that keeps people out of our public parks and to tell me that I cannot advocate for additional Councillor involvement / oversight, is not acceptable. If you want a modicum of respect, use your actual name and suggest improvements rather than writing that all should respect your anonymous admonitions and be obedient sheep.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 years ago


1) If you look through any of my posts you will never see anything that says I have advocated not holding Authorities accountable. Rather it is an issue of When it is appropriate. My suggested “improvement” is and always has been after the crisis has ended.

If there is an immediate need to prevent someone from making a dreadful mistake then by all means do it now, but go to those entities directly. By making it known drectly they can affect the required change or explain why it is appropiate. That said, if it is not going to change the immediate outcome(s), or your concern reduces the confidence in what is being done by the powers-to-be to benefit the general population today, it can wait until this crisis passes.

That is all I have promoted.

While you or many others may not be anxious or depressed, or lonely because of the current state of restrictions, there are others in the community that are. People need to step back, take a deep breathe and think about how their words and action affect others in the here and now by acting in a positive manner for today!

2) Secondly, I agree fully with your comment that, “If you want a modicum of respect, use your actual name” and “suggest improvements”. But it needs to apply to everyone, not just me….. In this post alone you have the following Pseudonyms, Mrs Anonymous, Frenchy, Perplexed, Informed, Jim T, Frenchy, Cornbread, Ben, Merry Mary, and Mirian M. Several, but not all, have “Critcized Mistakes” without suggesting any Substantive “Improvement” on how to change the overall outcome.

It cuts both ways, so if you are going to call me out, you need to do the same for everyone else whether you agree with them or not.
What is their actual name?
What solution do they propose?

I am done.

Reply to  ADM
4 years ago

I am done.


Canuck Patriot
Reply to  ADM
4 years ago

Amen. I guess multi-tasking and being able to deal with multiple facets of an issue that has brought our country to a halt is something you can’t deal with.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  ADM
4 years ago

Adm, “If there is an immediate need to prevent someone from making a dreadful mistake then by all means do it now” is an apt description of continuing to run town buses. Advocating for transparency and more public and Councillor involvement is an example of something that is critical now and irrelevant after this pandemic subsides.
In spite of your expertise, you are not familiar enough with Cobourg to recognize the names of two former Councillors in your list of “pseudonyms”.
I’m not surprised that you are loath to reveal your actual name.

Reply to  ADM
4 years ago

Ben is not a pseudonym – my real name!! Those who recognise it will also be astute enough to know my last name

Reply to  ben
4 years ago


Wally Keeler
Reply to  ben
4 years ago

BEN You have a friend.

Deborah O'Connor
Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 years ago

I assume you have never been dependent on public transit to get to work, go shopping or see your doctor. If you were, you’d understand that public transit
is an essential service, even more than the LCBO. That’s why buses still run when it snows, and why they must not be closed down now. Your privilege is showing again: try to think about the rest of us for a change.

Paul Pagnuelo
Reply to  Deborah O'Connor
4 years ago

Your comments on privilege are sadly misplaced in this instance.

Many of our local residents are not working, having been laid off or their businesses have closed in an effort to control the spread of COVID-19. It’s not shopping as normal as people are being asked to be considerate of others and stay home.

Most doctors are either cancelling routine appointments or conducting them by phone or video conference. I know because I just had two appointments that were not physically face to face.

Keeping public transit running at this time is an extremely high risk proposition. It poses a serious health risk to the driver, the passengers and everyone they subsequently come in contact with.

The issue is not privilege but public safety as we face unprecedented times.

Deborah O'Connor
Reply to  Paul Pagnuelo
4 years ago

Gee, here I thught this was about transit as an essential service. Your sad attempt to shift that over to a minor comment I made about privilege has not contributed a thing to the topic at hand. Like I said, sad.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Deborah O'Connor
4 years ago

Deborah, the LCBO is not essential. Public transit is not essential. The only things that are essential are obtaining food and medical treatment. We must do everything possible to slow the spread of this pandemic and experts say that keeping people separated and in their homes is our best hope. It is irresponsible to suggest anything that contributes to spreading contagion and very sad that some appear to not understand the problem.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 years ago

Now were talkin the same language Ken!

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Paul Pagnuelo
4 years ago

And there they are, nine, maybe ten individuals, huddled in a confined space for many minutes, all without the prophylactic of a facemask. Keep the windows open? Sure, who wants to sit in the back row? People have to talk with each other in a louder voice to overcome the noise of the vehicle, and that means spittle, less than 5 microns, can be light enough to be carried as an aerosol. Does the Town mount and maintain a hand sanitizer at the back door of the bus for users to wet their hands while getting on and off. If not, that should be a permanent feature on every transit bus in the country.

Reply to  adm
4 years ago

You wont win this one adm. Until the sunshine list comes out its garbage bag tags and cobourg transit as two of the most pressing concerns during this pandemic.Then the discussion on who is expendable will start again lol

Reply to  Informed
4 years ago

Sunshine list has been out for a couple of weeks. Leweez was right, you really aren’t that Informed.

Reply to  Frenchy
4 years ago

Your right( You’re).If Leweez said it…it must be true.I must have missed it when I was searching on those facebook sites looking for the free garbage bag info.

Reply to  informed
4 years ago

Cobourg’s SunShine list for everyone’s info:
Better than the official Ont. Gov’t site. Lot’s of data to manipulate by date, increase, etc.

Reply to  Mrs. Anonymous
4 years ago

Your post just came through with the link in it….

That link goes to the detailed PDF version of the Epidemiological Summary of Canada that I spoke of. The link is on the summary page and the URL gets updated daily so you have to go back to the summary page each day to get the most current data report.

Pay close attention to Figure 2 and Figure 3 every day and you will get a sense of how we are doing as a nation.

Figure 2 you will see that the doubling rate has increased from 3 to 4 days over the last week….. That is a good thing. It means we may be slowing the virus progress down in the near term and we want to see that progression continue over time….

Figure 3 shows how we relate to other countries…..Right now it shows Canada’s progression is slower than those countries that did not start or maintain rigorous distancing / isolation protocols. Again that is a good thing if we can maintain the trend…..

Our goal is to target the S Korea line. They were the gold standard for managing social distancing / isolation for this viral this outbreak. In comparison i you look at the US where they have a complete failure in their repornse you will see that the line is going up exponentially. So again when you compare these lines, I see us as moving in the right direction.

The virility of each virus is different and these are just two of the many comparisons you need to make but these two indicate that the seemingly extreme measures we are experiencing can / will work if EVERYONE rows on the same side of the boat. That is why it is important to stay the course and emphasize the good EVERYONE is doing.

That said, there are things that readers of data need to be aware of. These reports do not show 1) Regional granularity. Is one province doing better than the others in these same measures. For that you have to go to Provincial reports. The data is there you just need to mine it, massage it and interpret it 2) Data Latency on Testing. That is, How many test have been administered but are awaiting results for posting. 3) the real wild card. How many Snowbirds and Spring Breakers are still out there and have not presented yet.

These last two items have the potential of skewing the results quickly, but we will not know for another week or so.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  ADM
4 years ago

Our goal is to target the S Korea line. They were the gold standard for managing social distancing / isolation for this viral this outbreak.”

There is a noticeable difference between North America’s response to infection and S Korea’s. The entire population of S Korea had face masks, civilians in Canada none and they still have none.

Reply to  Wally Keeler
4 years ago

Definitely playing a catch up game. Unfortunately the Government allowed international flights to continue to arrive with vistors from hard hit countries. Political correctness and fear of targeting specific countries that were known to have a serious problem well before Canada, for fear of being lableled racists, must change.

Wally Keeler
Reply to  Informed
4 years ago

Exactly, and the world is catching on to the WHO, hand-puppet of the glorious Communist Party of China.

““People think the World Health Organization should change its name,” Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso said, according to translators. “It shouldn’t be called the WHO, it should be renamed the CHO.”
The incident comes after reports that China intentionally misled the world by downplaying the number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the country. The WHO sent Assistant Director-General Bruce Aylward on a “fact-finding” mission to China in February, where he resoundingly praised China’s efforts, …

Reply to  ADM
4 years ago

Our goal should be to target the Taiwan line. Oops, WHO doesn’t want to talk about that. Check out WHO’s Canadian Bruce Aylward dodging questions about Taiwan. Great video, I thought it disturbingly funny.

4 years ago

Having Significant Emergency Response experience I want to offer some thoughts to the discussions below!

While front line staff are doing a Valiant job battling the COVID-19 Virus under trying circumstances, it is also important for everyone understand we are also battling a second virus…… An Infodemic!

I can tell you that after observing Government responses both here in Ontario and BC (Family there so I have a personal interest), I am proud of the way that all levels of Government and Political leaders (NDP in BC, PC in Ontario and Liberals Federally as well as Cities of Toronto,Vancouver and our County and Town,) are working together in sending Compassionate, Consistent, and Credible directives and messages.

We should also all be proud of the way these Political leaders and their associate Ministerial / Cabinet Staff / Health Officers all the way down to the office staff and guy / gal cleaning the hospital floor are pulling together in a united fashion.

Nothing is perfect in fluid situations where the eventual outcome is not fully known until it is over, but these Organizations are executing the Crisis Management Playbook Flawlessly!

That said, there are individuals on FBook and elsewhere like this BLOG that are criticizing the timing and / or impact of Government pronouncements or bring into the conversation items that are immaterial to the immediate crisis such as concerns over secrecy, PPE that was shipped out, how many bags of garbage I can toss without a tag or immigration etc.

While you may have genuine concerns, this sniping needs to stop NOW!

I am sure that many think that by holding a light up to each and every misstep Authorities make, you are helping, but none of you are aware of the full conversations that are going on behind the scenes. (And quite frankly after being in those war rooms in times of crisis probably would be frightened at the issue’s they are managing) and you are actually being counterproductive in times of crisis.

It undermines the efforts of these Government / Health Agencies as evidenced by a poll published recently that 20% of respondents here in Canada were still not getting the physically distancing / self isolating directives.
So, in addition to the hashtag going around that says “Stay the F… home’” we need everyone to “Shut the F… up” unless you have something to positive to say or help the situation.

(Continues next post)

Reply to  Adm
4 years ago

(Part 2)
So, in addition to the hashtag going around that says “Stay home’” we need everyone to “Shut up” unless you have something to positive to say or help the situation.

While you may think I am being overly critical, the general public, especially those most vulnerable are highly impacted by any negative commentary. The general population needs to have confidence that these Government / Health agencies are thinking through their pronouncements and working in everyone’s best interest to prevent panic and fear.

There will be plenty of time to criticize when this is all over and then you can go crazy.

Reply to  Adm
4 years ago

Thank you, Adm. I tried and failed to express my concerns these last few days, because, words failed me. Our family has been hit with this COVID-19. Believe me when I say when you get the call that a loved one is now in ICU, fighting for their life, this all becomes too crystal clear.

Merry Mary
Reply to  Gerry
4 years ago

I am off to Rotary Park to hang a “Love Lock” (padlock) on the black rod iron railing over the creek to send love-Cobourg Loves-to your Family according to “an ancient custom that unites everyone around the world” more so at this difficult time,Gerald.

Reply to  Merry Mary
4 years ago

wrought iron?

Merry Mary
Reply to  JimT
4 years ago

Possibly. Wrought is highly specialized and more expensive; therefore, wrought, rod or rot iron.

Reply to  Adm
4 years ago

I didnt expect one down vote.Hard to believe

Reply to  Adm
4 years ago

Well said.

Tom Holden
4 years ago

According to this post from Councillor Seguin, the one free bag per week is effective today, March 31:

Northumberland Council held a Special Meeting via teleconference this afternoon March 30. A motion was just moved by Councillor Brian Ostrander and seconded by Councillor Mandy Martin.

MOTION: That Council direct staff to suspend the requirement for garbage bag tags, for one bag only per household, per week, effective Tuesday, March 31, 2020 until Friday, May 29, 2020. (Please see the minutes of County Council for the complete version of this motion.)

Please share that no garbage tags will be required for one bag of garbage here in Cobourg and throughout Northumberland County starting tomorrow.

Reply to  Tom Holden
4 years ago

“According to this post from Councillor Seguin, the one free bag per week is effective today, March 31 What post, where?
“Please share that no garbage tags will be required for one bag of garbage here in Cobourg and throughout Northumberland County starting tomorrow.
posted 31 March 2020 9:52 am

Well what is it, today March 31st or tomorrow, April 1st? Today is garbage day in Cobourg so it would be good to clarify this early Tom.

Reply to  Frenchy
4 years ago
    Starts today, March 31st

as per the County’s Waste Dept’s Facebook page.

John Draper
Reply to  Frenchy
4 years ago

The original motion said April 1 and I didn’t hear that the dates were changed but maybe I misheard. I have now updated the post. And yes, it’s today, March 31.

Reply to  Frenchy
4 years ago

Or just put a bag out without a tag and see what happens.😯

Reply to  Frenchy
4 years ago

Read Tom’s post above and went outside to place my one untagged bag at curbside. It was picked up.

Reply to  Frenchy
4 years ago

‘Twill be interesting to see how the collectors deal with houses that have multiple separate apartments in them. They should get 1 free bag each, but how to distinguish?

4 years ago

Keep things secret like the 16 tons of medical supplies shipped to China…authorized by Trudeau…early February, when we knew they would be needed in Canada for our hospital workers against the virus…truly a stupid move by our PM.

Merry Mary
Reply to  cornbread
4 years ago

And yesterday, there was a significant shipment that China sent Canada, as viewed on CTV news.

Reply to  Merry Mary
4 years ago

Too bad it’s 1 month late…

Doug Weldon
Reply to  cornbread
4 years ago

Really. Have you ever had a positive thought? Please share one. You must have a very sad life. Too bad. So sad.

Reply to  Doug Weldon
4 years ago

Sometimes the truth hurts… Trudeau is supposed to represent Canada not China.

Mrs. Anonymous
Reply to  Merry Mary
4 years ago

But no return of the hostages.

Bill Thompson
Reply to  Merry Mary
4 years ago
I don’t believe China has sent them to Canada yet and reading what other countries who have received them, the rejection of so many reinforces the reputation “Made in China” that is well known and exists. The Federal government should have considered Canadians first as now there is the urgent demand and its all hands to the pumps in Canada to supply its citizens.

Reply to  Bill Thompson
4 years ago

I’d take a few hundred of those masks being returned for my family.
Where do you think the millions of masks we in Canada happily used on a regular basis last year came from?

George Taylor
Reply to  cornbread
4 years ago

i am more concerned about ILLEGAL REFUGEES border crossing to OUR COUNTRY that are still happening
and we have CANADIANS unable to return home!

John Draper
Reply to  George Taylor
4 years ago

I believe Trudeau agreed to stop these illegal crossings during the current situation.

George Taylor
Reply to  John Draper
4 years ago

hasn’t happened! JUST WATCH SOCIAL MEDIA!

Ken Strauss
4 years ago

Correct, the “legislation does not require the meetings to be open to the public”. My understanding of the legislation is that public meetings are not prohibited either. His answer reminds me of our previous mayor’s excuse for the meetings of Holdco (99.99% owned by Cobourg’s residents) being closed to the public.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 years ago

Public gatherings over 5 people are against the law Ken.Thats why its all done via video. Dont think there has been a pandemic here before 😯

Reply to  Informed
4 years ago

Bravo Informed. Bravo.🤣

Reply to  Frenchy
4 years ago


Ken Strauss
Reply to  Informed
4 years ago

Thanks for another irrelevant comment, Informed. Meetings can obviously be open to the public without physical attendance. In any case Holdco meetings were closed for years prior to the current pandemic.

Reply to  Ken Strauss
4 years ago

Just guessing but maybe they dont want to debate wheher they should allow one or 2 free garbage bags at this time during a state of emergency because apparently its at the top of some peoples list.

Reply to  Informed
4 years ago

oops … just saw John’s note on this …. County Council did debate free pick up of garage bags this week and decided on only one per week and for a defined period of time, a couple of months. Every little bit helps. Thank you to County Council.

Reply to  Frenchy
4 years ago

How long did you spend looking for that fog horn leg horn clip?

Reply to  Informed
4 years ago

Not long. I just Googled “Informed missed another one” and it was the second hit.

Reply to  Frenchy
4 years ago

That was actually funny

Mrs. Anonymous
Reply to  Informed
4 years ago

Actually, there was a cholera epidemic back in the early 1800’s.

Ken Strauss
Reply to  Mrs. Anonymous
4 years ago

Mrs. Anonymous, see the article starting on page 8 of the newsletter at

Mrs. Anonymous
4 years ago

The lack of useful statistics not just in Northumberland but in Ontario and Canada is alarming.

Without good data, no one can really know if we are taking the correct measures.

Thanks to Valerie Macdonsld for asking the question regarding the stats as I have been wondering about it as well.

4 years ago

So where do we get the free garbage tags?

John Draper
Reply to  ben
4 years ago

Garbage tags not required

Reply to  John Draper
4 years ago

“The contentious move to provide free garbage tags was passed
with an amendment…” ? ? ? ?

John Draper
Reply to  JimT
4 years ago

The amendment was to change from all bags free to only one. It was contentious because of concern about the lost revenue,