Province Provides Covid-19 Grants to Municipalities

In May, Council had a special meeting to discuss the impact of Covid-19 on the Town’s budget.   A report by Treasurer (and interim CAO) Ian Davey said that there would be a shortfall in revenue of $1,561,000.  However, he also said that this could be compensated for so that the Town would not have a significant financial problem – see links below.  This assumed that the crisis would last for no more than 6 months – that is, that the last 3 months of the year would be business as usual.  County Council was also expecting a drop in revenue and as well were trying to limit the impact on citizens by directing staff to have a goal of a… Read complete articleProvince Provides Covid-19 Grants to Municipalities

Masks to be Mandatory in Commercial Establishments

The HKPR District Health Unit has issued an order effective July 13, that all “Operator(s) of an enclosed Public Space will have a policy to ensure that no member of the public is permitted to enter or remain in the public areas of the enclosed public space unless they are wearing a mask in a manner that covers their nose, mouth and chin.”  Affected establishments include stores, malls/plazas, restaurants, personal service settings,  gas stations, indoor farmers’ markets –  any areas open to the public.  Outdoor patios are excepted.  Enforcement will be primarily aimed at the “operators” with the intent being to educate individuals.  Medical Officer for Health Dr. Lynn Noseworthy said: “Wearing a mask is about protecting other people, and… Read complete articleMasks to be Mandatory in Commercial Establishments

Hospital Slowly Returning to Normal

The first thing you might notice is that effective July 6th parking is no longer free.  As explained by Abhi Mukherjee, NHH’s Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer, parking fees bring a net $750k per year so free parking could not be sustained for long.  When you go into the Hospital, you’ll notice “heightened cleaning practices” and be reminded to clean your hands.  But in another announcement, NHH explains that other services are being ramped up after almost three months of providing only emergency and high-priority surgeries and imaging exams.  Meanwhile hundreds of other tests, appointments and procedures were postponed for safety reasons, or – if appropriate – provided virtually.  But the Hospital has been busy providing Covid-19… Read complete articleHospital Slowly Returning to Normal

Beach to Re-open on a Limited Basis

At tonight’s Committee of the Whole Council meeting, councillors had a long debate about re-opening the beach.  Councillor Emily Chorley proposed that the beach be re-opened on a limited basis with advance reservations required for time slots.  She initially wanted weekdays only but others wanted seven days a week.  The idea is that numbers would be limited although the exact number has not yet been specified.  There would likely be only one public entrance that would be available (and it would be accessible) although there would be other emergency only entrances. In discussion it became apparent that there are staffing and logistical issues that need to be sorted out so Staff were asked to report back on June 29 with… Read complete articleBeach to Re-open on a Limited Basis

Cobourg Entertainment in Covid-19 era

There has of course been a lot of talk about the Beach and Restaurants but it’s not only commercial life that has been affected but also entertainment and social activities.  The Cobourg Community Centre and other Arenas are closed so there is no Hockey or LaCrosse or even Curling.  You can golf if you follow the rules and you can now play tennis but contact sports like Rugby are not allowed.  The Loft and Rainbow theatre have been closed for months and there have been no Concerts at Victoria Hall or Port Hope’s Capitol.  Outdoor events like the Waterfront Festival, the Highland Games and Rib Fest have all been cancelled.  But let me look at each Sector in more detail… Read complete articleCobourg Entertainment in Covid-19 era

Town is Helping Restaurants Set Up Patios

The Town of Cobourg today hosted a virtual seminar for Restaurant owners to discuss the newly allowed Patios.  Starting June 12, although dining in is not allowed, restaurants will be allowed to serve meals and drinks to patios – in some cases patios will be new and for others they will be existing or an expansion.  In all cases, social distancing will be required with rules on table spacing.  All relevant departments were on the Zoom call:  Planning, Building, Fire, Works and Clerks departments as well as representatives from AGCO (Alcohol and Gaming Commission) and HKPR DHU (Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit). I counted about 6 businesses although Town Clerk Brent Larmer said that there had already been… Read complete articleTown is Helping Restaurants Set Up Patios

Council Debates Re-opening

On Monday, Premier Ford announced stage 2 re-opening for the region that includes Cobourg (see previous post) and on Monday night there was also a Council meeting.  Mayor John Henderson made it clear that he was not ready to act on the changes because the Provincial “regulations” had not yet been issued although they were expected within 48 hours.  But there were decisions to be made as requested by Community Services.  These included re-opening the Trailer Park (now called a campground), opening the Centennial Pool, allowing transient boaters and more.  But in the end, decisions were made plus Adam Bureau proposed encouraging restaurants to provide patio service in line with Provincial direction. It was clear however, that the ECG (Emergency… Read complete articleCouncil Debates Re-opening

Province Opens Up – Partially

Today, Premier Ford announced that starting this Friday, June 12, the Province will loosen Covid-19 restrictions. Social gatherings of 10 are now permitted instead of 5 and now allowed to open will be Churches (subject to limits) restaurants (outdoor patios only), hair salons (subject to limits), swimming pools and more (details below).  But this does not apply to all of Ontario; a notable exception is the GTA plus a few other locations.  The HKPR District Health Unit which includes Cobourg is included in the loosened rules.  In all cases physical distancing apply. This is in line with the Province’s plan to move to Stage 2 on a regional basis (see link below for a description of Stage 2). As we’ve… Read complete articleProvince Opens Up – Partially