Venture 13 Tenders come in Lower than Estimate

The Venture 13 project to house several entities in Cobourg was approved by Council in May 2017 and a progress report was presented on 20 November 2017 (details at links below).  Tenders were issued for the work on October 24 with a closing date of November 16 – later extended to November 29.  The construction costs for part 1 and 2 of the project were estimated at $1,263,534 for part 1 and $657,635 for part 2 for a total of $1,921,169.  But the lowest cost tender from Dalren Ltd. was $1,520,000 for both part 1 and part 2 – this tender was “found to be complete and the contractor is known to the Town as a contractor that carries out good… Read complete articleVenture 13 Tenders come in Lower than Estimate

Northumberland Today to Shut Down

A press release today reported that Torstar (owner of Northumberland News) and PostMedia (Owner of Northumberland Today) have swapped a collection of newspapers – mostly in Ontario. They also announced that most of the exchanged Newspapers will be shut down and although dates for ceasing publication are not clear, it was explicitly announced that Northumberland Today would be shut down “effective today”. In total, the closures will result in the loss of approximately 244 jobs. Since Northumberland News was not swapped and since it was not included in the papers to be shut down, it seems that the move is a way of consolidating in various markets so Cobourg will have only one newspaper and that will be Northumberland News…. Read complete articleNorthumberland Today to Shut Down

Entrepreneurs get Major Boost in Cobourg

The status of the new Venture 13 project was presented to Cobourg Council last night.  Driven primarily by Northumberland Community Futures Development (NCFDC), it will provide support and facilities for new businesses needing space for offices and to build prototypes, to hold workshops, and learn from others.  The existing building 13 in Northam Industrial Park will be re-furbished to provide offices, a laboratory, workshops, a lecture hall and meeting rooms.  In addition to interim space for startups, it will house permanent staff for NCFDC, Cobourg’s Economic Development Department (EcDev) and the Northumberland Manufacturers Association (NMA) as well as providing facilities for Fleming College and Maker Lab.  All this will be on the ground floor with the second floor being used… Read complete articleEntrepreneurs get Major Boost in Cobourg

Business Attraction Marketing Plan

In 2013, a Downtown Vitalization Action Plan was put together and recommended attracting businesses and consumers to Downtown Cobourg.  Although a number of initiatives have been completed (see links below) the marketing portion has been in preparation for over a year.  The plan is going before council once again on November 13 with a request for the expenditure of $40K to be approved.  The plan includes a large amount of research and facts – some of which was published November 10 on Cobourg News Blog here (Downtown Vacancies).  It’s also clear what the objective is – to get more businesses in Downtown Cobourg.  But although the Town, the Chamber of Commerce and the DBIA are united in their intent to… Read complete articleBusiness Attraction Marketing Plan

New Business Support Initiative from County

On November 27, at 4:00 pm, Cobourg Council will have a special meeting to receive a report on the Venture 13 program announced last May.  This will involve using a building at the Northam Industrial park to house an Economic Development Tech Innovation Centre (see link below for details on this).  But the County already has a more generalized group that supports business.  The Business & Entrepreneurship Centre (BECN) provides services for businesses to help them be successful – see the “Faster Forward Business Success Program” video below.  But they are not stopping with that; they have now announced “the Grand Opening of The Factory: a creative, modern co-working space for entrepreneurs that will further support the growth and sustainability… Read complete articleNew Business Support Initiative from County

Cobourg Marijuana Update

In October 2013, local newsmedia reported that Michal Hasek, venture capitalist and Real Estate Broker, was planning to turn part of the old Kraft building into an indoor marijuana growing facility.  It was intended to supply the growing medical market for marijuana.  It seems that some time before August 2014, he sold to Thomas Fairfull of FV Pharma in Whitby.  On Saturday, the Toronto Star reports that after a long wait, Fairfull has now secured a licence from Health Canada (Cultivation license granted on October 13, 2017). He plans to harvest his first crop of 4,000 kilos as early as February 2018.  The Star also reported that FV Pharma intends to purchase the entire 15-acre property, now called the Cobourg… Read complete articleCobourg Marijuana Update