Decision on Drug Rehabilitation Centre Deferred

The Medical building on King Street East opposite the High School is empty and its owners are proposing to use it as a drug rehabilitation centre.  This would include clients being accommodated overnight.  Current zoning allows it to be used for medical purposes but not overnight stays although current zoning bylaws do not explicitly mention rehabilitation centres so the situation is not clear. (A legal opinion/ interpretation said they were not allowed). However, zoning bylaws are currently being reviewed so this may change. The review started in 2011 with a contract to Meridian Planning Consultants Inc but in Monday’s Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Suzanne Séguin said that this should have taken 6 to 12 months. Because of their experience with… Read complete articleDecision on Drug Rehabilitation Centre Deferred

St Peter’s Launches Redevelopment Project

St Peter’s Anglican Church was designed in 1851 by famed architect Kivas Tully and then built in 1854 – complete with steeple.  Many years later it now has a bell tower instead of a steeple and has had many additions but the main building is badly in need of a new roof, ceiling and other repairs – total estimated cost is $3M.  The state of the roof is bad enough that the Church itself has been closed since February 2018 with services held in the Parish Hall. The congregation wants to “re-align itself to meet the needs of the local community” although that’s not a new idea. I know that in 2018, Les Amis concerts planned to have concerts there…. Read complete articleSt Peter’s Launches Redevelopment Project

Sifton-Cook Museum now open

One of Cobourg’s few places to entertain yourself is now open for visitors albeit with Covid-19 rules in place.  The Sifton-Cook Museum, within walking distance of downtown (adjacent to the Legion), has a collection of displays telling a mix of stories covering Sports, the Military, Transportation and more.  They are open on Fridays & Saturdays to Thanksgiving from 10 – 5 and Sunday afternoons from 1 – 5.  This year they are also celebrating the completion of their roof project which included adding eavestroughs.  This was financed by donations from members, the Town of Cobourg and a Federal grant.  So on July 24, Sifton-Cook’s Treasurer Stanley Isherwood invited Mayor John Henderson and MP Philip Lawrence to the site and publicly… Read complete articleSifton-Cook Museum now open

Affordable Housing gets Funding

For some time, the County has been planning an expansion of affordable housing at their Elgin Park development and on Thursday July 23, $5.7M funding for it was announced through the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative (COCHI) – that’s a joint Federal/Provincial initiative.  The announcement was made by Steve Clark, (Ontario’s Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing) and Adam Vaughan (Federal MP & Parliamentary Secretary) – see photos below.  There are currently 18 units at the development in 9 duplexes and when complete there will be 40 units in 8 two storey buildings of 4 plexes and 6 plexes including a shared green space with a playground and recreational area.  The new money will fund 28 of the new units, all… Read complete articleAffordable Housing gets Funding

Aquatic Safety – Take 3

On September 23, 2019, a report was presented to Council called an “Aquatic Safety Audit” Report.  It was conducted by the Life Saving Society (LSS) at the request of the Community Services Division but immediately created concerns for Harbour users.  Several harbour users made presentations to Council with strong objections to parts of the “audit”; they basically said that the requirements were onerous and not necessary.   Council asked Director Dean Hustwick to write a detailed report responding to the concerns and he delivered that on 11 May 2020 – see links below for copies of the presentation and reports on the related Council meetings.  As a result, Council decided to refer the whole matter to the Parks and Recreation Advisory… Read complete articleAquatic Safety – Take 3

Marie Dressler Museum Expansion Project on Track

The Marie Dressler Foundation (MDF) is well on its way to expanding the existing museum in Dressler House to add exhibits about Mary Pickford and Norma Shearer.  The Museum has not re-opened due to the fact that its heavy reliance on touch screens means it’s difficult to keep it sanitized against spreading the virus but that does not stop their expansion plans for when the virus crisis has passed or it’s manageable.  The five Toronto University Students have completed their design and the Foundation has received a grant of $50,048 from Heritage Canada as well as most of the artifacts promised from the “collectors”.  At Monday’s Committee of the Whole meeting, MDF Chair Rick Miller presented a progress report and… Read complete articleMarie Dressler Museum Expansion Project on Track

County to Improve Transparency with Committees

Cobourg has Advisory committees with citizen members with a mandate to recommend to Council what should be done on certain issues. At last count there were seven of these although there are additional Ad Hoc committees setup from time to time.  But until now the County has avoided any kind of body outside the Council itself.  Other than Council meetings, the only comparable meetings are departmental meetings which the Warden and Councillors can attend.  But these are not open to the Public and there is no citizen representation.  At the next County Council meeting on July 22nd, County staff are recommending a change in Governance that “provides (and is seen to provide) full transparency, accountability and openness”.  The major difference… Read complete articleCounty to Improve Transparency with Committees

Heritage Group Contributes to Vic Hall Maintenance

Until today, I had not heard of the  “Victoria Hall Heritage Maintenance Trust Fund”.  That’s not the Architectural Conservancy group nor the Victoria Hall Volunteers.  It’s a trust fund dedicated to preserving Victoria Hall and today they donated $10,000 to the Town to “aid in the restoration and refurbishment of the parapet and front pillars at the King St. entrance”. If you have ventured Downtown recently, you might have seen work being done at the front entrance of Victoria Hall.  In 2017 they paid $5000 towards the work done to spell out what needed to be done – see Links below for Restoration requirements drawings. In June this year, Council approved a tender for the work from Colonial Building Restoration… Read complete articleHeritage Group Contributes to Vic Hall Maintenance