Our Medical Officer of Health Dr. Natalie Bocking provide an update today and although we are not “out of the woods” (my words), Dr. Bocking said we are “moving in the right direction”. Vaccinations are ramping up although most have only had one shot – 76% of those aged 60+ have had their first dose and 49% of those eligible (that’s 18+) have had one shot. The Province has paused vaccinations using the Astrazeneca vaccine due to supply issues (plus the small risk we’ve all heard about) but supplies of others – particularly the Pfizer version – are ramping up. The district has been receiving 3500 per week but deliveries will be 4000/wk in the first 2 weeks of May, 8000/wk in the second 2 weeks and 9300/wk in early June.
Because there are limited supplies of the Astrazenaca vaccine, some people who got a first shot of this may get a second shot of something else. The list of eligible people continues to be widened – see the HKPR DHU Web site here.
Also the Provincial booking site here was not accepting new Cobourg appointments recently because they were all taken but this situation is being rectified. If you can’t get an appointment now, try again (I would try every 4 hours or so) – more slots are coming available regularly. As of Thursday (13th), slots will be available for those 40+. Also people who are essential workers and can’t work from home are now eligible. Some Health Care workers will also soon be able to get their second shot sooner than the 16 week mark.
Dr. Bocking answered some questions:
- She agreed with the O.M.A. who have said that:
“…. doctors do prescribe reopening more outdoor recreational facilities such as golf courses and basketball and tennis courts to improve people’s physical and mental health. This needs to be done safely and with clear guidelines around when to wear masks and how many people can gather to avoid large COVID-spreading events on the May 24 long weekend.” This was in conjunction with a statement urging the lockdown should continue.
There needs to be a very low case count before allowing groups. - A decision on Cobourg’s Beach is due to come to Council on 31 May but Dr. Bocking said that it’s currently too soon to decide but that any plan should ensure social distancing is maintained for the next couple of months – especially if the case numbers are still high.
- Clinics like the CCC are not expected to be at full capacity just yet due to limited vaccine supply.
- There have been some cases of people getting infected after receiving a first dose but it should be remembered that it takes 12-14 days after being vaccinated before the immune system reacts to the vaccine.
Three pages on Cobourg News Blog – updated most days
- The latest Status – what’s affected and statistics summary
- Trend and Outbreaks – graph showing case count and trend
- Vaccination Page – where to get info on getting vaccinated
HKPR DHU Web pages
- Eligible people
- Clinics and How to Book an Appointment
- Information on getting your second dose
- Talk with the Doc – a Virtual Town Hall with Dr. Bocking. May 18, 1 to 2 pm
Print Article:
On Suzanne Seguin’s Facebook page
(Issued May 19, 2021 at 11 a.m. EST) – The Town of Cobourg would like to inform residents that Mayor John Henderson has called a Special Emergency Council Meeting to be held today, Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 6 p.m. via Zoom Videoconference to discuss the following matters:
· An interim measure on the Cobourg Beach during the current extended Provincewide Stay-at-Home Order.
The agenda will be published on eSCRIBE at http://www.cobourg.ca/escribe. … See more
Also announced via press release. Watch the meeting yourself or look for a report on this site.
Thousands and thousands and thousands of anti-lockdown protesters and not a peep from any news media because they decided that you should not know this. https://youtu.be/BLl-P_JbaE0
Why offer them any credibility?
That’s what the Soviets said of their dissidents; eg. Andrei Sakharov.
Reporting what is happening doesn’t “offer them any credibility” but keeps the public informed of current events. An informed public is essential in a democracy; deciding what you are allowed to know is never the function of the media.
Thousands and thousands more anti-lockdown protestors in Ottawa. Pst, don’t tell the news media, they suffer from denial. Actually they and their useful idiots are trying to cover this up. https://youtu.be/9KW4Hr-dWaA
On the same day thousands and thousands of anti-lockdown protesters marched in Ottawa. https://youtu.be/9KW4Hr-dWaA Note that no windows were broken, no disrespect was levelled against the police. Every demo I ever witnessed was accompanied with chants of ‘peace’, ‘justice’ but this was unique — Canadians chanting for FREEDOM.
All you Liberal naysayers, What would you do? Suck it up and get your shot!!??
I was emailed information about a vaccine clinic in the Northumberland Mall offered by the Northumberland Family Health Team (NFHT). Yesterday I completed the online application. They called and left a message about 2 hours ago. I was able to return the call and make an appointment for next week. It was one of the last times on the last day of this clinic. It seems like chance plays a big part in getting an appointment.
Me to I heard about it from a Cab driver —so what was all the expense and WINDOW DRESSING for at the CCC
AND WHEN IS YOUR 2 ND SHOT ? & WHERE if this was 1 of the clinics last days
I had my first shot today as scheduled. They have a waiting list, are not making any appointments and do not know when they with get more vaccine. My 2nd shot is scheduled for early Sept. I do not know if that will actually happen as it depends on supply of vaccine. A friend got his first at the CCC yesterday. That appointment was booked just 3 days earlier.
Positive Propaganda
Canadas Population is around 38 Million Onts. Pop. is approx. 14.5 Million
not counting undisclosed populist according to the reports and tracker sys
suggests that 6. 5 Mil have been given 1 shot of Vaccination in Ont These are mostly Hot spot area s and now they think they are protected and are traveling .
— Cobourg is still chasing Vaccine I am on at least 3 sites and still waiting for a call to Shots
with in Northumberland area — Not Kingston , Lindsey etc I don’t believe in tracking all over the province and possibly carrying or contacting Corvid is the Smartest move . So we Isolate !!
Only 79,000 out of a regional population of well over 500,000 in all of the HKPR District Health Unit may have had their 1 st shots . and considering they are using Census numbers from 2016
One might think we are being led down the Garden path . Opening the Beach to Locals with distancing controls may work . But I do not understand the urgency this Town and local office of the health department see in Exposing the local Residents to this yet to be Uncontrolled Virous .
Who will assume responsibility for another out break May be the Mayor ?? Should !
1. Any decision made will result in upset people.
2. Accept #1
3. Stop the polls
4. Grow a set
5. Acknowledge demographics of beach users
5.Discourage and prevent day users from Hot spot areas to use the beach
6. Stop spending money to attract even more day trippers to beach
7. Enjoy a 2022 beach,park and events.
We live in Baltimore, Ontario and were on an Ontario wait list for Kingston for sometime in May, then were booked In Millbrook to get shots a month away so we called a pharmacy in Pickering and got scheduled the following day April 17 for the AZ shot. The Pickering pharmacist asked if we would tell our friends and family that they had lots of vaccine available and if it wasn’t used they would need to throw it out as it has a shelf life. Once we had our shots the other appointments and wait times were cancelled. Seems the booking system is very flawed.
Based on conversations with people who have had their first vaccination booked through the government’s website, the majority had to travel outside of the area to get their shot. Many went to Peterborough, some to Trenton and others to Millbrook. If doses are available there, why can’t they be made available to the main Cobourg vaccination site?
end of March,tried to book on line unsuccessfully at the CCC
phoned covid line & was told there would be no bookings at the CCC for the foreseeable future & to take what was offered. that was April 3 at Loyalist college in Bellville. well low an behold, the next day after i made the booking the CCC opened up again? phoned again to change booking to Cobourg & was told i could not change venues as i had allready booked?
the booking system, whether be on line, or by phone,leaves a LOT TO BE DESIRED!
Yes But our MPP GOT a Photo Op in and then Nothing
Is he good for anything else ?🤔
Mine was booked through the Provincial website for both shots as soon as schedule was announced, one end of April with follow-up shot in August. Worked like a charm; what’s the problem?
The problem is that too many people have to travel outside of the region to get their shot. It will happen again when they go for their second dose.